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Pakistan has 3 of the best 19 Muslim cities!

Still 64th is lame when you consider the sheer size of karachi it's population is larger than some entire countries alot of cities much smaller and newer rank well above it. I'm not happy with mediocrity pakistan should reach for the stars I dream that one day a pakistani city will be considered they same way london,new york or tokyo is.

the big size brings big problems too and that can be social inequality, crime, mismanagement, issues with utilities and local amenities and that can happen to a cross section of people.
By cross section of society I mean people who are economically challenged and below the poverty line and can belong to different ethnic groups and faiths and by the way at their level, the faith takes a second place because bringing bread on the table is a constant challenge. it’s a worldwide phenomenon where even the first world is not immune.

My point is, all these rankings and nominations are made with such factors in mind.

People who are not pink “yet” and don’t want to get their posts deleted can do two things
1. Consider the half full glass for now.
2. don’t quote the off topic and troll post.
Still 64th is lame when you consider the sheer size of karachi it's population is larger than some entire countries alot of cities much smaller and newer rank well above it. I'm not happy with mediocrity pakistan should reach for the stars I dream that one day a pakistani city will be considered they same way london,new york or tokyo is.
Sorry Buddy ! But you are wishing of something out of conditions , Here people had really worked hard to develop the city during Mutafa kamal's and Naimatullah Khan's period we achieved many goals even today Engineers,Employers and Economists are try hard even in just had a such a deadly recent years for citizens but still They've still shared the greater part of economy for the country, Karachi is in the dangerous earthquake zones so we have limited choices in development sectors too.. My teachers are the one who worked with Mayors , Ah! They always give us briefings and presentations on daily basis ..don't just believe on media or wekipedia.. thing are lot different in reality...During such a corrupt and political interference period don't expect much from citizens..
Sorry Buddy ! But you are wishing of something out of conditions , Here people had really worked hard to develop the city during Mutafa kamal's and Naimatullah Khan's period we achieved many goals even today Engineers,Employers and Economists are try hard even in just had a such a deadly recent years for citizens but still They've still shared the greater part of economy for the country, Karachi is in the dangerous earthquake zones so we have limited choices in development sectors too.. My teachers are the one who worked with Mayors , Ah! They always give us briefings and presentations on daily basis ..don't just believe on media or wekipedia.. thing are lot different in reality...During such a corrupt and political interference period don't expect much from citizens..

I know karachi has developed alot and become alot greener and cleaner i seen the difference with my own eyes what i mean is don't settle for medicority don't stop at 64 keep striving for no 1 .If other's can do it so can it's not impossible it's just other's are much more stronger work ethic, more educated and sincere than pakistan .
We just need to learn the meaning of these things heck look at tokyo it was firebombed into abosolute oblivion in 1945 75% of it destroyed and suffered from multiple devastating earthquakes too way more than pakistan but still look at it now largest city GDP in the world ,one of the world's most renown and important cities pakistan should take inspiration from them and their strong japanese work ethic and perseverance .

I know karachi has developed alot and become alot greener and cleaner i seen the difference with my own eyes what i mean is don't settle for medicority don't stop at 64 keep striving for no 1 .If other's can do it so can it's not impossible it's just other's are much more stronger work ethic, more educated and sincere than pakistan .
We just need to learn the meaning of these things heck look at tokyo it was firebombed into abosolute oblivion in 1945 75% of it destroyed and suffered from multiple devastating earthquakes too way more than pakistan but still look at it now largest city GDP in the world ,one of the world's most renown and important cities pakistan should take inspiration from them and their strong japanese work ethic and perseverance .

Karachi can do this too ,Just provide us a safe and peaceful environment with bit less corruption and in return We will give you strong economy with major developments .Karachi can surpass tokyo and indeed we have taken Tokyo as an ideal.:)
LAHORE-KARACHI-ISLAMABAD no doubt about that.
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Indeed, Lahore, karachi and Islamabad are the best cities to live in, vastly cheap by world standards and extremely livable with modern facilities of all types.
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