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Pakistan helped US get Osama, insists Hersh

Without Pakistan knowledge, it could not have happened.

Fair enough but isnt it our policy failure that while we knew where he was and in fact assisted US in getting him, we get all criticism for 'supporting' terror?

Pakistan's role was also acknowledged by Obama himself when he announced OBL killing in a live speech.
Soon we hear the slogan " Kiyani sada sher ayy " ...
both US and pak govt account are rubbish.. they seem like stories... I dont like conspiracy theory but this guy has got some reputation.. I trust his words to official statement.
Nobody believes Mr Hersh outside of Pakistan

Do you know how bad US pakistan relations were after Osama's killing

https://www.google.co.in/webhp?sourceid=chrome-instant&ion=1&espv=2&ie=UTF-8#q=pakistan us relations after osama death

If Pakistan had helped USA in this ; they would have got Billions in aid
i dont believe their relation was as bad... as it would have been if US really take unilateral action. such actions will attract withdrawl of ambassador at least, from pak side. US also was very careful in not blaming pakistan for hiding osama.
i dont believe their relation was as bad... as it would have been if US really take unilateral action. such actions will attract withdrawl of ambassador at least, from pak side. US also was very careful in not blaming pakistan for hiding osama.
both US and pak govt account are rubbish.. they seem like stories... I dont like conspiracy theory but this guy has got some reputation.. I trust his words to official statement.

The stories were made just to save Pakistani government and army from general criticism and give shinning stars to US government whereas media already had hints about the collaboration for this joint action.
Ideally for Pakistan such a raid should never have happened

If Pakistan would have killed OBL and handed him to USA then they would have
gained a lot ; At least 60 more F 16 s would have been Rewarded to Pakistan

You dont remember about Salala raid which was deliberately done by USA
to make a point to Pakistan

It took enormous efforts and time for Pakistani
Diplomats -- 2years --to do damage control after OBL was found in Pakistan by US seals

And still US Pakistan relations have not been the same which they were before
May 1/ 2011

Read this


i dont believe their relation was as bad... as it would have been if US really take unilateral action. such actions will attract withdrawl of ambassador at least, from pak side. US also was very careful in not blaming pakistan for hiding osama.
Nobody believes Mr Hersh outside of Pakistan

Do you know how bad US pakistan relations were after Osama's killing

https://www.google.co.in/webhp?sourceid=chrome-instant&ion=1&espv=2&ie=UTF-8#q=pakistan us relations after osama death

If Pakistan had helped USA in this ; they would have got Billions in aid

So you believe American media in general? The media which constantly lied about Iraq's WMD program. American mainstream media never questioned Pentagon and State Department official account. Same is the situation here.
So you believe American media in general? The media which constantly lied about Iraq's WMD program. American mainstream media never questioned Pentagon and State Department official account. Same is the situation here.

These are two different cases ; apples and oranges

In case of Iraq ; It was about President Bush's personal hatred for Saddam

And later on that fact has been acknowledged

But in OBL case ; The country which suffered a huge loss of reputation
and image was Pakistan

Why would Pakistan silently suffer if it really helped USA

It would have demanded a HUGE reward package ; At least 60 F 16s
for helping to kill OBL
These are two different cases ; apples and oranges

In case of Iraq ; It was about President Bush's personal hatred for Saddam

And later on that fact has been acknowledged

But in OBL case ; The country which suffered a huge loss of reputation
and image was Pakistan

Why would Pakistan silently suffer if it really helped USA

It would have demanded a HUGE reward package ; At least 60 F 16s
for helping to kill OBL

Thats my question. Why should Pakistan suffer loss of reputation.

As for media, its not apple and oranges. As I said. American media never question Pentagon and State Department. That journalism thing is long lost. Its corporate media now peddling and saving interests.
Thats my question. Why should Pakistan suffer loss of reputation.

As for media, its not apple and oranges. As I said. American media never question Pentagon and State Department. That journalism thing is long lost. Its corporate media now peddling and saving interests.
Which COAS would allow a foreign country to conduct a COIN operation deep inside Pakistan and that too near a place where military installations are present? Tell me.

We can expect a COAS to be an American stooge but not to the extent that he would give green-light for a raid as daring as Operation Neptune Spear.

If Pakistan security apparatus had really collaborated with the US in the matter of assassination of OBL (a claim that every American insider denies), then COAS would have been boasting about it as one of its major successes in the war against terrorism and there would have been celebrations. There wouldn't have been a need to create a commission report about it.

When a nation's top military officials are summoned to the parliament to explain what happened on May 2 and ISI chief is willing to tender his resignation during the briefing, then it is time to ask questions.

To refresh your memory:


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if you think US can just march in 100 KM inside Pakistan without the knowledge of our air defense then you are a fool

then care to explain what was all the drama surrounding the doctor who was helping the cia. If your air defence was helping the US then they should be in prison too. Why scapegoat the doctor?

All our criticism is by the public and India. Just about every important politician praises Pakistan's anti terror efforts. Kinda part of the bargain. In my opinion, we should have just killed Bin Laden and hid his body somewhere.

Come to think of it, maybe we did but we got caught in the act by the CIA. So the US and Pakistan made this story instead. Makes America seem more competent and allows militants to not want to destroy Pakistan.

In the process Pakistan was maligned for harbouring a known terrorist and exposed your lies. What's new??
then care to explain what was all the drama surrounding the doctor who was helping the cia. If your air defence was helping the US then they should be in prison too. Why scapegoat the doctor?

In the process Pakistan was maligned for harbouring a known terrorist and exposed your lies. What's new??

Maligned? Not really, we still receive plenty of aid. As for that doctor, he was arrested as he was working for the CIA. Doesn't matter if what he was doing was not against Pakistan, any foreign operatives in Pakistan are not dealt with lightly.
We have refuted Mr. Hersh’s claim before and we reiterate that this story has no truth to it. Last year, White House National Security spokesman Ned Price said in a statement, “The notion that the operation that killed Usama Bin Ladin was anything but a unilateral U.S. mission is patently false.” He had further said, “Knowledge of this operation was confined to a very small circle of senior U.S. officials. The President decided early on not to inform any other government, including the Pakistani Government, which was not notified until after the raid had occurred.” Price said, “We had been and continue to be partners with Pakistan in our joint effort to destroy al-Qa'ida, but this was a U.S. operation through and through.”

Abdul Quddus
DET - U.S. Central Command
60 more F 16 s
60? More like 100 plus and billions of more dollars. However just like Afghanistan Pakistan screwed up. So bloody predicatable. Taliban lost Afghanistan, cost 10,000s Afghan's lives all for OBL. Pakistan did similar if less "bargain" and ended up looking the bad guy the consequences of which still are felt.
These are two different cases ; apples and oranges

In case of Iraq ; It was about President Bush's personal hatred for Saddam

And later on that fact has been acknowledged

But in OBL case ; The country which suffered a huge loss of reputation
and image was Pakistan

Why would Pakistan silently suffer if it really helped USA

It would have demanded a HUGE reward package ; At least 60 F 16s
for helping to kill OBL
60 f-16 is around 10 billion USD. You seriously think USA will pay 10 billion USD for capture or death of osama?
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