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Pakistan imploding under sectarian violence

Regardless of whether the situation is fact or exaggerated, we should demand that the government enforces law and order. Don't let some silly point scoring by some people blind us from the fact that the government has reneged on its duty to provide security to the common citizen, of whatever stripe.

Just one more reason to throw these dynastic feudals out once and for all.

Right now Balochistan is facing insurgency, TTP is a menace in KPK and FATA, anti-Shia riots going on in Gilgit and Karachi is burning with Target killings, Hazaras are in Danger in Quetta. If you will read British Travel guide of their foreign ministry website regarding Pakistan. You can understand the seriousness of situation. Pakistan need to maintain law and order.
Any link to the article or is it the usual Bharti brain fart. ??

Indians grasping onto the straws....now you resort to bloggers to float your boat. :laugh:

The views expressed by this blogger and in the following reader comments do not necessarily reflect the views and policies of the Dawn Media Group.

Based in Toronto, he is certainly in a prime position to comment on Pakistan's ground realities. !!

Sweeping under the carpet won't help anymore ... wake up and smell the reality.


If you can't argue against the facts , don't resort to mud-slinging !

@ Topic : The security situation still remains on the edge in Pakistan , high-time the law-enforcement authorities buckled up ...
Right now Balochistan is facing insurgency, TTP is a menace in KPK and FATA, anti-Shia riots going on in Gilgit and Karachi is burning with Target killings, Hazaras are in Danger in Quetta. If you will read British Travel guide of their foreign ministry website regarding Pakistan. You can understand the seriousness of situation. Pakistan need to maintain law and order.

The Western advisories need to be taken with a grain of salt since they are often tainted by agenda.

The situation in Balochistan has been discussed here any number of times to highlight fact from fiction.

The other situations do pose some problems, albeit not as alarming as some make it out to be. Everything is ultimately manageable, but I agree that this situation is not acceptable. No developed country would tolerate this kind of lawlessness. Unfortunately, Pakistanis have become numb and put up with all sorts of governance failures: electricity, lawlessness, corruption.

The good news is that the popularity of Imran Khan gives hope that people are starting to demand fundamental change.
:lol: when you have nothing left to say (except off topic nonsense that you normally resort to :) ), you try and discredit the source.. Never saw you taking this line when you guys fall over each other posting from that dude Riaz Haq's or Zaheerul hasan's blogs

My posts are not for the simple minds. ;)
Prove once that i ever resorted to the above names .... either put up or shut up. :D
And based in UK you are in as good a position to comment on his ;) ?

Hell, that just leaves an Indian to be the best judge. :lol:
It is very sad but since they have almost no non-muslims left, they'd target different sects that they claim hamper their unity. I hope the people realize that this violence won't get them anywhere.
Sweeping under the carpet won't help anymore ... wake up and smell the reality.


If you can't argue against the facts , don't resort to mud-slinging !

@ Topic : The security situation still remains on the edge in Pakistan , high-time the law-enforcement authorities buckled up ...

Dude no one is sweeping anything under the carpet, but you can only debate with a person who shows some logic rather than just malign. You have recently had curfew in your cities, students stabbed for eating Beef, the tragedy of Dalits is an every day occurrence, on the contrary we are in a war scenario, no doubt sectarian problem exists in our country but it's ridiculous to deposit all into that account. The killings in Karachi for example has more to do with political back ground and gang warfare than anything else. It's not a case of Sunni or Shia uprising, there are vested interests, who have a motive for these mindless killings and only happens in some areas. Would you say the situation in Mumbai or New Delhi is same as say Gujarat. !!
My Solutions for Indian press indigestion.


At least see the original press that the op ed belongs to before coming all over and trolling. And by the way this gift of Sunni extremist wahabi islam is something that came from dear Saudi Arabia which Zia, Hamid Gul et. al. merely executed and just see the sectrian rife in all parts of Pakistan including what they call Gilgit Baltistan.
Dude no one is sweeping anything under the carpet, but you can only debate with a person who shows some logic rather than just malign. You have recently had curfew in your cities, students stabbed for eating Beef, the tragedy of Dalits is an every day occurrence, on the contrary we are in a war scenario, no doubt sectarian problem exists in our country but it's ridiculous to deposit all into that account. The killings in Karachi for example has more to do with political back ground and gang warfare than anything else. It's not a case of Sunni or Shia uprising, there are vested interests, who have a motive for these mindless killings and only happens in some areas. Would you say the situation in Mumbai or New Delhi is same as say Gujarat. !!

Whatever happens in India, that happens once in a decade but peace is broken in Pakistan every week by Mass-Massacre. Just see the number of death in Pakistan compare it with 6.5 times more populated India.

At least see the original press that the op ed belongs to before coming all over and trolling. And by the way this gift of Sunni extremist wahabi islam is something that came from dear Saudi Arabia which Zia, Hamid Gul et. al. merely executed and just see the sectrian rife in all parts of Pakistan including what they call Gilgit Baltistan.

As far I knew Gilgit-Baltistan had been a pure Shia Ismaili Land because Ladakhi Muslims are predominantly Ismaili Shias, it seems that huge influx of outsiders mainly Wahabbi oriented people are creating chaos there.
It has always been...JEW TV majority shares are owned by indians...
now more hindi is spoken on JEW TV than Urdu!

:lol: Pakistanis are pretty quick to disown their own to avoid an unpleasant situation.. it was same 12 years back.. and same now..
At least see the original press that the op ed belongs to before coming all over and trolling. And by the way this gift of Sunni extremist wahabi islam is something that came from dear Saudi Arabia which Zia, Hamid Gul et. al. merely executed and just see the sectrian rife in all parts of Pakistan including what they call Gilgit Baltistan.

