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Pakistan Inadvertantly Admits That Its First Strike Capability Is Neutered:--

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Dec 26, 2005
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United States

I do not think that any pakistani had noticed that in the recent statements by pakistani officials---the state of pakistan has advertantly admitted that it has lost its first strike capability over indian soil.

The suggestion that we are going to use the nucs on our soil to destroy the incoming enemy force was a tantamount to admission of a failed nuc strike capability across the border.

What that means is that pakistan is now admitting that india has ABM's that will take out its nucs during flight---and the next frightening thing for pakistan is that the long range nuc tipped missiles would be taken out on the pakistani side by indian ABM capabilities.

As the hostilities will grow---the U S navy would also be deploying its Aegis class frigates in the arabian sea closer to the pakistan indian borders----. The sole purpose would be to intercept the pakistani nuc tipped missiles that could fly into india.

They could also intercept any indian nuc tipped missiles flying into pakistan----but due to the geography and geometry----all the pakistan launched missiles could be intercepted---because they would be coming in---but the indian missiles would not be---even though the american missiles try as much---because they would be going away from the launch vehicle---.


Just for reference sake---if you look at the map of pakistan and india----an aegis class cruiser off the coast of gujrat can intercept many a missiles coming into india.

The indian ABM's will cover the rest halfway above rajasthan. This is what I have been trying to explain in my last few posts---I did not want to get directly into the tactical issue---but the thing is that the U S is not going to allow pakistan to use its nucs successfully.

The U S is going to be a player in the game---whether pakistan likes it or don't. That is why I have been writing over here---there is no way out for pakistan other than gaining conventional strength.

If the generals are saying that cannot happen---then those generals need to be FIRED and those who can---need to be put incharge.

And again for that reason---I bring back the Yemen issue---. A 15--20 billion dollars cash upfront for the first year would have taken care of most of the strike capabilities of pakistan and 5 billion a year after that would have taken care of the major issues.

It would also had given air force bases to pakistan on the arab land to strike deep into the indian flank---and alongwith another extra 150 k troops to gain strength from at time of crisis---.

And again to thos who have not read my yemen strike force numbers here they are----.

Pakistan would release 50 K troops on the go---and in return it would ask saudi arabia to deploy one sqdrn of F15SA's at jacobabad---it would also ask emirate to deploy a sqdrn of BLK60 a J'abad and 2 sqdrn's of Mirage 2K9's at karachi----these would neuter any indian strike threat.

Pakistan would build a military cantonment at gwadar---a full blooded campaign would be started for new recruits---all newly retd general staff and officers be recalled to active duty.

With the funds----pakistan would purchase at least 100 J10C's or100 SU35's----around a 100 JH7B's or a 100 SU34's----.

For the navy---at least 2 to 4 latest models of 052's and the 054's---between 5000 to 8000 + tonnage range----10 + upgraded F22 frigate

For the army a build up to at least 10 divs of armor and artillery and 5 battalions of LR sams etc----and 5 divs of infantry.

Pakistan's salvation is in a conventional force---a strike force that can take out the cities around mumbai and beneath----.

Mumbai is the jewle in the crown---a destruction of mumbai would stop india from starting a war---.

We already know that karachi and lahore and multan would be destroyed---so we need to destroy what the enemy loves the most---where it would hurt the most.

Basically the time for a nuclear is over for pakistan. Nuclear wars look good to poor nations---nations who are in the recovery mode and see a light at the end of he tunnel---must refrain and find other means to counter---.
Be reallistic....
Pakistani nuclear strike capability is and never lost.... infact it would be decades before people realise what capabilities we have....

ABM is just another weapon and like any other weapons have several counters....
Even americans wont have a reliable ABM for decades to come.....that is if they ever build one... it not easy to shoot a bullet with a bullet
So cool down
Forget interception both Pakistan and India's nukes are mostly for showcase. It takes lot of courage and support to launch nukes. Nukes have threshold before you can even think of it. I do not see how anyone will even come close to threshold.

