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Pakistan Issues Demarche to US over Drone Strikes - US Argues Strikes Legal

just when they protest there is another strike :lol: the protest just seem to cover up the public anger
US brushes aside Pakistan's objections, to continue with its drone strikes - The Times of India

WASHINGTON: Brushing aside Pakistan's objections, defence secretary Leon Panetta today said US will continue with its drone strikes.

"The United States is going to defend itself under any circumstances," Panetta told PBS news in an interview, while responding to a question on drone strikes inside Pakistan.

Though he did not specifically mention drones, his answers indicated that he was referring to the drone strikes.

Asked if drone strikes will continue no matter what the Pakistani government desires and wants, Panetta said, "Well, you know, without referring to those specific operations because they still remain covert operations..."

He was cut short by the anchor who said drone strikes were acknowledged recently by John Brennan, the top counter-terrorism advisor to the US President.

"There was some acknowledgement of the fact that, you know, that they're used but the basic operations remain sensitive and they remain classified.

"But let me just say this. We were attacked. The United States was attacked on 9/11. And we know who attacked us, we know that al-Qaida was behind it, and we are going to do everything we can, use whatever operations we have to, in order to make sure that we protect this country and make sure that that kind of attack never happens again," Panetta said.
"But let me just say this. We were attacked. The United States was attacked on 9/11. And we know who attacked us, we know that al-Qaida was behind it, and we are going to do everything we can, use whatever operations we have to, in order to make sure that we protect this country and make sure that that kind of attack never happens again," Panetta said.

yeah sending drone strikes on innocent civilians will sure stop the problem. :usflag:
yeah sending drone strikes on innocent civilians will sure stop the problem. :usflag:

Thought everybody was clear that primary targets, terrorist leadership, is effectively cut down by drone strikes. Whining about these because they happen on Pakistani soil is worthless; either you clean them up yourself, or somebody else will.
yeah sending drone strikes on innocent civilians will sure stop the problem. :usflag:

dont forget that panetta advisor is an indian and like all indians he might be exploiting his position to advance indian point of view in exchange of some hard cash by RAW.
"Ibb kee maar key dekh!" #5784

It seems that the whole Pakistani apparatus is in a state of directionless drifting without any ideas of how to get out of it.
Really im tired of this condemn thing. Indians please stop posting such crap , we all are getting bore and its not amusing .
I don't think Pakistani posters can be too hard on Indians for cheer leading American state terrorism. India can't do anything themselves but make silly threats of surgical strikes.

From the American prospective it's a bad move to openly say they will break all International laws to take out a threat against them. It only makes people hate the USA more which will lead to more. The US gives reasons for not publishing photo's of OBL's supposed death as it would cause a backlash but they assume this kind of talk wouldn't?

If they believe all is fair in love and war then they should accept if people attack them in their homeland but I guess it's only fair if the US uses terrorism not anyone else.
Drones should be fired down, US won't do anything radical about it. GoP should also be fired down. Army elite should also be fired down especially Kayani just like Anwar Sadat. As well as any militants in NWFP should be fired down.
It is not a matter of paranoia, but rather of keeping sensitive technologies secure, and not just from the Chinese, but nearly all other countries. Of course, if Pakistan were to make its case that the benefits of sharing such technology with it would outweigh the potential risks, then perhaps an argument could be made. However, the current environment is decidedly non-conducive to tilting the risk:benefit ratio in the direction that you prefer.
Joint operations of drone strikes would not compromise US technology since maintenance of the drones etc. would still be handled by the US. Piloting a drone and approving a strike on a potential target does not 'compromise sensitive technology'.
.......... Piloting a drone and approving a strike on a potential target does not 'compromise sensitive technology'.

Drone technology is compromised by sharing piloting and targeting duties, for it gives a direct view of the capabilities of the entire system, from performance of the platform itself to the ordnance carried to the capabilities of the sensors, in realtime war scenarios.

Your statement indicates you have no idea of what is involved.
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Drone technology is compromised by sharing piloting and targeting duties, for it gives a direct view of the capabilities of the entire system, from performance of the platform itself to the ordnance carried to the capabilities of the sensors, in realtime war scenarios.

Your statement indicates you have no idea of what is involved.
The drone targeting videos showing the video capabilities of the system are already publicly available - piloting the drone (and not necessarily processing all the intelligence) and approving the strike, would not compromise any sensitive technology.

In any case, US paranoia over joint operations does not translate into a legal justification for drone strikes, since it is the US herself that is taking options off the table that would allow the nation whose soil is being targeted to allow those strikes, or some other form of combating terrorism.
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The drone targeting videos showing the video capabilities of the system are already publicly available - piloting the drone (and not necessarily processing all the intelligence) and approving the strike, would not compromise any sensitive technology.............

All the information released into the public domain is carefully managed so as not to reveal the full capabilities of the system.
All the information released into the public domain is carefully managed so as not to reveal the full capabilities of the system.
And given that Pakistan would only be piloting the drones and authorizing any strikes on Pakistani soil after reviewing any processed intelligence, Pakistan would not have any access to 'sensitive technology' involved in the complete system.
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