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Pakistan - Khorasanian (Tajik) relationship

fence the border and let afghans deal with their own problems enough of involving ourselves in their affairs and getting dragged into their problems.

it's not just one group but afghans in general HATE pakistan tajiks hate us due to support for taliban and being anti-northern alliance while afghan pashtuns hate us coz of pashtunistan issue.
The measure of a mans intellect can be known from his language... i wont say nothing more... u define urself perfectly.

I don't know what language I used in my last post that has irked you immensely. Normally I don't get personal here, but your one-liner rant clearly indicates where you are actually placed on the scale of intelligence.
is it the same Tajikistan in which India has bases? :devil:

You indians give too much importance to yourselves, this thread has nothing to do with india.

Secondly, what "bases" does india have in Tajikistan? india only has that one airbase and i doubt it has anything to do with military use, because i'm sure Tajikistan doesn't want to involve itself in the indo-Pak and indo-China rivalry.

Stay on topic, thread as nothing to do with india.
fence the border and let afghans deal with their own problems enough of involving ourselves in their affairs and getting dragged into their problems.

it's not just one group but afghans in general HATE pakistan tajiks hate us due to support for taliban and being anti-northern alliance while afghan pashtuns hate us coz of pashtunistan issue.
Still there is one factor which keep us closer to each other. Things keep getting change within decades so its even don't bother us.. Tajik and Afghan ethnic groups also hate each other even they are willing to kill each other, then uzbek are also there.. They have to understand that personal conflict and haterd will never bring peace for them. and its reality
A good read .. I came to know a lot of issues.. Region is not as simple and not as small as i thought and i am happy for that ..
Alienoz, the topic is not Turks or Persians. Everyone who wants to know about Turks and the cultures one can look on the net. Btw, ''Turkic alphabete'' was Sogdian (Iranian).


Dude, I do not care what you try here to pretend or claim. Even if your fake Ahmad Jan would be a ''Tajik'', he does no play any role in the society of Tajiks and their will. There are pro-Pakistanis in Pakistan but not all Pathans are pro-Pakistan. Stop bluffing, slandering and liying, Give up the habbites of your forefathers!

Btw, 90% of all ''Afghan'' provinces are Persian names ;)

Karzai and Khalilzad, both Pashtuns and slaves allowed and brought US to Afganistan and NA just acceptet the support of US against the kafar army of Dajjal and their enemy. Pashtuns still serves US. But we accept every US support against Talibanism. We do not want you guys in our country or cities. We want an own state. What´s wrong with that. In 30years of war Pashtuns lost everything, even nang, namus and ghairat. The only thing today you have is your life...by bluffing here to fool the people you won´t come anywhere. You never played any role in Afghanistan and taht will always be so. The difference is (unlike yesterday) that we support partiiton of Afghanistan. It´s time for us and for you to go different ways. Your fear of a devision is based on the facts that your registan is historical, cultural and social weak. Without TAJIKS many of you guys will adopt the same old nature and biology you had 200years ago. I can call here a Pashtun girl-friend who support Khorasan and a devision. Her name is Storai. You act like a kid.. a nine years old kid. grow up dude..your days are counted. Zindabaad GREATER PAKISTAN AND ZINDABAD GREATER TAJIKISTAN

Have you ever seen any Tajik asking foreigners to come in Afghanistan? All of the traitors were Ghilzai thugs like Mullah Omar or Najib or any Tajiki-speaking Muhammadzai/Barakzaiy ''Pashtun'' . Without us everyone will run within 2 minutes over your homes and lands! We just understood that once our ancestors freed you from the hands of nebukadnezars and you are still ungratefull. A Jat has more honour for us than a Pashtun. The Jat is a noble and loyal person also his belongs to a lower society. Don´t talk about Uzbeks or Hazaras who bash you guys 24hours on youtube, facebook, medias and their pages like KABULPRESS. Kabulpress.org is the voice of Hazaras.. go and read how Hazaras think about you! INSHALLAH TAJIKAAN KE TAJZIA RA PESH BORDAN QAWME PASHTUN SAR CHAHAR PAY DOBARA MEFTA ;)

I have still to laugh about his childish claims without knowing me ...hahahahhaa these Pshtuns thing they can fool others while always they themself were the fool one. Unbelievable how he propagates against me.. hahaha

Now khorasanian you seem to suggest that jats are from a low society could you elaborate with evidence about your assertion and how you as a tajik are superior, some say jats are descended from vedic aryans some say they are sakas who were part of the kushan empire , the same kushans who built the bamiyan buddhas and rules upto the ferghana valley, now if you have an alternative history of one of the punjabs most fearless warrior tribes who expelled the warrior pashtuns from punjab could you enlighten us.

