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Pakistan - Khorasanian (Tajik) relationship

so much for the muslim brotherhood with afghanistan :hitwall: mannn our neighbourhood sucks a$$ both west and east sides of our country want to destroy us
What this guy says isn't to far off the pashtun-tajik-haraza-uzbek divides also the sunni-shia plays a factor in this, the Saudi Wahabi's were funding the pashtuns while Iran shia regime was funding the shia's and northern alliance, Central Asian Countries, Russia, Iran, India support the Northern Alliance and Non Pashtuns while Pakistan, GCC support the pashtun I wonder who china supports.
I agree with Khorasanian, that Afghanistan will most likely split (Administratively or otherwise) along ethnic lines, into a Pashtun South and non-Pashtun North. The current power sharing deal with the Taliban that the US is holding will ensure that the Taliban administer control over South Afghanistan, whereas the current regime will retain control over the North. This strategy is a total disaster, and if implemented, might result in Afghanistan getting split into two-three parts. No wonder the Taliban don't want to hold talks with the US over a negotiated power sharing deal, they have the momentum & the ascendancy, they are lying low for now; & want to rule the whole country, not just Kandahar.
I agree with Khorasanian, that Afghanistan will most likely split (Administratively or otherwise) along ethnic lines, into a Pashtun South and non-Pashtun North. The current power sharing deal with the Taliban that the US is holding will ensure that the Taliban administer control over South Afghanistan, whereas the current regime will retain control over the North. This strategy is a total disaster, and if implemented, might result in Afghanistan getting split into two-three parts. No wonder the Taliban don't want to hold talks with the US over a negotiated power sharing deal, they have the momentum & the ascendancy, they are lying low for now; & want to rule the whole country, not just Kandahar.

Or Population back to the original homes.
It is important that Afghan Tajiks and Pushtoons don't fight with each other. Otherwise outsiders will exploit their fights and destroy their independence.

Whether they want to remain in one country or split into two is entirely their choice. But they should be at peace with each other and preserve their independence.
It is important that Afghan Tajiks and Pushtoons don't fight with each other. Otherwise outsiders will exploit their fights and destroy their independence.

Whether they want to remain in one country or split into two is entirely their choice. But they should be at peace with each other and preserve their independence.

Or Sending the Tajik back to Tajikistan, Uzbeks back to Uzbekistan, Harzara to Iran.
The Afghans (Pashtun & non-Pashtuns) are a hateful, delusional & divisive bunch. They hate each other, they hate the countries they are ethnically/historically/culturally closest to. They hate the current regime, hate the US/NATO Forces, hate the warlords, they dislike the Taliban, & the list goes on and on. They hate everyone. They are in complete disarray. What a poor excuse for a country.

Let us forget about this Muslim brotherhood with our 'fellow brothers', screw it, the most important thing for a brother to do is act like one, not like a hypocrite. These 'brothers' stab us in the back in the name of 'brotherhood'. The things Tajiks & Pashtun elites accuse Pakistan of doing are their own making. The 'Dariized' Pashtun elites from Kabul & nearby areas (currently in power) are completely detached from the sentiments of regular Pashtuns in the rest of the country. The Taliban has emerged as a legitimate Afghan Pashtun resistance movement. Despite the fact that Khorasanian & Sher Malang should have been on the same side (their common dislike of the Taliban, as well as Pakistan), they are at loggerheads with each other. Both of them believe their ridiculous conspiracy theories that the ISI controls the Taliban, when the truth of the matter is that the Taliban are the Afghan Pashtun people, are not controlled by Pakistan (admitted by Western think tanks now); & are very much their own entity.
I would request my fellow Pakistani members is not to waste their time & energy trying to decipher the problems of the Afghan people, they don't know it themselves, the problems are countless, & it is not worth the effort. Pashtun/non-Pashtun elites have always been divisive, looked for political gains & corruption, failed to represent their communities/ethnic groups (the average Pashtun/non-Pashtun). All of them are bad, which is why the country (one can hardly call it a country) is in a state it is.
I started reading this thread in morning time...Finally it is over...

@Khorasanian...One observation...Why are you so desperate...Separatism has to takers in this age...So rather than reconciliation...why are you advocating rivally based on the ethnic sects...Come on dude...
The Afghans (Pashtun & non-Pashtuns) are a hateful, delusional & divisive bunch. They hate each other, they hate the country's they are ethnically/historically/culturally closest to. They hate the current regime, hate the US/NATO Forces, hate the warlords, they dislike the Taliban, & the list goes on and on. They hate everyone. They are in complete disarray. What a poor excuse for a country.

It's funny because Pakistani Pashtuns and Afghan Pashtuns are the same race, yet they're so completely different.

