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Pakistan India peace - What are benefits?

there canbe no worthwile peace between india and pakistan as we have come a very very long way and there has too much water flown underthe bridge since 1947 which cant be reversed

forget it there wont be any such benefits .... please dont mind facts are too big to ignore

thanks but no thanks indianow dosent wantsany "so called benefitsof peace from pakistan" as pakistan has none
Peace always has dividends, even an idiot knows that it is better to live in peace than in a state of war. However peace must not mean acquiescence to India and it should not be a temporary one. Additionally, in order for peace talks to succeed; both the parties must show genuine desire for improving relations.

However, there are factions in both the countries who thrive on war mongering. Regret to say that BJP & their Shiv Sena allies with their ‘Hindutva’ agenda happen to be in power. There could be more trade & even easing of travel restrictions; but genuine peace with the butcher Modi as Prime Minister? IMHO it would take a miracle.
Peace always has dividends, even an idiot knows that it is better to live in peace than in a state of war. However peace must not mean acquiescence to India and it should not be a temporary one. Additionally, in order for peace talks to succeed; both the parties must show genuine desire for improving relations.

However, there are factions in both the countries who thrive on war mongering. Regret to say that BJP & their Shiv Sena allies with their ‘Hindutva’ agenda happen to be in power. There could be more trade & even easing of travel restrictions; but genuine peace with the butcher Modi as Prime Minister? IMHO it would take a miracle.
strangely there is higher chance of a deal leading to some sort of lasting peace during BJP regime, than congress. BJP might shout pakistan is enemy from rooftop, they have hidden wish to compromise. Besides they are the one who put roadbocks when congress is in power.
Peace always has dividends, even an idiot knows that it is better to live in peace than in a state of war. However peace must not mean acquiescence to India and it should not be a temporary one. Additionally, in order for peace talks to succeed; both the parties must show genuine desire for improving relations.

However, there are factions in both the countries who thrive on war mongering. Regret to say that BJP & their Shiv Sena allies with their ‘Hindutva’ agenda happen to be in power. There could be more trade & even easing of travel restrictions; but genuine peace with the butcher Modi as Prime Minister? IMHO it would take a miracle.

Using words like "butcher" for PM Modi is a bit unbecoming, for you atleast. Most Indians probably think the same of the Pakistani state. Whatever agenda you think the present Indian government has is not your concern, there is nothing to suggest that Modi's foreign policy differs dramatically from the previous governments. Tactical changes maybe but no evidence that there is a compolete reversal. Not like you had a great relationship with the previous Indian government run by Dr. Manmohan Singh.

We already have a type of peace, there is no active hostilities. What you mean by "genuine" peace remains to be articulated .India as a status quo power would consider the present situation fairly satisfactory & I can't see any reason to do anything dramatic.
I wish our (Pakistan's) location was somewhat like New Zealand.

According to your post you think people of Indian Occupied Kashmir are happy, very happy, very very happy. Then remove your 600k+ army from there and hold a plebiscite once and for all.
Then why deprive other Sunni majority regions? It is a world wide trend anyway.
Then why deprive other Sunni majority regions? It is a world wide trend anyway.

Bring a case that is 67 or more years old and may be we can compare and debate........................ Palestine is another comparable example with Indian occupied Kashmir.
Bring a case that is 67 or more years old and may be we can compare and debate........................ Palestine is another comparable example with Indian occupied Kashmir.
Every Sunni majority region seeks to secede from a state that is otherwise non Muslim. Tell me when Assam or West Bengal becomes Muslim majority and stays in an uneasy terror infested relationship with the center for 67 years, are we going to give it up as well?

