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Pakistan is nominated as Rising Star in the field of science and engineering



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Friday, 26 September 2008

International publishing house conducted an international survey & rate Pakistan as "Rising Star". Thomson Reuters in its publication Science Watch categorized Pakistan as "Rising Star" in the field of science and engineering.

They listed Pakistan in top 12 countries of the world which increased in the citations and publications.

They recognized the efforts of Higher Education Commission in Pakistan. Pakistan got "Rising Star" status in so many fields due to extraordinary progress in the higher education during the last 6 years resulting in the increase of publications and citations by universities and research centers.

In a short period of six years Higher Education Commission has sent 25,000 scholars for PhD studies to different universities worldwide which brought about 400 percent increase in research output. HEC has launched free digital library to provide access to 45000 books, research monographs and 23,000 international journals.

These achievements has been reported by USIAD report and world's top science journal-Nature in an editorial published on August 28.

Prof. Dr Atta-ur-Rehman played an important role in establishing HEC. He is acting as chairman of HEC. He is one of the leading scientist in Pakistan who brought the revolution in the field of science and technology in Pakistan. He has over 644 publications, 93 books of which 59 chapters in books published by European countries. He is Editor-in-Chief/Executive Editor of fifteen leading European chemistry journals. He is the director of H.E.J. Research Institute of Chemistry, Karachi University. This department won the international projects of 35 million US dollars under his guidance. He has got 4 civil awards from Govt. of Pakistan. He has secured UNESCO science prize and many other international awards.
yes.so true!

engineers ko Pakistan k ubharta hua sitara qarar diya gya hai.
the rising stars.yo!:yahoo:

EDITORIAL (October 01 2008): The Senate Standing Committee on Education, in its meeting the other day, demanded immediate appointment of Federal Minister for Education. It would really stand to reason that in the absence of a fully-fledged Education Minister many may start doubting the seriousness of the government about fulfilling in right earnest its lofty education-related agenda.

For, as it is, the basic purpose of the meeting, which was chaired by Senator Razina Alam Khan, appeared to have revolved around the understandable urge to resolve the long pending issues bedevilling this vital sector so as to make education really purposeful.

This must have been why the Senate body, among other things, urged the government to accord top priority to providing better training to teachers, on the one hand, and to embark on constant periodic review of the curriculum, on the other, in order to keep pace with the developments the world over. It will also be noted that while supporting the idea of merit-based recruitment of teachers, the committee focused more attention on raising their salary structure and enhancement of their social status.

Again, the emphasis it laid on curricula and related pedagogy will bring to the fore the fact that the deliberations of the meeting were based on an in-depth and objective comprehension of what really ails the country's education sector. Significantly, not only the curricula but also teacher-related situation can be seen as falling too short of what is basically required for attainment of the set goals in many disciplines. Worse, there also happens to be a glaring lack of an integrated system by which one step leads to the next in such an unfailing way as to help a student develop a truly sound base for the discipline he may be interested in.

More to this, even at the higher levels of education, equally conspicuous by its absence happens to be the mechanism to enable a student to assess his potential or opt for just the right academic career. In so far as promotion of higher education is concerned, it will be recalled the situation was far better, prior to the shift of students' focus away from Britain and on to the United States. During those days the Pakistan High Commission, in London, used to have an education attaché for counselling students and helping sort out their problems.

In so far as endorsement of the merit-based recruitment of teachers is concerned, it can be attributed to the increasing disgust caused by the serious disarray plaguing the prevailing system which directly obstructs the very purpose of education, that is, creation of inspired students. This, of course, is a task that inspired teachers alone can accomplish.

Hence, taking due notice of political meddling in appointment, posting and transfer of teachers, more so in the provinces and remote areas, it asked the Education Ministry to accord highest priority to training of teachers at all levels. Pointing out that the flawed approach is damaging the fundamentals of education it did well to ask the Education Ministry to work out a new draft of value-oriented education policy, conducive to elimination of the basic national problems.

