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Pakistan likely to extend MFN status to India

I do not know about cow urine, but Columbia University in New York has scientifically proven through a study conducted over 35 years on 16,000 people that eating red meat does decrease brain activity. It is because of certain chemicals present in the red meat. Green and leafy vegetables such as broccoli, spinach, cauli flower etc. were proven to increase brain activity, again due to release of certain chemicals. The study is available publicly. You should be able to google it. In fact in charts across clinics in the US, there are handouts which ask patients to control the consumption of red meat and eat more green and leafy vegetables.

U need to read the following in order for u to understand why humans developed more rapidly than our closet ralatives, the primates, it should open your eyes.

As Apes are mostly vegetarians and therefore did not devoloped as fast as we did and the credit goes to us eating highly concentrated protiens mostly found in Beef.

Your theory therefore is not applicable to humans. if u compare the brain size of beef eaters as compare to those who do not, u will see the the differance clearly.

The Critical Role Played by Animal Source Foods in Human (Homo) Evolution -- Milton 133 (11): 3886S -- Journal of Nutrition

as for as MFN is concerned, my openion is that business is possible with those who are friendly and not adversaries of us.
indian progress will not stop,if pak don't give mfn status.

India has a long way to go to be called progressed.

And there are many serious hurdles to be crossed. One of them is cast system, in my openion it will take many hundered years to ivercome it as it took many thousand years to implment it.

To give MFN status to Indian will not be of any benefits for Pakistan.

so dream on.
India has a long way to go to be called progressed.

And there are many serious hurdles to be crossed. One of them is cast system, in my openion it will take many hundered years to ivercome it as it took many thousand years to implment it.

To give MFN status to Indian will not be of any benefits for Pakistan.

so dream on.

Take a course in reading comprehension.
Fellows you still play in the hands of sentiments.
If we were also sentimental , then we would never have asked for opening up of trade.
Trade is mutually beneficial.

@asq, could you please give any scientific data on human brain size and beef/meat eating? Also how is brain size related to intelligence?
Or is it simply you want to prove your ignorance and write something for the sake of it.
Read on- Brain and Body Size

For your information, we Hindus don't get offended if you eat beef or anything else, it's just that we consider it unholy to eat it ourselves.
Again you guys just need an excuse to somehow divert a discussion onto religion and show your intolerance to other religions.
Who said I am offended, there are peopel who work for selfish reasons like for fame and for money, but one must do these things honorably and in a patriotic way.

All these so called Artist should fight to upgrade Pakistani film industry and to make it as international as Indian is, it is easy to do if one has imaginations.

Films do not have to have sex and scantily clad women, films can tell stories of bravery and of convictions, of childern rearing, of science and stories of isi even fbi. And Muslim stories that are fantastic and are based on true honorable deeds.

So those who go to India are looking for cheap fame and money.

I beleive that film industry has suffered a lot in Pakistan and who will fix it if these people keep wasting their talents in a foriegn land which uses them and than when trouble happens kick them out. to give u an example of use is that of many actresses who went to India and only got part in one movie and that is it, they are and were much more beautifull than Indian actresses but were not Indians.

it is their duty to work in Pakistan to make Pakistani film industry rival to Indians, it is a uphill battle and those who fight it have lot to gain such as honor, mony, name of the country and not to mention the honorable mention in the world media of their achievments.

We have the talents but it is being wasted in India. Besides it is not a patriotic thing to so. If we look back in history even when Mohammed rafi came to Pakistan to visit was told not to take part in any movie singing in Pakistan, please read the history and be informed, as it was done by all Indian politicians telling visiting actors not do any work in Pakistan.

offtopic but unfortunately noone wants to do hardwork. In the absence of a competitive film industry, our actors and singers look abroad for opportunities. You can call them unpatriotic but everyone looks for better opportunities just like us who go abroad for better job and money. I don't like them personally working for foreign industries but i don't see how we can provide them a better substitute?
Point is that our Govt should take responsibility and support our film industry and we should boycott Indian movies in order to support our film industry. Are you ready for that?
@topic We need to separate politics from economy. There is no harm in giving MFN status to India specially when they have already given us.:pakistan:
India has a long way to go to be called progressed.

And there are many serious hurdles to be crossed. One of them is cast system, in my openion it will take many hundered years to ivercome it as it took many thousand years to implment it.

To give MFN status to Indian will not be of any benefits for Pakistan.

so dream on.

mfn status mein cast system kahan se aa gya,now it's ur time to wake up lol.
U need to read the following in order for u to understand why humans developed more rapidly than our closet ralatives, the primates, it should open your eyes.

As Apes are mostly vegetarians and therefore did not devoloped as fast as we did and the credit goes to us eating highly concentrated protiens mostly found in Beef.

Your theory therefore is not applicable to humans. if u compare the brain size of beef eaters as compare to those who do not, u will see the the differance clearly.

The Critical Role Played by Animal Source Foods in Human (Homo) Evolution -- Milton 133 (11): 3886S -- Journal of Nutrition

as for as MFN is concerned, my openion is that business is possible with those who are friendly and not adversaries of us.

