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Pakistan joins war against Houthis in Yemen: Report

Well it shows our demand, our efficiency, power and potential to fight against wrong ones...bt thats their war, fought by our's...hmmm i am against this move...
Majority of Iranians dont know their father
their survival depends upon us but to prove what they really are they are doing black propoganda

Pakistan it self is fighting war against extremism. can we spare our SSG for Yamen?

its effort of iranian fanatics to give shia sunni color to consolidate its evil mullah regime in Iran.

btw what is iranian role and saudi role in civil war like situation in Past is not un known to us

You have to visit Iran to see the amount of poison their state controll media feed to the public.
I have seen news from hindustan times repeated by the only 4 page english language Iranian daily.

I like to share......After the murder of their army officer in Balauchistan province(which they blamed on Pakistan), i got a chance to discuss the issue with an iranian fellow and he told me it was govt. job and they do it for their own reasons on regular basis. God knows what's the truth!
You have to visit Iran to see the amount of poison their state controll media feed to the public.
I have seen news from hindustan times repeated by the only 4 page english language Iranian daily.

I like to share......After the murder of their army officer in Balauchistan province(which they blamed on Pakistan), i got a chance to discuss the issue with an iranian fellow and he told me it was govt. job and they do it for their own reasons on regular basis. God knows what's the truth!
Jundallah said itself they wanted to kill this chief of sepah (sepah grades are special, not like the army. in iran you have the "normal" army and this religious one. their formation spiritual espcially bassijis are controled by mesbah yazdi, a terrible fanatics)
Say it's government job is pure fiction. i have relations in sepah and i never heard this.

But anyway you're right about the medias controlled. Now people just don't watch national tv so much that they worried three months ago about it. Since a bit more than a month now, they are even harder to take the dishes for getting satellite channels. they go on roofs and check seriously when before most of people were using it.
But by travels, by internet, and hardly by phone we communicate.
Hi Hussain, I spoke to a friend of mine and he told me so and i quoted (more or less) what he stated, perhpas he was respecting me as he knew my nationality!
Funny part is Iran border is so remote for us that hardly any one knows Jandullah exisits. we really like to know what is the beaf with Janduall? please share.
Have you ever wondered who pay to run the organisation of Jandullah? sure no one from Pakistan is either interested or can afford it!

I can imagine how bad the sattelite issue may have went with public. i think most of the crackdown would have been made in north Tehran! ;)
Anyway what you see through sattelite is also not all true, specially the news channels.
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Hi Hussain, I spoke to a friend of mine and he told me so and i quoted (more or less) what he stated, perhpas he was respecting me as he knew my nationality!
Funny part is Iran border is so remote for us that hardly any one knows Jandullah exisits. we really like to know what is the beaf with Janduall? please share.
Have you ever wondered who pay to run the organisation of Jandullah? sure no one from Pakistan is either interested or can afford it!

I can imagine how bad the sattelite issue may have went with public. i think most of the crackdown would have been made in north Tehran! ;)
Anyway what you see through sattelite is also not all true, specially the news channels.
Hi Batman,
Who pays jundollah? Most think it is just drug . that's simple. the propaganda says sometimes , not always, english and usa are paying them, with some help of Pakistan.
We have messages from Jundallah and even videos where they cut the heads of our brothers. Sometimes you know they are just young innocent people doing their military service and everyone hoping not go there ;)
Sepah was very upset about the bombing. Now they seemed to calm down.

About news. Yep they are specialists here in France they don't know anything about Iran. But it is sad point which is common for all.. that journalists sometimes don't even speak the language or really know the system, the difference of policies and groups.
Mostly in USA they have better info than Europe . Just because the Iranian communauty is so big there and there are famous journalists who are Iranians roots.

I really think it is drug trafic. Balouchistan is really much a part of drug trafic . There is the record of hanging people there because of this matter.
If it is drug than it certainly does not grow in Balauchistan! and logically drug only benifits if it has export channels! in case of terroists operating against Pakistan army their money do comes from drug bussiness but it is grown and transported by indians from Kabul to Moscow at least it has been in past years but ar eyou suggesting that janduallah is also being benifited from same pool of money as TTP?
What about wepons and training and intelligence?
Where did you learn about Pakistani support becasue our state policy towrds iran does not agree with your claim.
If it is drug than it certainly does not grow in Balauchistan! and logically drug only benifits if it has export channels! in case of terroists operating against Pakistan army their money do comes from drug bussiness but it is grown and transported by indians from Kabul to Moscow at least it has been in past years but ar eyou suggesting that janduallah is also being benifited from same pool of money as TTP?
What about wepons and training and intelligence?
Where did you learn about Pakistani support becasue our state policy towrds iran does not agree with your claim.

You have chose a real good name Batman. Hope you don't wear that dress when you post here ?


As per your previous posts

The REAL Taliban controls 70 % of the countryside in Afghanistan !

The REAL Taliban hate Indians, US, UK etc!

STILL Indian come and grow drugs there ?

Than they transport it to Moscow ?

And for all that hardwork they pay Mr J in Iran ?

