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Pakistan: Indo-BD defence deal

BD can not handle air and sea based threat from India they don't need to invade BD so no need to use army for offensive ops in case of war. India can mobilize enough strength to bow down BD by blockade all in and out routes and internationally they are in very good position diplomatically compared to BD.

China is your friend not ally as they know how BD change sides rapidly.

Bangladesh and China are strategic allies. We may change sides in relation to India and Pakistan but for China, it's constant, as both the govt and opposition in Bangladesh are in favor of strategic ties with China. What do you think the Chinese mean when they say "all weather tested friend" to describe Bangladesh-China relations?
it is surprising that a handful of pakistanis and even some Bd's would cast aspersions on mukti bahini and the IIndian army. I have seen video evidence of pakistani army lining up students and professors of Dhaka university and firing at them mercilessly - this was filmed by a professor there and was even broadcast in US tv. In fact the genocide committed by the pakistani army was so atrocious that the mukti bahini wanted total revenge by dismembering every west pakistani there - but for Indians saving the west Pakistani soldiers, some 90k of them, it would have been tragic for the Pak army - which is why they surrendered into Indian protection.

So now for you, without even basic knowledge of those facts, to criticise bangla desh for being friendlier towards India is laughable.

Killing of mutkia terrorists was not a genocide. Unfortunately few civilians were killed but this happens in war. In no way 42k soldiers of Pak Army could launch a "genocide" as their main priority was to stop mutkia terrorism and save the territory from indian invaders. Pak troops fought bravely but they were unsuccessful as india was covering the land from all 4 sides including sea and air and mainland was thousands of miles away. Mutkia terrorists had also launched attacks on Pakistani civilians which made up of rest of the 92K figure that india claims surrendered.

Now go home and if you wanna know about real "genocide" look at IOK where 7 lakh indian occupier terrorists scum roaches are committing open genocide.
But then Germany and Brazil are hard realities for Pakistan too......:disagree:

Pakistanis have a commonality with at most 2.5% of indians. Which is fairly insignificant and neither here nor there. We also have a commonality with around 15-20% of Iranians but that doesn't make Pakistani people Middle Eastern or Persian just as it doesn't make us indian.

If Pakistanis REALLY did have anything in common with indians then Pakistan would not have been created. Please don’t claim those that are completely foreign to you as indians. Claiming Pakistanis as indians is just as retarded as those indians who claim to be "Aryans"........lol......:lol:

My ancestors (grandfather) migrated from Pakistan to NZ in 50s, hence I have a different version here basis his views , my interactions with Pakistanis (friends) here and my own reading of history.....
By stating, "If Pakistanis REALLY did have anything in common with indians then Pakistan would not have been created", Do you mean Pakistan or Muslims here?... Pakistan was created for Muslims in name of Islam...to override the cultural affinity with Hindus in United India....Also it is created by its leaders to remain relevant post departure of brits. What atrocities were faced by Muslims of united India basis which **** founders thought of separate state? Nothing....it was presumed that muslims will not be equal due to hindu majority....Creation of pakistan was a political agenda for few, by few.....hence irrespective of commonality with Indians, Pakistan would have been created.....
But then Germany and Brazil are hard realities for Pakistan too......:disagree:

Pakistanis have a commonality with at most 2.5% of indians. Which is fairly insignificant and neither here nor there. We also have a commonality with around 15-20% of Iranians but that doesn't make Pakistani people Middle Eastern or Persian just as it doesn't make us indian.

If Pakistanis REALLY did have anything in common with indians then Pakistan would not have been created. Please don’t claim those that are completely foreign to you as indians. Claiming Pakistanis as indians is just as retarded as those indians who claim to be "Aryans"........lol......:lol:

Now you will tell me what history is?? While there are billions of recorded history recorded and written by millions of eminent historians/experts your rants won't make an iota of difference on historic facts other than giving your a feel good :lol::lol::lol:
Why do Pakistanis want India and Bangladesh to have bad relations? If the relations are improving then there will be tremendous economic benefits for both nations especially Bangladesh.

