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Pakistan, India will have to give up old attitude

I guess some elements on both sides dont want peace.....

Those elements are called establishment. These sorts of issues feching them millions of dollars in their pockets.
The biggest money making thing is ammunition. You see how much ammunition is bought for Kashmir on both sides.
Ammunition gave millions of dollars to some people.
all said and done what about the kashmiri hinuds , sikhs and pandits who were looted raped and dragged and uprooted from there lands by the pakistan sponsered islamick militants dont they have a right to return to the land of there ancesstors what is your point on them SIR

I completely agree with you.
You gave the examples, which is given by the establishment.
Pakistan has also camps of Kashmir's, who have been loo.., ra.., dra.. and upr... by Indian arm..
This is how establishment paints a picture in which common people are used as pawns.
Establishment laughs at the common people, how they are used by them.
Believe me, all this establishment and political elite on both sides, they give a damn to those people.
I completely agree with you.
You gave the examples, which is given by the establishment.
Pakistan has also camps of Kashmir's, who have been loo.., ra.., dra.. and upr... by Indian arm..
This is how establishment paints a picture in which common people are used as pawns.
Establishment laughs at the common people, how they are used by them.
Believe me, all this establishment and political elite on both sides, they give a damn to those people.
well then please tell me how did pakistani people are going to change the mindset of there establishment/ efudal elite and corrupt beurocracy who are the main causes of all the problem pakistan is facing and till that change comes there is nothing that can progress in Indo - Pak relation look it which ever way you want ... peace
all said and done what about the kashmiri hinuds , sikhs and pandits who were looted raped and dragged and uprooted from there lands by the pakistan sponsered islamick militants dont they have a right to return to the land of there ancesstors what is your point on them SIR

Kashmir issue is all about money and power. Believe me, there are some people, who are making millions out of it.
They did the same thing in East Pakistan (Bangladesh).
Kashmir is not going to be the last issue. Establishment will find some other issues after that.

well then please tell me how did pakistani people are going to change the mindset of there establishment/ efudal elite and corrupt beurocracy who are the main causes of all the problem pakistan is facing and till that change comes there is nothing that can progress in Indo - Pak relation look it which ever way you want ... peace

It is not about Pakistani people or Indian people. Common people can do one good thing and that is stop fighting India, Pakistan war on these forums.

Instead of fighting these wars for the rich and greedy establishment, we have to find mutual interests e.g. Education, tourism, public health, etc.

Right now in my view, poverty and health issues are the biggest issues both countries are facing. Our concern should be to address those issues.
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Kashmir issue is all about money and power. Believe me, there are some people, who are making millions out of it.
They did the same thing in East Pakistan (Bangladesh).
Kashmir is not going to be the last issue. Establishment will find some other issues after that.
Pricieslly my brother

see it starts from the conception of pakistan (which was made by the feudals & for the feudals with active help of british to safe gaurd there interests in post independent sub continent by using the imotions of muslims of the sub continent with tactically using and thrwing away the principals and dreams of a shair and a baristor)

they (establishment & there corrupt feudal stooges) from the day one used 1947 riots and the tragik emotions of the people to create a bogey of "monstorus hindu india & kashmir as damsel in distress" and kept on feuling the fire on timlly basis and if not kashmir they are now banking on water (which deu to growing population , global warming and pollution is already depleating)

so brother its the min set of you corrupt feudal elite and establishment who wants to rule and use all pakistani resourse till they are able to and till that changes there would be no peace ... period its very very bad and sad but thats the way it is

ya lets ...become friend...I am always ready...but please don't stab us again......
our growth and prosperity depends on the stability in the south asia ....

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Is this wagha man? You mean we managed to be sensible in Waga ?;)

Kashmir issue is all about money and power. Believe me, there are some people, who are making millions out of it.
They did the same thing in East Pakistan (Bangladesh).
Kashmir is not going to be the last issue. Establishment will find some other issues after that.

It is not about Pakistani people or Indian people. Common people can do one good thing and that is stop fighting India, Pakistan war on these forums.

Instead of fighting these wars for the rich and greedy establishment, we have to find mutual interests e.g. Education, tourism, public health, etc.

Right now in my view, poverty and health issues are the biggest issues both countries are facing. Our concern should be to address those issues.