Ha ha


Batman i must say all said and done I like your musings.
If it is drug than it certainly does not grow in Balauchistan! and logically drug only benifits if it has export channels! in case of terroists operating against Pakistan army their money do comes from drug bussiness but it is grown and transported by indians from Kabul to Moscow at least it has been in past years but ar eyou suggesting that janduallah is also being benifited from same pool of money as TTP?
What about wepons and training and intelligence?
Where did you learn about Pakistani support becasue our state policy towrds iran does not agree with your claim.
First about your last point. I never said i believe myself about Pakistan support. I say it is part of sepah words. But much of the propaganda saying english still supporting them like they did in the past. I can put a link if you want there about english in the past involved to help them.

About drug > No. Iranians are taking a lot of drug. Sadly. It is a disaster for the young people. A very big problem in Iran. The drug is coming from Balouchistan mostly and it comes from Afghanistan. But i am not a specialist of drug business so i cannot say more than what we used to know there.

About Indians or Pakistanis > i never heard any proof of people involved from these countries for drug business. And i never heard about someone from Pakistan or India arrested in Iran. People arrested are Iranians .
S.o.n.s of B.i.t.c.h.e.s will approve any thing as long as there B.a.s.t.e.r.d fathers in saudia tell them to do so.

I assume them sons of ***** include the military too as the Generals wanted to help the KSA too.....????:wave::wave:

No one makes these decisions in their house. Both Civilians and the Military meets and military recommends these things as this is their specialty. Civilians, just handle the fallout and provide support to the military. This is how it works. Quit blaming the government as its total non-sense. If you don't understand how it actually works, why write silly posts??

By the way, KSA sent their minister today to apologize on the comments made by the UAE minister. This is what I was referring to, a strong, civilian controlled Pakistan has emerged and has a powerful place in the world!!!
I believe for sure Iran killed Pakistanis in Baluchistan using Proxies like BLA to send a Clear Msg. to Pakistan that do not follow Saudia Arabia Other wise Iran-Persia will Fuk You Pakistanis up in Baluchistan!

it is very Probable than PTT killing Pakistanis in Baluchistan as PTT is not present in Baluchistan in big numbers as claimed by so Called Friends of Pakistan, who are actually Agents of India-Iran-Israel-USA inside Pakistan and writing in different Newspapers and News Channels of Pakistan

Any way Pakistan have no real friend and Islamic Brothers, all just use Pakistan like Toilet Paper, Iran is more Dangerous than Saudi Arabia as Iran is our neighbour and occupy large Part of Pakistan......
Pakistan must not tilt towards Iran but go with SA and Gulf States and still tell them clearly that Pakistan Army will not land in YEMEN........Period

Also, Saudi Arabia is giving Billions of $$$$ of Aid to Pakistan plus Cheap Oil and over 5 million Pakistanis work in SA, UAE, Dubai, Qatar, Kuwait and other Gulf States and What Persia-Iran give us NOTHING! Jack shiiiit, they only asking from us but they do not care about Pakistan or Pakistani People,

There are only 18,000 Pakistanis in Whole Iran - Yes 18 thousands only!!!! Shocked about Our Not so Great Persian-Iran Empire Neighbour, Over 5 Million Pakistanis with families makes them over 10 Million Pakistanis in Arab Gulf Counties!!!!! but wait a Minute There are millions of Persian-Iranis in Pakistan and India, since the time of Khomeni so called Islamic Revolution but in reality It is Shia Revolution against Sunnis of Pakistan, Syria, Iraq, Saudi Arabia and Gulf Countries

Great Satan aka USA :usflag:according to Iran is Now again sleeping with Not so great Persian-Iran Supremacist Racist Persian-Iranis, Persians Hate Pakistanis, Arabs, Kurds, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Oman, Yemen, Dubai, UAE, all Arab Gulf States but there Hate against any Sunnis have NO Bound as they believe that Sunnis are the one who killed Imam Hussain and Sunni Abu Bakr, Caliph Omar and Caliph Osman were the reason Ali did not get leadership of Muslims and Islam

How I know this as I lived with so called Not so great Persians - Iranis and I know them inside Out!

Once Iran was majority Sunni Country but Shia Minority was in Power, Shia Elite decided to change Iran from Sunni Majority State to Shia using force, just read this History it is very Informative part of Shia Majoosi Iran - Do not trust Racist Persians as once they get into your country either they change you by tactics or just using Taqqiya Shia-Jew Concept of Lies to fool you in believing there Lies as Truth!

i think you should chill out. i ve noticed that you have something against iran espically claiming that 20 pakistanis killed are somehow backed by iran you dont know it so stop it. This is like 10th time you mentioned it. So i request you to stop spreading this kind of false news unless you have some evidence. I have many Shia friends too and many of them Pakistanis who love their country to death and know of some families who have sacrificed a lot for Pakistan you should not provoke division among muslims based on rumors and this is not even a rumor.
i also would like you too visit Pakistan if you can and see for yourself how much of those billions given by Arab states is helping a normal Pakistani just try renting a petrol car and see if you even find 2 liters of it i do agree with you that Iran is not giving charity to Pakistan and we Pakistani shouldnt expect charity from anyone espically a normal Pakistani. Pakistani elite is taking advantage of money from Arabs which is of no use too a normal Pakistani. If you ay that many Pakistani are working in Arab states yes they are but they are not getting a favour from Arabs but drain there blood and sweat to earn that money. So plz no more
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