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Pakistan has the 12th Most Powerful Military in the World

What are the chances that BJP led NDA will come to power in India? Will India be more aggressive against Pakistan & China once NDA is in power in New Delhi?

Chances of NDA coming to power are very high, it could become aggressive against Pakistan if Modi becomes the prime minister. If anyone else becomes the prime minister it will be similar to current government. Not sure about China, presently India is not in a state compete with China.

Economically, Congress did alot for India, no?

No, I don't think so. A lot of Indians would share this view.
Its not practical to compare numbers of aircrafts, tanks et.c. Thats why we compare means for war, or resources for war. Otherwise I could make 20,000 paper aircrafts and top the charts.

You are right about that.
It is not just about the military hardware numbers. It is about the ability to wage a sustained War over an appreciable period of time. Which relates to reserves, internal capability to manufacture equipment and munitions to replenish losses, Economic strength viz reserves, fuel and strategic material stockpiles or reserves, access to sources of those materials externally and means to ship those materials (own merchant ship tonnage) during wars that matter much more than just some plain numbers.
If you run out of materials in just a few weeks and are unable to replenish that; that is the end.

Also the point that you made earlier about Nuclear Weapons is extremely relevant. Nuclear Weapons are the weapons of last resort. If you have to use Nukes, that means you are going down and have effectively run out of options. That is why Nukes have never been used since they were used the first two times in WW 2. The utility of Nukes lies in not using them. The moment they need to get used, they are useless. That is the huge paradox about them.
According to these fools NK has global naval supremacy lol.

I can fit more warships in my bath tab than north Koera. i'm on my way to top the charts on my own. lol

Fit about 700 of them then come back to me....
Yes. And the military of Pakistan will start reducing soon enough after 2014, when US stops military aid, and people of Pakistan demand changes.

with respect i disagree,
the people of Pakistan love their army & have shown their resilient we know economy is important but a good economy with a weak military is like having a gold in the open up for grabs in a not so friendly neighborhood, & we know this all to well. Yes economy is important but so is a strong military , having one with out the other is like have legs to walk but lacking the eyes too "watch" so they both go hand in hand here lets see the eg: of India which being a democracy was on the brinks of bankruptcy back in 1991 but still it had a strong military & i don't see anything wrong with that in fact i respect that . the desire for peace & prosperity doesn't mean compromise on national security after all this was said by a civilian prime minister

"we will eat grass, even go hungry, but we will get one of our own"

former Pakistani prime minister zulfiqar Ali Bhutto on Pakistan's nuclear weapons program)
with respect i disagree,
the people of Pakistan love their army & have shown their resilient we know economy is important but a good economy with a weak military is like having a gold in the open up for grabs in a not so friendly neighborhood, & we know this all to well. Yes economy is important but so is a strong military , having one with out the other is like have legs to walk but lacking the eyes too "watch" so they both go hand in hand here lets see the eg: of India which being a democracy was on the brinks of bankruptcy back in 1991 but still it had a strong military & i don't see anything wrong with that in fact i respect that . the desire for peace & prosperity doesn't mean compromise on national security after all this was said by a civilian prime minister

currently military is pumped up and economy is not that strong.While it will take time to develop the economy as we know that it does not happen overnight,curbing the military gradually will strike a balance.
As goes the old proverb,"Cut your coat according to your cloth".
You are right about that.
It is not just about the military hardware numbers. It is about the ability to wage a sustained War over an appreciable period of time. Which relates to reserves, internal capability to manufacture equipment and munitions to replenish losses, Economic strength viz reserves, fuel and strategic material stockpiles or reserves, access to sources of those materials externally and means to ship those materials (own merchant ship tonnage) during wars that matter much more than just some plain numbers.
If you run out of materials in just a few weeks and are unable to replenish that; that is the end.

Also the point that you made earlier about Nuclear Weapons is extremely relevant. Nuclear Weapons are the weapons of last resort. If you have to use Nukes, that means you are going down and have effectively run out of options. That is why Nukes have never been used since they were used the first two times in WW 2. The utility of Nukes lies in not using them. The moment they need to get used, they are useless. That is the huge paradox about them.

