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Pakistan imploding under sectarian violence

It's high time Pakistan Government should take steps and improve the situation. How is that a government can spend that much on defence and not on the security of its citizens ???
It's time for Pakistan to think is Kashmir is that much more worth than the Pak nation itself ???
The main reason of posting the thread was comparison of minorities in India to minorities in Pakistan.

I as a Indian, demand thorough investigation and punishment of Pakistanis who are commiting riots against minorities of Pakistan like shias and ahmediyyas.

Lets see who gets punished for these riots around 150 civilians, mostly Shia.

The 17 crore Indian muslims demand for care of minorities in Pakistan.

I am checking news for last 3-4 weeks, every week atleast 8-10 hazaras being killed in targeted violence.
Well if we are going by numbers than suffice to say, you proceed in thousands. (Punjab, Gujarat). But that's not the topic, as i said we are in a war scenario, the Taliban and other scum, on the defeat are running helter skelter, trying to cause chaos and divert attention. The other day, they lobbed a grenade into a children school. Others kill randomonly to divert the attention of the security forces, who are busy erasing this menace.

but the numbers say that the violence in 2012 q1 is same if not worse than 2011 average, which in turn was more than 2010..Which actually is contradictory to the claim of Security forces being able to erase this menace..
If you dont know the ground realities then you should shut up. Most of the sectarian violence is atleast in part initiated by the shia proxies being controlled from Iran. The shia play the game of provocation and self victimization. The same has been going in Bahrain. First they attacked the Bahrain police and recently shia thugs attacked GRand Prix because Ayatollah Sadr in Qom exclaimed the Bahraini shia to boycott Grand Prix. When the state took action against such criminal elements, they come out on streets crying and chanting.

Since the take over of terrorist regime in Iran and aytollahs bold motives to "export the revolution" the Shia around the world especially in Pakistan and Arab world have been acting more and more aggressive to enforce their minority ideals on majority.
In Pakistan Shia put the life of every citizen on standstill to run their processions of self flagellation and running drunken horses. Overhead electrical cables are cut off with no regards to state property and millions of those who will suffer due to lack of electricity just to that these stupid processions of jahiliya can take place. They again punish the entire Pakistani population by complete seizure of commercial activity in the name of celebrating "Ali matrydom day"?? It is fair to rest of the Pakistanis that a minority are becoming thorn for majority??

Put it straight, the Shia have equal rights as any other citizen of Pakistan. The violence takes place due to their own criminal activities. If they don't like it, they should go back to Iran. Most of the Shia in Pakistan are decedents of Iranians who escaped to Pakistan during the Khomeni revolt now that they have adapted citizenship they are trying to play Iranian proxy. This will not be welcome at any cost - they should be booted out to Iran.

Bahraini sectarianism and Sadr exposed!

Bahraini sectarianism and Sadr exposed! - Arab News

Published: Apr 21, 2012 22:41 Updated: Apr 21, 2012 22:41

For the situation to reach the stage where Shiite Iraqi leader Muqtada Sadr is calling on the people of Bahrain to boycott the Bahrain Formula One Grand Prix, after meeting what an Iranian media outlet described as Bahraini “revolutionaries” in Iran’s Qom; then there can be no doubt that what we are witnessing is outright sectarianism, particularly as Sadr’s stances have been exposed, especially with regard to Syria, where the people are being killed on a daily basis.

Of course, it is no coincidence that the Kingdom of Bahrain is witnessing Molotov cocktail attacks on one of the teams taking part in the Formula One race, at the same time that there we are witnessing Iranian escalation against Bahrain. It seems that Moqtada Sadr is contributing to this, in one way or another, for here we see Sadr calling on the Bahrainis to boycott the Formula One race, whilst meeting with those who describe themselves as Bahraini revolutionaries in Qom, whilst the prominent Iranian “mashreghnews” website carried this news item as its top story. However if Sadr is meeting with Shiite Bahraini opposition figures, and in Qom no less, then how can anybody deny that what is happening in Bahrain is sectarianism? Is there anything more sectarian than this? In addition to this the Sadrists — who themselves are supported by Iran — are also supporting and defending Bashar Assad, who has been killing the Syrian people on a daily basis for almost 12 months; therefore Moqtada Sadr is no different than Hassan Nasrallah, who is calling on the Syrian people to carry out dialogue with the tyrant Assad! This is a truly strange set of affairs!