Being a Muslim majority nation does not automatically force one to be anti Indian?
If Pakistanis think like this then it has a distorted world view.
India enjoys very good relations with the Muslims nations especially Iran, Afghanistan, Bangladesh and also the entire middle East.
Pakistan cannot force other Muslim nations to hate India.
SINCE the Prime Minister of Bangladesh and leader of the ruling party, Awami League Sheikh Hasina Wajid came into power, India has been employing various tactics to entrap Bangladesh by manipulating her pro-Indian tilt to fulfil its strategic interests, especially against Pakistan. Thus, India has succeeded in establishing puppet regime in Bangladesh. In this regard, during the visit of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina to New Delhi, India and Bangladesh on April 8 signed 22 agreements in the fields of defence cooperation, civil nuclear energy, among others, following bilateral talks between Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and his Bangladeshi counterpart. Both the countries also signed a MoU through which India would extend a line of credit of $500 million to support BD’s defence-related procurements.
Bangladeshi newspapers have show un-easiness among the masses in Bangladesh regarding recently signed defence deal between India and Bangladesh. Opposition parties have also criticized the defence deal by saying that Hasina Wajid wants Bangladesh to become a colony of India. BNP’s secretary general Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir has asked the government to disclose details of the defence deal likely to be signed between India and Bangladesh. However, the matter is not confined to Indo-Bangladesh defence deal, Prime Minister Hasina Wajid has also taken other steps which prove that her regime is India’s puppet. In this respect, Prime Minister Hasina Wajid has continuously been pursuing Indian directions by conducting anti-Pakistan campaign. Therefore, after passing of 42 years to the events of 1971, which resulted into the separation of East Pakistan—in connivance with the judiciary, she hurriedly executed her political opponent Abdul Qadir Mullah-leader of Jamaat-e-Islami (JI) because of his loyalty to Pakistan. Afterwards, some other leaders of JI were also hanged.
Reviving old animosity, pro-government media of Bangladesh and that India also started highlighting issue of 195 Pakistan Army officers allegedly involved in killing of Bengalis in 1971 war. Although they were repatriated to Pakistan after tripartite agreement between Pakistan, India and Bangladesh in 1974, yet Prime Minister Hasina Wajid intended to file cases against them at International Crime Tribunal (ICT). The main purpose behind was to distort the image of Pakistan and its armed forces regarding alleged atrocities. Notably, in December, 2012, Prime Minister Hasina had refused to attend D-8 conference in Islamabad unless Pakistan tendered apology for the alleged genocide of Bengalis.
The dismemberment of Pakistan was aimed at creating a compliant country through Indian trained and financed terrorists (Mukti Bahini) who had killed thousands of Pakistanis in cold blooded activities. In this connection, while addressing a ceremony during his Bangladesh tour, Indian Prime Minister Modi openly stated on June 7, 2015 that Indian forces helped Mukti Bahini to turn East Pakistan into Bangladesh. He elaborated that former prime minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee had played an active role in separating Bangladesh from Pakistan, and he had also come to Delhi in 1971 to participate in the Satyagraha Movement, launched by Jana Sangh as a volunteer to garner support for the Mukti Bahini members.
Regarding the so-called genocide of the Bengali people, a famous Bengali journalist Sarmila Bose authored a book, “Dead Reckoning: Memories of the 1971 Bangladesh War” after thorough investigation. Her book was published in 2011. While countering exaggerations of the Indian and Bengali journalists, Bose argues that the number of Bengalis killed in 1971 was not three million, but around 50,000, while Bengalis were equally involved in the bloodshed of Punjabis, Biharis, Pashtoons and Balochis.
In fact, with the support of India, for her second tenure, Sheikh Hasina won the elections 2014 in wake of bloodshed due to her dictatorial steps. In this regard, head of the BNP, Begum Khaleda Zia was leading the alliance of the opposition parties boycotted the general elections. Police besieged Begum Khaleda Zia in her office. In order to keep herself in power, Prime Minister Hasina amended the constitution for holding of elections under a non-party set up and the opposition accused her of manipulating the electoral process to establish one party state. The country’s largest religious party JI was also banned from taking part in the elections. It is notable that Hasina Wajid had already directed her staff to close the chapter of water and border conflicts with New Delhi. Besides, she has given transit trade facilities to India—a move which has been resisted by the Bangladeshi patriots for the past several decades. In this connection, a writer has rightly said, “Hasina Wajid again started Honey Moon Period of relationship with India.” It is mentionable that by ignoring public protests and strikes by students and Islamic parties due to her pro-Indian tilt, Prime Minister Hasina Wajid has given secular orientation to the country by purging the society from religious touch. She has issued instructions for the removal of some Islamic books from academic courses.
It is noteworthy that Pakistani businessmen motivated by business interests of both the countries, and driven by their deeply entrenched longings to revive old relations with Bangladeshi brethren, decided to invest their capital in Bangladesh. According to media reports, more than ten thousand Pakistanis invested billions of dollars in BD. But, it is misfortune that Bangladesh is rapidly moving towards chaos and uncertainty. Hence, Pakistani investors in that country are in state of fear because Hasina Wajid and the workers of her party have, especially, been targeting Pakistani nationals in one way or the other. We may conclude that besides other pro-Indian moves, Indo-BD defence deal clearly proves that Hasina Wajid’s regime is India’s puppet. —The writer is freelance columnist based in Lahore.

