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Pakistan gets the driver’s seat in Afghan peace process

they are ready to give part of a-stan to taliban but will hammer them later on with afghan forces :D

Great logic ! So America will make a pact with Taliban ( who aren't willing to actually to shatter some people's wet dreams ) and then break it for your pleasure ? :lol:

There are no million soldiers :) ..and who told you that U.S came here for JOB DONE? :D ;)

Sorry ! I remember killing OBL was the foremost priority and the job is done :P
I am afraid that the chances of a an Afghan civil war are very much the most probable outcome, as per Intel the NA and the Taliban/Pashtun Tribes are planning for the battle royale as soon as the Yanks leave, the ANA will be torn apart - because geographic, ethnic, religious affiliations are more important than the national identity.

We will seek to get rid of our loonies who will get sucked into the Afghan civil war.

Pakistan will continue to exert it's influence in Afghan, as long as they continue to claim sovereign Pakistani land as their own, simple as that.
Great logic ! So America will make a pact with Taliban ( who aren't willing to actually to shatter some people's wet dreams ) and then break it for your pleasure ? :lol:

Sorry ! I remember killing OBL was the foremost priority and the job is done :P

Yes,There are few conditions where U.S cant do more

1)They have to withdraw and they cant fight more and its un ending war so they are going to put few forces here who can train afghans and U.S commanders will guide afghans where to fight or not ..

2) Talibans knows that they cant control A-stan like they used to before coz many of them are killed and wiped out from many areas of a-stan and northern alliance have become more stronger than before.

3)They are going for negotiations where bordering areas of a-stan will be given to taliban not whole afghanistan.

4)Meetings are going on in UAE and U.S planes carry taliban speakers :D

so moral of the story is that if you think that you or taliban will get the A-stan like before then sorry ....

and for last part,

read karzai obama pact :) ..

They could kill OBL and OBL was excuse to invade a-stan.
I am afraid that the chances of a an Afghan civil war are very much the most probable outcome, as per Intel the NA and the Taliban/Pashtun Tribes are planning for the battle royale as soon as the Yanks leave, the ANA will be torn apart - because geographic, ethnic, religious affiliations are more important than the national identity.

Exactly , what hope or ambitions does someone have for that country ? Think of it , the US cant get the Taliban to agree to their plan and vice versa ... The first and foremost Taliban demand that " all coalition soldiers leave the country " ... They will continue their battle with other non Pashtuns factions such as NA ... Countries thinking of protecting their interests there should understand that these people are impossible to control or dictate ... As such , economic prosperity and peace is a very distant dream for Afghan people sadly ...
Pakistan gets the driver’s seat in Afghan peace process

And we have gunpoint towards driver.
I remember last time Pakistan was in driver's seat, Afghan policy wise, the cr@p hit the fan internally in Pakistan. Lets see what happens now..
Yes,There are few conditions where U.S cant do more

1)They have to withdraw and they cant fight more and its un ending war so they are going to put few forces here who can train afghans and U.S commanders will guide afghans where to fight or not ..

2) Talibans knows that they cant control A-stan like they used to before coz many of them are killed and wiped out from many areas of a-stan and northern alliance have become more stronger than before.

3)They are going for negotiations where bordering areas of a-stan will be given to taliban not whole afghanistan.

4)Meetings are going on in UAE and U.S planes carry taliban speakers :D

so moral of the story is that if you think that you or taliban will get the A-stan like before then sorry ....

and for last part,

read karzai obama pact :) ..

They could kill OBL and OBL was excuse to invade a-stan.

1) Yanks have at last understood that its extremely difficult and costly to fight thousand of miles away from home hence the emphasis on " peace process " and " inviting all members on board " ... The question is " Can US fight forever ? " because the Afghans can ... Your few forces here ai'nt gonna make a difference , they couldn't do so with much larger numbers in 10 years so how exactly does your lot attaches so much hope with that token force and ANA which will fell apart as soon the Americans leaves ... US commanders have seen the effects of guiding " Afghan commanders " , I am sure you visit the Afghanistan section often ... :azn:

2) No , they do not ... But yes they cant control Afghanistan like before ... Think of it , who exactly is desperate for negotiations Taliban or USA ? The answer is the latter ... Does that tell you something about the progress in the war ? Yeah , even Western sources reported how much area is still controlled by Taliban and other rogue militias ...