The only reason I dragged India is to clarify I am thinking India being any different.
Mumbai is the jewle in the crown---a destruction of mumbai would stop india from starting a war---.
Destruction of mumbai would lead to full retaliatory nuking of pakistan. Mumbai is one of the economic hubs of india as such economic activity will shift to else where in case of attack.

By the way you need to stop conjuring conspiracy theories and eat some popcorn if you want to have some fun.:pop:

I do not think that any pakistani had noticed that in the recent statements by pakistani officials---the state of pakistan has advertantly admitted that it has lost its first strike capability over indian soil.

The suggestion that we are going to use the nucs on our soil to destroy the incoming enemy force was a tantamount to admission of a failed nuc strike capability across the border.

What that means is that pakistan is now admitting that india has ABM's that will take out its nucs during flight---and the next frightening thing for pakistan is that the long range nuc tipped missiles would be taken out on the pakistani side by indian ABM capabilities.

As the hostilities will grow---the U S navy would also be deploying its Aegis class frigates in the arabian sea closer to the pakistan indian borders----. The sole purpose would be to intercept the pakistani nuc tipped missiles that could fly into india.

They could also intercept any indian nuc tipped missiles flying into pakistan----but due to the geography and geometry----all the pakistan launched missiles could be intercepted---because they would be coming in---but the indian missiles would not be---even though the american missiles try as much---because they would be going away from the launch vehicle---.

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Just for reference sake---if you look at the map of pakistan and india----an aegis class cruiser off the coast of gujrat can intercept many a missiles coming into india.

The indian ABM's will cover the rest halfway above rajasthan. This is what I have been trying to explain in my last few posts---I did not want to get directly into the tactical issue---but the thing is that the U S is not going to allow pakistan to use its nucs successfully.

The U S is going to be a player in the game---whether pakistan likes it or don't. That is why I have been writing over here---there is no way out for pakistan other than gaining conventional strength.

If the generals are saying that cannot happen---then those generals need to be FIRED and those who can---need to be put incharge.

And again for that reason---I bring back the Yemen issue---. A 15--20 billion dollars cash upfront for the first year would have taken care of most of the strike capabilities of pakistan and 5 billion a year after that would have taken care of the major issues.

It would also had given air force bases to pakistan on the arab land to strike deep into the indian flank---and alongwith another extra 150 k troops to gain strength from at time of crisis---.

And again to thos who have not read my yemen strike force numbers here they are----.

Pakistan would release 50 K troops on the go---and in return it would ask saudi arabia to deploy one sqdrn of F15SA's at jacobabad---it would also ask emirate to deploy a sqdrn of BLK60 a J'abad and 2 sqdrn's of Mirage 2K9's at karachi----these would neuter any indian strike threat.

Pakistan would build a military cantonment at gwadar---a full blooded campaign would be started for new recruits---all newly retd general staff and officers be recalled to active duty.

With the funds----pakistan would purchase at least 100 J10C's or100 SU35's----around a 100 JH7B's or a 100 SU34's----.

For the navy---at least 2 to 4 latest models of 052's and the 054's---between 5000 to 8000 + tonnage range----10 + upgraded F22 frigate

For the army a build up to at least 10 divs of armor and artillery and 5 battalions of LR sams etc----and 5 divs of infantry.

Pakistan's salvation is in a conventional force---a strike force that can take out the cities around mumbai and beneath----.

Mumbai is the jewle in the crown---a destruction of mumbai would stop india from starting a war---.

We already know that karachi and lahore and multan would be destroyed---so we need to destroy what the enemy loves the most---where it would hurt the most.

Basically the time for a nuclear is over for pakistan. Nuclear wars look good to poor nations---nations who are in the recovery mode and see a light at the end of he tunnel---must refrain and find other means to counter---.[/QUOTE

I do not think that any pakistani had noticed that in the recent statements by pakistani officials---the state of pakistan has advertantly admitted that it has lost its first strike capability over indian soil.

The suggestion that we are going to use the nucs on our soil to destroy the incoming enemy force was a tantamount to admission of a failed nuc strike capability across the border.

