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Pakistan is Certainly Making Israelis To React


Nov 9, 2009
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United Kingdom
The more animosity from Israil, the more HELP from Allah-u Azimushshan....

The events of 02-26 to 02-28 are the clear proofs for folks with an open eye....

The major ramification of 02-27 is the Indian “official” annexation of IOK, which led to an overwhelming Chinese continuous aggressive posture all along the LAC. And, it has reduced the pressure on the LOC, IB and the Afghan borders. It means Pak is now freer to look into the “Afgan” matters. After the consolidation over there all concentration and focus will be on Kashmir....

*India has already lost her pre-emptive strike capability at the Pak borders
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Israel was condemned by many countries but Alon Ushpiz tweet is only directed towards Pakistan, which means that Pakistan's foreign policy and diplomacy is causing bother to Israel. And that is the proof of our success....Well done !

Windy this may be an unintended consequence,
I can bet you this was NOT a planned consequence; and I am also sure same has been communicated to and agreed amongst those who matter.

Pakistan doesn't want to get involved in any conflict beyond borders.
with 25bn exports and 3rd grade economy we are trying to awake a snake to bite us . a stupid move by our gov . pakistan is still surviving on IMF WB bailouts . this will bring us more hot waters . but who care we are mamu of ummah ka chumma
"tHe OnLy dEmOcRaCy iN miDdlE eAsT" always cracks me up as if this can hide their war crimes and their land grabbing. The country has 50 discriminatory laws against Arab Christians and Muslims but oNlY dEmoCrAcy.
Israel is a democracy...more Jewish lies...did they ever stop. Sorry I am now antisemitic as I questioning. OK OK I don't care
The self proclaimed 'The chosen ones, the Jews' in for some real surprises.

Aren't they the Godforsaken, the Pariah, the outcasts as they are ordained by the Almighty...

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