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Pakistan likely to extend MFN status to India

No way should MFN be granted to India.

India has threatened us with war, repeatedly
India has not cooperated in any of the water issues
India has blocked all military defense agreements
India is trying its best to block our N-Deal with China
India is a major suspect in the ongoing terror spree in Pakistan
India has done ZILCH on Kashmir
India tried to dump its Basmati rice through subsidized prices to kill imports of Pakistani rice.
India is currently dumping its Mutton in the Middle East Market and prices much below Pakistani mutton to force out Pakistani prices.

If we had an economic identifier of Most Dangerous Nation - that should be tagged with India.
O yar if Pakistan is the bad guy do all the backstabbing and stuff .Thn y the hell India is so worried abt the benefits pakistan is going to get from the Mutual trade.

We dont need india to give any benefits to us.
and im very thankful to our politicians for not giving MFN status to India.coz we can't afford to.
Regardless of MFN status or otherwise, the trade between the two countires is bound to grow a glimpse of which can be had from the fact that it grew 5 folds from fiscal 01 to fiscal 07-08 though what it does is curtail the scope of trade but then as has happened in the past there remain indirect means through which all such prevalent restrictions can be bypassed, which is either you route through dubai, singapore or smuggle the goods from the indian, afghanistan or iranian side, and with the non-double taxation treaty between india and singapore in palce the route to be taken through to pakistan via singapore has become that much more lucrative and cheaper as compared to dubai so I am sure in another few years the trade between pakistan and singapore would grow pretty quickly for which the two counties will a lot to thank india for.

The study which reveals the potential of bilateral trade of us $10billion has been based on a non-MFN status granted to india. What a MFN does is allow lower taffirs or quotas on imports for the other to whom the status has been granted, now indian products/produce are relatively cheaper when compared with other competing international players and the price advantage gets that much more for pakistan since it is a next door neighbour and the logistics costs in which case become negligible so indian products will remain cheaper irrespective of the MFN status but with a MFN in place the price advantage for the average consumer and the trader in between becomes that much more where other wise the price advantage would be a mere 5-10% but with a MFN it would shoot up to any where between 20-50%.

The real need on india’s part for a MFN status to be had would be felt once that figure of 10b is breached since then would be the time the two trading states will be required to give a fllip and it is then that a MFN will come to rescue which I suspect is still another 5 to 7 years from now, which I believe is a reasonable timeline since the present trade of around 2 billion is not that huge a base that the time required would be more and I am further forced to believe that had there been a MFN or was india able to get that status in another few years from pakistan the timeline to achieve that figure of 10b would be more or less the same and if the two countries can reach that level without many hiccups then I am sure the two trading communities and concerned states are smart enough to put some sort of new mechanism in place to smoothen out things even if a MFN by then was not to be signed.

What india inherently remains interested in is the transit route via pakistan for now, the talk of MFN took to the headlines because of the SAARC, and the recent dialoge between indian and pakistan foreign secretaries where there were oblique references made otherwise it is not that pressing an issue for india at the moment.
There is nothing wrong in going to India as long as they don't forget that they are Pakistanis e.g Adnan Sami. However it is these singers that project our soft image to India otherwise you know how Indians view us. So i don't see why we should be offended by that.

Who said I am offended, there are peopel who work for selfish reasons like for fame and for money, but one must do these things honorably and in a patriotic way.

All these so called Artist should fight to upgrade Pakistani film industry and to make it as international as Indian is, it is easy to do if one has imaginations.

Films do not have to have sex and scantily clad women, films can tell stories of bravery and of convictions, of childern rearing, of science and stories of isi even fbi. And Muslim stories that are fantastic and are based on true honorable deeds.

So those who go to India are looking for cheap fame and money.

