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Pakistan, India will have to give up old attitude

I can assure you India doesn't want to go to war. But another incident like Mumbai, and then our good intentions won't matter. You gotta control these 'non state actors' before they get us both into war.

Well I can assure you that we dont want a war either so tell your government to stop false flag operations on your own soil and blame Pakistan, you cant threaten Pakistan or any other country for that matter the way you did and expect peace to prevail....
Well I can assure you that we dont want a war either so tell your government to stop false flag operations on your own soil and blame Pakistan, you cant threaten Pakistan or any other country for that matter the way you did and expect peace to prevail....

Yep that's the sort of attitude that gets people into trouble.
bhai ji the establishment will never change on its own you have to change it thru force and there are two ways

1. what taliban is trying to do 'remeber they were basically boys of poor background who took up arms against the bully(USSR) and to get owt of this vicious circle of poverty and inustice'

2. true democracy , land reforms , self correction and trying to bring a chnge thru awareness in masses (which india chose in 1947 onwards thru abolition of feudalism and educating the masses & rooting owt age old evil & unjust prctices"abolition of jati pratha , social justice" of sub continent )

its like building step by step there is no easy way owt niether there are any messiah coming to save or change us untill we change owrselfs ... peace bro

I completely agree with you.

Example of the Taliban is out of context, that is another drama created by international establishment.
bunty is a falseflagger!!!!!

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Yes, all the evil on earth is caused by Pakistani side and the Indians are nothing but an angelic nation about whom we cant even contemplate greed and corruption.....:crazy:, its chauvinists like you who derail the peace by being completely biased and heavy handed.....:angry:
bhai jaan tell me who provoked

1.1948 who proved afridies to raid and forcibally take kashmir
2.who send its army special forces with 1:3 ratio of guns and ammo to instigate rebellion in kashmir in 1964 @ operation gibralter
3.who and why instgated hate and discrimination against bengalies and then started killing , looting raping hindu bengalies and later muslim bengalies in 1970
4.who went ahead to play like a paid mercenarry to US and let its air force bases to be used aginst USSR when USSR was not sying anything to pakistan or attacing it
5. who gave refuge and trained and supplied logistick help to anty india khalistani millitants and later doing the same in indian kashmir and ethnik cleansing of hindus of kashmir
6.who send 'non state actors' to attack and hijak india plane carrying 200 pesengers/civillians and directed the taliban torelease 3 dreaded millitants (who are now indstigating terrorism in pakistan @ maulana azah mehmood)
7.who send jawans of NAL disguised as so called 'freedom fighters' into kargil when indian PM ABV had gone to lahore in a bus to start a peace initiative
8. who and why joined again US against 'brother islamick afghansitan govt' in name of WAR AGAINST TERROR
9.who is making all national , millitarry and foriegn policies in pakistan since 1947

my point is there is no end to this blame game sir please inrtospect first then raise fingers towards us

as they say 'jis ki garri/cart vehicle rait/sand me majboor/befkoof/culprit uska naam'

no hard feelings abusing or spamming just a simple question PEACE
All is fine, just declare the LAC as LOC and then we are all good, you and we live peacefully, while you can concentrate your army on extremists within. Win win for both.
bhai jaan tell me who provoked

1.1948 who proved afridies to raid and forcibally take kashmir
2.who send its army special forces with 1:3 ratio of guns and ammo to instigate rebellion in kashmir in 1964 @ operation gibralter
3.who and why instgated hate and discrimination against bengalies and then started killing , looting raping hindu bengalies and later muslim bengalies in 1970
4.who went ahead to play like a paid mercenarry to US and let its air force bases to be used aginst USSR when USSR was not sying anything to pakistan or attacing it
5. who gave refuge and trained and supplied logistick help to anty india khalistani millitants and later doing the same in indian kashmir and ethnik cleansing of hindus of kashmir
6.who send 'non state actors' to attack and hijak india plane carrying 200 pesengers/civillians and directed the taliban torelease 3 dreaded millitants (who are now indstigating terrorism in pakistan @ maulana azah mehmood)
7.who send jawans of NAL disguised as so called 'freedom fighters' into kargil when indian PM ABV had gone to lahore in a bus to start a peace initiative
8. who and why joined again US against 'brother islamick afghansitan govt' in name of WAR AGAINST TERROR
9.who is making all national , millitarry and foriegn policies in pakistan since 1947