I have yet to meet a Pakistani Pashtun who is racist.

Do you them trying to cause divisions like afghans do? No
Khorasanian: You need to calm down mate, take a deep breath, close your eyes and see what you are saying and how you are saying. Are you talking about the injustice being done by the past rulers on the non pashtuns? then yes, i do agree with you 100% and i should say that these injustices are still against us but not as bad as before, i have talked about this issue right in here in the past many times-sher malang is a witness of this and you know what, he has never opposed me for what i am saying, because he is a fair person and can judge for himself. But you dont have to use the very bad language and show very bad behaviour to send your message acrose, if you do that, trust me nobody will listen to you, they wont take you seriously and they will never understand you, eventually will be made a laughing stock.
Also Khorasanian, i love your name, alot of pride and good times of Afghanistan is associated with Khorasan. Check this lovely poem which have some humor and a touch of tragedy to show our utter miserable situation as a nation(so called).

ا به کی این قوم را وحشت مکرر کون کند

ملت بیچاره را یک چند افسر کون کند

گاه مجاهد گاه طالب چیز خود قالب کند

گاه کمونستان بنام حق کار گر کون کند

ما اگر هستیم برادر این نزاع از بهر چیست

کس کُجا دیده برادر را برادر کون کند

دوستان هوشیار باشید که شده آخر زمان

وقت آن گشته که شوهر را سیاسر کون کند

بی اتفاقی گر کنیم یک روز بینیم خارجی

اُزبک و تاجیک و پشتون را برابر کون کند

ای شمالی وار تو از پشت قومیت نگرد

که تورا از پشت سر انور دنگر کون کند

ای وروره ماته گوره مکره پرما داستم

ورنه پنجابی ترا همچون گاو نر کون کند

ای هزاره اینقدر از پُشت ایرانی مرو

که ترا بازی دهد در زیر منبر کون کند

عصامه کر که شود در پُشت )(آ اس آ) پُت

امریکایی رفته اورا با هلیکوپتر کون کند

تا به دیروز رُبل روسی کون مارا پاره کرد

لیک امروز دیگران با نرخ دالر کون کند

دالخور از یک طرف مُلا ایران یک طرف

با دسایس جمله را از روی نمبر کون کند

ما چی کردیم که در این عالم همه مارا کنند

تحت عنوان کمک صد و دو کشور کون کند

پارچه پارچه گشته ایم از خاطر دین و نژاد

هرکی برما میرسد مارا مکرر کون کند

گرکسی شعر مرا میخواند و خنده نکرد

زن مامای اورا ماما قلندر کون کند

هر قدر آرام میگیریم خود را دوستان

باز میبینیم که ما را هر جناور کون کند

آنکه خیز اک میزند که میروم در جرمنی

آلمانی اورا گرفته کُنج لاگر کون کند

این چی قانون است که در هر کندک و تولی نظام

صاحب منصب را بوقت خواب عسکر کون کند

گفته کرزی که بود جدی بکار خویشتن

رشوه خواران را گرفته او به محضر کون کند

هرکسی خواهد که موسقی بیاموزد بخویش

گُل زمان اورا به همرای منوُر کون کند

روز اول هرکی آمد قول خدمت میدهد

بی خبر از اینکه مارا روز آخر کون کند

شاعر بیچاره را هرکس دهد دشنام بد

آه جانسوزاش ورا تا روز محشر کون کند
Khorasanian: You need to calm down mate, take a deep breath, close your eyes and see what you are saying and how you are saying. Are you talking about the injustice being done by the past rulers on the non pashtuns? then yes, i do agree with you 100% and i should say that these injustices are still against us but not as bad as before, i have talked about this issue right in here in the past many times-sher malang is a witness of this and you know what, he has never opposed me for what i am saying, because he is a fair person and can judge for himself. But you dont have to use the very bad language and show very bad behaviour to send your message acrose, if you do that, trust me nobody will listen to you, they wont take you seriously and they will never understand you, eventually will be made a laughing stock.

He surely needed some time to go through the forum but still majority of what he said is his personal biased belief and expressing it in a total wrong way and he will achieve nothing but some hidden laughs from members here.
I genuinely wish for peace to come to Afghanistan and for Afghans of all ethnicities to unite and make their country stable. What worries me however is the massive anti Pakistan sentiments they have. Do they deserve our sympathies then? I guess as Muslim brothers we must wish them well and hope their country has a bright future. However there is a limit and sometimes after reading all the hateful stuff they have to say about Pakistanis i do feel very anti Afghanistan. All i can say is our neighours to the North West are the biggest dilemma on this planet.
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