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Pakistan in talks with Saudi Arabia to send combat troops to protect the kingdom

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Now is the time to jointly develop and mass produce some serious techs specially for this type of warfare...
With the recent events in Turkey and EU over protests I think BAE will back of from TFX and now all these Muslims nations will realize that it is time to develop technology them selves and do some research on the weapons development.
Dear friend Saudi troops are worse than punjab police. It is Pak army you are sending. The Army that has served in worse hot zones than this one. It is the worlds most well trained army in the world. The Job of Pak Army is to repel any in coming attack and they can do this but we are not going in there to attack Yemen and this decision was reached after discussions with Iran. About the Air cover they will have attack helicopters as it is part of most brigades and that equipment will be provided by KSA. Basic presence of Pakistan will help to bring Iran and Saudis in some peace deal.
The British won 2 WWs at the deserts utilizing troops from the subcontinent and a significant part from the present day Pak. Yes, Pak presence will be like a buffer b/w Persians and GCC/KSA Arabs...

He who takes loan also takes orders - Sultan Abdul Hamid used to say. It's time to unfold for Paks. This is may be the realization of Alleme Ikbal's "Arab is mine, China is mine" manifesto...
I think we should also focus on the credibility of the news. It has not been confirmed yet. However If it's happened that would be great!! And Pakistan should only focus on defending the Saudia and its holly places, rather than....
That money would be better spent on education and health. We already have a atomic bomb. Deterrent enough.

Had we spent that money on education, Pak public would not have allowed PA Generals to pimp our valiant soldiers for petro dollars.
USA sells weapons and supports education of it's citizens with the money of those weapons. You need to invest on capital first to generate money. Sacrifice your self for the better future of your next generation.
I dont understand why Pak is not pursuing this with more passion. All GCC needs is more army from Pak.
Every other person is ready for recruitment in Pak Army. Take money from these countries , train more people. You have the setup, the personnel, the system adn even dedicated force. Expand and export the manpower. It will be more suitable than sending labors. Plus the huge arm force will all be on name of Pakistan. PA can use their house built stuff to arm the forces yet make the GCC parties pay the bills. Its win win for all.
I dont understand why Pak is not pursuing this with more passion. All GCC needs is more army from Pak.
Every other person is ready for recruitment in Pak Army. Take money from these countries , train more people. You have the setup, the personnel, the system adn even dedicated force. Expand and export the manpower. It will be more suitable than sending labors. Plus the huge arm force will all be on name of Pakistan. PA can use their house built stuff to arm the forces yet make the GCC parties pay the bills. Its win win for all.
Pakistan don't kills muslims for money. GCC wants to go into Yemen do it themselves we will only defend the holy land. lol. Pay the money to the fat sheikhs and send them into kill other muslims.
What if this decision is taken because of the isolation policy? Meaning pakistan, feeling that it has to counter the isolation policy, has decided to do something that it normally wouldn't, like picking a side in a sectarian war.

Not saying that that is so, but just think about that for a moment. Í mean that would be a real chanakya move right?

Anyway, no matter why pakistan did this, I think the india camp is quit happy about this decision
Again India can shit or pee we don't give a fk. Counter isolation ? Dude we already hosted an economic conference. Grow some brains

I'm sorry Bro, but you made india relevant in this tread by bringing up the isolation policy.
Bring tri colour one more time in this thread and I'll have you scuker reported for discussing it. Don't act too smart in front of me

It's just ok...

Hopefully they will be able to handle the consequences !
Consequence? From you guys .. Pfffffffff.
Like really. Just throwing some mortar fire. We will do everything in our interest. If mullah wants to sleep with India and make chabhar we too have right to clutch octupus hands of mullah in gulf region
great news!!!!

it will be tough but nations sieze moments in history to become great

Pakistan needs to seize it's moment it will come at a cost but so be it
I agree with your points... but pakistan will have to walk a very thin line to ensure it doesn't get entangled in the messy Saudi-Iranian conflict in Yemen..

