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Pakistan Is Taking a Dark Turn. It's Time for a New USA Policy.

Well "talk" is cheap. As is evident by you, sir. Those countries were not nuke powers. You do know those nukes are not to do fellatio? Right? Geo-politics is not a binary. It's like you go to war or sell your a*ss. There are million shades of grey in between.

Americans will always pick on soft targets. Have you noticed how they avoided North Korea despite that country behaving wild. Ditto Iran.


Pakistan's nucs mean nothing to the US now---. Each and everyone of them has been tracked---located and accounted for---.

The US can take them out and NEUTER them even before the main force moves out top protect them---.

Never underestimate the american military might---.
People rant and rave, But what is needed is clarity of thought. And ironclad focus on increasing the costs to US that it tilts the cost/benefit analysis. So if you really and I mean really want to hurt US then do something about it.It requires guts and conviction. Think of Afghanistan. Only four powers/countries hold the keys to Afghanistan as that country is landlocked. Look at the map below.


The countries that hold the keys are Pakistan, Iran, Russia and China. Now think about this. Who has given the key to Afghanistan to USA? Not Iran. Not Russia. Certainly not China. It is Pakistan. How can this happen. US makes b*tch of Pakistan and we give the keys to Afghanistan so that India can slide in and cause us grief. It is incredible when you think about this. Can you imagine India giving keys to China so that we can make b*tches out of India? Can you?

The way forward is join the other three keys. Iran, Russia and China. Then pull the keys back from USA. All you have to do is sit and watch the fun. But to do this Pakistan has to align with Iran, Russia and China. These countries need to unite to teach Uncle Sam a lesson.

Nothing to do with Bitching Pakistan, it's all about strategy and forward thinking. Afghan chaos was going to spill over into Pakistan and Pakistan had to act. We had a willing partner, the US, who were willing to provide the resources and manpower to do the job but they only halfheartedly did so for fear of electorate repercussions in case of high casualty rates.

Pakistan's nucs mean nothing to the US now---. Each and everyone of them has been tracked---located and accounted for---.

The US can take them out and NEUTER them even before the main force moves out top protect them---.

Never underestimate the american military might---.

Sir you are of a good age and playing teenager games with you is stupid but one thing I need to assure you is that USA has no knowledge of Pakistani nukes. Secondly nukes are a tool of deterrence nothing more. USA cannot even do a conventional attack and there is a reason for it. From where will USA launch its attack?
Each and everyone of them has been tracked---located and accounted for---.
"Hi" that is bombastic, bluster. Maybe it is not. Source please or I am apt to believe you ate too many eggs and PDF is recieving the effects. Yes, source please. And please spare us the "I have a friend in Pentagon who told me but I can't reveal his name" etc.

Never underestimate the american military might
Yes, I know. Talk with the Taliban. Or the VietCong? They are still standing after 17 years.

Pakistan's nucs mean nothing to the US now---. Each and everyone of them has been tracked---located and accounted for---.

The US can take them out and NEUTER them even before the main force moves out top protect them---.

Never underestimate the american military might---.

Cool... I hope this time they did a better job of locating them identifying them than the Iraqi WMDs... :)

Cool... I hope this time they did a better job of locating them identifying them than the Iraqi WMDs... :)


Just look at what happened to Iraq which had no WMD's---.

Now---think about what is going to happen to pakistan that does have WMD's---.

Sarcasm is okay young man---but not at the cost of the disappearance of your civilization.
"Hi" that is bombastic, bluster. Maybe it is not. Source please or I am apt to believe you ate too many eggs and PDF is recieving the effects. Yes, source please. And please spare us the "I have a friend in Pentagon who told me but I can't reveal his name" etc.

Yes, I know. Talk with the Taliban. Or the VietCong? They are still standing after 17 years.


4.5 million dead vietnamese----almost 2 million dead afghans---and that also in a jungle and mountaneous area---.

In flat planes---it will be more like 20-30 million people---.