I beleive that film industry has suffered a lot in Pakistan and who will fix it if these people keep wasting their talents in a foriegn land which uses them and than when trouble happens kick them out. to give u an example of use is that of many actresses who went to India and only got part in one movie and that is it, they are and were much more beautifull than Indian actresses but were not Indians.

it is their duty to work in Pakistan to make Pakistani film industry rival to Indians, it is a uphill battle and those who fight it have lot to gain such as honor, mony, name of the country and not to mention the honorable mention in the world media of their achievments.

We have the talents but it is being wasted in India. Besides it is not a patriotic thing to so. If we look back in history even when Mohammed rafi came to Pakistan to visit was told not to take part in any movie singing in Pakistan, please read the history and be informed, as it was done by all Indian politicians telling visiting actors not do any work in Pakistan.
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No way should MFN be granted to India.

India has threatened us with war, repeatedly
India has not cooperated in any of the water issues
India has blocked all military defense agreements
India is trying its best to block our N-Deal with China
India is a major suspect in the ongoing terror spree in Pakistan
India has done ZILCH on Kashmir
India tried to dump its Basmati rice through subsidized prices to kill imports of Pakistani rice.
India is currently dumping its Mutton in the Middle East Market and prices much below Pakistani mutton to force out Pakistani prices.

If we had an economic identifier of Most Dangerous Nation - that should be tagged with India.

as u wish,for two nations having their relations better,it is necessary to have trade.if u dont want,it's ur loss.even china is better watever prob we have ,we still do trade with each other.
The cow is still holy.
And the cow is still edible.
Its only a matter of choice.
That is why India chose to be 'secular'; to give that choice.;)

Now don't get me wrong, i have heard that in India many household have a cow on the side of the house and every morning before the head of the house goes to work he sprays himself and the housewith cow urine.

My apologise if i am wrong but i have seen it on utube. can u honestly answer this honestly and tell me how can we in Pakistan be sure that the products comming from India will not not sparyed with cow urine, it may be holy for u and i have no quams about it, but for us it is not acceptable.

There may be many other issues about Infian products such as food stuff, i hear that lots of HEENG is used in many products and lots of spices used are not acceptable in Pakistan, how can u do business when such is the case.

Now don't get me wrong, i have heard that in India many household have a cow on the side of the house and every morning before the head of the house goes to work he sprays himself and the housewith cow urine.

My apologise if i am wrong but i have seen it on utube. can u honestly answer this honestly and tell me how can we in Pakistan be sure that the products comming from India will not not sparyed with cow urine, it may be holy for u and i have no quams about it, but for us it is not acceptable.

There may be many other issues about Infian products such as food stuff, i hear that lots of HEENG is used in many products and lots of spices used are not acceptable in Pakistan, how can u do business when such is the case.


u r right in many ayurvedic products cow urine is used.even my dad purchased ayurvedic medicine but he didnt read that cow urine as an ingredient in it,when he came home and found that,he even didnt touch it.what is acceptable in pak ,it depends on demand and supply.u can choose watever u want.
u r right in many ayurvedic products cow urine is used.even my dad purchased ayurvedic medicine but he didnt read that cow urine as an ingredient in it,when he came home and found that,he even didnt touch it.what is acceptable in pak ,it depends on demand and supply.u can choose watever u want.

Are you muslim?
asq this ritual is literally non existent.
it may be practiced in certain village areas by brahamins.[less than 4% of population].though i am yet to meet a single person that does so.I prefer deodorant before going out.
could you exactly mention the spices you find offensive[I accept my ignorance on this matter] and any reputable company clearly mentions the ingredients used
Cow Urine Therapy- To Cure All Diseases

i m not muslim,was just telling the story happened.this is natural thinking in the person,specially wat is he taking or wat he not.

I am saying that Morar ji Desai and Jayprakash narayan has used this therapy. However It doesn't mean that every Hindu use cow urine as a deodrant but it is widely used in puja as one othe ingredient of PanchGavya.
asq this ritual is literally non existent.
it may be practiced in certain village areas by brahamins.[less than 4% of population].though i am yet to meet a single person that does so.I prefer deodorant before going out.
could you exactly mention the spices you find offensive[I accept my ignorance on this matter] and any reputable company clearly mentions the ingredients used

please read this and tell me that this isnot true, as per u it is very rare, but this article says otherwise.

