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Pakistan has a clear advantage in nuclear capability

Oh feeling safe in your country as well?

I've never seen an Indian in the US making such bold statements.

Usually they are timid creatures and when you put your eyes into theirs they put their head down.

Feel safe behind the internet, because outside of cyber space we have all seen Indian bravado. ;)

Leaving aside your generalization of Indians in the US, I do believe that you owe Mr.H.Sisodiya a call.

C'mon now, it's only a few $s. Use Vonage, it's free to call India.

In the words of Russell Peters: " Be a man, do the right thing" :-)
Oh feeling safe in your country as well?

I've never seen an Indian in the US making such bold statements.

Usually they are timid creatures and when you put your eyes into theirs they put their head down.

Feel safe behind the internet, because outside of cyber space we have all seen Indian bravado. ;)
Yup we know, who looked down instead of fighting..and signed the surrender papers..enjoyed facilities provided by us.....hope you can get to what I mean....I don't insult soldiers.

Be on topic. You say one pakistani soldier is equal to 10 indian soldier, then why do you need so many nuclear warheads. Having doubts on your soldier's capability.
Leaving aside your generalization of Indians in the US, I do believe that you owe Mr.H.Sisodiya a call.

C'mon now, it's only a few $s. Use Vonage, it's free to call India.

In the words of Russell Peters: " Be a man, do the right thing" :-)

And exchange abuses?

For what?

It's Ramzaan. Plus it would be a waste of time.
Why people are thinking like suicide bombers. We will die but we will kill more enemies. What's the difference between the rational of a suicide bomber and you ?

BTW to destroy the country of size of India, you have to use too many nuclear bombs and then the nuclear cloud will block entire sunlight of the world or atleast over Asia and Middle-East and Europe. Not to forget the factors I mentioned earlier which will result in deaths in billions.

More funny or rather disturbing is senior and elite members thinking it as an option. They are ready to wipe out human race or kill billions just to destroy one country.

This thinking itself is the problem of your country. Instead of thinking about constructing your nation, you use more time on thinking of destruction of India.
Well ! Comparitively more indian members are supporting nuclear war for more ego boosting contest. Even one of you have claimed of blowing Pakistan Twice time. Indeed, We as a nation don't desire for a nuclear war and more focused in Construction instead of destruction. That something which I can confidently claim here.

That is actually a serious question that must be researched in every Indian military circle...
because.. that simple fact is.. YOU NEVER KNOW. :angel:
Clever but True..... !!! :)
Oh feeling safe in your country as well?

I've never seen an Indian in the US making such bold statements.

Usually they are timid creatures and when you put your eyes into theirs they put their head down.

Feel safe behind the internet, because outside of cyber space
we have all seen Indian bravado. ;)[/QUOTE
call to kar ya us aid de iske liye bhi
fairly jingoistic approach..
but then again.. acceptable from your post history.

Each nation has redundancies to hit back after a total strike..
And neither can claim invulnerability at this stage to the others WMDs.

Do you think nuclear bomb ever gonna be used....It is waste of money....
Yup we know, who looked down instead of fighting..and signed the surrender papers..enjoyed facilities provided by us.....hope you can get to what I mean....I don't insult soldiers.

Be on topic. You say one pakistani soldier is equal to 10 indian soldier, then why do you need so many nuclear warheads. Having doubts on your soldier's capability.
Sometimes territorial losses effect you for short interval , But Right after 4 decades you find that same territory capable enough in providing strategic threat to your enemy then it can't be called a total loss. and Yea! before any paper signed they again did a well resistance at then. Don't include Administrative unit in it and plz for actual number of soldiers do read operation searchlight and If you really trust on your claims of blocking supplies then you should have trust that no personnal help had been provided later at then and ultimatly their claims regarding to numbers proved False.

We are upgrading our military strategies as wat our enemy is doing . Is it wrong in any terms?
It was actually done by one of your leader......none the less, India/ Pakistan go to war and annihilate each other....where does the obsession come into this, but i am sure wishful thinkers will always remain.

I heard that in a Pakistan news channel by a Pakistani reporter.
And what makes you think it will be a single Nuke, if that option is ever exercised? Why wouldn't it be a massive strike to eliminate the whole of India including India's ability to respond?

well done buddy .... you are gold medal contender....

Except USA no one used Nukes until now..... even USSR didn't gone for Nuke option they did accepted their defeat...
In that case.... Pakistan politicians and generals will move their families to Arab countries... Your politicians should be MAD to go for MAD option....
why do indian care about Pakistani nukes???
I think you have nukes just for India or is it for Brazil....:undecided: :lol:

Sometimes territorial losses effect you for short interval , But Right after 4 decades you find that same territory capable enough in providing strategic threat to your enemy then it can't be called a total loss. and Yea! before any paper signed they again did a well resistance at then. Don't include Administrative unit in it and plz for actual number of soldiers do read operation searchlight and If you really trust on your claims of blocking supplies then you should have trust that no personnal help had been provided later at then and ultimatly their claims regarding to numbers proved False.

We are upgrading our military strategies as wat our enemy is doing . Is it wrong in any terms?
its ok if you don't agree with me...

But tell me what difference does it make if you have 100 nuclear warheads or 200 ? Even if you use one, you will be facing unimaginable problems. As for tactical ones, they will be used only if we breach your border or you want to destroy our front posts, do you really think it won't escalate to full on nuclear war.

Any country who has nukes keep nuclear at last while making military strategies coz they know chances of using them is around nil. Even USSR didn't use it on Afghanistan when they were losing coz they knew the repercussions.
I think Pakistan has a better, easier way of delivering nukes. Now that we've got Nassr and multi-tubed Babur, it's a hell on Earth for India. No SAM on Earth can shoot Babur down, and only country that has anything close is the USA.

In a few hours if we take down all major Indian cities down, it's game over.
Anymore than 5+ on either side is pointless- being able to destroy one another many times over means nothing. Just because Pakistan can't compete conventionally with India it tries to make out it is more powerful by building more and more nukes. Even though Pakistan has the fastest growing nuke arsenal in the world no one thinks Pakistan is remotely the most powerful nation in the world. A nuke is a weapon of last resort not a weapon that should be made out to be a solution to all problems. Whenever India inducts a new conventional weapons system all we hear by Pakistanis is we have nukes so we win and don't care about India's new weapon. The use of nukes by Pakistan will result in the devastation of the entire region and possilby beyond and I wish Pakistanis would stop bragging about having so many of these awful weapons. I really don't know what is going through the heads of the Pakistani leadership who have sanctioned the expansion of the nuke arsenal in such a way, it adds NO new capaiblty that didn't exist before it DOESN'T make Pakistan look stronger. It just adds to the international communities worries about Pakistan's nuke aresenal and takes valuble resources that could be used in an already stumbling economy. With more nukes to guard the risk of one going awry increses and the pressure to do something to stop Pakistan increases.
It's Ramzaan. Plus it would be a waste of time.

And it's not Ramzaan when you are typing hate and lies ?

Waste of time? Why are you on this site anyway? Not discovering the cure to cancer here, are you?
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