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Pakistan in talks for 4 Ada Class Corvettes, T-129 Helicopters & modernization of agosta fleet

[QUOTE="proud_indian, post: 9850857, member: 12343"

Wrong thread and forum post in the right forum ???
@Bilal Khan (Quwa) i guess the deal is dead then, and with the election around the corner its been sent to an early grave. something tells me the turks are being pushy as even the fta agreement which was supposed to be finalised a while back has stalled to.
@Bilal Khan (Quwa) i guess the deal is dead then, and with the election around the corner its been sent to an early grave. something tells me the turks are being pushy as even the fta agreement which was supposed to be finalised a while back has stalled to.
IMO it's still premature to declare it dead.

At IDEAS 2016 STM said it was hopeful of a concrete agreement before the end of the fiscal year, and they got it in May at IDEF via the LOI, which has mutually agreed upon terms. While the Turkish Gov't did aim to get it started by the end of June, STM simply said it was waiting for the start of the new fiscal year after July. STM didn't set hard deadlines. Finally, it was always envisaged as a slow program (e.g. it was originally 4 corvettes over 10 years).

IMO the clearest sign of it being dead is the PN forwarding an alternate for replacing the Type 21s, be it a different supplier for new ships or a fresher batch of used ships (note: the Azmat FAC spelled the end of the MILGEM the first time around). The MoDP clearly spelled out 4 new corvettes - this has to come, be it from Turkey or otherwise.
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i don't think so that the deal is dead. i think there is some redesign going to happen for a corvette per PN requirements and the validation of redesign is taking bit of a time. i am assuming that PN wants a VLS anti missiles, may be PN wants a more SSM or higher number of torpedo tubes. PN might also be interested in better/ different CIWS. PN will not going to get american help for the corvette so there might be some redesign of the help hanger. These are the few items that i can think off. there might be more. one thing for sure, PN is not buying an off the shelf product.
Atmaca SSM Blk-1 the standart ship to ship missile of Turkish Naval Platform !

Well the political climate in Pakistan has taken a toll on our defence purchases and delayed our planned singing of various contracts both economical and defence

a) Free Trade Agreement with Turkey
(Civilian Government's clash with Justice system, Minister of Finance is about to resign due to his court cases and political unstability . Mr Ishaq Dar's personal matter related to court cases and corruption charges and irregularities in public dealings is effecting Pakistan's international economic plans

  • If our minister of Finance is on the run who will sit down and sign the deal?

b) The deal for the Turkish Corvette ships
(Civilian government is trying to protect Nawaz sharif defence purchase are not getting enough time, 99% of civilian politicians are spending time in their discussions figuring out how they can bend the national justice system rules to protect Mr Nawaz )

  • If country's leading party is busy on Nawaz sharif worshiping wen will they find time to give authorization to sign deal to get Turkish ships

c) The Helicopter Gunship
(People suffering -> Young soldiers at border on ground how is it possible our soldiers and some rouge people on border are fighting on same technological level we should be outnumbering anyone with Helicopters and Airstrikes)

  • Politicians themselves are guarded by 40 soldiers and police and contractor while soldiers are guarding remote checkpost without helicopter or air support

I am certain the 3 deals
a) Free Trade Agreement with Turkey
b) T-129 Gunship deals
c) Milgem corvette​

Are all still on the card but the civilian body has not been able to focus on these areas as they were /and are expected to deal on Urgent basis

Nawaz sharif's personal cases have dragged the country and slowed down our vaious goals and objectives and it is 100% his fault

  • Every time a young Soldier dies the politicians are 100% responsible in some capacity for not fast tracking our national defence purchase and rather focusing on their Nawaz Sharif
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Developing joint indigenous defense systems is our strategy

Turkey and Pakistan stand out in their respective regions for their enthusiasm to develop indigenous defense systems and their eagerness to embark on new alliances. Abbasi emphasized that strengthening capabilities for indigenous defense production is a strategy shared by both Ankara and Islamabad.

"Our relations are growing in all domains, including politics, economy, culture and defense. A distinct characteristic of our defense collaboration is that these ties are based on mutual trust as both the nations understand each other's needs and always support each other when required. … Our shared objective is to strengthen our respective capabilities for indigenous defense production," Abbasi said.

Underlining that the close collaboration between Turkey and Pakistan in the area of defense has shifted to a whole new level in recent years, Abbasi said: "This collaboration has acquired new levels in recent years. The High Level Military Dialogue Group [HLMDG], with significant representation from the defense sectors of both countries, meets regularly and chalks out strategies and initiatives for defense collaboration. The defense industries of Pakistan and Turkey have significant capacities and complementarities, from which both sides are working to draw beneficial results."

Referring to recent bilateral agreements, such as the one signed in May 2017 in which Turkey is acquiring 52 Super Mushshak training aircraft from Pakistan, Abbasi said, "Turkey has thus become the largest buyer of our trainer aircraft."

Prime Minister Abbasi said Ankara and Islamabad "are working on the project for four MİLGEM Ada class corvettes," which is to be completed through technology transfer. Touching on cooperation in the aerial area, Abbasi said: "The Pakistan Aeronautical Complex [PAC] and Turkish Aerospace Industries (TAI) have committed to strengthening mutual collaboration in the aviation field. All these initiatives come on top of the earlier projects which included midlife up gradation of Pakistan's F-16s in Turkey."

Cooperation between the Turkish Armed Forces (TSK) and the Pakistani military plays an important role in Turkey's activities abroad. In Turkey, 1,494 Pakistani military personnel have received military education since a bilateral agreement was signed in March 2001 with 116 Pakistani military personnel sent to the TSK's Partnership for Peace Training Center, while 138 others received their education at the Center of Excellence and Defense against Terrorism institution in Ankara.

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