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Pakistan Looking at Three Option to buy Stealth Aircrafts Including F-35

I don't think the point was Urdu or Chinese press. The point was, what I said two years ago (knowing "something"), was bit*ch slapped and called out fantasies. The news has started to come out now. And you'll hear more and more. If you want me to give you an educated guess, Pakistan will operate both, the F-35 and the J-31 by 2025. They may be limited in numbers but it will happen. Plus some options to JV Turkish stealth program by 2025 will also be on the cards. You just have to wait and see.

I so desperately need the stuff you're smoking up mate. Works been a bitch for the last month or so ... I just want to like spas out and float into oblivion ..

Thanks in advance ... I do need that shit!
I had said this on here like 2 years ago that Pakistan will buy the F-35 by 2020, 2025. And everyone made fun of me, specially the Indian members. Then I told everyone that Pakistan was in LM's sales list for F-35 acquisition and even that was an issue.

Well now its coming from the Air Chief of Pakistan...so how you guys like me know :dance3:


Victory has a thousand fathers and defeat is an orphan----.

Remember my thread that I started a couple of months ago on F 35---. You just winged it---and I nailed it----.

The thing is information is only good for those who understand it---

These kids don't listen---I have told them so many times---

So----what do you think @Indus Falcon
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Well I don't watch Pak media except for a very few actually only one on Youtube, so i don't have any clue but what I was saying it was just a statement by Air Chief and that will be the same in all newspapers regardless of the language.
Until you see it in another media, you are no different than a gossiping housewife.
Find other sources, verify, verify ... verify.. before you believe ANYTHING.
if US actually sells F35 to Pakistan, they can kiss the indian market goodbye.....
First.. US never going to offer F-35 to pakistan... only the chinese fighters are optional for paf
‘Pakistan to get fifth generation fighter jets’ - thenews.com.pk

‘Pakistan to get fifth generation fighter jets’
Muhammad Saleh Zaafir
- Thursday, December 03, 2015 - From Print Edition

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan will acquire the fifth generation multi-role fighter aircraft from the international market but, for the time being, it will devote its full attention on its state-of-the-art JF-17 Thunder to make it the most effective of its generation.

It has been revealed by Chief of the Air Staff (CAS) Air Chief Marshal Sohail Aman while talking exclusively with The News here on Wednesday evening. He said that Pakistan wouldn’t lag behind the countries of the region in obtaining the fifth generation planes and it has opened negotiations with the US manufacturers for exploring options of buying single engine multirole F-35 viewed as the plane of the next decade.

At least three other options are under consideration. The Pakistan Air Force (PAF) could be equipped with aircraft of fifth generation within five years. Air Chief Marshal Sohail Aman said that Indians were buying 126 French Rafale calling them as fifth generation planes but after discussion of years and hitches, they had decided to buy 36 planes at the end of the day and still the deal was in troubled waters.

“I am not prepared to acknowledge Rafale as a plane of the fifth generation since its features are confined to the fourth generation’s planes,” the CAS maintained.

He said that Indian Air Force (IAF), despite having a numerical edge, doesn’t have superiority over Pakistan since Pakistan has planned its air strength in a way where no aggression could work against it. The PAF’s devotion and skill is second to none and for the reason it is graded one of the best air powers of the world, he said.

“We will never let the nation down in any eventuality or test. People have faith in their armed forces and they are very rightly doing so,” he added. He disclosed that Thunder JF-17 was being sold to four countries without disclosing the buyers and number of the planes. He said that it has become difficult to supply all the ordered aircraft within the stipulated time-frame but we will fulfill our obligations.

The JF-17 to be supplied by Pakistan would be the best in quality as Pakistan wouldn’t compromise on the standards. He said that the operation in the tribal areas was almost complete but some pockets were being cleared.

Without giving any deadline, he said that the whole area would be cleared of terrorists and their facilitators soon. “No deadline for declaring the end of the operation can be given in such operations since you never know what could sneak in from across the borders. The operation has gone in an excellent way and the PAF did its duty in an exemplary manner.”

The air chief said that the PAF was also playing its role in the Karachi operation and he had issued instructions afresh today (Wednesday) morning to accelerate its part of activities to curb terrorism.
Isn't it too much of a burden to take care of that aircraft? F-15 stealth although more costly seems better fit for the needs of the country
if US actually sells F35 to Pakistan, they can kiss the indian market goodbye.....


You are new in this world seems like----you dare not threaten the U S----the U S taketh and the U S giveth-----.

The only thing that india will be able to do is put its hand on its behind and say---okay----if that is what you wanted---we agree to it---.

You are new in this world seems like----you dare not threaten the U S----the U S taketh and the U S giveth-----.

The only thing that india will be able to do is put its hand on its behind and say---okay----if that is what you wanted---we agree to it---.

Wrong. Just Plain wrong - The mighty US is being kicked on it's teeth by even fringe countries let alone a middle power like India. I can understand Pakistan bowing down to US dictates as it depends on the US generosity for both it's front line defense needs and finances for running the country (IMF/WB aid) but it is comical when you apply the same standards to India.

This after all a buyer's market.
lets see if the get their hands on f35...but i think f35 are still going through various problems.....2ndly if Pakistan gets its hands on f35 then the question is how many should Pakistan acquire?? and how many they can acquire??? 3rd question is which variable of f35 Pakistan should acquire??...
F35 will be a very very Good addition to force if they are coming and lately americans are working to making it better I guess....
Wrong. Just Plain wrong - The mighty US is being kicked on it's teeth by even fringe countries let alone a middle power like India. I can understand Pakistan bowing down to US dictates as it depends on the US generosity for both it's front line defense needs and finances for running the country (IMF/WB aid) but it is comical when you apply the same standards to India.

This after all a buyer's market.


My man---you have not seen the number of IT's walking in CHAPPALS on the side walks of San Jose---Sunnyvale----in Seattle---in Phoenix----.

You piss the U S off---and some senator or congressman would decide to pack them and send them home----.

Sorry for inconvenience
but never ever going to happen.


It is not a matter of not happening----but it is a matter of being put on the table----. That is all---the dice has been rolled----come what may---.
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