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all I have to say is that you have lost credibility by switching between favourable topics when confronted with a question.

You spoke about FIIs and FDIs drying up. I posted an article that appeared in yesterday's newspapers that we have had the second highest FDI in any given month since 2000. Yet, you move away from answering that and start talking about stock market crash.

Let us say, there is a crash. So what. Stock market goes through a cycle and speculation is a part of the free market and the market crahes to settle speculation bubbles. But what does that have to do with Forex that Indian finance ministry and RBI have control on ? The Forex is held in multiple instruments from gold to dollars and euros and not in stocks.

Instead of posting a new aspect of the topic, try addressing the loop holes you have left all over. It takes someone with basic knowledge in economics to burst your bubble.


You spoke about FIIs and FDIs drying up. I posted an article that appeared in yesterday's newspapers that we have had the second highest FDI in any given month since 2000. Yet, you move away from answering that and start talking about stock market crash.


I wrote about FDI decline two years in a row and dramatic increase in FII, aka hot money, in India, and backed it up with lots of data from Indian sources. You, on the other hand, posted a one-month blip in FDI and argued against my two years worth of data.

It shows that you are either being totally disingenuous, or lacking in basic reading comprehension.
I wrote about FDI decline two years in a row and dramatic increase in FII, aka hot money, in India, and backed it up with lots of data from Indian sources. You, on the other hand, posted a one-month blip in FDI and argued against my two years worth of data.

It shows that you are either being totally disingenuous, or lacking in basic reading comprehension.

Read the article carefully. The projected FDI from deals that are made that are expected to flow will account for more than 75% of FDI. this is in line with the May FDI recorded. It is not just about one month I am talking.

Also what about your explanantion of Forex. did it go out of the window ?
The reason why average Pakistanis suffer lower poverty and less hunger than Indians and enjoy longer life expectancy is because of Pakistanis generosity toward their less fortunate brethren.

Haq's Musings: World Bank on Poverty Across India in 2011

But we don't believe in Charity. We believe in empowerment. Empowerment comes through education and employment. India is way ahead in both. Rich people create employment in our country. They don't donate hard earned money to bunch of lazy people. Charity is short sightedness. Employment is longer lasting and empowering. You can disagree but that doesn't change the fact.
PAK Report Card in the last one month

MSCI Annual Review 2011: Pakistan’s index going nowhere


MSCI has decided not to include Pakistan in the list of potential reclassification back to MSCI Emerging Marketing Index, according to the annual review.
One of the key reasons for not considering Pakistan for an upgrade is the lack of investor interest in the market, said KASB Securities analyst Imtiaz Gadar. “The market continued to be characterised by a very limited number of sizable securities,” said the MSCI statement.

Only three companies in the local market meet the MSCI Emerging Markets minimum size requirements, adds the statement.

what a sad situation

Load-shedding protests: 3 killed, 28 injured in Mianwali

link: Load-shedding protests: 3 killed, 28 injured in Mianwali – The Express Tribune

Three people were killed and 28 injured after police fired at protestors demonstrating against prolonged load-shedding in Mianwali, Express 24/7 reported on Monday.

Such sad state of affairs that people are dying while protesting for electricity. :frown:

Energy crisis leaves Pakistan textiles in tatters
Pakistan Business News - PakTribune
the prospect of respite is so remote the Water and Power Development Authority acknowledged last week that power cuts would continue for at least another seven years.:undecided:

Cement sector faces losses, consumption down by 8.24%
Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan

KARACHI: Fiscal year 2010-11 proved to be a nightmare for cement sector as 80 percent of its manufacturers suffered huge losses on back of stagnant local consumption.

APCMA said continuous losses were unbearable and might jeopardise servicing of Rs 132 billion in loans industry owes to banks.
Read the article carefully. The projected FDI from deals that are made that are expected to flow will account for more than 75% of FDI. this is in line with the May FDI recorded. It is not just about one month I am talking.

Also what about your explanantion of Forex. did it go out of the window ?