But current position will not prolong forever and BD people comprising Muslim majority shall came back to their origins as Turkish people are doing.
Pak and BD have much common economic/defense objectives.

My response is as above, patience, firm conviction, belief and faith will eventually prevail.
A classic example is Turkey, at least we are in a far advantageous position, till date. However, if the present trend prevails for a few more years, my apprehension predicts a gloomy/dire situation awaits our future generations.

High time for a visionary leader to emerge, and reverse these negative impacts enforced on our social fabric, by implementing tough patriotic, people/welfare oriented decisive decisions/actions. The urgent needs of this hour. A democratic and peaceful one, of course. International support for the change and pressure on the existing undemocratic regime, are a prerequisite.
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BD can not handle air and sea based threat from India they don't need to invade BD so no need to use army for offensive ops in case of war. India can mobilize enough strength to bow down BD by blockade all in and out routes and internationally they are in very good position diplomatically compared to BD.
If previous wars was any guide than Pakistan also can't resist India.We have seen your performance in 1965 and 1971 war in West Pakistan.India destroyed your Karachi harbor and put blockade on it.You pride yourselves as your soldier being 'martial race' but could not put even a decent fight against India.You have one of the worst military planning and execution in all your war.Be it 1965,1971 or 1999.Main point is to keep enough deterrence so that India can not initiate an attack.

As for living in the past, that's what she lives to do. Pakistani mission in Dhaka should make it clear it has intentions to work closer with BNP opposition
This would be the death sentence for BNP. Bangladeshi people resent any subservient role vis a vis India although India is a major power.They will just throw away BNP if it earn any disrepute of being lackery of Pakistan.A Pakistan whom we defeated in liberation war and accused of horrible atrocity against Bengali nation.Pakistan is not known for any positive thing in BD.So any party in BD will loose it's respect if it associate with Pakistan.BNP is stupid but not in this scale.
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My ancestors (grandfather) migrated from Pakistan to NZ in 50s, hence I have a different version here basis his views , my interactions with Pakistanis (friends) here and my own reading of history.....
By stating, "If Pakistanis REALLY did have anything in common with indians then Pakistan would not have been created", Do you mean Pakistan or Muslims here?... Pakistan was created for Muslims in name of Islam...to override the cultural affinity with Hindus in United India....Also it is created by its leaders to remain relevant post departure of brits. What atrocities were faced by Muslims of united India basis which **** founders thought of separate state? Nothing....it was presumed that muslims will not be equal due to hindu majority....Creation of pakistan was a political agenda for few, by few.....hence irrespective of commonality with Indians, Pakistan would have been created.....
Agree on first part what you mention...What do you want to imply by stating in bold ?
1)Creation of Pakistan was wrong ? and Muslims in India are in much better/equal state now (socially plus economically) in comparison to Hindus
2)Simply Jinnah wanted to rule ?
Last you have no obligation to insult the founding father of pakistan in proving your point.(Assuming you are not Pakistani keeping in view your both flags)