A conflict which has no end in sight, is a human rights catastrophe, and which has the potential of expanding into a regional mess.

To say that pakistan's role will be solely defensive and with the Saudi territory is naive to say the least. Military conflicts have a tendency to go beyond their boundaries because the human nature to hit back irrespective of the consequences.

Caution is adviced.

Besides Saudi Arabia is on the verge of bankruptcy... and pakistan is I'll equipped to finance foreign entanglements!

Mere bhai , Houthi's are far far in numbers when it come to Fight , TTP is handful and the most destruction TTP and their likes unleash is through Suicide Attack , in man to man battles they are pu$$y ... see how they were roaming in Swat , before the Army enters ? KSA security is and must not be our Concern , only the Holy Sites ...
KSA is been funding extremist Elements in your country and when the time comes , none of those Arabs Brathern will stand with you.. MARK my words with GOLD .
and as for Iran, for now as their Proxy is winning in Syria and Iraq thanks to Russia , Kurds and Iraqi Army they are become All " Choday " ... as US did not attack them and sanctions lifted they think they won this Proxy war but results are yet to be seen, I am neither Against nor in Favor of Iran , we should have diplomatic ties with both Persian and GCC but no Ummah or brotherly love for anyone ... Pakistan will, should and must remain first for every Pakistani leader or General ..
I agree with you to most extent, dear but you should trust your men in uniform...We have decades of experienceWe'll handle it...If Pakistan gets involved, China gets involved, If China gets involved, Russians will come...And this mess will eventually be sorted out...Bone in kebab will be thrown out eventually.

1. Saudi interfered when Saudi backed President Abdrabbuh Mansur Hadi was ousted by Iranian back Houthis.
2. It is a Civil war in Yemen that both Saudi and Iran are giving a sectarian image.
3. Also Yemen is not our neighbour, nor is Saudi but Iran is our neighbour.
4. You mentioned that Pakistan intervened in Afghanistan, now tell me what good did that bring to Pakistan. We are still paying the price of interfering in Afghanistan and now you are advocating for Pakistan to jump into another mess that has nothing to do with us.
5. Pakistanis have a very short memory and are too emotional. Learn from the mistakes of our history so that we don't repeat it.

I will agree with you that we should protect Saudia but what Saudia is doing in Yemen it is against humanity. Yemen is the country of houthies and not Saudis, so houthis have every right to fight for Yemen and killing civilian population and denying that population of food and basic necessities is not what Muslims do. I want Pakistani troops to protect Mecca but I also want the of atrocities of Saudis in Yemen to end. Saudis are not justified in the war in Yemen.

No one has right to throw government...How about throwing Bashar ul asad?...If yemen is country of houthis, as per you then Syria is country of rebels, not of Bashar ul asad, the murderer, who forced civilians to migrate EU...

You need to learn the history of KSA, its no holy country, it occupied the holy places of Islam (Hejaz) in 1932. Al Saud's are an Arab tribe that hail from Najd ( Western part of the Arabian Peninsula ). They follow Wahabisim, Ibn 'Abd al-Wahhab's pact with Muhammad bin Saud and they established the first Saudi state called "Emirate of Diriyah"


So you see Muslims don't have to defend Saudi Arabia, they should have defended Hejaz from the Saudis.

Some mullah also occupied Iran in 1979...Pakistan had great relations with Iran until 1979 when Mullah took over in Iran...Pakistan has no concern who is ruling KSA...wahabis, Shias, Sunnis whatever...We'll see what we can gain from KSA...thats it.

The thrown out govt was "elected" through a one-candidate "election" as wanted by Saudi and USA.
It's hardly legitimate.
Are Houthis right in what they did? I don't know.

hmm...Still, Yemen was stable...Iranians destabilized Yemen in their hatred of KSA so that they can take war to land of KSA...India has all pro Indian governments in the region i.e Bangladesh...Every major power wants to have influence over tiny neighbors...Iranians have influence over Bashar...Its fine unless guns come in.

