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Pakistan has 110 Nuclear weapons, edges ahead of India: USA Report

100 NUKES? I doubt it.....From where Pakistan summoned money and material for so many nuclear weapons? Unless they are a few kiloton each.....

Time to build more nuclear power plants,as we know that surplus nuclear weapons can be recycled as nuclear fuel in power plants...
That way Pakistan wont need to worry about the effectiveness of aging nuclear arsenal..provided we do have that many nukes...
USA runs one of the world's most powerful supercomputer to keep an eye on deterioration and effectiveness of their aging nukes.But then they got megaton scale nukes,,,,,,..Pakistan can build and then recycle nukes into power plants once they get old enough to be less reliable....and replace the recycled warheads with new ones..

Yup i think Pakistan should also work very hard for energy crises & for stable economy, because in this way we can move forward without any aids or loans. As to get rid of energy crises Pakistan should start negotiating with US Europe for solar & wind power technologies we have huge land area in Balochistan, as for nuclear technology China is already helping Pakistan to build nuclear reacters.:usflag::pakistan::china:
Isnt it worrying for you people that 'studies' by 'US based groups' are done only on Pakistani nukes and not on Indian ones.

Dont you read between the lines ?

What I read between the lines is a subtle signal for India to buy more of westren arms, to counter this threat!
What I read between the lines is a subtle signal for India to buy more of westren arms, to counter this threat!

It rather portrays Pakistan as unstable nuclear state..which in times of crisis(both economic and humanitarian) is concentrating on producing nuclear weapons at a faster rate than any other country in the world ,while asking west to bail out its economy and fund its development projects.

These kind of reports will have a very damaging effect on Pakistan's quest of being acknowledged as a responsible nuclear power on parity with India...makes its dream being rewarded with same accolades as India(ie nuclear deal, NSG membership) a distant one.
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:wave:pocession of nukes makes any country invulnerable to external attacks.
does pak has any radioactive mineral deposits like uranium,thorium etc?.i heard india has some low grade radioctive mineral deposite(i think it is thorium in monozite sand.i am not sure.i shall verify it)
by the way,i really dont think that pak has greater no. of nukes,even if it has,it won't be superior to india,considering indias geographical area,delivery systems,secnd strike capability etc
Madam Karen DeYoung you should worry about your own country that has one of the highest stockpiles of nuclear war heads and delivery systems. Your country is the only country in history ever to use nukes and kill hundreds upon thousands of human beings off the face of the earth and you guys still have the audacity to talk about Pakistan's NUKES.:pakistan:

This feels like an organized attempt to sell INDIA new military hardware by fear mongering about Pakistan.
This feels like an organized attempt to sell INDIA new military hardware by fear mongering about Pakistan.

Military hardware to counter Pakistan nuke ?

What are you writing under sleep?
What difference does it make if you have one or thousands. To destroy you need only one or two. But i guess, pakistan is making warheads, not to attack india, but for more ecnomic support from the world. Atleast they can claim that if ever any one attacks them, then the warheads might go to the hands of terrorists. So that the world will work for the stability of pakistan rather than destabilizing it.
The more such news is circulated through deliberately and globally, Pakistan should be worried about Stuxnet, just look at Iran.....
:wave:pocession of nukes makes any country invulnerable to external attacks.
does pak has any radioactive mineral deposits like uranium,thorium etc?.i heard india has some low grade radioctive mineral deposite(i think it is thorium in monozite sand.i am not sure.i shall verify it)
by the way,i really dont think that pak has greater no. of nukes,even if it has,it won't be superior to india,considering indias geographical area,delivery systems,secnd strike capability etc

pakistan also have second strike capability :cheers: our delivery system is better n mature than indians :angel:

---------- Post added at 12:49 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:49 AM ----------

The more such news is circulated through deliberately and globally, Pakistan should be worried about Stuxnet, just look at Iran.....

i agree this is propaganda against pakistan
One advantage of having a large WMD stockpile is that you can throw those plans of 'securing' or 'removing' nukes from Pakistan out the window.

