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Pakistan has failed when it comes to trade with China

No thats a foolish statement because Pakistan is far more competitive currency wise than China..

1 USD = 6.54 Chinese Yuan
1 USD = 104.14 Pakistani Rupee

Also Pakistani workmanship is far more quality oriented than quantity like the Chinese...it is just than ever since Bhuttoism took over our industry has become addicted to protectionism which guarantees market share despite churning out D quality products..and that perception has to change with the flood of competitive Chinese products...
Good luck ... FYI there won't be any to compete.

China is not going to outsource big ticket items. They however will need somebody to take up the slack doing small ticket items that their citizens will inevitably refuse to do (assuming even robots can't do it) or items that cause pollution higher than their worthiness.
They don't care. Their rivers and all its tributaries are polluted to the fullest still they are hell bent on producing more and cheaper to weed out the competition. Right now only India can compete in terms of manufacturing and USA in terms of technology.

Actually, China itself runs a large trade deficit with basically every other place in East Asia, e.g. Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, etc.

These places are highly competitive, and they show that it is absolutely possible to run a large and consistent trade surplus against China.
It is because of there non dependence on Chinese tech rather goods. Instead Chinese are looking for tech and industrial innovations from them.
We just cannot compete with them in manufacturing, we can only provide them highly skilled labour such as qualified accountants , certified IT professionals, certified information security personals and so on.

@niaz Sir your views.

Honourable Sipahi,

Sorry to disappoint but I very much doubt that China with huge surplus of manpower needs skilled labour from Pakistan.

I also disagree with Hon. Somebozo that Pakistani workmanship is far more quality oriented than that of China. Anyone driving by in any bazaar can see the loose electrical wires hanging all over and one reads about cooking stoves exploding ever so often.

Most of our properly skilled labour is now working in the Middle East. I have personally experienced workmanship of the electricians & other building workers such as plasters and plumbers that are left behind and find the quaility atrocious.

All bilateral agreements trade concessions are reciprocal. In fact main reason that China granted us the trade concessions was to enable Chinese goods move freely into Pakistan. China is currently able to manufacture most items cheaper than anywhere else in the world.

Before we can take full advantage of trade concessions by China, we must be able to manufacture goods that are of comparable quality but cheaper than equivalent Chinese produce. Manufacturing goods of the quality that can compete with the best at international level made in Pakistan! perish the thought.

Regret to say that Pakistani entrepreneurs want to make money quickly and the easy way. Pakistani manufacturer will cheat on excise & custom duty, over invoice or under invoice, bribe the Buying agent of the gov’t and of the other company but would try to sell second quality goods at the premium quality price.

Top Chinese imports are Electrical equipment approx. - $430-billion), petroleum - $200-billion, Machinery - $160 –billion, medical & technical equipment -$100-billion, ores & metals $140-billion, vehicles -$70-billion, plastics $-65-billion& organic chemicals 60-billion. Pray tell me where does Pakistan fit in?

Report published in Dawn of May 10, 2015, stated that Pakistan’s overall trade deficit with China increased to $17.9bn in the first 10 months of last fiscal year. During the same nine months, imports from India were $1.114 billion and exports to India during this period were $296 million, just 26pc of the imports from India. We are only able to have a trade surplus from countries like Afghanistan since the trade surplus for Pakistan has been increasing. During the nine months, exports to Afghanistan were $1.241billion in the same period of last fiscal year whereas imports from Afghanistan during the same period amounted to $30 million only.


This would explain why Pakistan’s total trade deficit has widened to $15.1-billion in the first 8 months of the current fiscal year. Were it not for the inward remittances of overseas Pakistanis (about $18-billion) and the IMF loans, Pakistan would have gone bankrupt long ago.

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Actually, China itself runs a large trade deficit with basically every other place in East Asia, e.g. Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, etc.

These places are highly competitive, and they show that it is absolutely possible to run a large and consistent trade surplus against China.

China has a massive trade surplus. Should be over $600B this year. A trade deficit with high tech countries is not difficult to imagine.
They don't care. Their rivers and all its tributaries are polluted to the fullest still they are hell bent on producing more and cheaper to weed out the competition.

In the past they have tried to keep their citizens in the dark, but with widespread internet use even the Great Wall can't keep everybody silent. They inevitably will have to do what the US did..outsource the worst stuff to a developing country.
RIP pakistan small industry after CPEC.. i don;t understand why the &*^% Pakistan doesn't show spine and restrict china in flooding pakistan with B products .. like a freaking warehouise..
When 99% of guys here are doomed to make that happen then how on earth can it be stopped. Well I think the enemy of Pakistan are the people living in it. But that's just what I think.

In the past they have tried to keep their citizens in the dark, but with widespread internet use even the Great Wall can't keep everybody silent. They inevitably will have to do what the US did..outsource the worst stuff to a developing country.
I think you are forgetting they are a communist country. Only the rich flock to western countries. I think that's the same in Pakistan. The poor and others are left with it.
Firstly, China deserves credit for what it has done in its own country. No country has lifted so many million people out of poverty and into the middle class in such huge numbers at such a high growth rate.