I see very little India-Pak wars in this forum. In fact only a few trolls try to mess things up. Of course there is a bit of sleding every now and then, if that wasn't the case this forum would be dead :D

I can swear that the amount of COngress/ AAP vs BJP fights are far more intensive than Indo-Pak fights (that's coz BJP supporters come in smoking pot all day and are unable to stand it when their fantasies are challenged.
Pricieslly my brother

see it starts from the conception of pakistan (which was made by the feudals & for the feudals with active help of british to safe gaurd there interests in post independent sub continent by using the imotions of muslims of the sub continent with tactically using and thrwing away the principals and dreams of a shair and a baristor)

they (establishment & there corrupt feudal stooges) from the day one used 1947 riots and the tragik emotions of the people to create a bogey of "monstorus hindu india & kashmir as damsel in distress" and kept on feuling the fire on timlly basis and if not kashmir they are now banking on water (which deu to growing population , global warming and pollution is already depleating)

so brother its the min set of you corrupt feudal elite and establishment who wants to rule and use all pakistani resourse till they are able to and till that changes there would be no peace ... period its very very bad and sad but thats the way it is


My only concern is we should stop speaking the language of establishment.
At the end, it is the people, who are affected on both sides.
We should raise our voice to stop violence on our respective establishments.

Is this wagha man? You mean we managed to be sensible in Waga ?;)

I see very little India-Pak wars in this forum. In fact only a few trolls try to mess things up. Of course there is a bit of sleding every now and then, if that wasn't the case this forum would be dead :D

I can swear that the amount of COngress/ AAP vs BJP fights are far more intensive than Indo-Pak fights (that's coz BJP supporters come in smoking pot all day and are unable to stand it when their fantasies are challenged.

I completely agree with you. There are some trolls, who try to mess up the things.
People on both sides are getting educated.

I hope time will come, when people of both countries will freely move in each others country just like Dubai.
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My only concern is we should stop speaking the language of establishment.
At the end, it is the people, who are affected on both sides.
We should raise our voice to stop violence on our respective establishments.

I can assure you India doesn't want to go to war. But another incident like Mumbai, and then our good intentions won't matter. You gotta control these 'non state actors' before they get us both into war.
My only concern is we should stop speaking the language of establishment.
At the end, it is the people, who are affected on both sides.
We should raise our voice to stop violence on our respective establishments.
bhai ji the establishment will never change on its own you have to change it thru force and there are two ways

1. what taliban is trying to do 'remeber they were basically boys of poor background who took up arms against the bully(USSR) and to get owt of this vicious circle of poverty and inustice'

2. true democracy , land reforms , self correction and trying to bring a chnge thru awareness in masses (which india chose in 1947 onwards thru abolition of feudalism and educating the masses & rooting owt age old evil & unjust prctices"abolition of jati pratha , social justice" of sub continent )

its like building step by step there is no easy way owt niether there are any messiah coming to save or change us untill we change owrselfs ... peace bro
I can assure you India doesn't want to go to war. But another incident like Mumbai, and then our good intentions won't matter. You gotta control these 'non state actors' before they get us both into war.

First of all, these are not the 'non state actors' these are the elements of military and civil establishment on both sides.
Secondly, these actors of establishment will keep on creating incidents like Mumbai. That's how the game starts.
UN resolutions are all putting pressure on India.
But anyway, now it is not possible for anyone in India to get back on Kashmir. So it is better to forget about it.
At least by demilitarization of the area, the life of people in Kashmir could be better.
Bunty bhai! Are you for real? :woot: I mean I can't believe that a Pakistani on PDF prefers to smoke the peace pipe rather than beat the drums of war!
well then please tell me how did pakistani people are going to change the mindset of there establishment/ efudal elite and corrupt beurocracy who are the main causes of all the problem pakistan is facing and till that change comes there is nothing that can progress in Indo - Pak relation look it which ever way you want ... peace

Yes, all the evil on earth is caused by Pakistani side and the Indians are nothing but an angelic nation about whom we cant even contemplate greed and corruption.....:crazy:, its chauvinists like you who derail the peace by being completely biased and heavy handed.....:angry:
First of all, these are not the 'non state actors' these are the elements of military and civil establishment on both sides.
Secondly, these actors of establishment will keep on creating incidents like Mumbai. That's how the game starts.

incidents like this donot happen on other side of border.....atleast we are not invloved........this needs to stop
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