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Pakistan imploding under sectarian violence

Only some insane person will call the killing of shias in Pakistan as a consequence of being proxy of Iran. However, the followers of Satanic Najadi doctrine will say so to hide their crimes against humanity. They are the protector of Zionists and will do every thing to defend them. So that's the reason they are against every one who is willing to fight against Israel. Be it Syria, Iran, HezboAllah.

Pakistanis has nothing to do with Syria but Zionist slaves are killing innocent Pakistani on the orders of their master. Our so called friends who are in fact the slaves of Zionist were never our friends and will never be our friends. The killing spree is going on because Zionist slaves want shias and hazaras to retaliate. And when they retaliate the Zionist slaves will say that this is the work of Iran proxy. They want to intiate a civil war in Pakistan so that they could disintegrate Pakistan. They want to separate Baluchistan because that will disintegrate Iranian side also. They are more enemy to Iran than a friend to Pakistan. The Axis of Evil who are the reason of the death and destruction to this world are USA+KSA+Israhell and their followers.
Dude no one is sweeping anything under the carpet, but you can only debate with a person who shows some logic rather than just malign.

Dude my comments were for your posts in which you immediately started discrediting the source and derailing the thread, instead of debating the topic at hand .....

Maligning does not distort with facts :

The data compiled by South Asian Terrorism Portal reveals that in the current year alone, approximately 150 civilians, mostly Shias, have died in sectarian violence in Pakistan. In comparison only 23 violent deaths were recorded in the Indian controlled Kashmir in 2012.

Even with a six-times larger demographic footprint, 62 civilians reportedly died in terrorist violence in India in 2012, whereas 734 civilians became victims of terrorist violence in Pakistan during the same time period.

If you have any data that contradicts these facts from the news report , share that and debate , instead of shooting off non-sensical bs ....
Only some insane person will call the killing of shias in Pakistan as a consequence of being proxy of Iran. However, the followers of Satanic Najadi doctrine will say so to hide their crimes against humanity. They are the protector of Zionists and will do every thing to defend them. So that's the reason they are against every one who is willing to fight against Israel. Be it Syria, Iran, HezboAllah.

Pakistanis has nothing to do with Syria but Zionist slaves are killing innocent Pakistani on the orders of their master. Our so called friends who are in fact the slaves of Zionist were never our friends and will never be our friends. The killing spree is going on because Zionist slaves want shias and hazaras to retaliate. And when they retaliate the Zionist slaves will say that this is the work of Iran proxy. They want to intiate a civil war in Pakistan so that they could disintegrate Pakistan. They want to separate Baluchistan because that will disintegrate Iranian side also. They are more enemy to Iran than a friend to Pakistan. The Axis of Evil who are the reason of the death and destruction to this world are USA+KSA+Israhell and their followers.

Well then they should live like the good boys and do not provoke the majority..should they?

The sectarian violence in Pakistan has its roots in Tehreek a Jaferia & Sipah E Sahaba. Since the 1979 revolution in Iran Khomeni has repeated the parrot rehotric of exporting the revolution while the Ayatollah government was irritated by Zia Ul Haq close relations with US and backing of Afghan mujaheddin therefore the Iranian ayatollahs encourage the Pakistani Shia to take bold and rigid stance. Since the Khomeni revolution in Iran, shia in Pakistan suddenly became much more aggressive in outward expression of their religion. Especially in ritual cursing of noble figures and demanding public holidays to affirm their religious beliefs by violence if necessary. Point in case is the holiday of "Ali matrydom day". The Sunni groups irritated by shia aggression responded by forming their own propagation wings which could soon outbreak into militant outfits like Sipah Sahaba backed and funded by wealthy icons of GCC particularly Saudi Arabia.

Pakistan soon turned into a virtual battle ground between Iranian and Arab proxies with Shia being the ultimate losing side for being minority and having less popular appeal among the politicians.

I am not endorsing violence against Hazara or any other ethinic or religious minority in Pakistan. Hazara being an extremely improvised and backward group of people are becoming easy proxies for Ayatllahs. Think of how taliban exploit the povert in KP to find their recruits, similarly the Iranian proxies exploit the poverty of Hazara to find their recruits. The result is bloody tit for tat attacks on each other.

Lets have a moment of solidarity with poor Hazara souls with this video of appeals against their genocide.

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Man, from when the OP posted this rubbish till now, I thought Pakistan would have exploded. :rofl:
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