my point is there is no end to this blame game sir please inrtospect first then raise fingers towards us

as they say 'jis ki garri/cart vehicle rait/sand me majboor/befkoof/culprit uska naam'

no hard feelings abusing or spamming just a simple question PEACE

Absolutely, we have no right to exist, come and put us out of our miseries and, COME AND LIBERATE US OH YOU ANGELIC SONS OF INDIA....:hitwall:, I too can make accusations against you and come up with a pipe dream of Indian transgressions but I see it will not get me or the peace process anywhere, so........:close_tema:
All is fine, just declare the LAC as LOC and then we are all good, you and we live peacefully, while you can concentrate your army on extremists within. Win win for both.

I don't think any win win situation will come so easily. War industry needs customers, they are paying lots of money to their friends in establishments, to keep providing their customers and keep getting their share.

Only things as a common man, we can do is, stop doing the blame game.

bhai jaan tell me who provoked

1.1948 who proved afridies to raid and forcibally take kashmir
2.who send its army special forces with 1:3 ratio of guns and ammo to instigate rebellion in kashmir in 1964 @ operation gibralter
3.who and why instgated hate and discrimination against bengalies and then started killing , looting raping hindu bengalies and later muslim bengalies in 1970
4.who went ahead to play like a paid mercenarry to US and let its air force bases to be used aginst USSR when USSR was not sying anything to pakistan or attacing it
5. who gave refuge and trained and supplied logistick help to anty india khalistani millitants and later doing the same in indian kashmir and ethnik cleansing of hindus of kashmir
6.who send 'non state actors' to attack and hijak india plane carrying 200 pesengers/civillians and directed the taliban torelease 3 dreaded millitants (who are now indstigating terrorism in pakistan @ maulana azah mehmood)
7.who send jawans of NAL disguised as so called 'freedom fighters' into kargil when indian PM ABV had gone to lahore in a bus to start a peace initiative
8. who and why joined again US against 'brother islamick afghansitan govt' in name of WAR AGAINST TERROR
9.who is making all national , millitarry and foriegn policies in pakistan since 1947

my point is there is no end to this blame game sir please inrtospect first then raise fingers towards us

as they say 'jis ki garri/cart vehicle rait/sand me majboor/befkoof/culprit uska naam'

no hard feelings abusing or spamming just a simple question PEACE

This is all just blame game. I didn't do any of these things.

My family also didn't do it.

My friends are also not involved in it.

So the question is who did it?

Can you please answer this question?

Can you please also make a list for me, of the things, Indian establishment did it. Because my mind doesn't work on these blame games. I am waiting, I think, you are genuine guy, please show it, you have the balls to do it.
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All is fine, just declare the LAC as LOC and then we are all good, you and we live peacefully, while you can concentrate your army on extremists within. Win win for both.

LoC is between India and Pak while LAC is the between India and China . What difference is it going to make declaring LAC as LoC .

I think you meant declaring LoC as IB .
I don't think any win win situation will come so easily. War industry needs customers, they are paying lots of money to their friends in establishments, to keep providing their customers and keep getting their share.

Only things as a common man, we can do is, stop doing the blame game.

This is all just blame game. I didn't do any of these things.

My family also didn't do it.

My friends are also not involved in it.

So the question is who did it?

Can you please answer this question?

Can you please also make a list for me, of the things, Indian establishment did it. Because my mind doesn't work on these blame games. I am waiting, I think, you are genuine guy, please show it, you have the balls to do it.
well janab i know you your family your friends dint do that but your so called "establishment" did all this and still they and most of the pakistanies are in denial about it ... and thats not the way things work owt ... period

now what did you expect from indian establishment

1. should they keep quite when there nation is attacked again and again and then again and when they some how try to reach a truce they are back stabbed yet again
2.when was the last time an army general ruled india or were into making owr internal and foriegn policy or did they ever forced the elcted govt to attack another nation
3. when was the last time owr establishment occupied a foreign nation by force or tried to do that
4. did you ever saw owr establishment running a paralell govt in the nation

here by establishment i mean "defence forces" owr supreme commander of armed forces is acivillian "president " of india

