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Pakistan has 110 Nuclear weapons, edges ahead of India: USA Report

I dont know why is it impossible for indians to digest the truth that Pakistan has an edge over India is nuclear missiles technology. And please dont bore us with going off topic with you guys having better economy than us and stuff. This topic is about Pakistan having an edge over you guys. Accept it and get over it.

New estimates put Pakistan's nuclear arsenal at more than 100

By Karen DeYoung
Washington Post Staff Writer
Monday, January 31, 2011; 12:49 AM
Pakistan's nuclear arsenal now totals more than 100 deployed weapons, a doubling of its stockpile over the past several years in one of the world's most unstable regions, according to estimates by nongovernment analysts.

The Pakistanis have significantly accelerated productionof uranium and plutonium for bombs and developed new weapons to deliver them. After years of approximate weapons parity, experts said, Pakistan has now edged ahead of India, its nuclear-armed rival.

Pakistan nukes outstrip India’s, officials say
U.S. reverses assessment of South Asia nuclear balance

By Robert Windrem and Tammy Kupperman
NBC News
updated 10/24/2003 10:35:02 AM ET
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WASHINGTON, June 6 — Pakistan’s nuclear arsenal is vastly superior to that of rival India, with up to five times the nuclear warheads, say U.S. military and intelligence officials now reassessing the South Asian balance of power. Interviews with senior U.S. officials in the past week revealed the view that Pakistan not only has more warheads than its longtime adversary, but has far more capability to actually use them.

Soviet Union also had a much superior nuclear arsenal than US,Did it saved them??The fact is people who believe more nukes the better are simply too naive.With a weapon so destructive,it doesn't matter whether you 50,100 or 1000.If we uses it end result will always be the same.
Throw some Nuclear bombs in India Subcontinent ( both India and Pakistan ) Arab world ( apart from Turkey , Iran and Iraq) and northern Africa and world will move to a new era of development .

this is for all those comparing Nuclear weapons . Nuclear weapons are useful when you don't use them , not when you use them . As soon as you sue them you loose their "strategic influence" .

Anyone can cry a river over it , but thats the truth .
I dont know why is it impossible for indians to digest the truth that Pakistan has an edge over India is nuclear missiles technology. And please dont bore us with going off topic with you guys having better economy than us and stuff. This topic is about Pakistan having an edge over you guys. Accept it and get over it.

New estimates put Pakistan's nuclear arsenal at more than 100

By Karen DeYoung
Washington Post Staff Writer
Monday, January 31, 2011; 12:49 AM
Pakistan's nuclear arsenal now totals more than 100 deployed weapons, a doubling of its stockpile over the past several years in one of the world's most unstable regions, according to estimates by nongovernment analysts.

The Pakistanis have significantly accelerated productionof uranium and plutonium for bombs and developed new weapons to deliver them. After years of approximate weapons parity, experts said, Pakistan has now edged ahead of India, its nuclear-armed rival.

Pakistan nukes outstrip India’s, officials say
U.S. reverses assessment of South Asia nuclear balance

By Robert Windrem and Tammy Kupperman
NBC News
updated 10/24/2003 10:35:02 AM ET
Print Font:
WASHINGTON, June 6 — Pakistan’s nuclear arsenal is vastly superior to that of rival India, with up to five times the nuclear warheads, say U.S. military and intelligence officials now reassessing the South Asian balance of power. Interviews with senior U.S. officials in the past week revealed the view that Pakistan not only has more warheads than its longtime adversary, but has far more capability to actually use them.

Will you please throw some light on your weapon delivery capability. And also discuss how your are ahead of India in nuclear weapon delivering capability.
And the source of your info is????

[announced] YIELD
[boosted device?] 28 May 1998 25-36 kiloton total 9-12 kiloton
Fission device 28 May 1998 12 kiloton
Low-yield device 28 May 1998 sub-kiloton --
Low-yield device 28 May 1998 sub-kiloton --
Low-yield device 28 May 1998 sub-kiloton --
Fission device 30 May 1998 12 kiloton 4-6 kiloton
Fission device not detonated 12 kiloton --

Pakistan Nuclear Weapons

yaar 40 nuclear bombs are enough for india and pakistan for against each other. At least, india doing far better in many sectors and developing. Yes, defence is important but also other many important things in the world. Pakistan politicians and army only thinking about Kashmir and making weapons but we all know that total of waste money. Pakistan should worried about Pakistani people.
[announced] YIELD
[boosted device?] 28 May 1998 25-36 kiloton total 9-12 kiloton
Fission device 28 May 1998 12 kiloton
Low-yield device 28 May 1998 sub-kiloton --
Low-yield device 28 May 1998 sub-kiloton --
Low-yield device 28 May 1998 sub-kiloton --
Fission device 30 May 1998 12 kiloton 4-6 kiloton
Fission device not detonated 12 kiloton --

Pakistan Nuclear Weapons

I was asking your source of info about your claim of 150-200 kiloton for indian warheads....
this is for all those comparing Nuclear weapons . Nuclear weapons are useful when you don't use them , not when you use them . As soon as you sue them you loose their "strategic influence" .

Anyone can cry a river over it , but thats the truth .

Aha, you got it too!

These nukes are useful till they get used. Then they become useless. What a beautiful paradox! :D
Actually they are the "Ultimate Cyanide Pill". They need to get used (and will get used) only when a Country is "going down forever".

I consider Nukes to be the "Phantom Weapons" of Mankind. :)
I was asking your source of info about your claim of 150-200 kiloton for indian warheads....

I am still waiting for your reply in difference between pontoon and submarine launch .
I am still waiting for your reply in difference between pontoon and submarine launch .

You will not get your reply, not even when I have already answered his question because trolling don't have any source.
I am still waiting for your reply in difference between pontoon and submarine launch .

Pontoon is a pontoon...
Submarine is a submarine...
Do i need to say more?

You will not get your reply, not even when I have already answered his question because trolling don't have any source.

What trolling you are on about?

and the 'source' you posted about indian 200kt warhead....doesnt work..
and the 'source' you posted about indian 200kt warhead....doesnt work..

and why? It's a reliable source.

You people are alluded by your country defence personnel and media as if you have crossed India in defence technology whereas the truth is that Pakistan will able to sustain even a six hour war against India.
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