Yeah sure. Our PA is a professional not a mercenary army.

Or is it a mercenary army ready at hand to be pimped for a few petro dollars. Let outsource our Army to the highest bidder. This way it won't even be a burden on our budget. What do you say?

Iraq invasion, Afghanistan invasion, IS (Mosul & Raqqa) fight, Yemen conflict. Here we come.

That money would be better spent on education and health. We already have a atomic bomb. Deterrent enough.

Had we spent that money on education, Pak public would not have allowed PA Generals to pimp our valiant soldiers for petro dollars.

If Arabs hadn't cooperated with you in making of your nuclear bomb...You would have been at border fighting with Indians...So, Arabs helped us and we help them...

You can sing you petro dollar songs all you want...But reality is Pakistan is regional power and has right to secure its interests in Middle East...either this way or that way...We can't allow India to make roads in Middle East...

One way to avoid consequences is to eliminate the reason for consequences........ similar like using condom is to avoid consequences no?

I guess in case of Pakistan any country that starts with letter "I" is not to be trusted. Coincidence but a sad reality backed by recent history.

Hopefully people interested in threatening the consequences would someday realise that their incompetent rears have brought nothing but anarchy to Muslim world.

Can't agree with your post...lol...Countries start with "I" can't be trusted...Hell true...

India, Israel, Iran...hahaha
A good move to solidify cooperation in region

Your own borders ain't safe and you wanna go participate in other's wars....that too a war of an oil rich nation on a poor one?

all they want is your soldiers being the dead ones instead of their own....cooperative much?
Im not surprised seeing members conclusion here... drawing conclusion like If we involved, then china will involved and if china involved.... Russia will involve... States don't work on someone's emotions... Get back to reality.. well if Kingdom and pak have mutual treaty to safeguard each others security reasons...then you argue anything you want...but sending troops for someone's dirty work.. may bring some $$ .... I don't have prob whenever members like BHarwana drag India into discussion, even though thread got nothing to do with India...I laugh because of his emotional post..
Hello all
We have to open our eyes and look things as according to or for Pakistan's favour , I am very sorry to say this (I hate wars) but this is a golden opportunity for us , nature give us one more good chance, Y I am saying it now , because the geopolitical situation is much more different then 2 years back .
Now we don't have fear "this war is started to engage or destroy Pakistan' Army and Pakistan". Why , simply just look at current developments , Pak-China-Russia on same page for Afghanistan and who is in Afghanistan as proxy , yes you all guessed it right ISIL and TTP. And we all know there backers too .
I am 100% sure recent meetings of KSA + china + Russia also played very important role too . Some members here telling us there will be consequences of this war or we face Iran ....... My dear fools brothers , consequences are there but not For Pakistan , its for Iran and our beloved enemy .
Iran now have no other option , they have to step back and also have to help Umma to clean this masssss , and yes Russia will tell Iran the same thing.
As I said in my other post on other thread , Now question is about the whole region and 3 billion People , China + Russia wont allow Iran and India to play with it , Sooner both realize the better it is.
And do not quote me if you don't understand What is region and what are benefits of securing it first.
Here is a list what I want form this alliance .

1. 5 years contract for free oil for Pakistan . (GIVES US enough time to build new and upgrade old oil storage facilities we need to store minimum 6 months oil for civil side and 6 months for military use)
2. GCC work Visas for 500000 Pakistanis , In A and B category no labour , Visas for School , Colleges , Uni staff , office staff etc. Kuwait not included , We need 100000 Visas for Kuwait only.
3. 5 Billion $$$ for 5 years for civilian Govt , 1 Billion for Health , 1 Billion for Education , 1 Billion for normal infrastructure and 2 Billions for Dams.
4. On military side , we need all M-2000s from them and we wont pay a penny. And they also have to pay for 1000 Tanks , 1000 Wheeled IFVs , AFVs + 1000 Track IFVs , AFVs . and money for new 100000 troops and Money for 6 Heavy Frigates , 6 Heavy Destroyers , 12 medium seize coverts and 4 more F-22 seize Ships with 6 Western Subs .