What that means is that pakistan is now admitting that india has ABM's that will take out its nucs during flight---and the next frightening thing for pakistan is that the long range nuc tipped missiles would be taken out on the pakistani side by indian ABM capabilities.

As the hostilities will grow---the U S navy would also be deploying its Aegis class frigates in the arabian sea closer to the pakistan indian borders----. The sole purpose would be to intercept the pakistani nuc tipped missiles that could fly into india.

They could also intercept any indian nuc tipped missiles flying into pakistan----but due to the geography and geometry----all the pakistan launched missiles could be intercepted---because they would be coming in---but the indian missiles would not be---even though the american missiles try as much---because they would be going away from the launch vehicle---.

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Just for reference sake---if you look at the map of pakistan and india----an aegis class cruiser off the coast of gujrat can intercept many a missiles coming into india.

The indian ABM's will cover the rest halfway above rajasthan. This is what I have been trying to explain in my last few posts---I did not want to get directly into the tactical issue---but the thing is that the U S is not going to allow pakistan to use its nucs successfully.

The U S is going to be a player in the game---whether pakistan likes it or don't. That is why I have been writing over here---there is no way out for pakistan other than gaining conventional strength.

If the generals are saying that cannot happen---then those generals need to be FIRED and those who can---need to be put incharge.

And again for that reason---I bring back the Yemen issue---. A 15--20 billion dollars cash upfront for the first year would have taken care of most of the strike capabilities of pakistan and 5 billion a year after that would have taken care of the major issues.

It would also had given air force bases to pakistan on the arab land to strike deep into the indian flank---and alongwith another extra 150 k troops to gain strength from at time of crisis---.

And again to thos who have not read my yemen strike force numbers here they are----.

Pakistan would release 50 K troops on the go---and in return it would ask saudi arabia to deploy one sqdrn of F15SA's at jacobabad---it would also ask emirate to deploy a sqdrn of BLK60 a J'abad and 2 sqdrn's of Mirage 2K9's at karachi----these would neuter any indian strike threat.

Pakistan would build a military cantonment at gwadar---a full blooded campaign would be started for new recruits---all newly retd general staff and officers be recalled to active duty.

With the funds----pakistan would purchase at least 100 J10C's or100 SU35's----around a 100 JH7B's or a 100 SU34's----.

For the navy---at least 2 to 4 latest models of 052's and the 054's---between 5000 to 8000 + tonnage range----10 + upgraded F22 frigate

For the army a build up to at least 10 divs of armor and artillery and 5 battalions of LR sams etc----and 5 divs of infantry.

Pakistan's salvation is in a conventional force---a strike force that can take out the cities around mumbai and beneath----.

Mumbai is the jewle in the crown---a destruction of mumbai would stop india from starting a war---.

We already know that karachi and lahore and multan would be destroyed---so we need to destroy what the enemy loves the most---where it would hurt the most.

Basically the time for a nuclear is over for pakistan. Nuclear wars look good to poor nations---nations who are in the recovery mode and see a light at the end of he tunnel---must refrain and find other means to counter---.

So here we go again, our resident expert on military aviation has now graduated himself to become an expert on nuclear strategy. In reality his only claim to fame is selling used used cars in California to illegal Mexican immigrants after failing to get into a medical school or a military academy in Pakistan. Other thing he is good at is harassing 13 year olds on this forum.
Niswar nahi khaya kiya ?

Kiya uth patang what ......................

And why all of sudden you have to state the "scenario" of Pakistani missiles neutralized

With 0% , SCIENTIFIC evidence and 0% probability of an aegis or any thing of that sorts

I mean really the only chance we have is conventional force lol

You really lost me there :rofl:

Pakistan would release 50 K troops on the go---and in return it would ask saudi arabia to deploy one sqdrn of F15SA's at jacobabad---it would also ask emirate to deploy a sqdrn of BLK60 a J'abad and 2 sqdrn's of Mirage 2K9's at karachi----these would neuter any indian strike threat.


We already know that karachi and lahore and multan would be destroyed---so we need to destroy what the enemy loves the most---where it would hurt the most.


