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Pakistan helped US get Osama, insists Hersh


May 21, 2006
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WASHINGTON: “More than ever,” says legendary US investigative journalist Seymour Hersh when asked if he still believes Pakistan helped the United States get Osama bin Laden (OBL).

When the Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist first made this claim in an article published last year, it shook Washington and forced the White House to reject the story as false. Major US media outlets also rejected his claim as incorrect.

But Mr Hersh repeated the claim in his new book, “The Killing of Osama bin Laden,” published this week, insisting that he was right.

In an interview to Dawn on Tuesday, Mr Hersh said that since last year he had seen new evidence that cemented his belief that the official US account of how OBL was found in his compound and killed was deceptive.

He reiterated his claim that Pakistan had detained OBL in 2006 and kept him prisoner with the backing of Saudi Arabia. The United States and Pakistan then struck a deal: The US would raid bin Laden’s compound but make it look as if Pakistan was unaware.

“I learned a lot more than I knew in the beginning,” he said.

“Pakistan is in constant alert because of India. Their radars are watching, their F-16s are up all the time,” said Mr Hersh while arguing that it was not possible for US helicopters to enter Abbottabad without alerting the Pakistanis.

He said the then army and ISI chiefs had made this deal with the Americans, which upset other Pakistani generals.

“The then head of Pakistan’s Air Defence Command was very, very upset. He was ready to go public,” said Mr Hersh, claiming that the disgruntled general was made PIA chairman after his retirement to compensate for his silence.

In an interview to Democracy Now, a network of more than 1,400 radio and television outlets, Mr Hersh said the US and Pakistan had jointly created the ‘myth’ “we discovered” where he was living.

“What I know is … that in August of 2010, a Pakistani a colonel … came into our embassy, went to the then CIA Station Chief Jonathan Bank, and said: ‘We’ve had bin Laden for four years’.”

Mr Hersh told Dawn that the colonel was later moved to the US and was now living somewhere near Washington.

“The Pakistani intelligence picked him (bin Laden) in the Hindu Kush area, built the compound in Abbottabad and put him there,” he said. “Pakistani officials did so because the Saudis asked them to. The Saudis did not want Americans to interrogate OBL.”

According to Mr Hersh, when the CIA asked Pakistani officials to make the May 2, 2011, operation at OBL’s compound in Abbottabad a surprise raid, they agreed “because they had kept OBL in custody without telling us”.

The Americans were already very upset and the Pakistanis did not want to make it worse, he added.

“I wrote the name of the station chief, Jonathan Bank, something you are not supposed to do, but he did not attack me for doing this. He did not contradict my story, although if there is one guy who can end my story, it is him,” Mr Hersh said.

“Of course not, I have a great deal of sources here,” said Mr Hersh when asked if he based his story entirely on Pakistani intelligence source.

“I was going to take a chance that Bank would not succumb to pressure. I knew a lot about him. He’s a Harvard grad, very bright guy, very competent. And I just didn’t think he would be trotted out by the CIA to say, ‘What? What’s Hersh writing about? I don’t know anything about a walk-in,” Mr Hersh told Democracy Now.

“I did have more contact with people in the ISI after I wrote. I learned much more, that gave me much more flesh on the skimpy bones I guess I had,” he said.

Published in Dawn, April 27th, 2016
LOL the reason why he is naming jonathan banks because PTI had leaked his name in press already when he was here and then hurriedly extracted by americans and deployed in UAE where he is working against Iranis. I dont know abt latest however.

That Hersh guy is actually lying abt saudia arabia. Since these days americans r pressurizing them for something and warning to investigate about 9/11 and then saudies have created a tussle to cease their accounts/assets in kingdom etc
The americans i guess r trying to isolate Saudis and bad mouthing them in the eyes of Pakistanis.

