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Pakistan government to betray all, Resumption of Nato Supplies by May 17!

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I hope this will not happen, pls stay away from american war, americans in the past always used and after betrayed us
I hope this will not happen, pls stay away from american war, americans in the past always used and after betrayed us

Not sure when Americans "Betrayed Pakistan".

Before 65 we got all the latest weapons and aircrafts with one condition "Only use these against commies".
When we started Kashmir shenanigans, we violated that condition and hence the stoppage of arms supply to Pakistan.

After Afghan war, American said do not develop Nukie bumb. We said, no Hajoor, we are just make Peashful Nukie stuff.

No one bought it, not even Pakistanis.

So the Americans stopped giving us money.

Weren't Americans proven right. Weren't we developing nukie bumb in the name of so called "peaceful activities"?

Where is the betrayal?

Oh and during all that time, Americans continue allowing loans and other support so that Pakistan won't collapse. Any sanctions were more like slap on the wrist.

Let's be honest when doing historical analysis. Otherwise we will surely mess up our future.

Thank you.

Bl[i]tZ;2940176 said:
ha ha! Its over, no apology, no cessation of drone attacks. This time Pakistan's price is $365 million a year.

Where is the haha. As an Indian American you should be loyal to and sensitive of the American needs. Do you want to be a clown about a serious issue such as ground supply routes.

Juvenile one upmanship at its worst.

Not sure when Americans "Betrayed Pakistan".

Before 65 we got all the latest weapons and aircrafts with one condition "Only use these against commies".
When we started Kashmir shenanigans, we violated that condition and hence the stoppage of arms supply to Pakistan.

After Afghan war, American said do not develop Nukie bumb. We said, no Hajoor, we are just make Peashful Nukie stuff.

No one bought it, not even Pakistanis.

So the Americans stopped giving us money.

Weren't Americans proven right. Weren't we developing nukie bumb in the name of so called "peaceful activities"?

Where is the betrayal?

Oh and during all that time, Americans continue allowing loans and other support so that Pakistan won't collapse. Any sanctions were more like slap on the wrist.

Let's be honest when doing historical analysis. Otherwise we will surely mess up our future.

Thank you.

Where is the haha. As an Indian American you should be loyal to and sensitive of the American needs. Do you want to be a clown about a serious issue such as ground supply routes.

Juvenile one upmanship at its worst.


million dollar question is what right has america got to tell us no nukes....?

million dollar question is what right has america got to tell us no nukes....?


The answer is:

Americans said do not use our billion dollars to build nukie bumbs.

When they stopped giving us billion dollars, as a result of our stupid decisions, we should not blame them.
Pakistan seeks NATO transit fee
Pakistan seeks NATO transit fee | ArabNews

ISLAMABAD: Pakistani negotiators have proposed a fee of about $5,000 for each NATO shipping container and tanker that transits its territory by land into and out of Afghanistan.
The amount is a key sticking point in discussions about the terms of a deal that would allow the traffic to resume, about six months after Pakistan closed its border crossings, according to US and Pakistani officials.
Officials said yesterday that a deal was imminent, after they reached agreement in principle on reopening the transit corridors. But the details are being negotiated. "The framework is ready, but we are now looking at rates," a Pakistani official said.
A US official emphasized that the United States has not agreed to any figure. According to officials from both countries, Pakistan proposed the figure after calculating its total outlays for damaged infrastructure — primarily wear and tear on its roads from the heavy vehicles — as well as security costs and a newly imposed tariff.
Pakistani officials said they had also taken into account their belief that NATO, by using alternative, far longer transport routes through Central Asia, is paying at least double the amount they have requested.
Nonetheless, payment for what are known as the Pakistani GLOCs, for Ground Lines of Communication, has been difficult for the Pentagon to swallow, because access previously was considered free. But other US officials have pointed out that the United States has given Pakistan billions over the past decade as compensation for its counterterrorism efforts. That money is expected to be discontinued as the new arrangements are put in place.
Pakistan says it is still owed more than $3 billion for past operations. The United States puts the figure at about $1.3 billion.
The transport agreement is being considered as a matter separate from other aspects of the bilateral security relationship, including Pakistan's rejection of US drone attacks on militants inside its borders. Discussions on that issue are continuing between senior intelligence officials.
Pakistan closed its borders to the shipments after a US air raid in November along the Afghan border left 24 Pakistani soldiers dead. A US military investigation concluded that both sides were at fault, and the United States expressed regret. But Pakistan called it an unprovoked attack and demanded an apology. Before the closures, more than 70 percent of NATO's supplies in Afghanistan — largely paid for and utilized by the United States — traveled over land from the Pakistani port of Karachi. The route has become even more important to US and coalition forces as they begin the combat troop withdrawal scheduled for completion by the end of 2014.
The pullout will be discussed at a NATO summit in Chicago this weekend. The alliance invited Pakistani President Asif Ali Zardari to the summit this week once it became clear that a transit agreement was near.
Some analysts here speculated that Zardari might wait to announce in Chicago any new deal with NATO. On Wednesday, Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani's unwieldy cabinet — 53 ministers in all — took up the matter but ended the day with no decision except to reinforce the Parliament's recommendation that shipments contain no weaponry or lethal supplies.
Plane crash
Two Pakistan Air Force (PAF) light aircraft collided mid-air yesterday, killing four pilots on a routine training mission northwest of Islamabad, police said. It was the sixth PAF crash in seven months and the second in a week, raising concerns over the safety of its largely Chinese and locally made fleet.
The cause of the accident was not immediately clear.
One of the two-seater propeller Mushshak planes crashed on a house, injuring a girl and an elderly man, and the second fell in nearby fields in the Rashkai area, 160 kilometres (100 miles) northwest of the capital. “Two PAF trainer aircraft collided mid-air. Four pilots were killed, two were trainee pilots and two were instructors,” district police officer Mohammad Hussain said.
“One of the aircraft crashed over a house, injuring a girl and an elderly man, and the second plane crashed in the fields.” Another police official, Hayatullah, who uses only one name, confirmed the casualties. Last Friday, a fighter jet crashed near the southwestern town of Sonmiani but the pilot managed to eject safely.
From: The Associated Press