Here some might say that we should not make generalizations about what is happening in Bahrain by saying that the Bahraini opposition — or the Shiites — are all with Sadr or Iran. This is correct; however we must also make note that the rational or intellectuals have isolated themselves from the situation in Bahrain.

Where are the rational or moderate Shiite Bahrainis who came out to condemn Sadr’s statements about the Formula One race, or the meeting of Bahraini opposition figures with Sadr in Qom? Indeed, no rational Shiite Bahrainis — or anybody with a real and valuable vision regarding the Shiite project in the region — have come forward in this regard. Sunni intellectuals, for example, stood up to the extremists who wanted to decide the fate of the Muslim Ummah from Tora Bora, however we do not hear any Shiite intellectuals — particularly after the so-called false Arab Spring — condemning those who want to decide the fate of the region’s Shiites from Qom, or by way of figures like Hassan Nasrallah or Sadr, therefore this is truly a frightening situation!

In this case Sadr, and prior to him, Hassan Nasrallah, interfering in Bahraini affairs represents flagrant evidence of the abhorrent sectarianism that is affecting the Kingdom of Bahrain, and this is responsible for driving the Bahraini opposition, especially the Shiites and particularly those who have failed to distance themselves from the extremists in Qom, and this includes those in the southern suburbs (of Beirut), or shall we say, the children of Iran. Therefore the Shiite Bahraini opposition, as well as other Shiites in the region, will not benefit by hiding behind demands for reform so long as they continue to allow extremist figures like Nasrallah or Sadr to interfere in their affairs.

This is not to mention the extremist stances of figures like Ahmadinejad, who is the first Iranian president to visit the occupied Emirati islands. Therefore what the Shiite Bahraini opposition, or revolutionaries — and others — have forgotten is that Sadr’s cover has been exposed in Iraq and Syria, so how can they attempt to benefit from this in Bahrain or the Arab Gulf?

The author is editor in chief of Asharq Al-Awsat.

Write to him at tariq@asharqalawsat.com

© 2010 Arab News

Do not obfusciate the discussion. Shias in what is now termed at Gilgit Baltistan and also on the Indian side in Kashmir have been living there for as long as the Bin Qasim claim of Zaid Hamid (just metaphorical). They did not certainly come from Iran. What you write is totally misleading. So this is indeed sectarian voilence that is being perpertrated on Shias whether they be in what used to be Kashmir or the Hazaras or in Khyber or in other parts of Pakistan. And this sectarian strife has been nurtured by the extremist policies of Zia and his tinmen.

And what is this business of sending them to Iran? You are talking like a punjabi pakistani who just wants Pakistan without the other ethnicities because those ethnicities too ask for their share of resources!!
Well if we are going by numbers than suffice to say, you proceed in thousands. (Punjab, Gujarat). But that's not the topic, as i said we are in a war scenario, the Taliban and other scum, on the defeat are running helter skelter, trying to cause chaos and divert attention. The other day, they lobbed a grenade into a children school. Others kill randomonly to divert the attention of the security forces, who are busy erasing this menace.

How does what happened in India Punjab or Gujrat (even if your version is taken) have anything to do with the killing of Shias in Gilgit Baltistan or Hazaras in Balochistan?

Taliban is a totally different discussion. I think that even if Pakistani army focussed on the punbabi grounps such as LeJ or LeT or whatever is their most recent avatar then it should be enough, because from what is published, it is these punjabi groups who are more wahabi then the wahab himself seemingly!!
Well if we are going by numbers than suffice to say, you proceed in thousands. (Punjab, Gujarat). But that's not the topic, as i said we are in a war scenario, the Taliban and other scum, on the defeat are running helter skelter, trying to cause chaos and divert attention. The other day, they lobbed a grenade into a children school. Others kill randomonly to divert the attention of the security forces, who are busy erasing this menace.