ISLAMABAD, Oct 9: Higher Education Commission (HEC) chairman Dr Attaur Rehman has decided to step down and send his resignation to the Prime Minister Secretariat, an HEC official told Dawn.

Dr Atta had been one of the close aides of former president Pervez Musharraf and remained in his good books till the end. He was made federal minister for science & technology in the first cabinet of Gen Musharraf after the military coup of 1999. In 2002 when the government decided to change the University Grants Commission (UGC) into the HEC, Dr Atta opted to become its chairman.

He completed his first four-year tenure as the Chairman of the HEC in 2006, but was asked to continue for another stint.

The official said Dr Atta was willing to continue in the present set-up at least for another two years, but has decided to vacate the post for unknown reasons.

However, according to an HEC member, “it is quite obvious that he has been asked to leave the post so that somebody else could be accommodated”. :disagree:

Over the last few years, the HEC has become one of the most well-funded government departments.

In 2002, the budgetary allocations for the higher education sector were only Rs400 to Rs500 million. However, in the current financial year, its budget crossed Rs20 billion.
However, according to an HEC member, “it is quite obvious that he has been asked to leave the post so that somebody else could be accommodated”.
I learned that the new chairman of CDA is known to be a very corrupt person in his previous position.
There are people who have paid him hundered of thousands to get their things done.

Dr Attaur Rehman could not even set up a single university in eight years, says AQ Khan​

Friday, October 17, 2008
By Rauf Klasra

ISLAMABAD: The detained nuclear scientist, Dr AQ Khan, has in a dramatic move made public a long charge-sheet against the outgoing chairman of the Higher Education Commission (HEC) Dr Attaur Rehman, saying he was the blue-eyed boy of Gen Pervez Musharraf because both hailed from Delhi.

In a note sent to The News on Thursday, Dr Khan regretted that despite eight years in office and spending billions of taxpayers’ money, Dr Attaur Rehman could not even set up a single university, leave alone his tall claims of setting up six foreign universities.

Dr Khan, breaking his silence after a very long time, also made some new revelations, saying Gen Musharraf wanted him to become a minister but he proposed the name of Dr Attaur Rehman. He has also claimed that Pakistan had made the nuclear bomb in 1984.

In his attack on Dr Rehman, the first of its kind which might put the tall claims of the HEC in a new perspective, Dr AQ Khan said: “As an organic chemist with no industrial exposure, he fell into the trap laid by many of the incompetent sycophants that surrounded him. They excelled in on-screen, colourful presentations containing figures, graphs and forecasts, but these were nothing more than a house of cards. Those running the HEC had never set up or run even a high school, let alone a university.”

Ms Henny Khan, the wife of Dr AQ Khan, on behalf of her husband, also sent a long note to this correspondent to join the debate going on about the performance of Dr Attaur Rehman, who was one of the longest-serving persons during the last eight years of Musharraf but failed to deliver.

Dr Khan is the second top man who has blasted Dr Rehman after former minister Ishaq Khan Khakwani.

In his communication to The News, Dr Khan said the article on the Higher Education Commission in The News of Oct 14, 2008, together with the criticism on its performance by former federal minister Ishaq Khan Khakwani and Dr Attaur Rehman’s reaction were highly informative to the common man in general and the academic community in particular.

“The truth always hurts and Khakwani is known for calling a spade a spade. He was also very outspoken in his criticism of Gen (retd) Musharraf’s illegal and unconstitutional acts. On both counts, he has hit the nail right on the head,” Dr Khan said.

He said he had known Prof Dr Attaur Rehman for almost two decades and was aware of his good work at the HEJ Institute at the University of Karachi. He recalled that after Gen (retd) Musharraf staged the coup against Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, Dr Rehman became Musharraf’s blue-eyed boy, presumably because both came from Delhi.