Additionally, the larger the number of Nuclear warheads mated with delivery systems, the harder it is for any nation to launch attacks to take them out before or during a war, and the larger the number of nukes that can be launched at the enemy. So any hostile nation will have to plan for a nuclear exchange in case of a war, instead of hoping to neutralize the nukes, which theoretically should act as a deterrent from war.
One advantage of having a large WMD stockpile is that you can throw those plans of 'securing' or 'removing' nukes from Pakistan out the window.

Additionally, the larger the number of Nuclear warheads mated with delivery systems, the harder it is for any nation to launch attacks to take them out before or during a war, and the larger the number of nukes that can be launched at the enemy. So any hostile nation will have to plan for a nuclear exchange in case of a war, instead of hoping to neutralize the nukes, which theoretically should act as a deterrent from war.

And hence the doctrine of MAD holds good in averting any scenario of WAR.
Enough warheads I am yet to see after all these years some extended but still lethal delivery system...
After reporting estimates on Pakistan's nukes. Next is Iran estimates. :rofl::disagree: There is definitely something wrong on West's mentality. Great Propaganda!

Iran could have nuclear weapon by 2012: Britain

LONDON (Reuters) - Western powers should work on the assumption that Iran could have a nuclear weapon by next year and an Israeli intelligence assessment of 2015 could be over-optimistic, British Defense Secretary Liam Fox said on Monday.

Meir Dagan, outgoing director of Israeli intelligence agency Mossad, said this month that Israel believed Iran would not be able to produce a nuclear bomb before 2015.

But Fox, answering questions in parliament, said Dagan was "wrong to insinuate that we should always look at the more optimistic end of the spectrum" of estimates of Iran's nuclear capability.

"We know from previous experience, not least what happened in North Korea, that the international community can be caught out assuming that things are more rosy than they actually are," he said.

"We should therefore be very clear that it is entirely possible that Iran may be on the 2012 end of that spectrum and act in accordance with that warning,"
he said.

He did not say whether his statement was based on any intelligence assessment available to Britain, a close U.S. ally and one of six powers that made no progress in talks with Iran this month on its nuclear program.

"Iran does not yet have nuclear weapons, as assessed, however it does continue to pursue uranium enrichment and the construction of a heavy water reactor, both of which have military potential," Fox said.

The U.N. Security Council has approved four rounds of sanctions against Tehran for refusing to freeze its uranium enrichment program, which Western powers suspect is aimed at producing a nuclear weapon. Iran says its program is for peaceful energy needs.

Dagan's assessment was in line with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's caution about resorting to force against Iran, which has vowed to retaliate against Israel and U.S. interests for any attack on its nuclear installations.

Dagan was contradicted last week by Israel's chief of military intelligence, Major-General Aviv Kochavi, who said sanctions had not held up Iran's nuclear program and it could produce bombs within two years.

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has said Dagan's assessment should not undercut international determination to keep pressure on Iran through sanctions.

(Reporting by Adrian Croft; Editing by Janet Lawrence)

It seem that Britain has such a good “intelligence” they first discovered nukes in Iraq, we started war on it and then there was mistake…. sorry... but milions people died.Now this again in Britain,
I think it is something to do with Loch Ness….And besides how many wars Iran started lately in comparison to US?
Enough warheads I am yet to see after all these years some extended but still lethal delivery system...

With respect to India we have had delivery systems of the required range for quite a few years now.

Anything beyond the range of the Shaheen II, and you need to focus on missiles with the range to reach Western Europe, Russia and the US, to potentially deter any hostile action by either NATO or Russia. Western Europe would likely be enough to deter NATO.

However, publicly testing missiles with the range to reach Western Europe in the current climate is not a good idea, since it would just add to the anti-Pakistan hysteria. But if the relationship with the US falls apart completely, accelerated development (some people argue development is already almost complete) and testing is highly likely.
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