The PAF has a fleet of Chinese aircraft including F-7PGs and A-5s, plus US-built F-16s and French Mirages. It recently acquired medium-tech JF-17, or Thunder jets, manufactured jointly by China and Pakistan.

NATO Seeks Strategic Alliance With Pakistan
NATO Seeks Strategic Alliance With Pakistan | ArabNews

ISLAMABAD, 13 May 2006 — The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) would like to develop a strategic partnership with Pakistan to better coordinate the ongoing war against terrorism, a media report said yesterday.

“NATO would like to develop strategic partnership with Pakistan to fight terrorism,” NATO Deputy Secretary-General Ambassador Alessandro Minuto Rizzo was quoted as saying by The Nation after meeting with President Pervez Musharraf Thursday. NATO’s Rizzo also offered a number of training courses to Pakistan armed forces.

Senior Civilian Representative in Afghanistan Hikmet Cetin said NATO, which has a huge deployment in Afghanistan, wanted to promote cooperation in intelligence sharing with Pakistan and would like to develop a military-to-military relationship, to fight terrorism, a common threat to both Pakistan and NATO. “We want to improve NATO’s image, as Pakistanis do not have much knowledge about our organization,” the officials said and added they are inviting Pakistanis to visit NATO headquarters in Brussels. NATO troops were deployed to Pakistan following the Oct. 8 earthquake to assist in relief and rehabilitation operations.

The answer is:

Americans said do not use our billion dollars to build nukie bumbs.

When they stopped giving us billion dollars, as a result of our stupid decisions, we should not blame them.

The money could have come from anywhere and the american aid does not make the whole of the Pakistani budget..so the argument does not stand
You can only betray when you believe.

Did anyone seriously believe that the routes were closed permanently ?
Pakistan seeks NATO transit fee
The money could have come from anywhere and the american aid does not make the whole of the Pakistani budget..so the argument does not stand

You know the $1.1B or whatever the Americans are promising for resuming the supply routes has already been "penciled-into" the latest budget. That does seem indicative of how important this money is to the government.

The money could have come from anywhere and the american aid does not make the whole of the Pakistani budget..so the argument does not stand

yes Sir. That's exactly what happened.

American $$$ are always conditional. When we violate those conditions, then we should not jump up and down and say "Uncle sam betrayed us".

When Americans stopped their billion dollar aid,

We took money from other precious sources internal and external.

We denied health care, education and electricity,

But we built the nukie bumb,

and not just built it (because we could have remained quiet)

we used this bumb 6 times

then if it was not enough, our namak haraam science daan sold it to Ayatullahs and to the Gaddah-fi and then Pakistan got betrayed by both Ayatullahs the Muslim brothers, and the Gaddah-fi the Muslim-eunuch.

And now we have no electricity,

no peace,

and forcing our poor masses to eat grass.

But all in all, we should not make up history.

As I said in the beginning Sir,

American $$$ are always conditional. When we violate those conditions, then we should not jump up and down and say "Uncle sam betrayed us".

we dont use their money either to make nukes....dont tell me american gave us money to make nukes....why dident america gave money to afghanistan to make nukes?
You might ask what business an Indian has in this matter but respect should be given where it is due, America helped you guys a lot, like Russia to India and that my friend is how you progress..
Why do you Sir, insist that Pakistanis behave like iranian's rabid anti-Americanism?

Ayatuallahs are not our rulers (Thankfully) so please keep this mad-hate-ism out of the Pakistani forum.

Thank you.

If you Sir do not know and per your assertion Pakistani media doesn't know then you must be living on a distant planet with few seconds of internet connection back to earth.