He revealed: “When I was about to retire, Gen (retd) Musharraf offered me the post of minister of science and technology, which I refused. I had good reasons for doing so. I did not want to be part of the Gen’s cabinet, to see him in cabinet meetings and to shake hands with him as if all was well between us. At their specific request, I suggested Prof Attaur Rehman believing that, as a foreign trained, good academic, he was capable of doing the job. After my retirement, Gen (retd) Musharraf asked me to become his adviser, which I again refused. However, a number of senior Army officers requested me to accept this post for my own good as the general was known to be very vindictive. As adviser, I could keep myself busy with educational activities. I accepted the post on the condition that I would not be required to attend cabinet meetings.”

Dr Khan said after his appointment as minister, Prof Dr Attaur Rehman changed and was no longer the humble person he used to be. None of the advisers (with the status of a federal minister) i.e. Mr Sharifuddin Pirzada, Dr Ishfaq Ahmad and myself ever put a flag on their car or put “federal minister” on their car number plates. On becoming adviser and later the HEC chairman, Prof Dr Attaur Rehman constantly used the term “federal minister”, even adding it on his HEC letterhead. It was a pity he felt the need to do so, as with his educational and professional background, there was no need to do so. His academic achievements said it all.

Coming back to the achievements or lack thereof of the HEC, Dr AQ Khan said billions of rupees were spent over the last eight years with very little to show for it. “Prof Dr Attaur Rehman met me a number of times, the last time being hardly three or four weeks ago. We discussed the establishment of six technical universities with the help of six foreign countries. I was rather shocked to learn from him that all these universities were to be set up by the HEC — all the infrastructure, equipment, faculty, salaries, transport, residential facilities, etc., were to be provided by Pakistan. The foreign universities’ role would be solely to nominate the foreign faculty, advise and issue degrees. I was always under the impression that such universities were to be financed and run by the respective foreign countries. Since Prof Dr Attaur Rehman became the HEC chairman, I have always been advising him to first set up one university and only attempt a second one when the first was up and running smoothly but, as an outsider, my suggestions were not welcomed. We now see the results — hardly anything worth mentioning.”

Dr Khan said another issue that sidetracked the academic one and with serious financial repercussions was the mobile phone publicity campaign. Prof Dr Attaur Rehman, as minister for information technology, went all-out to introduce the mobile phone culture. We all saw on TV how every Tom, Dick and Harry was using a mobile phone, but nobody thought of the financial repercussions.

“In the very first year of its introduction, Pakistan spent $1 billion (one billion dollars) on the import of mobile phones, not even to talk of the remittances back to their parent companies of hundreds of millions of dollars in revenues. A manufacturing plant, costing a fraction of that amount, could have produced phone locally; thus, saving hundreds of thousands of dollars and providing jobs to many local engineers and technicians. If we were able to produce state-of-the-art centrifuges, high frequency inverters, top quality nuclear valves, ballistic-guided missiles and nuclear weapons, why were we not able to produce mobile phones?

Dr Khan said he had no doubt that Prof Dr Attaur Rehman’s intentions were good. However, he pointed out that his planning proved disastrous. “His weakness was that he was not an engineer and, therefore, lacked a basic understanding of the requirements of technical education. As an organic chemist with no industrial exposure, he fell into the trap laid by many of the incompetent sycophants that surrounded him. They excelled in on-screen, colourful presentations containing figures, graphs and forecasts, but these were nothing more than a house of cards”.

AQ Khan said those running the HEC had never set up or run even a high school, let alone a university. “If Dr Attaur Rehman had listened to my well-meant advice and set up even a single university, he would not be facing such scathing attacks today. Such a university would have seen hundreds of good engineers graduating by now.”

Dr Khan said he always gave Dr Attaur Rehman the example of the GIK Institute. Ghulam Ishaq Khan made him (AQ Khan) project director and he had the unflinching support of Ghulam Ishaq Khan himself, HU Beg, Shamsul Haq, Brig Amir Gulistan Janjua and Elahi Bux Soomro.

