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Pakistan – living in denial?

Soo many Indian posters, posting nothing but nonsense. It's mind numbing!
Can you please highlight the nonsense?


The WOT has nothing to do with the nuclear deal and cannot be related, Pakistan can be stable with or without a nuclear deal so that point does not work. Pakistan's energy requirements are infact quite modest in comparison and just utilizing Pakistan enormous hydro and wind power potential can take care of that issue.

And what qualifies this poster to have such an Expert opinion on the needs of Pakistan as compared to India...???

I personally believe that Pakistan is going after the nuclear deal as a tit for tat obsecession with Indo US nuke deal. Using the same amount of International diplomatic currency, Pakistan can get much more from the international community which can be more beneficial to the people of their country. This obsession of maintaining visible parity with India is costing Pakistan just too much of that capital with a not too great Return on Investment.

Again with the "India" "India" focus...

My point was more on the ask for this deal. It seems it caught momentum once the Indo US deal came into picture and even the tone from Pakistani establishment leans towards the arguement that since India got this deal, so should Pakistan.


YouTube - Hoodbhoy: Pakistan is a Terrorist State

^ Hoodbhoy may I add is a self claimed US paid security analyst, anything that comes out of his mouth carries no weight in Pakistan. The Fifth Column–Pervez Hoodboy The Dawn

Please, if you can't be impartial about the progress in Pakistan. Feel free to refrain from posting!

Thank you!
I accept we have serious issues and we need to mature as a nation to overcome them but the mentioned article takes things a little too far. Saying that Pakistan has nothing to offer as far as tourism is concerned might be accepted due to the security concerns but nothing to offer in business is utter bull crap.
The author needs to go to any convenient store and really look at the labels for once.
He will find that most of the clothes, especially cotton clothes will be made in Pakistan.
Many of the Leather goods will be Pakistani made.
The rice will either be Indian, if not, it will most certainly be Pakistani.
Much of the fish will be Pakistani.
Many of the fruits especially mangoes will be Pakistani.
Next time he goes to the Hospital, he should take a look at the doctor's instruments .
They will be made in Pakistan, everything from the scalpel handle to the laser sharpened blade.
I could go on and on about this but I believe that this will suffice................................for now.

On the contrary, people of Pakistan, sadly, live in a parallel universe, a universe created by mullahs and promoted by the so-called anchors on private television channels in Pakistan. Both mullahs and these so-called anchors take guidance from Pakistan army.

Great, just what we need another conspiracy theorist !!!!!!! Oh and you forgot to mention that the prime minister is a robot made by the Army to acquire foreign aid without anybody noticing.

majority of Pakistanis refuse to believe that they are under attack by the Taliban.

Bull Sh**, according to the latest independent survey by Jang group, support for the Taliban is a mere 4%.
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I have deleted the P Hoodbhoy's youtube video post. As for your objection on my biased postings, let me bring to your knowledge that I always try to encourage/thank/applaud any posts that highlight progress in Pakistan.

I strongly believe that Pakistan has a great future. Pakistan people's fight against terror and extremism is a giant step in that direction.


And what qualifies this poster to have such an Expert opinion on the needs of Pakistan as compared to India...???

Again with the "India" "India" focus...


^ Hoodbhoy may I add is a self claimed US paid security analyst, anything that comes out of his mouth carries no weight in Pakistan. The Fifth Column–Pervez Hoodboy The Dawn

Please, if you can't be impartial about the progress in Pakistan. Feel free to refrain from posting!

Thank you!
I am happy for India, but has India faced the problem Pakistan has? I know they have militants, but surely not bad as the Taliban? Have they been portrayed as a terrorist nation by some Western media? Do they have to deal with terrorist bombing every week? Or waste money to hold border posts near Afghan? Or a extremist ideology that is in danger of spreading all around the country?

Yes, Pakistan has a worse record then India but Pakistan has face many more obstacle. I'm not happy of our current situation but with all due respect, India cannot be compared to Pakistan.

no actually the biggest problem we face is terrorists sponsored by a nuclear nation:angry:

I have deleted the P Hoodbhoy's youtube video post. As for your objection on my biased postings, let me bring to your knowledge that I always try to encourage/thank/applaud any posts that highlight progress in Pakistan.

I strongly believe that Pakistan has a great future. Pakistan people's fight against terror and extremism is a giant step in that direction.

I thank you for your sentiment and gentlemanly conduct. Thank you!
no actually the biggest problem we face is terrorists sponsored by a nuclear nation:angry:

Oh please! You act righteous as if India does not re-pay the favour! Your hands are just as red as our dear friend. So we can stop the charade.
no actually the biggest problem we face is terrorists sponsored by a nuclear nation:angry:

That profile fits you well, Mukti Bahini, LTTE, TTP, BLA, you guys probably have the greatest experience in sponsoring terrorism across your neighbourhood........
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