Yes, Hindus Really Do Drink “Holy” Cow Urine Therearenosunglasses’s Weblog
No way should MFN be granted to India.

India has threatened us with war, repeatedly

- Pakistan stabbed us in the back in '47, '65 and especially in '99.
- Pakistan did not accept the bodies of its dead soldiers in '99. We had to use OUR resources to bury the dead.

India has not cooperated in any of the water issues

- There are none.

India has blocked all military defense agreements

- Pakistan plans to use its weapons against us as it did in '99

India is trying its best to block our N-Deal with China

- Pakistan has not signed the NPT nor does it have a WAVIER from the NSG.

India is a major suspect in the ongoing terror spree in Pakistan

- Pakistan has waged a proxy war against us for over 3 decades.
- Who ever said India is a suspect? Was it Hafiz Saeed or Zaid Hamid?

India has done ZILCH on Kashmir

- Pakistan has done ZILCH against LeT.

India tried to dump its Basmati rice through subsidized prices to kill imports of Pakistani rice.

- Business is business.

India is currently dumping its Mutton in the Middle East Market and prices much below Pakistani mutton to force out Pakistani prices.

- Is it our fault Pakistan can't compete with our goods? Are we responsible for your economy?

China's currency is undervalued, I don't see you complaining about that.

If we had an economic identifier of Most Dangerous Nation - that should be tagged with India.

These are just words, don't worry, like all the other CBM's this will amount to nothing.

Pakistan is and always will be our adversary, nothing will ever change that. This is something both nations understand all too well. An unfortunate reality of South Asian geopolitics.
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Now don't get me wrong, i have heard that in India many household have a cow on the side of the house and every morning before the head of the house goes to work he sprays himself and the housewith cow urine.

My apologise if i am wrong but i have seen it on utube. can u honestly answer this honestly and tell me how can we in Pakistan be sure that the products comming from India will not not sparyed with cow urine, it may be holy for u and i have no quams about it, but for us it is not acceptable.

There may be many other issues about Infian products such as food stuff, i hear that lots of HEENG is used in many products and lots of spices used are not acceptable in Pakistan, how can u do business when such is the case.


Well the Chinese eat a lot of pork, you do business with them. How do you know the food your family eats isn't laced with pork?

You do know the Chinese think pigs are the cutest animal right, the way Americans love their dogs?

plenty of Pakistanis have been arrested on charges of terrorism across the world, including the states and Chile, so how do we know that Pakistan won't export any Kasab's or Osama's our way?

Now don't get me wrong brother, just had a few questions of my own, you should spend sometime thinking about 'em. :tup:
Well the Chinese eat a lot of pork, you do business with them. How do you know the food your family eats isn't laced with pork?

You do know the Chinese think pigs are the cutest animal right, the way Americans love their dogs?

plenty of Pakistanis have been arrested on charges of terrorism across the world, including the states and Chile, so how do we know that Pakistan won't export any Kasab's or Osama's our way?

Now don't get me wrong brother, just had a few questions of my own, you should spend sometime thinking about 'em. :tup:

Chinese are our friends and if you dont know as you don't about friendship, as u backtabbed Pakistan in 47 , in 71 and throughout 80s by siding with Russians invading Afghanistan, u cannot be frinds anyone, u only either beg as in the case of israel or U.S. or u back stab.

u cannot compare yourselves with chines, as our friends they have stood by us and will not do anything to harm the brotherly relationship with us, on the other hand u as an Indian will do anything to harm us, history is the proof of it.

This thread is about MNF status to extention to India, if u want to discuss Terrorism go the proper thread and we will talk.

So u, we cannot trust, chinese we have full confidance and trust, it has been for over 30 years with our friends, The great China.


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