thing is it never works owt if you ask a question in answer to a question which you dont have any reply and that to when your cornered and on the loosing side while the opposite party is stronger and more politically correct besides bieng bigger , richer and much more power full than you

so my brother its like its alays the pakistani establishment & there stooges @ feudal elite who was in driver seat in last 66 years after independence and to athuntisize there existence and to keep power in there own hand at any cost they kept fingerring india and irrtatingaur establishment , civillian govt/ rulers & hurting owr entire poulation with help of there so called " non state actors " & " strategick assets " which now in tern deu to bad mangement , greed and double crossing have turned up against there own former master @ "pakistani establishment" and are killing pakistani nationals and causing myhem both in pakistan and naigbhur hood

now please care to tell me how will there be peace betweena victim and a compulsive backstabber

Absolutely, we have no right to exist, come and put us out of our miseries and, COME AND LIBERATE US OH YOU ANGELIC SONS OF INDIA....:hitwall:, I too can make accusations against you and come up with a pipe dream of Indian transgressions but I see it will not get me or the peace process anywhere, so........:close_tema:
so when you have no answer to any of my queries you come owt like a abusive teenager and try to scuttle the issue in hand which is hurting more your nation than us but still keep on doing it till you can cause thats all people like you sir can do ... good luck ... your nation needs it more than ever before ... peace
UN resolutions are all putting pressure on India.
But anyway, now it is not possible for anyone in India to get back on Kashmir. So it is better to forget about it.
At least by demilitarization of the area, the life of people in Kashmir could be better.
I agree, we should have some sort of bargain on kashmir. They have suffered a lot due to our feud.
LoC is between India and Pak while LAC is the between India and China . What difference is it going to make declaring LAC as LoC .

I think you meant declaring LoC as IB .
my bad i got it confused.yeah i meant LOC as IB.
What i meant to say was pakistan should drop this taking back kashmir idea, which will be good for both nations.They are simply wasting their money in a futile attempt to grab kashmir from india they know it cannot be done unless there is a war and all their proxy attempts failed.Instead they should finish this kashmir issue and try to better their nation and look at their internal security.Good for both of us.
my bad i got it confused.yeah i meant LOC as IB.
What i meant to say was pakistan should drop this taking back kashmir idea, which will be good for both nations.They are simply wasting their money in a futile attempt to grab kashmir from india they know it cannot be done unless there is a war and all their proxy attempts failed.Instead they should finish this kashmir issue and try to better their nation and look at their internal security.Good for both of us.

India is happy with status quo and will be ready to accept LoC as IB .

But it does not look like the case with Pakistan . They are hell bent on capturing J&K from us .
I agree, we should have some sort of bargain on kashmir. They have suffered a lot due to our feud.

I think Kashmiri's has paid enough price.

Kashmir could be the gateway of prosperity for the region.

Europe moved toward prosperity, when they got out of the wars and start seeing the solutions in business and trade.

India is happy with status quo and will be ready to accept LoC as IB .

But it does not look like the case with Pakistan . They are hell bent on capturing J&K from us .

Establishment of both countries, civil and military, are making a lot of money from Kashmir. So it won't be an easy path to go.

Wounded Kashmir is a free ATM machine for lot many people. They won't let it go like this.

Have you ever seen any Thakur/ Malik or Chaudhry in the village. You know, how he survives to be the Thakur.
He always keeps playing with the problems of the people. Because he knows, a day he will solve the problems of the villagers, they will stop coming to him and stop giving him vote.

I see the same sort of game play everywhere. Everywhere there is a Thakur who is using someone's miseries for his own personal interests.
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Establishment of both countries, civil and military, are making a lot of money from Kashmir. So it won't be an easy path to go.

Wounded Kashmir is a free ATM machine for lot many people. They won't let it go like this.

Have you ever seen any Thakur/ Malik or Chaudhry in the village. You know, how he survives to be the Thakur.
He always keeps playing with the problems of the people. Because he knows, a day he will solve the problems of the villagers, they will stop coming to him and stop giving him vote.

I see the same sort of game play everywhere. Everywhere there is a Thakur who is using someone's miseries for his own personal interests.

Completely agree with you .

PS : You are too good to be a Pakistani .... :D

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