There doesn't seem to be any specific refutation here of what Hitchens writes. Essentially, he claims Pakistan's acts elevates its violations of binding UNSC resolutions from 1373 (which mandates, as a sovereign obligation, rooting out terrorists and terror organizations) to 1368 (which vows that those discovered actively supporting the 9-11 perpetrators will be held accountable).
While as of last month Pakistan could be seen, at best, as neutral under 1373, the suggestion that 1368 applies would mean declaring much of the P.A. leadership to be outlaws. No wonder trips abroad were cancelled...
The W. Post article backtracks on this somewhat. As some of you are aware, I do want the U.S. to go to the U.N. and "spill the beans" about what its got on Pakistan. This, apparently, the U.S. is still unwilling to do. So why did Mullen launch his verbal attack on Pakistan in Congress last week? What he overtly accomplished was to anger Congress into putting some pretty harsh conditions on aid to Pakistan. What he may also have accomplished - given that this president has a fondness for secret action - is to set up Washington politically for another Abbottabad-like operation.
Sadly, the Pakistanis here don't realize just how thin their accusations against Washington are, or how exposed their own leadership is. I doubt retributive action will stop at the suspension of aid.