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Pakistan has to use force to liberate Kashmir: Rana Tanveer

I can provide another grave right next to his, will that do?:coffee:

Or, knowing @Hyperion he'll pick you off from a 1000 meters away. Best not to tempt fate.
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Well they have been trying to do their part, the LeT is composed of primarily Punjabis.:kiss3:
@Armstrong Hype is insinuating that Punjabis can't fight, at least not as well as his folks. SIT ON HIM! FOR REAL!! :pissed:

Don't take @Hyperion seriously - Pukhtoon Men can't fight ! :whistle:

The last time I challenged @Hyperion to a duel he brought with him a portable stripping pole - Apparently for them the highest test of masculinity is to be an 'exotic performer' amongst hundreds of other Pukhtoon Men from every tribe ! :unsure:

Its the Pukhtoon Women who're the real fighters - A towering specimen of a Pukhtoon Lady armed to the teeth resembles a Shield Maiden of Valhalla in all her glory ! :agree:
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He was trying to get me banned LOL

If you see the initial part, it was seeming like Icewolf alone in combat, with a heavy machinegun, completely surrounded by enemy, firing indiscriminately!! But after a long dreaded battle and good resistance, one lone bullet and result the fall of a hero(banned). Almost like a movie. Lol!! :D

I think a lot at times. :P
New book out in USA "Carnivore,"

Amid ferocious fighting that many times nearly took his life, Sergeant Dillard "C. J." Johnson and his crew are recognized by Pentagon reports to have accounted for astonishing enemy KIA totals while battling inside and out of the "Carnivore," the Bradley Fighting Vehicle Johnson commanded during Operation Iraqi Freedom. After miraculously beating stage-three cancer (caused by radiation exposure from firing armor-piercing depleted-uranium rounds during combat), he returned to his platoon in Baghdad for a second tour, often serving as a sniper protecting his fellow troops. Today, Johnson and his men's story is the stuff of legend—earning them a cover story in Soldier of Fortune and a display in the Fort Stewart Museum. But only now is Johnson telling his full story: reviewed and approved for publication by the Department of Defense, Carnivore is the gripping and unflinchingly honest autobiography of a remarkable American warrior.

"The estimated enemy KIAs for Staff Sergeant Johnson’s BIFV [Bradley Infantry Fighting Vehicle] during this fight [22 March, 2003] was 488. The informal estimate from the troop was that Johnson and his crew killed at least 1,000 Iraqis on 23 March. Later in the move north, Johnson engaged and destroyed 20 trucks and tallied 314 KIAs in the vicinity of An Najaf. At Objective FLOYD, Johnson’s platoon fought yet another bitter fight against what they claim was a thousand paramilitary troops. … Events were corroborated by separate interviews with the remainder of C/3-7 CAV, to include the troop commander." —On Point: The United States Army in Operation Iraqi Freedom, the official study of the 2003 invasion commissioned by the U.S. Army Chief of Staff
Claims 2700 kills

my big vacation in iraq - YouTube
Last time they used force (on their own unarmed Bengalis), they got a good lesson.

After that they have not really tried.

And they know better than to send 16 year olds to die...

They are picked young with 90 per cent of the militants joining the LeT before they turned 22. The youngest recruit this study threw up was 11, the oldest, 30. The mean age when a recruit joins LeT is 16.95 years and the militants’ median age at the time of death is 21. Among the 900 biographies, the youngest age at which a militant died was 14.

The people who are paid to fight, well they are busy with other more lucrative stuff... ;)
This is your double face that you neither accept Kashmiri's with open heart by giving them equal rights nor you let them free...

Kashmiris have every right that rest of the Indians have. Name one right, that rest of the Indians enjoy and Kashmris don't!!!
Even I agree with your point of view......its not enough that 7,00,000 army out of 3000000 Indian army is deployed in a small State of Kashmir as compare to other all Indian states..........7,00,000 army to control the peoples of Kashmiris and their rights......what you want to tell the world......that all Kashmiris are terrorists and you sent 7,00,000 Army to control them..........or just to control their freedom...and enforce them to join with India..............but this your dream will never accomplish.....their are real humans.....and history tells.....you can't change the will of peoples with enforcement......

Army remains in Kashmir because your terrorist camps remain in P.OK, Muridke and other parts of Punjab.
Dismantle your terror camps, stop cross border infiltration and there will no reason for Indian army to remain Kashmir.

Just like how there was no army in Kashmir before 1989, that is, before you buoyed by your success in Afghan Jihad against Soviets, thought you could accomplish similar feet in Kashmir.

The reason your efforts were successful in Afghanistan but failed in Kashmir , for Russian, Afghanistan was a foreign land they had occupied for strategic reasons.When the cost of keeping it became too much, they decided to cut their losses and withdraw.

Where as for Indian, Kashmir is part of the nation and there is no price too high to defend your own country.
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