On topic Bangladesh has very right to strike any deal that fit there interest ...I don't know how this will impact Pakistan..
Killing of mutkia terrorists was not a genocide. Unfortunately few civilians were killed but this happens in war. In no way 42k soldiers of Pak Army could launch a "genocide" as their main priority was to stop mutkia terrorism and save the territory from indian invaders. Pak troops fought bravely but they were unsuccessful as india was covering the land from all 4 sides including sea and air and mainland was thousands of miles away. Mutkia terrorists had also launched attacks on Pakistani civilians which made up of rest of the 92K figure that india claims surrendered.

Now go home and if you wanna know about real "genocide" look at IOK where 7 lakh indian occupier terrorists scum roaches are committing open genocide.
by your logic, I am claiming that India did not commit any genocide in Kashmir as well. we just killed Burhan Wani and couple of his friends only.. :)
India strengthens defence ties with Bangladesh
Sarath Kumara

Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina concluded a four-day trip to India last week—her first visit since 2010—during which she signed a range of defence and other agreements to strengthen relations between the two countries. India, backed by the US, is keen to undermine its regional rival China’s growing influence in Bangladesh.
Last June, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi visited Dhaka and signed 22 agreements, including on maritime security and to establish special economic zones in Bangladesh. Later in the year Indian Defence Minister Manohar Parrikar travelled to Bangladesh, accompanied India’s coast guard chief and the vice-chiefs of the army, air force and navy. Parrikar discussed the finalisation of “a new defence cooperation framework” with Bangladesh.

Delhi concerned over Sino-Bangla ties
Hasina held discussions last week with Modi on defence, regional security and cooperation in “combating international terrorism.” Officials from Bangladesh and India signed a range of agreements, including defence, cyber security, information technology, connectivity, energy and human resource development, and a civil nuclear cooperation pact.
New Delhi offered Dhaka a $4.5 billion concessionary line of credit for development projects in Bangladesh. Modi declared that the line of credit “brings our resources allocation to Bangladesh to more than $8billion over the past six years.” This finance, however, is small compared the $30 billion in investment promised during President Xi Jinping’s visit to Bangladesh last October. Beijing is concerned about Washington’s efforts to enlist India as a “frontline” state in its military encirclement of China. Last November in Tokyo Modi signed a defence agreement with Japan and, in line with US propaganda, declared support for “freedom of over flight and navigation” in the South China Sea.
The main agreement signed during Hasina’s visit last week was a five-year defence cooperation pact. The first-ever defence cooperation agreement between the two countries is in addition to $500 million for Bangladesh to buy military equipment from India. It includes annual consultations between the defence forces, training and capacity-building cooperation.
New Delhi hopes this will help to reduce Bangladesh’s reliance on China for its military needs. Beijing is currently Bangladesh’s leading provider of military equipment along with robust training and military exchange programs between the two countries.
New Delhi’s concerns over these ties were recently voiced by Sukh Deo Muni, from New Delhi’s Institute of Defence Studies and Analyses, who declared that “India does not want China to consolidate defence ties just next to its belly.” Bangladesh’s $24 billion purchase of two refurbished submarines from China last year has increased these worries.