3) They aren't interested if you aren't following the news ...

4) No , not happening ...

Moral of the story is " whoever thinks he can control Afghanistan as a whole is sadly mistaken " ...

What authority does Karzai have to interest me in reading his pacts with different countries ?

And we have gunpoint towards driver.

and some people cant make any sensible posts :)
What do you drive ? :lol:

On topic " Its important now more than ever before that we play our cards well in the Afghan peace process , even a slight error will have a terrible effect on this side of the Durand Line ... We all remember what happened to that country after Soviets left due to " classic " Jihad " But to tell the truth , I have no hope for that country , Cm'on these people are fighting for 200 years , they went to Mecca , made a pact and then broke it if one remembers the extremely religious Afghan warlords and factions "

So more than a million " coalition soldiers " couldn't get the job done but you still have hope for that token force :azn: Honestly !

they broke Mecca? when ?

now the national dress is white safari suit and white cap.
Good news, Pakistan always wanted an important role and now they have it. Now lets see what they can do, whether they go for peace in afghanistan or try to istall a proxy like when they did under taliban.
1) Yanks have at last understood that its extremely difficult and costly to fight thousand of miles away from home hence the emphasis on " peace process " and " inviting all members on board " ... The question is " Can US fight forever ? " because the Afghans can ... Your few forces here ai'nt gonna make a difference , they couldn't do so with much larger numbers in 10 years so how exactly does your lot attaches so much hope with that token force and ANA which will fell apart as soon the Americans left ... US commanders have seen the effects of guiding " Afghan commanders " , I am sure you visit the Afghanistan section often ... :azn:

2) No , they do not ... But yes they cant control Afghanistan like before ... Think of it , who exactly is desperate for negotiations Taliban or USA ? The answer is the latter ... Does that tell you something about the progress in the war ? Yeah , even Western sources reported how much area is still controlled by Taliban and other rogue militias ...

3) They aren't interested if you aren't following the news ...

4) No , not happening ...

Moral of the story is " whoever thinks he can control Afghanistan as a whole is sadly mistaken " ...

What authority does Karzai have to interest me in reading his pacts with different countries ?

and some people cant make any sensible posts :)

1)You are right that its unending war and U.S dint came here to solve this issue.They are here for few time and going to withdraw 85% or more its force.Why should they let their soldier killed?ANA will fall or not ..its just thinking ..no bosy can say about it coz ANA is basically force of northern alliance and they are anti taliban.This is wat m saying that U.S will use this force against taliban and may be pakistan with backing of airforce or drones etc ..but ground role of U.S forces is almost finished after 2014.

and regarding to killing of U.S soldiers by afghans,they are varios factors which made them to do so ..

U.S forces insults afghans,their women and abuse them even ...and may other cases too ..
dont look from same angle every time ,there are many factors ;)...

2)Look,presently U.S dont have options and they cant stay here due to cost.They have plans to stay here for long atleast for decade and for it,they will have to bring parties and they will have to fulfill their demands.so U.S is inviting them coz they want peace or settlement so that they can go easily from here and manage to stay here after 2014 by keeping few forces and dont forget that they use ur route and NDN is not functional properly.if U.S goes on fighting then they wont be able to go from here n will get involved in more war ...so their first priority is safe passage and they will have to give something to every party.

3) Yes,they are :) .

AS i said that talibans have realized that they cant control a-stan like before and they are on board to get something.
Situation of a-stan is not like before and you may see taliban party or role in govt but if you say that U.S will give every thing then forget abt it ...

i m following the news related to it ;) ..they are having meetings in UAE

karzai will be removed after 2014.
My prediction is Pakistan will have to deal with more Afgan refugees.. good luck!
But it wasn't for free! You guys extracted billions of dollars from them - $21 billion to be exact! That's more than Rs 200,000 crores!!! :woot:

Hell's bells! Where's all that money gone? :pop:

We have lost more then what we have received!
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