Remember---Pakistan is the bad boy---some US military generals really really want to take out Pakistan---.

And when you mentioned afghanistan and vietnam---I realized---you are absolutely clueless to what it is all about---.
Sir you are of a good age and playing teenager games with you is stupid but one thing I need to assure you is that USA has no knowledge of Pakistani nukes. Secondly nukes are a tool of deterrence nothing more. USA cannot even do a conventional attack and there is a reason for it. From where will USA launch its attack?


You will be surprised----.

4.5 million dead vietnamese----almost 2 million dead afghans---and that also in a jungle and mountaneous area---.

In flat planes---it will be more like 20-30 million people---.

Remember---Pakistan is the bad boy---some US military generals really really want to take out Pakistan---.

And when you mentioned afghanistan and vietnam---I realized---you are absolutely clueless to what it is all about---.
Sir why do you think Pakistan will fight a war with USA inside Pakistan?
It is not going to be fought here.
More recently, Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf inducted Fazlur Rehman Khalil, a U.S.-designated terrorist and leader of Harkat-ul-Mujahideen, into its ranks in a move on par with many of Khan’s documented associations.


More copy-paste garbage, the usual dog-whistles and red herring; but also using patently false arguments to ramble on and make a convoluted point at the end. Since when did Khalil join PTI?
@Indus Pakistan



Nuclear weapons are normally stored in locations where relevant infrastructure exist to safeguard them. Their are ample smoking guns for the prying eyes. I recall; Hillary Clinton once [almost] spilled the beans to unknown audience in an undisclosed meeting.

The information I have shared in this post, is in public domain; Pentagon would have a much clearer picture of this matter. However, Pentagon will never disclose this kind of information and/or never boast about it.

In case of war [God forbid], idea is to strike at every key location [suspected and otherwise]. Idea is not to take any chances.


Anyways! We need to sharpen our diplomatic skills and do our best to avoid confrontation with an egotistical superpower. This is my general stance in the forum.

People misjudge my intentions at times. Pakistan's safety is of paramount importance to every genuine Pakistani. My way of thinking is scholarly, and evidence-focused. However, every Pakistani does not think like me. My prayers for the safety of Pakistan.
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@Indus Pakistan



Nuclear weapons are normally stored in locations where relevant infrastructure exist to safeguard them. Their are ample smoking guns for the prying eyes. I recall; Hillary Clinton once [almost] spilled the beans to unknown audience in an undisclosed meeting.

The information I shared is in public domain; Pentagon would have a much clearer picture of this matter. However, Pentagon will never disclose this kind of information and/or never boast about it.

In case of war [God forbid], idea is to strike at every key location [suspected and otherwise]. Idea is not to take any chances.

Anyways! We need to sharpen our diplomatic skills.
What do you want from me? Let me make it clear to you USA is not going to go to war with Pakistan never ever. Even if we attack a US base first. Please forget this thing and stop babbling about it. USA is in no position to go to war with Pakistan and USA is not going to target any Pakistani missiles because there are 1000 reasons for it which I cannot say. USA will tolerate Pakistan as it is. No need for any diplomacy we are USA non NATO ally and USA has to sort it's own house which is a mess.

One thing more selling more military tech to India is going to hurt USA badly.
seems like mastankhan is off his meds again. However one of his points still stand: Pakistanis have no clue how to deal with the americans. Be upfront. Be prepared. Play on the front foot. Don't be an apologist. Don't get overly emotional. Don't bluster. But be forthright in your approach.
What do you want from me? Let me make it clear to you USA is not going to go to war with Pakistan never ever. Even if we attack a US base first. Please forget this thing and stop babbling about it. USA is in no position to go to war with Pakistan and USA is not going to target any Pakistani missiles because there are 1000 reasons for it which I cannot say. USA will tolerate Pakistan as it is. No need for any diplomacy we are USA non NATO ally and USA has to sort it's own house which is a mess.

One thing more selling more military tech to India is going to hurt USA badly.
I want nothing from you, bro! Just expressing my views.

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