‘Relations shrinking’
Institute of Conflict, Law and Development Studies executive director Abdur Rashid in Dhaka welcomed the Hasina government’s defence deal with India. He stated that the “approximately 80 percent dependency at this moment you see on China … should be brought down. That actually reduces our vulnerability. If one is interrupted we can depend on the other.”
Dhaka is attempting to maintain a delicate balancing act between New Delhi and Beijing. Bangladesh’s foreign secretary, Shahidul Haque, claimed that last week’s agreement did not oblige Dhaka to buy arms from India.
Efforts are being made to increase connectivity between the two countries. A new rail link between the Indian city of Kolkata and Khulna in Bangladesh and a bus link between Kolkata and Dhaka were inaugurated. Another old rail link was restored.
A key sticking point between the two countries, however, centres on Teesta River water sharing. The main reason Bangladesh cancelled Hasina’s scheduled visit to India last December was the failure of the Modi government to reach an agreement on this issue.
The Teesta River flows through West Bengal before passing into the sea in Bangladesh. West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee opposes any deal. The whole question is a product of 1948 communal partition of India, which arbitrarily divides rivers between the two countries.
To placate Hasina, Modi declared that the Teesta pact was important for the Indo-Bangladesh relationship and he hoped that Banerjee would eventually support an agreement.
In a face-saving statement, Foreign Secretary Haque told the media that the Indian prime minister “firmly” believed there would be an “early solution” to the Teesta issue and that water resources should be a “uniting factor” between the two countries. The Dhaka Tribune, however, declared on April 9 that “Indo-Bangladesh relations are shrinking” and was critical of Indian pressure on Bangladesh.

Dhaka pushed by India, US
Sections of the Indian ruling elite want the Teesta issue settled. The Hindustan Times published an editorial on April 6 entitled, “India must go the extra mile for Sheikh Hasina to strengthen ties with Bangladesh.” It stated that it was “imperative for India to strengthen the hands of an ally who has adopted a common stance on issues that are crucial for New Delhi, such as terrorism and regional diplomacy.”
Even though the Teesta issue remains on hold, Dhaka is ready to develop closer relations with New Delhi because of US pressure.
At the same time, if Bangladesh is to reach the ambitious annual growth target of 8 percent by 2020—up from the current 6 percent—it must diversify its trade, which is heavily dependent on the apparel industry. To do so it will not only need Indian investment but the fees it will receive as a transportation hub between East Asia and South Asia.
The main opposition Bangladesh National Party (BNP), which has denounced Hasina as an “Indian stooge,” opposed the military pact. Playing the anti-Indian card, BNP’s senior joint secretary general Rizvi Ahmed declared that the defence pact meant that Bangladesh’s territorial sovereignty had been handed over to India.
The agreements, he said, had been signed to appease India, adding that “Bangladesh’s defence system has now been turned into [a] made-in-India one.” He declared that “April 8 [the day the deal was signed] will be considered as a black day in Bangladesh history.” With general elections scheduled in early 2019, BNP is promoting anti-Indian chauvinism in a bid to mobilise opposition against Hasina’s Awami League.
Though the exact course of political developments and diplomatic horse-trading is not certain, Washington is pushing Dhaka to integrate itself into US and Indian military plans against China. In the context of growing geopolitical tensions, Dhaka’s ability to manoeuvre between China and India is becoming increasingly tenuous.