I already told you those things happen once in a decade and Pakistan achieve double of same death toll in a year time even with 1/6.5 times the population of India. That shows situation is grim in Pakistan.
Do not obfusciate the discussion. Shias in what is now termed at Gilgit Baltistan and also on the Indian side in Kashmir have been living there for as long as the Bin Qasim claim of Zaid Hamid (just metaphorical). They did not certainly come from Iran. What you write is totally misleading. So this is indeed sectarian voilence that is being perpertrated on Shias whether they be in what used to be Kashmir or the Hazaras or in Khyber or in other parts of Pakistan. And this sectarian strife has been nurtured by the extremist policies of Zia and his tinmen.

And what is this business of sending them to Iran? You are talking like a punjabi pakistani who just wants Pakistan without the other ethnicities because those ethnicities too ask for their share of resources!!

You know Bin-Qassim was sent by Hujjaj bin Yusuf who was an staunch anti-shia at any cost..lets stick to the main issue that shia are nuisance where ever they go either in the name of ashura, taziat, jalsa juloos, etc etc..

Real Iranian aspirations

And you are talking like an indian who just wants Kashmir without the Kashminirs because Kashmiris too ask for their share of resources.
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Indians grasping onto the straws....now you resort to bloggers to float your boat. :laugh:
Look Who's talking:
Windjammer said:
Since the Indians here are digressing in every direction from Kargil to 1971 and 1965....well here is a break down of Pakistani losses during the Kargil conflict, let's see if some Indian member can come up with the same for Indian casualties. It's ironic that the handing over of the bodies of Pakistani soldiers was carried out in full glare of the TV cameras just to boast the tiny egos....if one was to believe all that is written or said on the media then the second link makes some damn interesting readings.

How many Indian soldiers were killed in Kargil conflict 1999 ? Some say 2,70,000. Is it true BJP hiding that? - Yahoo! Answers India

How many Indian soldiers were killed in Kargil conflict 1999 ? Some say 2,70,000. Is it true BJP hiding that? - Yahoo! Answers India
Post number-113
He uses Yahoo! answers as his source.:rofl::rofl:
BUSTED.....whoever you are before the new I.D ;)

You know Bin-Qassim was sent by Hujjaj bin Yusuf who was an staunch anti-shia at any cost..lets stick to the main issue that shia are nuisance where ever they go either in the name of ashura, taziat, jalsa juloos, etc etc..

Real Iranian aspirations

And you are talking like an indian who just wants Kashmir without the Kashminirs because Kashmiris too ask for their share of resources.

We want kashmir with all its kashmiri residents which include all muslims (no matter shia or sunni), ladakhi, kashimri pandits, or jammu hindus.

Right now we are concerned with non discrimimate killings of shias in Gilgit Baltiststan, Balochistan, KP or Sindh. Everywhere in Pakistan shias are been slaughtered.
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Right now we are concerned with non discrimimate killings of shias in Gilgit Baltiststan, Balochistan, KP or Sindh. Everywhere in Pakistan shias are been slaughtered.

Its called collateral damage..do you have a problem with that?
They are the one who started it under instructions from Iran..ye shall not poke finger in the majority.

And what about the indiscriminate killing of Muslims in Homs and Hama backed by Iran?. We are simply responding to Iranian backed brutality in Syria

You are doing the same in Kashmir btw!
Its called collateral damage..do you have a problem with that?
They are the one who started it under instructions from Iran..ye shall not poke finger in the majority.

And what about the indiscriminate killing of Muslims in Homs and Hama backed by Iran?. We are simply responding to Iranian backed brutality in Syria

You are doing the same in Kashmir btw!

What? So then why do you guys start hoarsing your throats when the US drones go fishing? Is that too not collateral damage? And what is the thing about linking that moron Assad and his bunch with what the punjabis are doing in Pakistan with the Hazaras and the other Shias? What is the excuse for institutionally targeting the Ahmedis then?

And we are doing nothing in Kashmir that can be even analogized remotely with religious or ethnic cleansing so stop spreading that nonsense.
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