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Pakistan has failed when it comes to trade with China

Chinese is too competitive. But dont worry, China wanted to develop Xinjiang and definitely developing Pakistan is part of the future grand plan too.

Sometimes result needs time to bear the fresh fruit. Pakistanis must be patient.
In business there r always individual winners & losers Chinese side will eliminate tariff on 90% pak products while we on their 75%
labor and living costs r cheaper in pak then china but the issues r lack/expensive electricity & availability of raw material power projects of cpec will hep in 1st and china is also the biggest supplier of semi-processed input materials so cpec will also assure their cheap availability to pak industries so they r more competitive in other markets
China is just using us.
Simple as that. We have the potential to be better.
Instead of providing them with our resources we can utilize them but the problem here is we have a corrupt government and a corrupt army.

I disagree. China never used and exploited Pakistan. They are our most finest and closest buddy along with Turkey....They are well wisher of Pakistan and we trust them. We will definitely learn a lot from China. Very interesting times ahead for us....:-)

Agreed with rest of comment.

Focus on industries churning goods required in xinjiang !

I didn't get it. Can you please elaborate what is in your mind?
China wants to develop internal parts of it mainly the landlocked eastern provinces such as XinJiang. Xinjiang borders Pakistan and a CPEC would open trade routes for the province through access at Pakistan's Gwadar port being developed by China. CPEC also opens up market of more than 180 million people ( enjoy the loot ) in Pakistan to China plus allowing China to one up on India as well.

And CPEC will also open up market of more than 1 billion people for Pakistan. No?
One of the main reason is corruption at customs and port handling.....getting a shipment out of port is 100% impossible without bribe .....n samr is the case at our airports.....
To get back the trade balance, explore what kind of products are required by interior regions of china like xinjiang etc, and grow those industries in pakistan. Give them tax breaks and concessional lands and electricity.

China can manufacture defence goods in Pakistan for exports to third countries and China which can help to reduce trade deficit

China is not going to outsource big ticket items. They however will need somebody to take up the slack doing small ticket items that their citizens will inevitably refuse to do (assuming even robots can't do it) or items that cause pollution higher than their worthiness.
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