Multan .nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo:o:

Aek bhi , ghalat kam kiya Aysa ......MAZA CHAKHAIN ge ... DIWALI ho jaigi
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how would India and the U.S intercept dozens of these.

I think you are overestimating anti missile defense systems.



I would rather overestimate enemy's strength and ABM counter capabilities than under estimate them.

The thing is that with the U S systems----you only know when it is too late to react. It is what you don't see coming is going to smash you----.

When a 40 years old design an F16---is still competing with top performers of the rest of the world in the form of BLK60 and the coming 61---the u s military might can never be underestimated---.

And the U S's learning curve in the field / actual battle conditions is extremely high---because of the massive resource and brain power that it has sitting behind it---and to top the list is ' open communications ' between the civilian contractor and the military operators.

Pakistan must change the level of the playing field---it must shift the goal posts---it must move the hoop around---it must think out of the box---it must come out of its nuclear euphoria that it has been living under for many a years.

Pakistan military needs a new DEVIL'S ADVOCATE---the current one does not know its head from its toes---. There needs to be a shake up of the thinkers in the military consortium.

Pakistan's only saving grace is in the conventional war---that is where its focus needs to be on---that is where its priority must lie.

Hey dude,

Bossman---my son---weather is changing now----woke you up---didn't I---. My father was a doctor---when I graduated FSc---there were 5 seats reserved in every medical college in pakistan for doctor's sons. Even third division doctors sons and daughter would get admission in medical colleges in the 70's----.

Hey---good to see you----I have not spanked anyone for a few days---and sitting home on temporary disability----and nothing to do---and you would be a good source to vent on---. Thank you. daddy loves you.

I would rather overestimate enemy's strength and ABM counter capabilities than under estimate them.

The thing is that with the U S systems----you only know when it is too late to react. It is what you don't see coming is going to smash you----.

When a 40 years old design an F16---is still competing with top performers of the rest of the world in the form of BLK60 and the coming 61---the u s military might can never be underestimated---.

And the U S's learning curve in the field / actual battle conditions is extremely high---because of the massive resource and brain power that it has sitting behind it---and to top the list is ' open communications ' between the civilian contractor and the military operators.

Pakistan must change the level of the playing field---it must shift the goal posts---it must move the hoop around---it must think out of the box---it must come out of its nuclear euphoria that it has been living under for many a years.

Pakistan military needs a new DEVIL'S ADVOCATE---the current one does not know its head from its toes---. There needs to be a shake up of the thinkers in the military consortium.

Pakistan's only saving grace is in the conventional war---that is where its focus needs to be on---that is where its priority must lie.
Hey Mastan,

You spent 3 hours writting this post, it took me 2 minutes to totally destroy it. Accept the reality, don't pretend to be what you are not. I never forgive!!!
lol, Mastan and his retarded threads. You are getting boring now.

U.S would have to intercept every missile in the region because they won't know which is nuclear tipped and which is not. Moreover, salvo of cruise missiles, ballistic missiles, and air-launched nuclear-tipped missiles is almost impossible to defend against---and Aegis has its limitations too. You don't expect entire U.S naval air-defence to get assembled on indian sea boundary to defend indians. You are basically just rambling at this point.

indian ABM is not even ready and deployed yet FFS!! Its still couple of years away...

All Pakistan need is to come up with MIRVs and naval launched nuclear baburs...and there you have it---assurity of a nuclear strike of major indian cities.

