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Pakistan has formally proposed Siachen pullback - India

What's India's stand? is India even contemplating a pullback?, there has been no official reply / statement, nothing whatsoever from India's side to Pakistan's April 8th request. A Siachin pullout is not even being discussed in India, other than a few random articles about it, there's nothing from our side.

I don't think India has any intentions of a pull back from Siachin.

Army has already said that they don't want to leave Siachen as
1 if such a area is lost to your enemies in any case its not easy to take back.
2 Well acc to many officials IA currently is in better position than PA in that Worlds highest war front plus its really pain in arse to finance any troop movement or generally keeping soldiers there. Hence its a belief that Pak cannot countinue fighting there and have to withraw bcoz of financial reasons and lose of lives.(I personally think after loosing hundred soldiers straight away its a perfect time to do this plus the benefit is they may not face alot of pressure from the people too.)

I personally want to see whats going to happen in future as India is not going to withraw will Pak gonna do the same???
This is absurd, India has little to gain but more to lose, Pakistan has little to lose but everything to gain if this were to happen. GoI ate not this foolish. Why should it constantly be India making concessions? Most of India's most wanted men still live in the open in Pkistan conjuring up hate against India and supporting the killings of Indian forces and civilians. There are still training camps on the Pkistani side of Kashmir with hundreds of young men reàdy to shower havoc on India. Until these issues are addressed why shouldindia lift a finger?
Say as much in clear words and be done with it, pass the ball into Pakistan's court. But this isn't seem to be happening.

We pay our diplomats well to obfuscate the "Yes" & the "No". Any goddamn fellow can say things clearly. It is an art when you leave everyone wondering what you just said. If Pakistanis want clear answers , they better read the comments on this forum & others like it.
We pay our diplomats well to obfuscate the "Yes" & the "No". Any goddamn fellow can say things clearly. It is an art when you leave everyone wondering what you just said. If Pakistanis want clear answers , they better read the comments on this forum & others like it.

Sometimes: "Diplomacy is the art of saying many things without saying anything".

That is used well in case of difficult negotiations. Just as it can be used in romancing. :)
What politics?

You have taken the first step for troops withdrawal...you have now put the ball in India's court.

I dont see India softening its position now since we know that its hurting you so badly that you request a troop withdrawal despite the fact that you have only one third the no. of troops of what India has in that region.

its not that hard to understand ,we are doing what India has been doing to us for a long time playing both sides of the coin.
Leave the god dam situation as is. We don't want war on this issue again. How can GOI trust the word of civilian government of Pak when they themself aren't sure when the COAS takeover the power from them ???
So it's better to keep the status Quo. Let Pakistan solve its own problems and be more stable and let GOP had the full control over their army. Then it is worth to think on this
problem is if one side come forward for peace other think they are weak and game continue .fighting on hell ice top of the world is sick idea .
Pakistan does not have great intentions of peace when it talk about siachin demilitarization. It is talking about it only when it is in there best interest to do so.
1. Economically Pakistan cannot afford stationing troops there.
2. Siachin marks a great loss to Pakistan where entire Siachin glacier is in control of Indians
3. Its the source of Nubra river which ultimately joins to Indus river.
4. It is also a transit to karakoram pass connecting to China.

So when Pakistan talks of peace in Siachin. They are just pursuing what is best in there national interest.
Whats the guarantee that tomorrow no general wants power and unilaterally occupies the peak and become darling of umma and people ? We can trust present set up but what about future generals aka wanna be kings ? If history is any evidence we should not risk demilitarising ..complete the simla agreement and keep minimum possibe soldiers thats what they gonna do ...
I see now reason the status quo should be altered from an Indian POV, they occupy the strategically superior positions and have learnt the hard way now to survive and survive well enough to fight now in these positions. The IA is now, arguably, the finest and most effective mountain fighting force on earth. It is sad to say but why should India come to the table because of a tragedy on the Pakistani side? Similar incidents have happend (arguabley on smaller scales) in the past to IA forces yet this has prompted nothing from the Paksitani side. India is in the better position militarily and strategically, unless Paksitan is willing and able to make massive concessions to India then there is no need for India to lift a finger on Siachen.
if he done it with India i think it will be his first achievement for Pakistan and what if he solve other issues too ? i hate him and PPP but in this issue i am with him .this costly and bloody ice war should over now .

Welcome back Imran ji
I so hope India pull back so we can sneak in and occupy the whole of Siachen, we will not withdraw, we must not give an inch to the deadly and evil enemy

Hope can even make the earth flat. So keep hoping. Its good. :)
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