If you dont know the ground realities then you should shut up. Most of the sectarian violence is atleast in part initiated by the shia proxies being controlled from Iran. The shia play the game of provocation and self victimization. The same has been going in Bahrain. First they attacked the Bahrain police and recently shia thugs attacked GRand Prix because Ayatollah Sadr in Qom exclaimed the Bahraini shia to boycott Grand Prix. When the state took action against such criminal elements, they come out on streets crying and chanting.

Since the take over of terrorist regime in Iran and aytollahs bold motives to "export the revolution" the Shia around the world especially in Pakistan and Arab world have been acting more and more aggressive to enforce their minority ideals on majority.
In Pakistan Shia put the life of every citizen on standstill to run their processions of self flagellation and running drunken horses. Overhead electrical cables are cut off with no regards to state property and millions of those who will suffer due to lack of electricity just to that these stupid processions of jahiliya can take place. They again punish the entire Pakistani population by complete seizure of commercial activity in the name of celebrating "Ali matrydom day"?? It is fair to rest of the Pakistanis that a minority are becoming thorn for majority??

Put it straight, the Shia have equal rights as any other citizen of Pakistan. The violence takes place due to their own criminal activities. If they don't like it, they should go back to Iran. Most of the Shia in Pakistan are decedents of Iranians who escaped to Pakistan during the Khomeni revolt now that they have adapted citizenship they are trying to play Iranian proxy. This will not be welcome at any cost - they should be booted out to Iran.

Bahraini sectarianism and Sadr exposed!

Bahraini sectarianism and Sadr exposed! - Arab News

Published: Apr 21, 2012 22:41 Updated: Apr 21, 2012 22:41

For the situation to reach the stage where Shiite Iraqi leader Muqtada Sadr is calling on the people of Bahrain to boycott the Bahrain Formula One Grand Prix, after meeting what an Iranian media outlet described as Bahraini “revolutionaries” in Iran’s Qom; then there can be no doubt that what we are witnessing is outright sectarianism, particularly as Sadr’s stances have been exposed, especially with regard to Syria, where the people are being killed on a daily basis.

Of course, it is no coincidence that the Kingdom of Bahrain is witnessing Molotov cocktail attacks on one of the teams taking part in the Formula One race, at the same time that there we are witnessing Iranian escalation against Bahrain. It seems that Moqtada Sadr is contributing to this, in one way or another, for here we see Sadr calling on the Bahrainis to boycott the Formula One race, whilst meeting with those who describe themselves as Bahraini revolutionaries in Qom, whilst the prominent Iranian “mashreghnews” website carried this news item as its top story. However if Sadr is meeting with Shiite Bahraini opposition figures, and in Qom no less, then how can anybody deny that what is happening in Bahrain is sectarianism? Is there anything more sectarian than this? In addition to this the Sadrists — who themselves are supported by Iran — are also supporting and defending Bashar Assad, who has been killing the Syrian people on a daily basis for almost 12 months; therefore Moqtada Sadr is no different than Hassan Nasrallah, who is calling on the Syrian people to carry out dialogue with the tyrant Assad! This is a truly strange set of affairs!

Here some might say that we should not make generalizations about what is happening in Bahrain by saying that the Bahraini opposition — or the Shiites — are all with Sadr or Iran. This is correct; however we must also make note that the rational or intellectuals have isolated themselves from the situation in Bahrain.

Where are the rational or moderate Shiite Bahrainis who came out to condemn Sadr’s statements about the Formula One race, or the meeting of Bahraini opposition figures with Sadr in Qom? Indeed, no rational Shiite Bahrainis — or anybody with a real and valuable vision regarding the Shiite project in the region — have come forward in this regard. Sunni intellectuals, for example, stood up to the extremists who wanted to decide the fate of the Muslim Ummah from Tora Bora, however we do not hear any Shiite intellectuals — particularly after the so-called false Arab Spring — condemning those who want to decide the fate of the region’s Shiites from Qom, or by way of figures like Hassan Nasrallah or Sadr, therefore this is truly a frightening situation!

In this case Sadr, and prior to him, Hassan Nasrallah, interfering in Bahraini affairs represents flagrant evidence of the abhorrent sectarianism that is affecting the Kingdom of Bahrain, and this is responsible for driving the Bahraini opposition, especially the Shiites and particularly those who have failed to distance themselves from the extremists in Qom, and this includes those in the southern suburbs (of Beirut), or shall we say, the children of Iran. Therefore the Shiite Bahraini opposition, as well as other Shiites in the region, will not benefit by hiding behind demands for reform so long as they continue to allow extremist figures like Nasrallah or Sadr to interfere in their affairs.

This is not to mention the extremist stances of figures like Ahmadinejad, who is the first Iranian president to visit the occupied Emirati islands. Therefore what the Shiite Bahraini opposition, or revolutionaries — and others — have forgotten is that Sadr’s cover has been exposed in Iraq and Syria, so how can they attempt to benefit from this in Bahrain or the Arab Gulf?

The author is editor in chief of Asharq Al-Awsat.

Write to him at tariq@asharqalawsat.com

© 2010 Arab News
Whatever happens in India, that happens once in a decade but peace is broken in Pakistan every week by Mass-Massacre. Just see the number of death in Pakistan compare it with 6.5 times more populated India.

Well if we are going by numbers than suffice to say, you proceed in thousands. (Punjab, Gujarat). But that's not the topic, as i said we are in a war scenario, the Taliban and other scum, on the defeat are running helter skelter, trying to cause chaos and divert attention. The other day, they lobbed a grenade into a children school. Others kill randomonly to divert the attention of the security forces, who are busy erasing this menace.
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