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Pakistan is weeks away from default, decisive actions must be taken by estab.

Clearly you forgot the patronage of PPP by establishment in past ten plus years
Longer, only period they were on the out were during Zia days between even then they had their sympathizers in the establishment.

PPP has been establishment/Army's A team for most of it's existence going back to Yahya days...
Don't bring the bogeyman India into this to scare everyone :lol: They won't do anything. As you can see this government is running to India for trade because it is in India's interest to keep the Sharifs and Zardaris in power as they know how incompetent and corrupt they are. They know these families will keep humiliating Pakistan for as long as they rule.

Establishment is not as clever as you think because if they had foresight they would not have created a scenario when a government is running to London to take orders from an exiled corrupt :lol: They are one dimensional and work with what they have.

I hope overseas hold remittances for 2 months and bring this government to its knees.
I wish it were just the govt., and not the nation. I am genuinely fearful for Pakistan. I pay to god that country comes out of this crisis.
Longer, only period they were on the out were during Zia days between even then they had their sympathizers in the establishment.

PPP has been establishment/Army's A team for most of it's existence going back to Yahya days...


People actually think that ppp is some liberal progressive party that is struggling against establishment in this country :lol:

People actually think that ppp is some liberal progressive party that is struggling against establishment in this country :lol:
Zardari's PPP is an opportunistic vulture. But they can't be destroyed with force.
Military has been trying to destroy PPP alone since 70s. Hasn't happened. Won't happen. Better to find a formula to coexist.

Families exist because estab. keeps trying to break parties. Therefore, decision making is kept in families as they don't trust outsiders. You also conveniently left out the establishment which makes and break governments.

As for Chinese or Saudis, they won't give you anything until you get help from IMF, who won't give you anything until you remove subsidies. You have 1 months reserves left. Elections ain't an option. If we default, what will you do if India decides to attack? Your jets & tanks run on fuel. God forbid, If a civil war starts, given Imran's shenanigans. International powers will intervene to take away your nukes.

Estab. needs to get its sh*t together, and sort out this mess before it is too late.

Military is also part of the problem. Especially the top layer.
Longer, only period they were on the out were during Zia days between even then they had their sympathizers in the establishment.

PPP has been establishment/Army's A team for most of it's existence going back to Yahya days...
You forgot Gen Aslam Beg > Mehrangate scandal > cobbling together the IJI coalition against PeePeePoon.

This engineering has been done before as well.
You forgot Gen Aslam Beg > Mehrangate scandal > cobbling together the IJI coalition against PeePeePoon.

This engineering has been done before as well.
Brief period but then BB got her patron in chief Amreeka Bahadur to get their sepoy army to play ball and purged all of Zia's remnants from the Army...
Brief period but then BB got her patron in chief Amreeka Bahadur to get their sepoy army to play ball and purged all of Zia's remnants from the Army...
Will somewhat agree. I think last remnant was Gen Hameed Gul.
Zardari and Sharif families cost Pakistan $200 billion over 30 years. It can't get any worse than that.

No other country on the planet who has its people working overseas as doctors, engineers, scientists, niche high level jobs, entrepreneurs, well adjusted and integrated expat community who have a host country who are this poor and inadequate. There is a disconnect, and these families are the problem.

So if thats what it takes than so be it because the next 30 years Pakistan will make $400 billion plus without these families.
Pakistan's debt is not because of Zardari, Sharif or Imran. Pakistan is unable to finance its primary import (fuel). It does not export enough to cover this import bill. This will require investment (FDI) into the economy (to stimulate export manufacturing) and that requires political and security stability. Investors should be convinced that Pakistan can make rules and follow them stably. All developing countries (including India) have corrupt rulers, but this does not explain Pakistan's lack of FDI inflow. Imran's tenure also did not have much FDI inflow. General security concerns in the region and constant intervention into democratic institutions are the culprits. One more episode of economic and political meltdown like what you want will not convince investors that Pakistan is stable :undecided:
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Even though PTI’s economic policies were average, it is always the case when a new regime comes; they claim we are on the verge of bankruptcy. We have heard similar stories in 1997, 1999, 2008, 2013 and 2008. In reality, they fake the economic conditions to show they are at the bottom level and their excellent policies will change the destiny
I slightly disagree here, I think it IS true that pretty much every government has walked into a situation in which default is always just a few months away, BoP crisis is there on day one. Basically, you need a stable government, credible leadership, and certainty to creditors like the IMF that whatever conditions are negotiated will stand in 6 months or 1 year's time, if there's any uncertainty - forget assurances, IMF may not even want to negotiate. In February 2022, we had something like 3-3.5 months of net foreign reserves. So that's how long we can basically last at any given time on what dollars we have in our pocket, if we run out - then we're not going to be able to trade, import oil etc.

Every government in modern history has come in with the number one agenda being, talk to creditors, establish lines of credit, and secure reserves by whatever means necessary - bailouts, bond issuance, multilateral lenders etc. The problem for the current mutant regime is that they've got no credibility, no real majority in parliament, they may last one more week, or month, or six months, nobody can say. And as always the BoP crises is already here.

I work in international credit markets, often times dealing with Sovereign borrowers, I can tell you that market conditions are rough, yields are up, QE is over, risk is being sold, credit spreads are widening, investors are heavily axed to sell risk and they're paying substantial liquidity premia even for that. So to add to the above, conditions aren't great. Global inflation will also make signing on to IMF conditions harder, if inflation in Pakistan is already a little lower, then signing on to conditions of removal of subsidies is easier, but in the current situation - and for a completely weak government staring down the barrel of an election, tough measures will be hard to take but necessary.
Buddy what establishment? What country?

The Judiciary is an INSULT to the Justice System, the Parliament is the JOKE to the System of Governance, the Military Leadership has BETRAYED its first duty of protecting the country.

There is no government in Islamabad, rather there is a MAFIA sitting there that takes its orders from Washington DC and London.

What Pakistan are you talking about? We the People of Pakistan cannot even elect our own leaders. 220 million people live in what can best be described as a PHANTOM ZONE.

Everyone knows very well what is going to happen next. The MAFIA in Islamabad is going to go with their BEGGERS BOWL and borrow $$ BILLIONS more from the IMF Cartel, in Pakistan's name and swindle it into their own pockets.

If this is the Pakistan Bajwa, Nawaz, Zardari, Shebaz, Bilawal, Maryam and Fazlu want ... then I would rather that there be no more Pakistan ever again. Let them burn into ashes of a Nuclear Armageddon .... Is zillat ki zindagi set to acha hay Pakistan khatam ho jaye aur yeh Khabees, Murdoodon ko haybatnaak maut milay.

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You want to destroy Pakistan just because of love for Imran? What kind of a Pakistani are you?
You wanted the decades long status quo of overseas paying ransom to these thugs for the survival of their domestic relatives to continue? What kind of slave are you?

I mean that with the best will brother. We are frustrated that we cannot do more and now they will take away our voting rights as well. Call it tough love, though I doubt there will be remittance boycott
Stop all remittances... Let the imported government starve to death... If they have nothing left to steal maybe they will fly back to their houses in London.... You can't rape a dead decomposed corpse...

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