Again, Riaz sahab provided 2 years of data, while you just looked at May 2011, & are looking at future projections. Of course India would give itself positive projections. Projections will be projections till they actually happen. FDI in India has decreased dramatically in India in the last 2 years, & this is not good.
Textile export of $2.5b may be lost
Textile export of $2.5b may be lost | Pakistan | News | Newspaper | Daily | English | Online

LAHROE – The country may lose foreign exchange worth over $2.5 billion, as the textile export target of $4 billion in the last quarter is now on stake amidst gas suspension of three and a half days a week to the industry.

$11b remittances target unattainable
$11b remittances target unattainable | Pakistan | News | Newspaper | Daily | English | Online

ISLAMABAD - Expatriation of a large number of Pakistanis due to the turmoil which engulfed the Middle East recently, has lessened the chances to achieve target of $11 billion at the end of this fiscal year.

ADB report paints grim poverty, fiscal deficit picture
ADB report paints grim poverty, fiscal deficit picture – The Express Tribune
troem informed that the bank’s total disbursements to Pakistan during calendar 2010 stood at $799.18 million – 17 per cent higher than the $683.28 million projected.

Pakistan’s inflation outlook disheartening: State Bank
KARACHI: Pakistan’s inflation outlook is a cause for concern while increasing the tax base is the toughest structural reform to implement, the country’s central bank said in its quarterly report on Friday.

The State Bank of Pakistan forecasts average inflation for fiscal year 2011/12 to be between 14.5 and 15.5 per cent.
Subsidy on oil, gas, electricity to be withdrawn: Naveed Qamar
ONLINE - International News Network
ISLAMABAD: To further compress the already hapless masses, Federal Minister for Privatization and Water and Power, Syed Naveed Qamar has announced that the subsidy over water, gas and electricity soon would be withdrawn.

Power shortfall now 7,200MW
Power shortfall now 7,200MW | Newspaper | DAWN.COM
LAHORE: The electricity shortfall shot beyond a whopping 7,200MW on Tuesday as PSO’s furnace oil import got delayed by two days, creating an over 2,000MW generation hole in the Pepco system.

Debt servicing to consume 44%, defence 22% of resources
Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan
Most Pakistanis would not be aware that the yield on their government’s 10-year bonds, at 14.1 per cent, is the second highest in the world. This is next to bankrupt Greece (15.7 per cent). That indicates how bleak the markets’ assessment of Pakistan’s economic future is. What is more, the country’s inflation rate (at 12.9 per cent) is the fifth highest in the world. The economic growth rate is abysmal, averaging 3.5 per cent in the last three years, when population growth has been 2.1 per cent. Annual growth of per capita income, therefore, is about 1.4 per cent — less than one-fourth that of India. In 2011, the Pakistan economy’s vital statistics mirror the “Hindu” rates of growth that India recorded in the 1970s. Indeed, with a poor investment rate of 15 per cent (against India’s nearly 40 per cent), Pakistan’s economic growth cannot accelerate much.

Nuisance neighbour

When Dollars Stop Flowing
Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan
^^^ And despite of all this, India's CAD in the first quarter of 2011 is 5.4 Billion USD, whereas Pakistan showed a CAS for the same period this year. In the last two years, it has experienced huge CAD; whereas Pakistan has had much smaller CADs than India.

This is an extremely troubling situation:

But we don't believe in Charity. We believe in empowerment. Empowerment comes through education and employment. India is way ahead in both. Rich people create employment in our country. They don't donate hard earned money to bunch of lazy people. Charity is short sightedness. Employment is longer lasting and empowering. You can disagree but that doesn't change the fact.


It's hard for poor, hungry, illiterate and sick people to feel empowered, unless they get a hand up to stand on their own two feet. That's where philanthropy comes in to fill the massive gaps left by the failed Indian state.

In spite of recent poverty declines with its rapid economic expansion, India still has higher poverty rates than Pakistan, according to a 2011 World Bank report titled "Perspectives on poverty in India : stylized facts from survey data" released in 2011.

