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Pakistan has a clear advantage in nuclear capability

I think better switch over the discussion to Israel's misconception about India to attack Pakistan in case of nuclear attack on Israel which is the actual point in the article.
Don't start your stupid ego talk i have watched you many times doing the same in other threads ... GOD forgive there is a nuke war know this there won't be India nor a Pakistan left so stop the BS.

The nuclear strategies of both countries emphasise deterrence, but there is a fundamental difference between the two in that Pakistan’s strategy is aimed at deterring a conventional threat from India...while India’s is aimed at deterring a nuclear one from Pakistan.

Since a conventional confrontation is easier to develop and must almost invariably precede a nuclear one, Pakistan’s deterrence has to function much more actively than India’s.
This has an impact on force structure, force posture, and the relationship between conventional and nuclear strategies. As the conventional military balance continues to shift in India’s favour, Pakistan’s reliance on its nuclear capability will increase and so will its effort to lower the nuclear threshold.

Thus Pakistan’s strategy is likely to emphasize not just ‘first use’ but ‘early first use’ in the coming years. The big problem for Pakistan is that not only is the conventional military balance in India’s favour, but so is the nuclear one. Pakistan was able to maintain conventional operational parity with India for many decades, but is now losing ground rapidly. Much the same is going to happen in the nuclear field.

India bombs Pakistan , Pakistan bombs India , both countries wiped out would become the laughing stock of the rest of the world , specially those who so badly want a war between us so that they could sale their weapons. Get a life warmongers !
India announced " no first use option" but Pakistan keeps its "first use option"

1. If Pakistan uses its first option and India did not respond -- there will be many causalities in India, World community will denounce Pakistan, catastrophic situation for Pakistan.

2. If India responds to Pakistan"s first option, Pakistan is destroyed, no country in the World will mourn for Pakistan.

I hope and pray to God we All live in Peace.
The nuclear strategies of both countries emphasise deterrence, but there is a fundamental difference between the two in that Pakistan’s strategy is aimed at deterring a conventional threat from India...while India’s is aimed at deterring a nuclear one from Pakistan.

Since a conventional confrontation is easier to develop and must almost invariably precede a nuclear one, Pakistan’s deterrence has to function much more actively than India’s.
This has an impact on force structure, force posture, and the relationship between conventional and nuclear strategies. As the conventional military balance continues to shift in India’s favour, Pakistan’s reliance on its nuclear capability will increase and so will its effort to lower the nuclear threshold.

Thus Pakistan’s strategy is likely to emphasize not just ‘first use’ but ‘early first use’ in the coming years. The big problem for Pakistan is that not only is the conventional military balance in India’s favour, but so is the nuclear one. Pakistan was able to maintain conventional operational parity with India for many decades, but is now losing ground rapidly. Much the same is going to happen in the nuclear field.

India announced " no first use option" but Pakistan keeps its "first use option"

1. If Pakistan uses its first option and India did not respond -- there will be many causalities in India, World community will denounce Pakistan, catastrophic situation for Pakistan.

2. If India responds to Pakistan"s first option, Pakistan is destroyed, no country in the World will mourn for Pakistan.

I hope and pray to God we All live in Peace.

Right so does this means India will launch Nuclear strike on Pakistan if Pakistan or its Nukes are used against Israel?
1: Conduct a survey in both countries for people who support nuclear war
2: Offer them money to volunteer to take part in an "event" with key note speakers , Bharat Verma and Zaid Hamid.
3: Transport all of them to a nuclear test tunnel , lodge all of them warmongers.
4: Explode a nuclear device.

Its a win win situation , you know warmongers will get their "Nuclear Umbrella" fantasy & others will achieve long lasting peace.

Why go to all the trouble? Why not offer ZH and BV a polonium pellet, and broadcast the whole episode on the same TV shows that give these people the air-time?

I'm sure our Indian friends will agree to such an experiment for the betterment of understanding of nuclear-science in general and to garner the interest of masses.

By the time the study is concluded, average Joe on the streets of India and Pakistan will come to terms with the following:

1. Understanding the averse affects of radiation on the human body. (poisoning)
2. The horrible stages of exposure (nausea, lesions and burns)
3. The ultimate results of such a radioactive exposure. (death of-course)

What the heck, even if they don't learn any lesson: I'm sure half of the population will appreciate the 'ultimate' sacrifice of ZH and BV, and the other half will be joyous at the way they were sent packing to hell! :D (consider me in the latter category)
"If all the Muslims in Pakistan are killed, there will still be plenty of Muslims left all over the Globe but if all the Hindus in India are eliminated, that will be virtually the end of the Hindus race, let us not finish off all the Muslims in Pakistan and all the Hindus in the world." !!!
I wonder if it is so easy to obliterate the whole race then hitler,stalin or even mao would have accomplished their goals I dread the days when indians started to think like Pakistani zealots and instead on NFU they go for premptive samson based on the religion as you say.Hope this religious madness not catch up with indian minds and with single threats like this they too start thinking from hindu muslim prism and goes into race to make 10000 of nukes with single track mind to obliterate everything which opposes hindu ideology.

It doesnt take much for a leader like hitler to feed on the fear and pride of the society to grab the powe and then go on rampage.
What you casually speaking of sacrificing pakistani muslims for the rest of world muslims just to seek the obliteration of hindus,I wonder how many of those muslim countries will value your so called sacrifice which you are trying to make big deal of it.Arey when arabs dont value your sacrifice when you are alive what they will value on the ashes of pakistan.

