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Pakistan has to use force to liberate Kashmir: Rana Tanveer

This is what you made them separists, terrorists, "OTTANG WADI" and blah blah blah...........just put the dust on real freedom fighters.........

As you know....a famous law........"Every Action has a Reaction.".................so if you will deployed your 1 Million army their and kill their generation, and buried them in single graves, tortured them and rape their girls.........then what you expect they will give you flowers.....???......and the peolples who raise their voices against all this are called....Freedom Fighters....i don't know in Hindi its called "Uttang Wadi".....as you peoples say all the time..:omghaha:

Do all of you have same disease of fingers faster than brains ? :D
Even I agree with your point of view......its not enough that 7,00,000 army out of 3000000 Indian army is deployed in a small State of Kashmir as compare to other all Indian states..........7,00,000 army to control the peoples of Kashmiris and their rights......what you want to tell the world......that all Kashmiris are terrorists and you sent 7,00,000 Army to control them..........or just to control their freedom...and enforce them to join with India..............but this your dream will never accomplish.....their are real humans.....and history tells.....you can't change the will of peoples with enforcement......

You base all your assumption on the false fact that we deploy about 7,00,000 soldiers in kashmir .

That data is false and is a product of pakistani delusions .
Beg from:- US, EU, SA, China and list goes on and on............. their meeting started with with , WHen and how much can give us..
They can not protect their country in 1971 and we protected their surrendered soldiers from wrath of BD people in 1971. What 'force' they are talking about
Indian talking about IMF here is a gift to u lol

India last year got almost £300m from the UK, some of it spent on toilets in the country's financial capital, Mumbai.

lol cant even build there own toilets haha

BBC News - Should the UK fund toilets in Mumbai slums?

Britain has slashed the aid this year and will stop it by 2015, although Indians wanted it to be stopped immediately.
They can not protect their country in 1971 and we protected their surrendered soldiers from wrath of BD people in 1971. What 'force' they are talking about

Awesome post man. I love posts like these, it reminds "India"ns (with an IQ over double figures) of their real aukat.
Pakistan always cries for the right to self-determination for Kashmiri people but denies the same right to Baloch people. This is height of hypocrisy.
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