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Pakistan gets a cuddle and a hug

MKB has remarkable reading of geopolitical pulsation and American presence in Afghanistan is going to be more problematic and expensive in coming days all other NATO allies are in a hurry to leave Afghan land. A great game of geopolitics is in offing let’s wait and see.
I hope Russia China ties keep improving. That can only bode well for the Asian continent in general. A more peaceful and trusting environment between the two Asian giants will mean the other Asian countries can spend more time and money on their people rather than on their armed forces.
what does this mean in 'desi' language

i dont see much happening during putin's visit to PK. russia has invested too much in india.

The Russian Indian relationship is of a transactional nature after the demise of Soviets. Pakistan China Russia relation could be strategic.
lol will believe this hype if we see some thing solid :)
Yea rite. Well salesmen often say what the customer wants to hear. No disrespect mate but hink outside the box. India and America are moving towards a strategic partnership.

At the moment it would appear that India prefers America
Maybe...you are thinking too much out of the box. A strategic agreement is not something which can be compared to a salesman. It takes years to draft it and wide range of consultations between the top bureaucrats and diplomats of both the countries will take place before entering into it. India and Russia had previously signed one agreement which has expired. Then it was renewed again for 10 more years. [I'm searching for a link for this and hopefully will provide you with one.]

If Russia had even the slightest amount of skepticism, it would not let India lay it's hand on it's most secret military technologies in Russia's arsenal. Like the 5th gen fighters, nuclear submarines, aircraft carriers, long range bombers, missiles, air defence systems etc etc. There is no other country in this would which Russia is willing to share it's technology with at this scale. Now...it's not a minor thing. Even Uncle Sam will not depart with his most sensitive technologies even to countries like Israel or UK. Russia now sees India as an equal..not just a country to whom they can sell their stuff to. From buyer seller the relation has grown towards joint ventures...that my friend...is a remarkable evidence that the changing equations wont hamper the relationship. The relationship of India and Russia has stood the test of time and at a time when both the economies are robust and at a time when India is making it's presence felt on the world stage and Russia slowly crawling back to it's super power status, India-Russia are not stupids to let go of each other!

Now coming to the issue of USA, India has time and again snubbed the US and Russia is clearly watching this. Be it the issue of Iran or MMRCA etc..India has been and will be cautious of US's ulterior motives and make no mistake about it...Indian diplomats and policy makers very vary about US and we know when to butter and when to snub.
This may have suited the Russians 12 years ago. Its clearly a different ball game in 2012 - The geopolitics of the world are a changing. The strategic desires are pushing Pakistan China and Russia together
Yes...Indo-Russian relations might do a 180 degrees but Sino-Pak relations will be stable. :lol:

Hello sir...wake up. Pakistan is becoming a liability for China. Now china is openly accusing pakistan to "do more" regarding ughuir problem. China has backed off from investing in the Iran gas pipeline. China is appealing to pak to improve it's relations with US and India. Now..please spare me the BS lip service the chinese are doing regarding pak. Apart form talk nothing concrete has been done. Yes..they are investing in some areas. But that dosent make them all-weather friend. Anybody will invest given a chance. If they are truely your friend with "higher than mountains and deeper than ocean" nature, they should stand by pak and invest in iran pipeline project which will really help pak economy to bounce back and stand on it's own legs.
Maybe...you are thinking too much out of the box. A strategic agreement is not something which can be compared to a salesman. It takes years to draft it and wide range of consultations between the top bureaucrats and diplomats of both the countries will take place before entering into it. India and Russia had previously signed one agreement which has expired. Then it was renewed again for 10 more years. [I'm searching for a link for this and hopefully will provide you with one.]

If Russia had even the slightest amount of skepticism, it would not let India lay it's hand on it's most secret military technologies in Russia's arsenal. Like the 5th gen fighters, nuclear submarines, aircraft carriers, long range bombers, missiles, air defence systems etc etc. There is no other country in this would which Russia is willing to share it's technology with at this scale. Now...it's not a minor thing. Even Uncle Sam will not depart with his most sensitive technologies even to countries like Israel or UK. Russia now sees India as an equal..not just a country to whom they can sell their stuff to. From buyer seller the relation has grown towards joint ventures...that my friend...is a remarkable evidence that the changing equations wont hamper the relationship. The relationship of India and Russia has stood the test of time and at a time when both the economies are robust and at a time when India is making it's presence felt on the world stage and Russia slowly crawling back to it's super power status, India-Russia are not stupids to let go of each other!

Now coming to the issue of USA, India has time and again snubbed the US and Russia is clearly watching this. Be it the issue of Iran or MMRCA etc..India has been and will be cautious of US's ulterior motives and make no mistake about it...Indian diplomats and policy makers very vary about US and we know when to butter and when to snub.

The different moves countries are making are natural because of the changed geopolitics of 21st century. There is no permanent friend or foe in politics the world is slowly shifting from unipolar to multipolar . US is still the most powerful nation but facing tough challenge from Russia-China duo and this is the reason we see the shifts in geopolitics. An emerging power like India will have to join a group of nations to remain relevant in international affairs and it cannot remain nonaligned for so long.
the title make me laughing.


The different moves countries are making are natural because of the changed geopolitics of 21st century. There is no permanent friend or foe in politics the world is slowly shifting from unipolar to multipolar . US is still the most powerful nation but facing tough challenge from Russia-China duo and this is the reason we see the shifts in geopolitics. An emerging power like India will have to join a group of nations to remain relevant in international affairs and it cannot remain nonaligned for so long.
Yes.. what u have said is true except the bold part. As you your self have said, the world is drifting towards a multi polar world. Some of our interests may lie in the west and some with Russia. So, if we align with any one group we may end up loosing the game and endup becoming a sandwich just like pakistan. So remaining non aligned is the best option and if time comes to decide one side then India will surely pick the side where our interests lie.
Yes.. what u have said is true except the bold part. As you your self have said, the world is drifting towards a multi polar world. Some of our interests may lie in the west and some with Russia. So, if we align with any one group we may end up loosing the game and endup becoming a sandwich just like pakistan. So remaining non aligned is the best option and if time comes to decide one side then India will surely pick the side where our interests lie.

I simply said that the time to decide which club to join is not far away with the rapid moving tectonic plates of Geopolitics and I think the Indian think tanks have already made their mind for the same.
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