Secondly, we can live with Pakistan as a friend. How will Pakistan survive peace with India? The identity crisis remains extremely strong and a permanent peace with us will bring out the worst between the pathans,sindhis,baloch,Punjabi,muhajirs,the trubals etc
Bring a case that is 67 or more years old and may be we can compare and debate........................ Palestine is another comparable example with Indian occupied Kashmir.
Palestine is totally different from Jammu and Kashmir. If we pandits arm ourselves, butcher our muslims, take the land by force and evict them elsewhere Will it be analogous to Palestine. Instead the Hindus got kicked. Plus we still stupidly don't allow non Kashmiris to settle in the non Muslim districts even. Hell, the Sikhs and Hindus who settled there since independence have still not got their citizenship. Because We non Muslims are stupid.
Does this leave any space for peace? And strategic importance of Kashmir for you is that you cannot move an inch back from there, the day you do that India will be split in half across its map.
And how exactly that's gonna happen. And who's gonna do it ? Please be kind enough to enlighten us. And Kashmir ( more specifically Sunni dominated Kashmir Valley ) isn't our jugular vein unlike one of our neighbour.
Every Sunni majority region seeks to secede from a state that is otherwise non Muslim. Tell me when Assam or West Bengal becomes Muslim majority and stays in an uneasy terror infested relationship with the center for 67 years, are we going to give it up as well?

Then when I said India won't back an inch from IOK, the day she does it will be split right across its map, how is that different from what you are saying?

Secondly, we can live with Pakistan as a friend. How will Pakistan survive peace with India? The identity crisis remains extremely strong and a permanent peace with us will bring out the worst between the pathans,sindhis,baloch,Punjabi,muhajirs,the trubals etc

First thing you can never be friend with Pakistan, second thing if if it happens after some miracle it won't bring out worst between Pathans, Sindhis, Balochs, Punjabis or Muhajirs. This is were you people are mistaken, India being enemy is not the sole reason to unite Pakistanis.
all will happen which would be good ;)
with all deu respect lady
are uafalse flagger ?as your name sugests ur a brahmin andsinshi or punjabi brahmins dont use sir name acharya
or teacher its mostli used in central india
mods please take a closer look
Palestine is totally different from Jammu and Kashmir. If we pandits arm ourselves, butcher our muslims, take the land by force and evict them elsewhere Will it be analogous to Palestine. Instead the Hindus got kicked. Plus we still stupidly don't allow non Kashmiris to settle in the non Muslim districts even. Hell, the Sikhs and Hindus who settled there since independence have still not got their citizenship. Because We non Muslims are stupid.

No you non Muslims are clever, the day you arm yourselves would be interesting. And who needs arming themselves when you have 600k+ to support your cause. And do the citizenship thing may be it will be deciding factor for the fate of Kashmir.
Then when I said India won't back an inch from IOK, the day she does it will be split right across its map, how is that different from what you are saying?

First thing you can never be friend with Pakistan, second thing if if it happens after some miracle it won't bring out worst between Pathans, Sindhis, Balochs, Punjabis or Muhajirs. This is were you people are mistaken, India being enemy is not the sole reason to unite Pakistanis.
Yes. If Kashmir goes all Sunni regions will ask for special treatment. India will slowly cease to exist and she will eventually come under Islamic rule in that case. Even before the Kashmir conflict Pakistan considered us enemies. So yes, the general hate for our pagan culture, our unislamic way of life, our Gods or lack of them etc have and will continue to be reasons.

Secondly, I know Pakistan will never be friends with us. Even a partial peace has brought so much instability in your country. Think about the early 90a and before. You had peace because the entire country stood together with strong anti Hindu and anti India feelings. With time you have seen many of us as human beings instead of monsters. This does and has created problems.

India will stand the test of time. Because we will be having territorial integrity. Entirely. I hope you too as well. But peace with Pakistan is a non issue for India. It will be good, but we can do fine without it.

No you non Muslims are clever, the day you arm yourselves would be interesting. And who needs arming themselves when you have 600k+ to support your cause. And do the citizenship thing may be it will be deciding factor for the fate of Kashmir.
Trying bro. But we have different rules. Granting the citizenship to these people is a long due necessity. Let's see. As for the 600000 figure...It was 800000 before..no? As often quoted by Hamid Gul.
No you non Muslims are clever, the day you arm yourselves would be interesting. And who needs arming themselves when you have 600k+ to support your cause. And do the citizenship thing may be it will be deciding factor for the fate of Kashmir.
Our army is there to protect our borders & keep our countrymen safe irrespective of his/her religion. It's really unfortunate that you see everything from a Muslim Vs Non-Muslim angle.

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