Stop with these childish insecure thread of yours--that you open so that you can get "reassurances" that Pakistan is in safe hands. Don't push your old age insecurities on this forum
As I have mentioned few times before about Pakistan's nuclear might... Using them is very dangerous as the radiation can course to Pakistan itself. Using ABM is not a good solution no matter what it does not do "Homing" rather its a calculated guess which is 90% of time sure that the nuke missile will reach at this point at its current speed however the ABM does not realise the terrain and weather effects correctly hence ABM has less probability of actually hitting the Ballistic missile at that point.
Furthermore the shoot and scoot, Changing the path during flight and high G maneuvers especially in low yield cruise missile and Nasr type missiles it is very difficult to destroy them on their path. All the Anti Air systems today (Except ABM or S400 and its competitor patriot) do not have the High velocity advantage which makes them difficult to attack on missiles with nuclear. furthermore the missiles with low range like Nasr with Hypersonic speeds and 90km range means the enemy will not have more than 1 to 2 minutes to actually order to destroy with the mobile capabilities of launchers in Pakistan their is no surety whether India will know where these truck launchers are with nukes.
Remember 90km is max range what if the missile is launch against 30 or 40 km away the reaction is divided to less.
Furthermore cruise missiles with terrain hugging are difficult to detect and to counter. I believe even if a High G missile is actually launch against cruise missiles it will have difficulty homing in mountainous areas where its mission to follow and destroy target while the cruise missile will be hugging the terrain :P the approaching missile wouldn't detect any high edges of mountain and eventually may hit em.
Just sharing my two pence.
P.S Pakistan is rocking in nuclear warfare capability. Aegis will be in sea even if USA intervenes it will have to fire missile from back while ABM actually work on front after calculating where will missile be at certain time then launch a missile and meet at that point.

I do not think that any pakistani had noticed that in the recent statements by pakistani officials---the state of pakistan has advertantly admitted that it has lost its first strike capability over indian soil.

The suggestion that we are going to use the nucs on our soil to destroy the incoming enemy force was a tantamount to admission of a failed nuc strike capability across the border.

What that means is that pakistan is now admitting that india has ABM's that will take out its nucs during flight---and the next frightening thing for pakistan is that the long range nuc tipped missiles would be taken out on the pakistani side by indian ABM capabilities.

As the hostilities will grow---the U S navy would also be deploying its Aegis class frigates in the arabian sea closer to the pakistan indian borders----. The sole purpose would be to intercept the pakistani nuc tipped missiles that could fly into india.

They could also intercept any indian nuc tipped missiles flying into pakistan----but due to the geography and geometry----all the pakistan launched missiles could be intercepted---because they would be coming in---but the indian missiles would not be---even though the american missiles try as much---because they would be going away from the launch vehicle---.

View attachment 288123

Just for reference sake---if you look at the map of pakistan and india----an aegis class cruiser off the coast of gujrat can intercept many a missiles coming into india.

The indian ABM's will cover the rest halfway above rajasthan. This is what I have been trying to explain in my last few posts---I did not want to get directly into the tactical issue---but the thing is that the U S is not going to allow pakistan to use its nucs successfully.

The U S is going to be a player in the game---whether pakistan likes it or don't. That is why I have been writing over here---there is no way out for pakistan other than gaining conventional strength.

If the generals are saying that cannot happen---then those generals need to be FIRED and those who can---need to be put incharge.

And again for that reason---I bring back the Yemen issue---. A 15--20 billion dollars cash upfront for the first year would have taken care of most of the strike capabilities of pakistan and 5 billion a year after that would have taken care of the major issues.

It would also had given air force bases to pakistan on the arab land to strike deep into the indian flank---and alongwith another extra 150 k troops to gain strength from at time of crisis---.

And again to thos who have not read my yemen strike force numbers here they are----.

Pakistan would release 50 K troops on the go---and in return it would ask saudi arabia to deploy one sqdrn of F15SA's at jacobabad---it would also ask emirate to deploy a sqdrn of BLK60 a J'abad and 2 sqdrn's of Mirage 2K9's at karachi----these would neuter any indian strike threat.

Pakistan would build a military cantonment at gwadar---a full blooded campaign would be started for new recruits---all newly retd general staff and officers be recalled to active duty.

With the funds----pakistan would purchase at least 100 J10C's or100 SU35's----around a 100 JH7B's or a 100 SU34's----.

For the navy---at least 2 to 4 latest models of 052's and the 054's---between 5000 to 8000 + tonnage range----10 + upgraded F22 frigate

For the army a build up to at least 10 divs of armor and artillery and 5 battalions of LR sams etc----and 5 divs of infantry.

Pakistan's salvation is in a conventional force---a strike force that can take out the cities around mumbai and beneath----.

Mumbai is the jewle in the crown---a destruction of mumbai would stop india from starting a war---.