btw someone on this post said chitralis are pashtuns, that is incorrect, I have been their many times and they are a separate culture, infact they are classed as DARDS the original sons of the nwfp mountains, who were there before the pashtuns arrived from khandahar and also the mountains of north and east Afghanistan before the tajiks arrived, Dardic tribes include pashai ,kohestanis , nurestanis ,kalash, gilgiti, chitralis and keshur speaking kashmiris,
btw who are kohistani tajiks
We want to, but the afghans won't let us!

we shouldn't give a damn what they have to say yet another example of pakistan bending over in the name of "brotherhood" disgraceful getting dictated too by a 4th world country national security should be top priority we should just build it anyway they can't do shi t to us even if they wanted to.They learn their lesson well in the 60s lol
we shouldn't give a damn what they have to say yet another example of pakistan bending over in the name of "brotherhood" disgraceful getting dictated too by a 4th world country national security should be top priority we should just build it anyway they can't do shi t to us even if they wanted to.They learn their lesson well in the 60s lol

f*&* the Afghans, lets fence the border, if you wanna come to Pakistan, get a friggin visa.
i agree with most of the people here, Pakistan should have fenced the border long time ago, cant stand the hate of afghan pathans for Pakistanis
You indians give too much importance to yourselves, this thread has nothing to do with india.

Secondly, what "bases" does india have in Tajikistan? india only has that one airbase and i doubt it has anything to do with military use, because i'm sure Tajikistan doesn't want to involve itself in the indo-Pak and indo-China rivalry.

Stay on topic, thread as nothing to do with india.
chill buddy my intent is not to deviate :P
We have two military bases in Tajikistan
1. Ayni Military base : Not operational but our army is stationed there training their army . It was not taken seriously by us as its distant from Pakistan border and Farkhor base would do the job . It would be additional expense for us to maintain it .
2. Farkhor Air base : Its strategically important place to us as its very near to Pakistan and has Afghanistan as protection wall . While we can launch any attack very easily Pakistan cannot harm the base so easily as it needs to cross Afganistan
I think this quote will cool you how Indian bases effect Pakistan Tajak Relations
The Indian military presence in Tajikistan would give India the required depth and range in seeking a larger role in South Asia and is a tangible manifestation of India’s move to project its power in Central Asia, a policy goal formally enunciated in 2003–2004.
The potential implications of such moves would go far beyond the Indo-Pakistani rivalry on the subcontinent. That prompted Pakistan President Pervez Musharraf, to raise his concern to the Tajik government on the fact that Indian planes would be able to reach Pakistan within minutes. More importantly, Russia, main partner of Tajikistan, has also expressed its opposition to any military presence in Tajikistan except that of Russia.[7]
Its strategically important place to us as its very near to Pakistan and has Afghanistan as protection wall . While we can launch any attack very easily Pakistan cannot harm the base so easily as it needs to cross Afganistan

Will you be kind enough to answer the following questions popped up in my mind after reading your complicated discourse on this sensitive issue.

a) Will Tajikistasn ever allow the Indian forces the use of its territory to launch attack against a neighbouring country they have friendly relations with?
b)Will Afghanistan cease to exist when your forces attack Pakistan using their military base in Tajikistan?

Thanks in advance...
Will you be kind enough to answer the following questions popped up in my mind after reading your complicated discourse on this sensitive issue.

a) Will Tajikistasn ever allow the Indian forces the use of its territory to launch attack against a neighbouring country they have friendly relations with?
b)Will Afghanistan cease to exist when your forces attack Pakistan using their military base in Tajikistan?

Thanks in advance...
First of all Tajak dont share a border with Pakistan and once we place Mig29's at Farkhor it would be damn difficult for Tajak to control our aircrafts . It will take minutes for our aircrafts to reach Pakistan since the border is very thin . More over the base is very much near to Tajak-AF border we will have an advantage in defending our base from Pakistan .
Looking at the map will give you better idea .
Afghanistan would be nothing but a spectator if Indian planes move over its territory . Remember one thing buddy we took base over there keeping Pakistan and Afgan terrorists in mind , Not to train Tajakistan army or constructing hospitals .
Farkhor Air Base - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
First of all Tajak dont share a border with Pakistan and once we place Mig29's at Farkhor it would be damn difficult for Tajak to control our aircrafts . It will take minutes for our aircrafts to reach Pakistan since the border is very thin . More over the base is very much near to Tajak-AF border we will have an advantage in defending our base from Pakistan .
Looking at the map will give you better idea .
Afghanistan would be nothing but a spectator if Indian planes move over its territory . Remember one thing buddy we took base over there keeping Pakistan and Afgan terrorists in mind , Not to train Tajakistan army or constructing hospitals .
Farkhor Air Base - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Damn man, you've inspired me with your intelligences. I rarely come across people with such excellent analytical skills and depth of thinking. Are you a retired RAW director or something?
Damn man, you've inspired me with your intelligences. I rarely come across people with such excellent analytical skills and depth of thinking. Are you a retired RAW director or something?
Planning to join RAW. Its my dream :D
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