Atleast someone here has a IQ greater than two digits.
with respect i disagree,
the people of Pakistan love their army & have shown their resilient we know economy is important but a good economy with a weak military is like having a gold in the open up for grabs in a not so friendly neighborhood, & we know this all to well. Yes economy is important but so is a strong military , having one with out the other is like have legs to walk but lacking the eyes too "watch" so they both go hand in hand here lets see the eg: of India which being a democracy was on the brinks of bankruptcy back in 1991 but still it had a strong military & i don't see anything wrong with that in fact i respect that . the desire for peace & prosperity doesn't mean compromise on national security after all this was said by a civilian prime minister

The military has to be affordable. I.E. the economy should be able to sustain it. In the 1990s and earlier, when India's economy did not allow the Military to buy the best equipment available; it was'nt as strong as you make it out to be. Of course the Soviets with their "friendship deals" helped but it was NOT ideal. That is why India is now going about with a 'shopping list' to replace stuff. But only now the economy can take that greater burden.

Atleast someone here has a IQ greater than two digits.

I know that its in 3 digits and MENSA says so too. ;)
I believe that PK should have the 12th strongest economy to go with the military, it is like having the best bank vault with nothing in it, what is the point of all such an expensive military if it is eating the country and itself. The PA PAF and PN must know that they need to get PK's engine moving, and what I have noticed is that there is plenty of everything in PK but need the institutes to start fuctioning such as schools, colleges, factories and for this we need other parts of the country to work such as power generation, building of those dams, utilising the coal reserves etc. We need investment and for that we need peace.
Liquid Metal

12th Largest ECONOMY today is worth $1.5 trillion + and i think is canada or spain

PAKISTAN i bel;ieve ranks around 60th with $220 billion

based on current gowth rates of 3% (a average growth rate) it will take PAKISTAN until the year 2040 to reach 1.5 trillion

but by then CANADA AND SPAIN will be worth $10 trillion


World GDP - IndexQ.org

THE TOP 10 UPTO AND INCLUDING INDIA are the really big military powers


PAKISTAN is weak state overall. FINANCIALLY propped up by USA and without china you would struggle for NOS of planes tanks and ships because your budget for military is so TINY. Your GDP is so SMALL at $211 billion its nothing.
Liquid Metal

12th Largest ECONOMY today is worth $1.5 trillion + and i think is canada or spain

PAKISTAN i bel;ieve ranks around 60th with $220 billion

based on current gowth rates of 3% (a average growth rate) it will take PAKISTAN until the year 2040 to reach 1.5 trillion

but by then CANADA AND SPAIN will be worth $10 trillion


World GDP - IndexQ.org

THE TOP 10 UPTO AND INCLUDING INDIA are the really big military powers


PAKISTAN is weak state overall. FINANCIALLY propped up by USA and without china you would struggle for NOS of planes tanks and ships because your budget for military is so TINY. Your GDP is so SMALL at $211 billion its nothing.
Seriously man, you need to stop writing with all the bold words....
On topic: military is built up according to threat perception not according to economic size though that does greatly affect it.......if not then Brazil despite having an economy larger than India's has a military less capable than Pakistan's.....
Seriously man, you need to stop writing with all the bold words....
On topic: military is built up according to threat perception not according to economic size though that does greatly affect it.......if not then Brazil despite having an economy larger than India's has a military less capable than Pakistan's.....

That's you living in fools paradise.
@manofwar @Storm Force

That is what I wrote in my post. I want to see PK become the 12th largest economy not just the 12 largest armed forces.

There is a perception in India, that India is much further ahead and that Pakistan is akin to Afghanistan or a Saharan country such as Somilia. It is not. The economy I believe is much bigger than reported because the country has poor record keeping and poor revenue (non-existent) generation which tends to depress the actual state of the money in people's pockets.

When you go to Pakistan, you will notice that overall the infrastructure is not too shabby. The cities are decent for a so called failed state that has been at the centre of both cold war hostilities and the bogus WoT. Our airports and roads are good and though they are not Dubai, they are decent for a so called weak state. We would have been in better state if we had some luck go our way and some long period of peace in a tough neighbourhood.

Our economy has suffered a great deal due to these problems, however we have not helped ourselves by electing ignorants to power. Yes India is also doing well, very well but we must not forget that many millions in both countries are at the level of poverty, yes Indai by virtue of 1.2 bill people would by sheer numbers have a big economy.
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