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Pakistan Is 'Capital' Of Terrorists: Ex-US Envoy

Nah, there are just lying low to avoid focus. More attacks would mean finger pointing towards pakistan. If Nato leaves afghanistan then they will run over it immediately. They just want to occupy afghanistan by hook or crook, as such by which means is not a problem. Thief knows how to steal and terrorist knows only one way and you can deduce what pakistan is. To ask them to stop being terrorists/support terrorism is akin to asking them to commit suicide.

Recent gains by isis, boko, Al nusra etc have taught jihadis how to quickly take over..

When US soldiers move out of Afghanistan 2016, I am afraid taliban and haqqani will take over Afghanistan within few months....Pakistan will rejoice of course.
Recent gains by isis, boko, Al nusra etc have taught jihadis how to quickly take over..

When US soldiers move out of Afghanistan 2016, I am afraid taliban and haqqani will take over Afghanistan within few months....Pakistan will rejoice of course.
it can either be a curse or blessing. Blessing bcos once taken by over jihadi elements, they will attract other idiots around the world and their next target obviously will be pakistan. Then pakistan will have more to rejoice with and their economy will hit the heavens.

Curse bcos it will be in our neighborhood and we will have to deal with fallout. But either way pakistan gets singed.
Yeah we got 3 million of em from your country take them back
Pakistan Is 'Capital' Of Terrorists: Ex-US Envoy
Saturday, 05 December 2015 16:35Last Updated on Saturday, 05 December 2015 18:32Written by Syed Tariq Majidi

Former US Ambassador to Afghanistan Zalmay Khalilzad said Pakistan has always used the Taliban and Haqqani Network in its foreign policy and that it gives refuge to extremist groups.

Speaking to TOLOnews, Khalilzad said Pakistani generals sat beside leaders of insurgent groups at the first round of peace talks. The American politician said the Afghan government has had a number of problems over the last year and that it has had to work hard to gain public trust.

"This shows the lack of a system and a work plan in the government. We hope that lessons are learned from mistakes made in Kunduz war and that the mistakes are not repeated," he said.

"No doubt, without the help of Pakistan, the [terrorist] groups would not have the ability to operate in Afghanistan in ways that they are doing now and they would not have been able to threaten Afghanistan as much as they do," Khalilzad said.

"Pakistan is the center or capital of the groups – whether they are Taliban or Haqqani. There is no doubt that Pakistani generals were present at the [the peace talks] session which was held with the Taliban and Haqqani network leaders."

He went on to say: "Regarding Daesh, it is clear which country is mostly supporting the group and on the part of Taliban and Haqqani Network we can say surely that Pakistan is their [Taliban's] supporter."

Khalilzad stressed the need to establish transparency in the government and said U.S President Barak Obama's new strategy has created more optimism in winning the war on terror in Afghanistan.

He said the presence of 10,000 US troops in Afghanistan can accelerate the training and equipment process of Afghan security forces.

Khalilzad, who was born in Afghanistan, was U.S envoy to Kabul but is currently a counselor at the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) and president of Khalilzad Associates, an international business consulting firm based in Washington, DC.

He was the United States Ambassador to the United Nations under President George W. Bush and has been involved with U.S policy makers at the White House, State Department and Pentagon since the mid-1980s.
If the rabid mulla burkha roam free in Pakistan and giving sermons in the capital city people have right to say what ex- us envoy said.
When Gen Raheel said terrorist and their facilitators abettors and to the end that is what needs to be done. facilitators and abettors is where needle stuck.

Burka and like minded clowns need to be dealt with asap cannot afford more bad stigma.

In the end, we will defeat them IA.
Hundreds of Tanks
Hundreds of Fighter Jets
Hundreds of Gunships
Thousands of soldiers from more than 20 Countries & still couldn't do shit to capture back 80% of Aghanistan from Taliban control but lets all blame Pakistan & job well done.
An Afghan who thinks this way? Really? No way, it couldn't be. /s

This is nothing more than propaganda.

With things getting worse, I have no doubt that the Afghans are gonna end up begging Pakistan for help.
I am begging to think we had the TTP coming from Afghanistan Which goes always completely unmentioned while NATO was present there! But will the ISIS from Afghanistan be entering Pakistan as a phase two because TTP are re-branding themselves to ISIS now.
As I mentioned earlier, Pakistan is in for a torrid time what with the ISIS knocking on its doors. An endless war is on the cards.
Pakistan Is 'Capital' Of Terrorists: Ex-US Envoy
Saturday, 05 December 2015 16:35Last Updated on Saturday, 05 December 2015 18:32Written by Syed Tariq Majidi

Former US Ambassador to Afghanistan Zalmay Khalilzad said Pakistan has always used the Taliban and Haqqani Network in its foreign policy and that it gives refuge to extremist groups.

Speaking to TOLOnews, Khalilzad said Pakistani generals sat beside leaders of insurgent groups at the first round of peace talks. The American politician said the Afghan government has had a number of problems over the last year and that it has had to work hard to gain public trust.

"This shows the lack of a system and a work plan in the government. We hope that lessons are learned from mistakes made in Kunduz war and that the mistakes are not repeated," he said.

"No doubt, without the help of Pakistan, the [terrorist] groups would not have the ability to operate in Afghanistan in ways that they are doing now and they would not have been able to threaten Afghanistan as much as they do," Khalilzad said.

"Pakistan is the center or capital of the groups – whether they are Taliban or Haqqani. There is no doubt that Pakistani generals were present at the [the peace talks] session which was held with the Taliban and Haqqani network leaders."

He went on to say: "Regarding Daesh, it is clear which country is mostly supporting the group and on the part of Taliban and Haqqani Network we can say surely that Pakistan is their [Taliban's] supporter."

Khalilzad stressed the need to establish transparency in the government and said U.S President Barak Obama's new strategy has created more optimism in winning the war on terror in Afghanistan.

He said the presence of 10,000 US troops in Afghanistan can accelerate the training and equipment process of Afghan security forces.

Khalilzad, who was born in Afghanistan, was U.S envoy to Kabul but is currently a counselor at the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) and president of Khalilzad Associates, an international business consulting firm based in Washington, DC.

He was the United States Ambassador to the United Nations under President George W. Bush and has been involved with U.S policy makers at the White House, State Department and Pentagon since the mid-1980s.

An Afghan who thinks this way? Really? No way, it couldn't be. /s

This is nothing more than propaganda.

With things getting worse, I have no doubt that the Afghans are gonna end up begging Pakistan for help.

Begging is a strong word, don't you think?

If there is chaos in Afghanistan, your country will suffer too as its suffering, its also in your interest to have peace in Afghanistan, thus the need for stability is mutual.
Yes we are just capital of terrorist but ur the breeding supporting country for terrorist every terror link end up strings with US
Begging is a strong word, don't you think?

If there is chaos in Afghanistan, your country will suffer too as its suffering, its also in your interest to have peace in Afghanistan, thus the need for stability is mutual.

Have you considered that if conflict ends in Afghanistan today, will the security situation in Pakistan improve = No

have you every considered that Pakistan by erecting a barrier, expelling Afghan refugees, investing in Internal security rather than the Army can pretty much insulate itself vis-a-vis Afghanistan like:
1. Turkey vs Syria
2. Israel vs Gaza
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