Talking about empowerment, the World Bank 2011 report discusses various causes of poverty in India, particularly discrimination against certain castes and tribes who make up most of the poor. It describes exclusion based on caste (SC or scheduled caste) and tribes (ST or scheduled tribes) and describes it as follows:

The Hindu hierarchy is said to have evolved from different parts of the body of Brahma—the creator of the universe. Thus, the Brahmans, who originated from the mouth, undertake the most prestigious priestly and teaching occupations. The Kshatriyas (from the arms) are the rulers and warriors; the Vaishyas (from the thighs) are traders and merchants. The Shudras, from the feet, are manual workers and servants of other castes. Below the Shudras and outside the caste system, lowest in the order, the untouchables engage in the most demeaning and stigmatized occupations (scavenging, for instance, and dealing with bodily waste).

Similarly, the scheduled tribes are also referred to as the Adivasis. .... we use the terms SC and ST, as these are standard administrative and survey categories. In the text we use the terms Dalits and Adivasis or tribals interchangeably with SCs and STs, respectively.


Haq's Musings: World Bank on Poverty Across India in 2011
According to the MPI index, which is a UN based study, 645 million Indians (55.4% of India) live below the poverty line today:


It's hard for poor, hungry, illiterate and sick people to feel empowered, unless they get a hand up to stand on their own two feet. That's where philanthropy comes in to fill the massive gaps left by the failed Indian state.

In spite of recent poverty declines with its rapid economic expansion, India still has higher poverty rates than Pakistan, according to a 2011 World Bank report titled "Perspectives on poverty in India : stylized facts from survey data" released in 2011.

Talking about empowerment, the World Bank 2011 report discusses various causes of poverty in India, particularly discrimination against certain castes and tribes who make up most of the poor. It describes exclusion based on caste (SC or scheduled caste) and tribes (ST or scheduled tribes) and describes it as follows:

The Hindu hierarchy is said to have evolved from different parts of the body of Brahma—the creator of the universe. Thus, the Brahmans, who originated from the mouth, undertake the most prestigious priestly and teaching occupations. The Kshatriyas (from the arms) are the rulers and warriors; the Vaishyas (from the thighs) are traders and merchants. The Shudras, from the feet, are manual workers and servants of other castes. Below the Shudras and outside the caste system, lowest in the order, the untouchables engage in the most demeaning and stigmatized occupations (scavenging, for instance, and dealing with bodily waste).

Similarly, the scheduled tribes are also referred to as the Adivasis. .... we use the terms SC and ST, as these are standard administrative and survey categories. In the text we use the terms Dalits and Adivasis or tribals interchangeably with SCs and STs, respectively.


Haq's Musings: World Bank on Poverty Across India in 2011

With all that nonsense, we still provide free primary education. 50% is reserved for our downward castes in our higher education and employment. Right to Food act is coming up soon. What does Pakistan do, except for fudging numbers. Like I said, I don't care what you think. At least India and Indians think about their future and they are working towards it. Pakistan thinks about how to destabilize India and other countries. Never about its own future. Keep it p you'll be a failed state sooner or later.
With all that nonsense, we still provide free primary education. 50% is reserved for our downward castes in our higher education and employment. Right to Food act is coming up soon. What does Pakistan do, except for fudging numbers. Like I said, I don't care what you think. At least India and Indians think about their future and they are working towards it. Pakistan thinks about how to destabilize India and other countries. Never about its own future. Keep it p you'll be a failed state sooner or later.

The World Bank report acknowledges that "the Indian Constitution set the stage for almost unparalleled affirmative action and other forms of positive actions. These have been translated into laws, programs, and procedures".

The authors explain that "the combination of identity politics, inflexibility of the very systems that seek to promote inclusion, and the attendant poor implementation has resulted in patchy impact, affecting some groups more than others. To state the real challenge is to state a truism—that the implementation of policies and of reforms of institutions is the key to ensuring that growth becomes more equitable".

India's Stingy Poverty Definition Irks Critics

Source: Huffington Post
Posted May 27, 2011:

Earlier this month, India's Planning Commission, which helps sets economic policy, told the Supreme Court that the poverty line for the nation's cities was 578 rupees ($12.75) per person a month – or 2,312 rupees ($51.38) for Himmat's family of four. For rural India, it's even lower at about 450 rupees ($9.93).

The World Bank global poverty line, at $1.25 a day or about $38 per month, is three times higher than India's urban level. Local activists say a better name for India's standard would be "the starvation line."
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