Regarding the OBL, that was a drama created by Obama to win elections. There was no OBL in that compound nor is there any substantial evidence by americans of the guy that they killed was infact him. As a person who has studied in Abbottabad all my teens and know people living in the same locality, the man killed was a gangster/smuggler. Some YXZ Khan. But he wasnt OBL.
oh yeah, it's that time of the year.....again!
Way to go hersh :tup:. Perfect.
But please do not talk about the country which is only spreading "love" in all the muslims of the world. I reject your point againts them :close_tema:. They are innocent man ;)
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Regarding the OBL, that was a drama created by Obama to win elections. There was no OBL in that compound nor is there any substantial evidence by americans of the guy that they killed was infact him. As a person who has studied in Abbottabad all my teens and know people living in the same locality, the man killed was a gangster/smuggler. Some YXZ Khan. But he wasnt OBL.

Yes. And we're supposed to take your word over a distinguished journalist such as Hersh. All because you've lived and studied in Abbottabad.
This is old news. Hersh's account is bullshit.

A high-profile intelligence officer (who was privy to the developments of the Operation Neptune Spear) debunked Hersh's account: http://www.wsj.com/articles/separating-fact-from-seymour-hershs-fiction-about-bin-laden-1431714139

Another: http://www.vox.com/2015/5/11/8584473/seymour-hersh-osama-bin-laden

Moreover, people should read the Abbottabad Commission Report. It is the most comprehensive and informative report about the event in question and contains details that you won't find on the web. I have read it.

Operation Neptune Spear was a strictly CIA-led unilateral COIN operation inside Pakistan, and Pakistan Army have no hand in it.

if you think US can just march in 100 KM inside Pakistan without the knowledge of our air defense then you are a fool
The Americans prepared for this raid beforehand and it was carried out in the cover of darkness. There is also a massive asymmetry between the technological capabilities of the two countries.

If you think that Pakistani security apparatus is infallible, you are deluding yourself.
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Without Pakistan knowledge, it could not have happened.

Fair enough but isnt it our policy failure that while we knew where he was and in fact assisted US in getting him, we get all criticism for 'supporting' terror?

Pakistan's role was also acknowledged by Obama himself when he announced OBL killing in a live speech.
This is old news. Hersh's account is bullshit.

A high-profile intelligence officer (who was privy to the developments of the Operation Neptune Spear) debunked Hersh's account: http://www.wsj.com/articles/separating-fact-from-seymour-hershs-fiction-about-bin-laden-1431714139

Another: http://www.vox.com/2015/5/11/8584473/seymour-hersh-osama-bin-laden

Moreover, people should read the Abbottabad Commission Report. It is the most comprehensive and informative report about the event in question and contains details that you won't find on the web. I have read it.

Operation Neptune Spear was a strictly CIA-led unilateral COIN operation inside Pakistan, and Pakistan Army have no hand in it.

The Americans prepared for this raid beforehand and it was carried out in the cover of darkness. There is also a massive asymmetry between the technological capabilities of the two countries.

If you think that Pakistani security apparatus is infallible, you are deluding yourself.

if Pakistani security apparatus is so fallible then we should expect Indian Air Force going in and out of Pakistan at will. As far as abbotabad comission report yea we have seen 100s of comision reports these reports are done as per the officialès expectations.
Everyone knows what Pakistan did , no amount of propaganda & PR campaign in pak media will change this . This story is as believable as saying 9/11 was a internal job by CIA.

if you think US can just march in 100 KM inside Pakistan without the knowledge of our air defense then you are a fool
Or , that pak military is vastly inferior to U.S. technology, and you are just expecting too much from your military .
Everyone knows what Pakistan did , no amount of propaganda & PR campaign in pak media will change this . This story is as believable as saying 9/11 was a internal job by CIA.

Or , that pak military is vastly inferior to U.S. technology, and you are just expecting too much from your military .

there are certain things that are basic to any entity, you cant say US soldier cant better fire a gun than Indian or Pakistani soldier. Similarly there are radars monitoring the air space, radars do not allow US copters to pass thru. This is the same US army and technology we have seen in Vietnam and Afghanistan against Talibans, Talibans attacked US basses many time and once blockade one US base for two days. Again same US superior technology in Iran Contra and Somalia...but I guess somalian had a very competitive technology. Do you really think Obama would have risked US soldiers against an Army keeping in the mind what happened to Black hawks in Somalia...But for us south Asian Oh Amreeka is a big deal. The only time US mission succeeded was in Pakistan LMAO
if Pakistani security apparatus is so fallible then we should expect Indian Air Force going in and out of Pakistan at will. As far as abbotabad comission report yea we have seen 100s of comision reports these reports are done as per the officialès expectations.
You think that India is technologically on par with the US? Think before you write something.