Proteins are found in plenty of sources other than beef. Red meat kills brain cells in mammals including human beings as proven by the Columbia University study. I dont think the US will put charts across every clinic asking us to eat leafy green vegetables if that were not true, especially given the multi billion dollar red meat industry and their lobby in the US. The research results are clear: eat red meat and become stupid or get your protein sources from elsewhere. You can get plenty of protein from Chicken and Fish, by the way.

MFN by the way is a formality that has to be legally granted by nations to each other under the WTO regime. It has really got no deeper meaning. Almost every country offers this to every other country as part of the GATT/WTO arrangement.
India is not a small country to expect all are vegetarians.I'll say -Only Some Communities are strictly vegan.Beef,Pork and Other Delicacies are liked all over India(and especially Kerala,Goa).It is not easy assuming things with India.No Common Pattern as some Pakistanis Here are Trying to come up with.
Laughing at the Bigotness and illiteracy these people have regarding India.It is Not exactly as churned out by star plus serials.grow up!
How many times it was us the Indians took a step forward to end the so called rivalry? negativity? to build trust and blah blah?

How many times?

What we got back each time?

You had that peace walk with Mahesh Bhatt or you are a die hard follower of Arundhati Roy and Kuldeep Nayyar?

I don't want to get personal but we divided them into two?

I don't want to divert the topic but you sir need to get the history straight. PM me or open another thread and I will be obliged to introduce some facts to you.

Have they given?

Pakistan should have given MFN the very next day India declared them as MFN.

Only time will prove you wrong. It has been proving people like you wrong since 1947.

Now i have shared benefits of Pakistan with ASQ...Let me share the benefits of India...

What is not achieved in past 60 years will be achieved after this deal? People had same thoughts in 1999 (Lahore Bus service).

We don't need Pakistan for that. We are developing Chabbahar port in Iran and developing highways/railways in Iran and Afghanistan to access Central Asia.

I would rather send my goods through this route rathen than being looted/burn/exploded in Pakistan on route.

Whats the jobless percentage in India? We are no longer in pre 1992 era. We don't need trade with Pakistan to create jobs in India.

For Pakistan. Not for us.

Not at the cost of my countrymen. Our armed forces.

Not in Kargil. But yes indirectly in Kashmir during 80's. The family member whose father sacrifised his life for nation is an ex member of this forum banned during ego clashes of Cheena and Yahya (Sharjeel) in very early days of this forum. (2005)

If this trade or MFN things going to bring peace I am not against it. But it is not going to happen. 60+ years have witnessed it. Nothing is going to change overnight.

Has China waged a Jihad on your country for the disputed land? Has China murdered and raped innocent civilians of your country? Has China asked a particular religion (hindus in kashmir for instance) to leave the disputed land?

Has China ever tried to block the Kailsh Sarovar Yatra? Has the Chiense ever killed the innocent pilgirms going to Kailash Yatra?

This so called peace experiment is going to come at the cost of our men. I am very much against it.

Those men and women serving the nation are not your goats to whom you can sacrifice in the name of peace.



when india doesn't solve kashmir or sir creek! back stabbed us in 1971 & 1984!


no peace no amaan no drama from india they love making us feel like friends only for them to turn around & back stab!

only if india solves kashmir do we make peace otherwise we are better of this way!! indian's can't accept pakistan till today!

peace in south asia? its a joke!
indian progress will not stop,if pak don't give mfn status.

If that the case be, than why you and your government is dying for the MFN Status from Pakistan.

Till Kashmir is resolved nothing such favour.
If that the case be, than why you and your government is dying for the MFN Status from Pakistan.

Till Kashmir is resolved nothing such favour.

we did mistake by giving mfn status to pak,now we want to correct this by getting it frm ur side:yahoo::yahoo:
If anything pakistan should give the india the status of MUN "most unfavoured nation".

The daydreamers that think giving india MFN is somehow good for pakistan need to do have a rethink.
In the short term india will make it look as if pakistan will benifit but in the long run they will manipulate the market and make pakistan weaker.
If anything pakistan should give the india the status of MUN "most unfavoured nation".

The daydreamers that think giving india MFN is somehow good for pakistan need to do have a rethink.
In the short term india will make it look as if pakistan will benifit but in the long run they will manipulate the market and make pakistan weaker.

india have already given pak the status of mfn,u know wat it means????
If that the case be, than why you and your government is dying for the MFN Status from Pakistan.

Till Kashmir is resolved nothing such favour.

It's not a favour. You are proclaiming your ignorance when you talk of it as such.

"According to the rules of the World Trade Organization (WTO) and obligation of membership in that organization, all member states must give the MFN status to each other. The failure to comply can lead to a complaint by a state that has not been given the status by another member. In response to a reference by the aggrieved party, the WTO can impose sanctions on the offending member.

The principle of the MFN — that the same treatment has to be granted to all members of the organization and that no member can be discriminated against — is one of the pillars on which the WTO was built and on which it stands. The WTO came into being in 1995 following the conclusion of the Uruguay round of negotiations and the signing of the Marrakesh treaty. Both India and Pakistan were original signatories. Pakistan, in other words, is obliged to give the MFN status to India as it has given it to all other countries that are WTO members." - Shahid Javed Burki
DAWN - Opinion; January 24, 2006

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