We already know that karachi and lahore and multan would be destroyed---so we need to destroy what the enemy loves the most---where it would hurt the most.

Basically the time for a nuclear is over for pakistan. Nuclear wars look good to poor nations---nations who are in the recovery mode and see a light at the end of he tunnel---must refrain and find other means to counter---.
No its not lost not even close buy yes we need a third 4.5th Generation platform like J-10 C or SU-35 and if funds are available than may be a bomber Jet also. For Navy we need 16 Frigates and Corvettes and 4 Frigates for Air Defense and 4 Destroyers to unleash hell on Indian cities specially my beloved Mumbai. We also need FAC like Ambassador class which Egypt bought from USA. Finally we need few 2 to 3 Nuclear Submarines along with 11 AIP submarines which we would have. @MastanKhan
lol, Mastan and his retarded threads. You are getting boring now.

U.S would have to intercept every missile in the region because they won't know which is nuclear tipped and which is not. Moreover, salvo of cruise missiles, ballistic missiles, and air-launched nuclear-tipped missiles is almost impossible to defend against---and Aegis has its limitations too. You don't expect entire U.S naval air-defence to get assembled on indian sea boundary to defend indians. You are basically just rambling at this point.

indian ABM is not even ready and deployed yet FFS!! Its still couple of years away...

All Pakistan need is to come up with MIRVs and naval launched nuclear baburs...and there you have it---assurity of a nuclear strike of major indian cities.

Stop with these childish insecure thread of yours--that you open so that you can get "reassurances" that Pakistan is in safe hands. Don't push your old age insecurities on this forum


In your anger---you have come up with part solution to the problem---. When you get out of this angry state of mind---and start thinking calmly---you might understand---that with conventional warfare---you will have the upper hand in a war with india.

You primary weak point is the air force---its air superiority and deep strike capabilities----. Your secondary weak point is a lack of heavy frigates in the navy and heavy strike aircraft against sea going targets.

I do not understand that as a nation---why would you start yelling nucs when your conventional capabilities can neuter the enemy---you only have to equip your forces properly

With a rightly equipped pakistani conventional military force---indian army does not stand a chance. There are ways to equip your military right----but you kids are so moronic in your thinking that your brains stop to work if a different approach is suggested.

And I know----it is a death knell----when something that you depended on the last 20 plus years---you suddenly find out that it may not work----.

So---I understand the screaming of the likes of you and you. It is not the first time that you guys have yelled at me---I have been here over 10 years now----.

I would rather overestimate enemy's strength and ABM counter capabilities than under estimate them.

The thing is that with the U S systems----you only know when it is too late to react. It is what you don't see coming is going to smash you----.

When a 40 years old design an F16---is still competing with top performers of the rest of the world in the form of BLK60 and the coming 61---the u s military might can never be underestimated---.

And the U S's learning curve in the field / actual battle conditions is extremely high---because of the massive resource and brain power that it has sitting behind it---and to top the list is ' open communications ' between the civilian contractor and the military operators.

Pakistan must change the level of the playing field---it must shift the goal posts---it must move the hoop around---it must think out of the box---it must come out of its nuclear euphoria that it has been living under for many a years.

Pakistan military needs a new DEVIL'S ADVOCATE---the current one does not know its head from its toes---. There needs to be a shake up of the thinkers in the military consortium.

Pakistan's only saving grace is in the conventional war---that is where its focus needs to be on---that is where its priority must lie.

Hey dude,

Bossman---my son---weather is changing now----woke you up---didn't I---. My father was a doctor---when I graduated FSc---there were 5 seats reserved in every medical college in pakistan for doctor's sons. Even third division doctors sons and daughter would get admission in medical colleges in the 70's----.

Hey---good to see you----I have not spanked anyone for a few days---and sitting home on temporary disability----and nothing to do---and you would be a good source to vent on---. Thank you. daddy loves you.

do you know how dangerous cruise missiles are especially ones that can be fired mobile launchers.

you could have a few of these Babur systems behind a mountain and fire in front and have the missile do a U turn towards the enemy.

the U.S isn't all knowing all seeing.
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