And that is exactly the problem. Why take a commission report seriously? We need to change this kind of attitude for the betterment of Pakistan.

there are certain things that are basic to any entity, you cant say US soldier cant better fire a gun than Indian or Pakistani soldier. Similarly there are radars monitoring the air space, radars do not allow US copters to pass thru. This is the same US army and technology we have seen in Vietnam and Afghanistan against Talibans, Talibans attacked US basses many time and once blockade one US base for two days. Again same US superior technology in Iran Contra and Somalia...but I guess somalian had a very competitive technology. Do you really think Obama would have risked US soldiers against an Army keeping in the mind what happened to Black hawks in Somalia...But for us south Asian Oh Amreeka is a big deal. The only time US mission succeeded was in Pakistan LMAO
None of what you wrote makes any sense.

US military capability have changed drastically from the days of Vietnam War. Want me to draw parallels?

Radar systems are not infallible. They can be fooled through appropriate measures.

Taliban is not an identifiable military force; it is an ideology. To defeat an ideology, you need to change the mindset of people at grassroots levels and this may take decades.

You cannot draw parallels with Somalia based events and Operation Neptune Spear either. Somalian rebels destroyed a Pakistani military convoy as well; I suppose that military capability of Pakistan is lacking on the whole because of it? :rolleyes:

In reality, US was never serious about addressing the problems of Somalia.
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None of what you wrote makes any sense.

US military capability have changed drastically from the days of Vietnam War. Want me to draw parallels?

Radar systems are not infallible. They can be fooled through appropriate measures.

Taliban is not an identifiable military force; it is an ideology. To defeat an ideology, you need to change the mindset of people at grassroots levels and this may take decades.

You cannot draw parallels with Somalia based events and Operation Neptune Spear either. Somalian rebels destroyed a Pakistani military convoy as well; I suppose that military capability of Pakistan is lacking on the whole because of it? :rolleyes:

In reality, US was never serious about addressing the problems of Somalia.

Just tell me about one other operation US had completed successfully, they even managed to destroy one helicopter in an easiest operation they ever conducted.
Just tell me about one other operation US had completed successfully, they even managed to destroy one helicopter in an easiest operation they ever conducted.
My friend, warfare history is not your cup of tea. Your remarks prove it.

US have fought many wars in its history; some were won and a few were lost. But each war granted invaluable experience and contributed to the evolution of US military capability and doctrines with passage of time.

Modern wars can be extremely lengthy affairs and may comprise of a large number of military operations. Therefore, it will take a long time to create a list of every military operation that was a success story.

Nobody says that Operation Neptune Spear was an 'easy' matter. It is arguably one of the most daring and challenging COIN operations ever conducted inside an hostile territory. It is not something that every country can pull off against Pakistan. Not even India.
My friend, warfare history is not your cup of tea. Your remarks prove it.

US have fought many wars in its history; some were won and a few were lost. But each war granted invaluable experience and contributed to the evolution of US military capability and doctrines with passage of time.

Modern wars can be extremely lengthy affairs and may comprise of a large number of military operations. Therefore, it will take a long time to create a list of every military operation that was a success story.

Nobody says that Operation Neptune Spear was an 'easy' matter. It is arguably one of the most daring and challenging COIN operations ever conducted inside an hostile territory. It is not something that every country can pull off against Pakistan. Not even India.

I am not claiming to be an expert in modern warfare, just a little curious about the history of American warfare and that is how come the only successful military operation US ever conducted was inside Pakistan, a country whose military brass conducts pentagon trips more than the trips inside their own territory.
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