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Pakistan has 90 Nuclear Warheads (2009) according to UK media

The disarmament treaty currently being negotiated between the US and Russia applies to deployed strategic warheads, along with their delivery systems, but that leaves out most of the weapons both countries are sitting on.

Nuclear weapons: how many are there in 2009 and who has them?

Russia...................... 12,987
US............................ 9,552
France......................... 300
Israel............................ 200
UK............................... 192
China........................... 400
Pakistan.............. 90
India............................. 75
North Korea...................... 2

Feel the Nuclear Power: Pakistan's capabilities! :)


mods please rename the thread to "Feel the radiation : Pak Nukes"
hahah :azn:
The disarmament treaty currently being negotiated between the US and Russia applies to deployed strategic warheads, along with their delivery systems, but that leaves out most of the weapons both countries are sitting on.

Nuclear weapons: how many are there in 2009 and who has them?

Russia...................... 12,987
US............................ 9,552
France......................... 300
Israel............................ 200
UK............................... 192
China........................... 400
Pakistan.............. 90
India............................. 75
North Korea...................... 2

Feel the Nuclear Power: Pakistan's capabilities! :)


Is there any source for this information mate:) By the way i too think that its true :pakistan::pakistan::pakistan:
First of all China is our trusted friend and second thing the list contains all the countries which have nuclear arsenal...did you see only China and Pakistan in that list?! What make you think that we are calculating China? if you want to add Russia do it.....

forgive him he didnt see north korea in that list:cheers:
There is a good reason why entire world views pakistani nuclear arsenal differently.... because you seem too anxious to use it. With power comes responsibility. Have any other "nuclear armed" country flaunted the idea of using nuclear weapons in an event of conflict? While India is committed to no first use policy the same is not true for pakistan.

Just remember.. in case when the tragedy strikes and Pakistan decides to exercise its nuke option, it may manage to slide a couple of strikes in India (causing wide destruction).. but in retaliation a couple of nuclear strikes back will wipe entire pakistan off the face of earth (given the size of the country)..

So please think responsibly. Also, history notes that all previous conflicts were started by pakistan, not India.

What makes you think Pakistan is only going to lob a few over to India......wake up man.......Nuclear exchange is the last point of no return, therefore any Military commander, knowing full well of any nuclear echange will know that there is little or no chance of survival therefore launch all nukes in their arsenal, which means total destruction of India, total.....lets not get carried out Sir, you won't be typing anything again either.
What makes you think Pakistan is only going to lob a few over to India......wake up man.......Nuclear exchange is the last point of no return, therefore any Military commander, knowing full well of any nuclear echange will know that there is little or no chance of survival therefore launch all nukes in their arsenal, which means total destruction of India, total.....lets not get carried out Sir, you won't be typing anything again either.

Even if pakistan manages to destroy the whole of India ,Pakistan is doomed.Almost all pakistanis will die of the radiation.Moreover somewhere in the deep seas the arihant and her sister subs will be lurking and will launch their deadly payload thus wiping off Pakistan .

I just hope all countries decide to destroy their nuclear weapons and make the world a much safer place.
Russia has that many ? holy sh** dude
North korea has 2 ? :rofl::rofl:

Not only the number also the magnitude wise 58 MEGA-Ton-equivalent of TNT...!!!

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Yes, even one nuclear bomb can act as a deterrent. These devises have incredible destructive powers as exemplified in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Even if a country survives an attack, the aftermaths of an atomic explosion are even more destructive, ...forget the economy. That could be the reason why US has not yet attacked North Korea.

However, I doubt the numbers. India which has seven times bigger economy, is better scientifically equipped, is technologically advanced, is on a mission to modernize its arm forces and has the ambition to be counted as power should have lesser number of nukes than Pakistan.
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ohhhhhhhhhhh what the hell going on you can't forget film of mr.been here.not a single attack but today some one kill 150 solders .
Please never post Tsar bomb again , just the sight of that weapon and its destruction leaves me in awe and how small as entity I am ... that thing is huge , but imagine our sun is billion time bigger then tsar bomb ... our mind cannot imagine that ...:rolleyes:we are so small
Pakistan has low yeild weapons They stil use Uranuim based with average yeild 10-30kt as per the same report.

India uses the more advanced Plutoniuim Yeild weapons Average yeild

In the future INDIA NUCLEAR STRIKE OPTIONS ARE sea based on Arihant and Akula subs.

Pakistans are land based Missles

Pakistan has low yeild weapons They stil use Uranuim based with average yeild 10-30kt as per the same report.

India uses the more advanced Plutoniuim Yeild weapons Average yeild

In the future INDIA NUCLEAR STRIKE OPTIONS ARE sea based on Arihant and Akula subs.

Pakistans are land based Missles


I believe you haven't heard of the Khusab Nuclear Complex, which has been producing Plutonium for many years and as per recent reports a second nuclear facility has started to operate at the Khushab Nuclear Complex.

So our nukes are not just Uranium based, rather they consist of Plutonium based nukes also.
^^^What's wrong with Indians today and their mighty? In case you haven't heard Obama Certified.

Pakistan has secured its nuclear weapons: Obama

President Barrack Obama, underscoring the need for nuclear safety around the world, has said he is confident that Pakistan has secured its atomic weapons. “I feel confident that Pakistan has secured its nuclear weapons. I am concerned about nuclear security all around the world, not just in Pakistan but everywhere,” he said in an interview with The New York Times published on Tuesday. Pointedly asked what steps he had taken to ensure the safety of Pakistan’s nuclear weapons, Obama said he was not going to talk about the details of Islamabad’s nuclear programme.

The president comments came hours before he was set to unveil a new nuclear policy on Tuesday that officials said would reduce the role of atomic weapons in US national security strategy.

Obama’s new nuclear posture comes two days before he signs a treaty with Russia to slash stockpiles of long-range nuclear warheads by a third, and less than a week before he hosts world leaders at a key nuclear summit in Washington.

“We constantly have to find ways that we can further improve our approach,” he said.

“And as I said, right now, one of my biggest concerns has to do with the loose nuclear materials that are still floating out there.

It remains more likely that a threat arises because of some smuggled HEU or plutonium than that a terrorist organization obtains a fully built nuclear weapon. “And so we’ve got to guard against that, and that’s exactly why this nuclear summit is so important”.

Red STAMP on your paper saying: Pakistani Nuclear Weapons: Obama Certified.

Where's your Certified???

Something called Nuclear deal which was completed after NSG waiver.

Though it is offtopic.
compared with Tsar bomb

Look Hiroshima needs magnifier to highlight its existence in above chart. Hope this will help few people to understand the lethality of current nukes...
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