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Pakistan Lacks Ability to Fight Full-Fledged War With India - Indian Defence Minister

This is simple and basically matter of numbers .

A 3ft tall man can't fight an 18ft tall person for very long and not without outside assistance . It's not possible . It's against laws nature .

All previous Indo-pak wars resulted in either loss or stalemate for pakistan . The sooner pakistan realises it , the better it can make a 'Nayapakistan' whose standards of living will make Pakistanis something to be proud of rather than incessant wrangling over was it one or two IAF or a paranormal suggestion of 8 iaf jets downed on 27th feb .
Tell me a single Pakistani here who claims that Pakistan can win a conventional war with India.

You guys are living in your own delusion thinking that Pakistan thinks we can win against a Nation 7 times our size.

Now, since we are not delusional we have our nuclear safeguard, which only exists to equalize the fight.

And proxy war is as old as civilization, Pakistan did not invent it, it's just another tool to equalize the fight.
This is simple and basically matter of numbers .

A 3ft tall man can't fight an 18ft tall person for very long and not without outside assistance . It's not possible . It's against laws nature .

All previous Indo-pak wars resulted in either loss or stalemate for pakistan . The sooner pakistan realises it , the better it can make a 'Nayapakistan' whose standards of living will make Pakistanis something to be proud of rather than incessant wrangling over was it one or two IAF or a paranormal suggestion of 8 iaf jets downed on 27th feb .

You are totally wrong. History is replete with examples where smaller forces have defeated much bigger enemies. Early Muslim history is a case in point. It is part of a Muslim mindset that it is possible to subdue the mighty and the powerful. Every Muslim army which was victorious against the Hindus was smaller than the local army. Even the British were less in number when they controlled India. Israel, Vietnam, Taliban are other good examples. What you said is how the Hindus think and if you are a Muslim, going by your name, you have lost what it takes to be a Muslim.
This is simple and basically matter of numbers .

A 3ft tall man can't fight an 18ft tall person for very long and not without outside assistance . It's not possible . It's against laws nature .

All previous Indo-pak wars resulted in either loss or stalemate for pakistan . The sooner pakistan realises it , the better it can make a 'Nayapakistan' whose standards of living will make Pakistanis something to be proud of rather than incessant wrangling over was it one or two IAF or a paranormal suggestion of 8 iaf jets downed on 27th feb .
here comes the d!ck measurement expert
Pakistan Lacks Ability to Fight Full-Fledged War With India - Indian Defence Minister
© AP Photo / B.K.Bangash
15:26 26.07.2019Get short URL
New Delhi (Sputnik): Indian Defence Minister Rajnath Singh on Friday said that arch-rival Pakistan cannot engage in an all-out conflict with India and that’s why it’s resorting to a proxy war against it.

Addressing the parliament, the minister assured the nation on behalf of the armed forces that the Indian border is secure and adversaries will never succeed in their plan.

“Pakistan does not have the ability to run a full-fledged war against India, nor even a limited one. Hence, it tries to run a proxy war”, Singh said while speaking on the occasion of the Kargil anniversary in parliament.

Indian Army Chief General Bipin Rawat has echoed a similar sentiment, saying Pakistan has been making desperate attempts to ensure the Kashmir issue remains alive. “Pakistan has been singled out. They are providing moral and financial support [to militants]”, Rawat said on Friday.

The statement came a day after the army chief ruled out a Kargil-like misadventure by Pakistan in the near future.

"It was a big misadventure undertaken by the Pakistan army in 1999. They did not appreciate the will and the intent of the Indian political establishment and the Indian Armed Forces that we will never allow them to succeed”, General Rawat said in New Delhi.

The two nuclear-armed nations became embroiled in a near war-like situation in February this year when Pakistan retaliated to an airstrike conducted by the Indian Air Force (IAF) on 26 February and shot down one Indian fighter jet.

Nevertheless, in the dogfight, an F-16 of the Pakistan Air Force was, according to New Delhi, also brought down by a MiG-21 Bison of the Indian Air Force. Later on it was claimed that the two countries came perilously close to firing missiles at each other on 27 February.


Sure Sure. Just like you indians also claimed to have killed over 300 terrorists in Balakot and shot down an F-16..........:lol:
This is simple and basically matter of numbers .

A 3ft tall man can't fight an 18ft tall person for very long and not without outside assistance . It's not possible . It's against laws nature .

All previous Indo-pak wars resulted in either loss or stalemate for pakistan . The sooner pakistan realises it , the better it can make a 'Nayapakistan' whose standards of living will make Pakistanis something to be proud of rather than incessant wrangling over was it one or two IAF or a paranormal suggestion of 8 iaf jets downed on 27th feb .