“Together, we put up the GIK Technical Institute in two years at a cost of approximately Rs1-1/2 billion. Within two years of its inauguration, it was listed as one of the top ten technical institutions of Asia. Incidentally, my former teacher at Delft (Holland) and Leuven (Belgium), Prof Dr MJ Brabers, was the first rector and there were 15 foreign professors when the institute started functioning.”

Dr Khan said another example of concentrating on one thing at a time was the establishment of the uranium enrichment plant at Kahuta. “We started with literally nothing in 1976 and by August 1984 we had put up one of the most advanced facilities and had even managed to produce nuclear weapons. All this was done with a budget of Rs 100 to 110 million per year.”

He pointed out that Prof Dr Attaur Rehman had visited the plant and was, therefore, in a position to judge himself whether his advice had been genuine and workable.

“Our success was due to putting together of a very strong technical team. We were lucky to have had the full support — both financially and morally — of Shaheed Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto, Gen Ziaul Haq, Ghulam Ishaq Khan and others. HU Beg was a great supporter to us and looked after our financial requirements with great acumen, ensuring strict control and regular audits,” Dr Khan said.

Dr Khan said it was a great pity that despite his sincere efforts, good intentions and access to funds, Prof Dr Attaur Rehman was not able to deliver what he set out to do. He believed that not a single new university was established or an existing one brought to a level where it could be counted as one of the 200 top-most universities recently mentioned in Time magazine, while India has two mentions on that list. “This is mainly due to his inability to select a competent team of technically experienced advisers. Academicians never make good administrators and planners,” he regretted.

Note: Dr Attaur Rehman has the right to reply and give his full version which will be accommodated in these columns. —Editor

* Will continue to fund existing scholars abroad and current projects​

By Farhan Zafar

KARACHI: The country’s financial crisis has forced the Higher Education Commission (HEC) to ask universities to stop all development projects as it hardly has the resources to finance them.

An official HEC document stated that the commission can only manage to fund the 250 development projects that are currently being executed in universities across the country.

The document warns that if the HEC stops releasing funds according to the approved plans, the universities will face many problems by canceling the ongoing construction contracts. This will lead to many legal complications and costs.

It also revealed that the government released only 2.5 billion rupees in the first quarter for the development grant for a demand of 4.5 billion rupees that was stated in the proposed plan for the 284 approved HEC projects. A massive cut of Rs 2.61 billion is expected in HEC’s development grant for the next quarter.

In the Human Resource Development (HRD) project, the HEC has sent 6,500 scholars to pursue higher studies abroad. It is also supporting around 4,000 scholars who are involved in research within Pakistan.

Considering the importance of the agreements the HRD and HEC have with international universities, the commission has to allocate 1.5 billion rupees out of its 2.5-billion-rupee first quarter funds to support the scholars who are currently studying abroad. This has left HEC with little resources to support the ongoing university development projects within the country.

HEC advisor on HRD Dr Mahmood Raza stated, “We are providing monthly stipends to all our scholarship holders studying abroad.”

The HEC is not sure whether it can afford to award future scholarships but it has to keep supporting scholars already studying abroad. “We cannot leave them halfway through, that will be a major set back for the country’s higher education sector,” said Dr Raza.

BRUSSELS (October 29 2008): Scientists and researchers in Pakistan can now connect with colleagues across the globe via a link with the world's largest computer network dedicated to research and education, Brussels announced on Tuesday. Europe's GEANT network, to which academics in Pakistan will now be able to connect, already links researchers from Reykjavik to Vladivostok.

"Europe is delighted that Pakistan's scientists and academics are now connected to the global research and education community thanks to this new link," said European Commissioner for Information Society Viviane Reding. "This is an excellent model for co-operation between North American and European programmes, which I hope we can build on in the future," she added.

The move was made possible after the EU-funded Trans-Eurasia Information Network (TEIN), the Asian equivalent of GEANT, and the US National Science Foundation (NSF) - a US government agency supporting research and education - agreed to link up with the Pakistan Education Research Network (PERN). The Pakistan Education and Research Network is a nation-wide educational intranet connecting the country's top educational and research institutions.

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