This will sound silly but we have to make a good deal and let us clean there mass . For above deal we will have Human development + Military development + Infrastructure Development , all will lead to Pakistan's Development in the end.
China + Russia for sure , with Turkey and GCC with some western Countries and may be USA too will be on this 40+ countries alliance side.
Just lead this , just finish the job , For Pakistan and for Umma and Islam . We may lose some life , we may suffer some blow back from Pro Proxies , but benefit in the end will be great.
LOL man only part 4 is look like a wish list but other 3 are nothing for GCCs , we will have Visas + development in Pakistan . Much needed . They all Even can easily afford 4 too , just look at Egypt.
And one more thing have u calculated the loses of India if GCC fails ????? 30% of your whole economy will be lost just like that and just imagine the Humanitarian crises it will bring with it and don't forget 3+ million Indians in GCC.
And believe me Modi is not that mad , Even he will not allow Iran or others to do that......
Hello all
We have to open our eyes and look things as according to or for Pakistan's favour , I am very sorry to say this (I hate wars) but this is a golden opportunity for us , nature give us one more good chance, Y I am saying it now , because the geopolitical situation is much more different then 2 years back .
Now we don't have fear "this war is started to engage or destroy Pakistan' Army and Pakistan". Why , simply just look at current developments , Pak-China-Russia on same page for Afghanistan and who is in Afghanistan as proxy , yes you all guessed it right ISIL and TTP. And we all know there backers too .
I am 100% sure recent meetings of KSA + china + Russia also played very important role too . Some members here telling us there will be consequences of this war or we face Iran ....... My dear fools brothers , consequences are there but not For Pakistan , its for Iran and our beloved enemy .
Iran now have no other option , they have to step back and also have to help Umma to clean this masssss , and yes Russia will tell Iran the same thing.
As I said in my other post on other thread , Now question is about the whole region and 3 billion People , China + Russia wont allow Iran and India to play with it , Sooner both realize the better it is.
And do not quote me if you don't understand What is region and what are benefits of securing it first.
Here is a list what I want form this alliance .

1. 5 years contract for free oil for Pakistan . (GIVES US enough time to build new and upgrade old oil storage facilities we need to store minimum 6 months oil for civil side and 6 months for military use)
2. GCC work Visas for 500000 Pakistanis , In A and B category no labour , Visas for School , Colleges , Uni staff , office staff etc. Kuwait not included , We need 100000 Visas for Kuwait only.
3. 5 Billion $$$ for 5 years for civilian Govt , 1 Billion for Health , 1 Billion for Education , 1 Billion for normal infrastructure and 2 Billions for Dams.
4. On military side , we need all M-2000s from them and we wont pay a penny. And they also have to pay for 1000 Tanks , 1000 Wheeled IFVs , AFVs + 1000 Track IFVs , AFVs . and money for new 100000 troops and Money for 6 Heavy Frigates , 6 Heavy Destroyers , 12 medium seize coverts and 4 more F-22 seize Ships with 6 Western Subs .

This will sound silly but we have to make a good deal and let us clean there mass . For above deal we will have Human development + Military development + Infrastructure Development , all will lead to Pakistan's Development in the end.
China + Russia for sure , with Turkey and GCC with some western Countries and may be USA too will be on this 40+ countries alliance side.
Just lead this , just finish the job , For Pakistan and for Umma and Islam . We may lose some life , we may suffer some blow back from Pro Proxies , but benefit in the end will be great.
LOL do you seriously believe on the demands ?Even 1 of your mentioned demands will not be achieved ..and PA will do this job for some few hundred million dollar..
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