If you think that what we read or what we watch on t.v is accurate then you are very inocent. these games are not that simple. we are sold but we do not know how low is our price. our rulers our army generals sold us only to get some $$ and protection for their families after their ruling period is over.

Allhamdolillah we have good No. of American stooges in our country. who think we can't run our country or we might not breath without american permission. they just know criticizing each and every thing.
Pakistan’s leaders will meet on Tuesday to discuss ending a blockade on NATO supplies and how to repair relations with the United States. Pakistan closed its border to NATO supplies after an air strike killed 24 Pakistani soldiers.

Pakistani leaders will meet next week to discuss ending a nearly six-month blockade on NATO supplies into Afghanistan, officials said Friday.

Tuesday's meeting will also debate how and whether to repair relations with the United States in time to attend a key NATO summit later this month.

Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani is understood to have confirmed the date for the meeting of the defence committee of the cabinet from London, where he is on an official visit to Britain, the second-largest contributor to the NATO mission in Afghanistan.

Pakistan shut its Afghan border crossings to NATO supplies after US air strikes killed 24 Pakistani soldiers on November 26, provoking a major crisis in Pakistani-US relations still reeling from the raid that killed Osama bin Laden the previous May.

US officials expressed regret, but stopped short of apologising for the deaths that an American and NATO investigation said stemmed from mistakes made on both sides.

"A meeting of the defence committee of the cabinet has been convened on May 15. It will be followed by cabinet meeting on May 16," said one senior government official.

Diplomats have been keen to resolve the impasse between Islamabad and Washington before the NATO summit on Afghanistan in Chicago on May 21-22, to which Islamabad has been invited.

"The meetings will discuss whether Pakistan should reopen the NATO supply route or not, and if Islamabad should attend the upcoming NATO summit in Chicago," another official told AFP.

"These are very critical issues, which need a serious discussion," he added.

Gilani will chair the talks, to be attended by Pakistan's service chiefs, including head of the army General Ashfaq Kayani and ISI intelligence head, Zaheer ul Islam, as well as Foreign Minister Hina Rabbani Khar, the defence, interior and finance ministers.

"This is an important meeting and it will decide about the future of Pakistan-US relations," the senior government official told AFP.

Officials declined to say publicly when the NATO supply route could reopen despite local press reports that Pakistan and the United States are on the verge of a breakthrough.

"We are discussing it on a technical level, it is under discussion but let me say again -- no final decision has been taken yet," foreign ministry spokesman Moazzam Ahmad Khan told AFP.

On Saturday, Pakistan hosts the highest-level talks with NATO's International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) and the Afghan military for a year, a further sign that momentum is building towards easing the deadlock.

US General John Allen, the ISAF commander in Afghanistan and Afghan army chief, General Sher Muhammad Karimi, will attend the talks at Pakistan's army headquarters in Rawalpindi, the military said.

"Talks will focus on enhancing efficiency of border coordination measures along the Pak-Afghan border and to improve multilateral mechanisms at operational and tactical levels," the military said.

Parliament last month approved new guidelines on relations with the United States, including a call for an end to drone strikes, which continue to target Al-Qaeda and Taliban operatives.

Analysts believe Islamabad has no choice but to reopen the border when US back-payments for fighting militants in the northwest, as part of the Coalition Support Fund, are needed to help boost state coffers ahead of the next budget.

Some officials are concerned by reported moves by a US House of Representatives panel to deny $800 million in aid to train and equip the Pakistani army in counter-insurgency.

"Pressure is coming, not only from Britain (given Gilani's visit to London) but from other key international players in Afghanistan for reopening the route," political analyst Hasan Askari said.

"I think the government should tell the US that we are conditionally reopening the route but that we will continue talking about other critical issues, such as drone strikes and readjustments (back payments) of the Coalition Support Fund," Askari told AFP.

Pakistan to consider reopening NATO supplies - NY Daily News

It is time to open the routes and charge more money for transit.

Besides, there are other major Pakistani interests at stake here.
The answer is:

Americans said do not use our billion dollars to build nukie bumbs.

When they stopped giving us billion dollars, as a result of our stupid decisions, we should not blame them.

so we should do whatever america says to get aid. And if we go for our own will then america stops which is our fault that we dont obey to america. In short a puppet state which recieves dollers and dance to the tunes of america.
It is time to open the routes and charge more money for transit.

Besides, there are other major Pakistani interests at stake here.

Charging more money for transit does not mean Pakistan will get more money. More expenses for supply transit will simply result in reductions under other heads, to keep the overall amount not that much larger than before.

The major Pakistani interest existed before too, not just now. The supply route closure for so long was a huge mistake. A few weeks' closure to make the same point would have placed Pakistan in abetter position than where it is now.
Many will profit if Pakistan reopens NATO supply routes

Yes smugglers , looters , black-marketeers .... ofcourse the Pakistani political leadership
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