Sure Sure. Just like you guys also claimed to have killed over 300 terrorists in Balakot and shot down an F-16.............:lol:

Also, do have any CREDIBLE, GENUINE, HONEST & IRREFUTABLE evidence to back your claims?........if so please post the links here.
Sure Sure. Just like you guys also claimed to have killed over 300 terrorists in Balakot and shot down an F-16.............:lol:

Also, do have any CREDIBLE, GENUINE, HONEST & IRREFUTABLE evidence to back your claims?........if so please post the links here.
arnab goswani said it, what other proof you want?
Pakistan Lacks Ability to Fight Full-Fledged War With India - Indian Defence Minister
© AP Photo / B.K.Bangash
15:26 26.07.2019Get short URL
New Delhi (Sputnik): Indian Defence Minister Rajnath Singh on Friday said that arch-rival Pakistan cannot engage in an all-out conflict with India and that’s why it’s resorting to a proxy war against it.

Addressing the parliament, the minister assured the nation on behalf of the armed forces that the Indian border is secure and adversaries will never succeed in their plan.

“Pakistan does not have the ability to run a full-fledged war against India, nor even a limited one. Hence, it tries to run a proxy war”, Singh said while speaking on the occasion of the Kargil anniversary in parliament.

Indian Army Chief General Bipin Rawat has echoed a similar sentiment, saying Pakistan has been making desperate attempts to ensure the Kashmir issue remains alive. “Pakistan has been singled out. They are providing moral and financial support [to militants]”, Rawat said on Friday.

The statement came a day after the army chief ruled out a Kargil-like misadventure by Pakistan in the near future.

"It was a big misadventure undertaken by the Pakistan army in 1999. They did not appreciate the will and the intent of the Indian political establishment and the Indian Armed Forces that we will never allow them to succeed”, General Rawat said in New Delhi.

The two nuclear-armed nations became embroiled in a near war-like situation in February this year when Pakistan retaliated to an airstrike conducted by the Indian Air Force (IAF) on 26 February and shot down one Indian fighter jet.

Nevertheless, in the dogfight, an F-16 of the Pakistan Air Force was, according to New Delhi, also brought down by a MiG-21 Bison of the Indian Air Force. Later on it was claimed that the two countries came perilously close to firing missiles at each other on 27 February.


On the contrary, Pakistan has the ability to wipe india off the face off the planet FOREVER, since at least early 2011 as we have H-bomb capability:


Ever wondered why the indian military is too weak, powerless and scared to take on the might of the Pakistan military even though they are more than 7× bigger than us and have the full backing of the West and Russia? The above link explains it succinctly.

It is in FACT the indian military who cannot fight a fully fledged war with us, not the other way round. As was seen on the 27th of Feb. 2019...........:azn:
If anything India lacks the ability to fight a full fledged war.

The army runs out ammunition every 15 days
12 warships are running average of 3 years behind schedule
Conv Submarines are running 6 years behind schedule
Airforce sqdn strengths are at all time low.
Phase III for IAC1 is facing delays
3 Nuclear sub are running close to 2 years late.
LCH and LUH are behind schedule.
There has been no selection for the MII MMRCA.
IFV's are obsolete and there is no replacement in sight
Entire Arty has been decimated by the 25 years of mismanagement
Mountain division that was to be raised did not get the sanctioned strength
Most Battlefield systems for the frontline are still in testing and still not commisioned(SMAAW, ARM, Astrai/II, Nag, Helina, Prahaar, guided Pinaka, Pinaka 3)
Glaring gaps in communication and redundancies.

Rather than making bashful claims about Pakistan the MoD should look at fixing it's own house.
On the contrary, Pakistan has the ability to wipe india off the face off the planet FOREVER, since at least early 2011 as we have H-bomb capability:


Ever wondered why the indian military is too weak, powerless and scared to take on the might of the Pakistan military even though they are more than 7× bigger than us and have the full backing of the West and Russia? The above link explains it succinctly.

It is in FACT the indian military who cannot fight a fully fledged war with us, not the other way round. As was seen on the 27th of Feb. 2019...........:azn:
No matter what, financially India has the capability to overcome everything, but i do not know why not. on the other hand Pakistan has to struggle to keep up with min deterrence.
This is simple and basically matter of numbers .

A 3ft tall man can't fight an 18ft tall person for very long and not without outside assistance . It's not possible . It's against laws nature .

All previous Indo-pak wars resulted in either loss or stalemate for pakistan . The sooner pakistan realises it , the better it can make a 'Nayapakistan' whose standards of living will make Pakistanis something to be proud of rather than incessant wrangling over was it one or two IAF or a paranormal suggestion of 8 iaf jets downed on 27th feb .

This is also a simple matter of brain cells. Someone with 3 braincells cannot comprehend the situation as well as someone with 18 braincells.

India has numbers 4x that of US why don't they try to take over US? China has that too and are far wealthier, and technologically advanced than India why don't they take the fight to the US? The sooner India realizes Pakistan is not Bangladesh, Nepal, Bhutan the sooner you can get a toilet.

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