But such growth rates are not sustainable. This is not China's fault. This is just common sense. Another problem with China is the opacity of its banking and pretty much every government controlled department. No one is 100% sure of what is going on. They have built cities where no one resides. Their laws are opaque. It should all be taken with a pinch of salt. It is undoubtedly the third most powerful military nation now after the US and Russia but just look at the Soviets - military might can't save you from an economic upheaval. Pakistan should of course use China to progress and uplift its own people but it would be foolish to put all your eggs in one basket only. Distribute the risk.

In the past they have tried to keep their citizens in the dark, but with widespread internet use even the Great Wall can't keep everybody silent. They inevitably will have to do what the US did..outsource the worst stuff to a developing country.

Correct. In fact, there is something called the "tipping point" in manufacturing - where the jobs will have to move back to the Western world.
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Firstly, China deserves credit for what it has done in its own country. No country has lifted so many million people out of poverty and into the middle class in such huge numbers at such a high growth rate.

But such growth rates are not sustainable. This is not China's fault. This is just common sense. Another problem with China is the opacity of its banking and pretty much every government controlled department. No one is 100% sure of what is going on. They have built cities where no one resides. Their laws are opaque. It should all be taken with a pinch of salt. It is undoubtedly the third most powerful military nation now after the US and Russia but just the Soviets - military might can't save you from an economic upheaval. Pakistan should of course use China to progress and uplift its own people but it would be foolish to put all your eggs in one basket only. Distribute the risk.

Correct. In fact, there is something called the "tipping point" in manufacturing - where the jobs will have to move back to the Western world.
When it comes to China, pinch of salt is a dozen bucket load of salt. :china:
Let's face the competition. Still, hundreds of product Pakistani traders can export China. Explore or contact Chinese Embassy trade section .
Show your real flags bitc*
Ek cheez kaho jo ap kay opinion kay sath na jahey and you're a traitor.
Lel china is using us but at the same time it's still a brotherly nation.
It's Always there when you need it and i might even go call it in the top 3 Bro's of Pakistan.
Now shoosh. Call me a traitor again and i might just trace your ip and meet you in person.

I disagree. China never used and exploited Pakistan. They are our most finest and closest buddy along with Turkey....They are well wisher of Pakistan and we trust them. We will definitely learn a lot from China. Very interesting times ahead for us....:-)

Agreed with rest of comment.

I didn't get it. Can you please elaborate what is in your mind?
What you said :p
The noob called me a traitor.-.
Fing 14 year olds.
i will be happy if we marge pakistan with china and give our country to them
make up your mind...earlier you wanted US state and now China's

China is just using us.
Simple as that. We have the potential to be better.
Instead of providing them with our resources we can utilize them but the problem here is we have a corrupt government and a corrupt army.
Pakistan allowed US to use them....now history is being repeated with China....I feel like, Pakistan is still living in 1950 era mindset... that we need help for everything..we can not do something by own...please somebody help
We need to stop this hysteria... things like this lead to blunders like brexit....

Since announcement of cpec pak stock exchange is soaring to become best performing in world... real estate has shown 100 % growth in last 2 years....

Other good things will come especially for industry... we lack skills and 21st century technoligy and work ethics in pakistan...
We have all to gain....
Be patient
Pakistan allowed US to use them....now history is being repeated with China....I feel like, Pakistan is still living in 1950 era mindset... that we need help for everything..we can not do something by own...please somebody help
Exactly but this time it's a friend the US was literally using us but China isn't exactly using us since it's an actual ally state it's always stood by us in times of need so we can't compare it with our relations with the US but you have a point like 10% of it i agree with it.
My point wasn't that it's just using us it was that they are an ally and are using our resources.
Eg cotton Instead of exporting it we could utilize it and make our own things.
Eg the adidas factory in sindh .-.
And now i shall not be called a traitor by anyone.

Exactly but this time it's a friend the US was literally using us but China isn't exactly using us since it's an actual ally state it's always stood by us in times of need so we can't compare it with our relations with the US but you have a point like 10% of it i agree with it.
My point wasn't that it's just using us it was that they are an ally and are using our resources.
Eg cotton Instead of exporting it we could utilize it and make our own things.
Eg the adidas factory in sindh .-.
And now i shall not be called a traitor by anyone.
I was referring more to the situation in Pakistan then china warna
If you look at it the CPEC and gwadar port are basically going to give us the opportunity to be a leading asian economy.
Which we have been in the past like past past but still we have that capability but what we lack is unification and moral. Not to mention the excessive amount of corruption.
BRO you know what you are saying
yeah i know china has better government better security better services and better everything pakistan have so why not ? we are here to live a good life not for blood tears bullets corruption and torture .if i have choice to live i will live in china not pakistan . all this nationalism is BS propaganda .
yeah i know china has better government better security better services and better everything pakistan have so why not ? we are here to live a good life not for blood tears bullets corruption and torture .if i have choice to live i will live in china not pakistan . all this nationalism is BS propaganda .

then go ...... no one stop you.... but if you say any country take over Pakistan.... it is impossible ...... we don't need any unpatriotic person in Pakistan
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