I'm surprised none retorted to this madness instead people thanking it.:rolleyes:
Right so does this means India will launch Nuclear strike on Pakistan if Pakistan or its Nukes are used against Israel?

Not to worry there Israel can take care of herself....and yes we will denounce your actions ..just like the rest of the world.
1: Conduct a survey in both countries for people who support nuclear war
2: Offer them money to volunteer to take part in an "event" with key note speakers , Bharat Verma and Zaid Hamid.
3: Transport all of them to a nuclear test tunnel , lodge all of them warmongers.
4: Explode a nuclear device.

Its a win win situation , you know warmongers will get their "Nuclear Umbrella" fantasy & others will achieve long lasting peace.

AWESOMEST for a while!!!
I think better switch over the discussion to Israel's misconception about India to attack Pakistan in case of nuclear attack on Israel which is the actual point in the article.
I don't think that there would be any nuclear attack in this world for another 2 centuries at least. However, I also believe that if there is a nuclear attack in this world then Pakistan will most definitely be involved in one way or the other. It doesnt necessary have to be against India because I personally feel that Indians and Pakistanis are wise enough to realize the stakes.
Not to worry there Israel can take care of herself....and yes we will denounce your actions ..just like the rest of the world.
First part sounds like polite no :) and is reasonable. Given that India with Nuclear rival allies on both sides it will be real hard and higher chances are no.
Not to worry there Israel can take care of herself....and yes we will denounce your actions ..just like the rest of the world.

How can Israel take care of itself? with you or with the US?

Back to topic, at the end India will lose dearly, since it is the world superpower wannabe contender, going back to stone age won't advantage it in its claim, even if it is a dream, 'cause falling from a real or in India's case an imaginary great height is extremely painful, and based on historical facts there is seldom any recovery.
I wish good for India, but as a superpower, I think it should become one in about 60 years from now as a minimum and it should become one in a 100 years time for sure, if it can afford it than; there are just so too many details in all aspects of life in India to be addressed that logically a 100 year approximation is not exagerated at all.
Hyperion: Zaid Hamid , Bharat verma and all other blind jingoistic hippos must be given a chance to "die for their country" which they so zealously preach to everyone else.

I'm sure we'd all appreciate their violent demise :cheers:
Hyperion: Zaid Hamid , Bharat verma and all other blind jingoistic hippos must be given a chance to "die for their country" which they so zealously preach to everyone else.
I for once like to meet zaid hamid in person next time i go there.Btw lhr vich kitthe rahande hain zaid hamid saheb?
So who wins in case of nuclear war..let us do an analysis

one kiloton explosion : -

effected explosion area is 1/3rd of mile + Fallout effect extended to 1 square mile

For 10 kiloton explosion

explosion area 2/3rd of a mile + Fallout effect about 10 square miles

an assumption that both neigbours uses their entire nuclear arsenal against each other

Let us assume india and pakistan has 200 kiloton ready material

Target cities in Pakistan

Karachi , Sargodha , Lahore, Bahawalpur , Faisalabad , Sialkot , Rawalpindi , Sukkur , Multan, Larkana , Hyderabad , Shekhupura , Gujranwala , Jhang , Peshawar , Mardan , Quetta, Rahim Yar Khan Islamabad, Gujrat..........constitutes 36366181 people comes to .....................................
36 million people

it comes to roughly about 1622 persons per square miles take both the explosion and fallout effect...95% people will succumb......1540 people will be evaporated......in pakistan.....:)

thats deadly

now compare the indian cities... :)

it comes to about 42 major indian cities.......

so roughly the population comes to 105373521 with a square mile area of 274468.....so roughly it comes out to be 383 person per square mile.

take both the explosion and fallout effect...95% people will succumb ....363 people are evaporated .....thats rougly 1/5th of pakistani casualities.......

so vis s vis comparing both pakistan and india with a 200 kiloton warhead........for every 5 pakistani 1 indian will evaporate.....:)

it means...taking on pro-rata basis if india has a population currently to be 1,147,995,904 it means if we divide it by 5...the population of pakistan mathematically should be currently 229599181........but presently as per July 2008 census it is 172,800,048 which is a shortfall of 56799133 people.....

so in the worst case scenario..that is second strike capabilites of both the countries......india can evaporate pakistan 5 times before every indian evaporates ........mathematically it comes out India will win the Nuclear war .........................:)

solution for pakistan to win the nuclear war...to build atleat 5 times the nuclear warhead that india has at any given point of time ..........which i believe pakistan is doing right now or on this track....logically........however....we are not comparing any damages that has already occured pre-emptively because of the use of conventional weapons...before this scenario of nuclear war is taking place in both the countries........

For india the solution is to damage as much as possible through conventional weapons before nuclear war is started....that is logically what india is doing right now.... both countries are on the right track.....

have your say......:)

Anyways it is mentioned in The Clinton tapes by Taylor that India was confident of victory as in case of a nuclear war 500 million Indians will perisn (45% of India's population ) but 100% of Pakistan's population will perish.

P.S.:Zia was an idiot.

Faulty calculus, since the nukes will hit population concentrations not jungle, wasted lands and trees that you didn't count in population by square kilometre, so logically, India can loose all its population in a nuclear conflict with Pakistan, if things come to that.
I for once like to meet zaid hamid in person next time i go there.Btw lhr vich kitthe rahande hain zaid hamid saheb?

Baray thoray! BTW, congrats on the expected baby. Sorry, couldn't convey my best wishes as I was banned :toast_sign:
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