The article published in the Wall Street Journal on April 18

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India strengthens defence ties with Bangladesh

Even though the Teesta issue remains on hold, Dhaka is ready to develop closer relations with New Delhi because of US pressure.
At the same time, if Bangladesh is to reach the ambitious annual growth target of 8 percent by 2020—up from the current 6 percent—it must diversify its trade, which is heavily dependent on the apparel industry. To do so it will not only need Indian investment but the fees it will receive as a transportation hub between East Asia and South Asia.
The main opposition Bangladesh National Party (BNP), which has denounced Hasina as an “Indian stooge,” opposed the military pact. Playing the anti-Indian card, BNP’s senior joint secretary general Rizvi Ahmed declared that the defence pact meant that Bangladesh’s territorial sovereignty had been handed over to India.
The agreements, he said, had been signed to appease India, adding that “Bangladesh’s defence system has now been turned into [a] made-in-India one.” He declared that “April 8 [the day the deal was signed] will be considered as a black day in Bangladesh history.” With general elections scheduled in early 2019, BNP is promoting anti-Indian chauvinism in a bid to mobilise opposition against Hasina’s Awami League.
Though the exact course of political developments and diplomatic horse-trading is not certain, Washington is pushing Dhaka to integrate itself into US and Indian military plans against China. In the context of growing geopolitical tensions, Dhaka’s ability to manoeuvre between China and India is becoming increasingly tenuous.

The article published in the Wall Street Journal on April 18

Don't expect anything from Khaleda's BNP. She thinks putting on a layer of make up and puffing her hair will solve everything.

Even her ministers suggesting to declare country as republic and do not consider Islam as official religion. There animosity with Pak is understandable however their ridiculous attitude towards their religion is shameful. When you see BD cricket team openly enjoying with Champagne bottles shows that how much they have gone away from religion.

But current position will not prolong forever and BD people comprising Muslim majority shall came back to their origins as Turkish people are doing.

Pak and BD have much common economic/defense objectives.
There are good and bad DNA ( culture ) etc, due to my work I often have opportunities to meet Hindus Sikhs BDeshis and still Hindus shows manner smile, 90% BDeshi show attitude if they come to know I'm from Pakistan and best are Sikhs even Punjabi Hindus get closed like it's not first meet up.
That's all about DNA culture and you can't changed it for Hate of Pakistan they can go to shake hand with devil and here we talking about Hindus.
Now you will tell me what history is?? While there are billions of recorded history recorded and written by millions of eminent historians/experts your rants won't make an iota of difference on historic facts other than giving your a feel good :lol::lol::lol:

Couldn't give a link to at least 1 out of those billions of alleged "recorded historical" facts could you?.......typical!!.........:disagree:

My ancestors (grandfather) migrated from Pakistan to NZ in 50s, hence I have a different version here basis his views , my interactions with Pakistanis (friends) here and my own reading of history.....
By stating, "If Pakistanis REALLY did have anything in common with indians then Pakistan would not have been created", Do you mean Pakistan or Muslims here?... Pakistan was created for Muslims in name of Islam...to override the cultural affinity with Hindus in United India....Also it is created by its leaders to remain relevant post departure of brits. What atrocities were faced by Muslims of united India basis which **** founders thought of separate state? Nothing....it was presumed that muslims will not be equal due to hindu majority....Creation of pakistan was a political agenda for few, by few.....hence irrespective of commonality with Indians, Pakistan would have been created.....

But it doesn't change or distort the fact that the people who make up modern day Pakistan were always very different to the peoples that make up modern day indian. Especially the 40% of Pakistani's who reside in the northern and Western regions bordering Afghanistan & Iran. This was true even before the advent of Islam.

it is surprising that a handful of pakistanis and even some Bd's would cast aspersions on mukti bahini and the IIndian army. I have seen video evidence of pakistani army lining up students and professors of Dhaka university and firing at them mercilessly - this was filmed by a professor there and was even broadcast in US tv. In fact the genocide committed by the pakistani army was so atrocious that the mukti bahini wanted total revenge by dismembering every west pakistani there - but for Indians saving the west Pakistani soldiers, some 90k of them, it would have been tragic for the Pak army - which is why they surrendered into Indian protection.

So now for you, without even basic knowledge of those facts, to criticise bangla desh for being friendlier towards India is laughable.

Had they tried to "dismember" every Pakistani soldier there they would have succeeded. But we would have annihilated millions of bengalis in the process.
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