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Pakistan has developed smartest nuclear tactical devices


Not sure, if its real pic.....
But some one said that .....next version of these smallest nukes would be STEALTH

Source of your information?
This is just propaganda news-
Tomorrow a small briefcase bomb gona explode in New York- creating another 9/11-
and Hallelujah to Amrican intentions of war with Pakistan-

The future is dark- we have to understand Amrika is hell bent on destroying us- it just needs a false flag operation- just like 9/11 to attack us-
This is just propaganda news-
Tomorrow a small briefcase bomb gona explode in New York- creating another 9/11-
and Hallelujah to Amrican intentions of war with Pakistan-

The future is dark- we have to understand Amrika is hell bent on destroying us- it just needs a false flag operation- just like 9/11 to attack us-

Pakistan have some thing that y its made public...
besides its an old news....In current sitituations, PAK may hav more then this
Pakistan have some thing that y its made public...
besides its an old news....In current sitituations, PAK may hav more then this

I believe you failed to understand- the crux- of my previous post-

At this moment this capability- the achievement- can become the biggest curse on us-

The only missing piece of the puzzle left is a small nuke explosion by terrorist (false flag)- any where in the world- blamed on Pakistan-
This is just propaganda news-
Tomorrow a small briefcase bomb gona explode in New York- creating another 9/11-
and Hallelujah to Amrican intentions of war with Pakistan-

The future is dark- we have to understand Amrika is hell bent on destroying us- it just needs a false flag operation- just like 9/11 to attack us-

Their propaganda machine has already set the tone. 56% Americans thinks Pakistan is the enemy - a small nuclear bomb explode in the middle of new york or London Olympics and here they come to get you. But I'd love to see them take that step.
I believe you failed to understand- the crux- of my previous post-

At this moment this capability- the achievement- can become the biggest curse on us-

The only missing piece of the puzzle left is a small nuke explosion by terrorist (false flag)- any where in the world- blamed on Pakistan-

There is 1 small repercussion in destabilizing Pakistan to that extent.....an Honest Nuclear attack on all enemies within our range. By enemy I mean anyone at the moment involved in attacking us!
There is 1 small repercussion in destabilizing Pakistan to that extent.....an Honest Nuclear attack on all enemies within our range. By enemy I mean anyone at the moment involved in attacking us!

Although it is said we will not die alone- we will nuke the hell out of every other hostile country in the region within our range-
but honestly- what are the chances that amrika doesn't want that aswell?- Thats not its master plan?-
Destabilize the region and remain as the super power for the next century-

The way i see it after that bloddy war asia will go back to stone ages- and western led NWO will succeed-
There is 1 small repercussion in destabilizing Pakistan to that extent.....an Honest Nuclear attack on all enemies within our range. By enemy I mean anyone at the moment involved in attacking us!

If everyone believe that might have a possibility of happening, it is almost certain that they would not sit around waiting for Pakistan to launch. There is something to a bluff being carried to far, people might actually believe it !
Although it is said we will not die alone- we will nuke the hell out of every other hostile country in the region within our range-
but honestly- what are the chances that amrika doesn't want that aswell?- Thats not its master plan?-
Destabilize the region and remain as the super power for the next century-

The way i see it after that bloddy war asia will go back to stone ages- and western led NWO will succeed-

Guess who has bases and naval armadas including Air Craft Carrier battle groups within 5ooo km's that we can hit and annihilate with tactical nukes. Pakistan is no pushover and we must ensure that this point is stressed around the world.

---------- Post added at 01:13 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:12 PM ----------

If everyone believe that might have a possibility of happening, it is almost certain that they would not sit around waiting for Pakistan to launch. There is something to a bluff being carried to far, people might actually believe it !

By God, we want everyone to believe that it is our core intention to die with dignity and by taking as many with us as we can with whatever we have at our disposal. This is not targeted at India, just any enemy who chooses to engage Pakistan in any way where the natural outcome is destruction of Pakistan.
these small atomic bombs are very lethal.These can be used against enemy armies without harming the civilians directly but radiation will off course effect a larger area.
I would have been very happy if Pakistan had purchased a good anti missile technology e.g S400 or even S300 instead of developing bombs.Defence is more important than being aggressive in this era.
If everyone believe that might have a possibility of happening, it is almost certain that they would not sit around waiting for Pakistan to launch. There is something to a bluff being carried to far, people might actually believe it !

what you call a "bluff"- is our very clear intentions- Mess with us die with us-
Lets see if you try to mess-

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