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Pakistan' Football coach stopped by Israeli authorities from proceeding to Palestine


No offense here but he looks like a Bahraini of Baluchi origin? I've met a lot of them with Bahraini or Omani passports.
Pakistan itself says that their passport is not valid in Israel:


The problem is on ur side.
So Pakistan considers Israel a country?
Dear lord! Where are you living and all? :unsure: And Indians get rabid when some states dont recognize Israel!
These is no state called Palestine. There are two separate entities: one controlled by Hamas and one by Fatah.

Israel is a recognized state member of UN. If some countries dont recognize Israel - thats their right. I dont have any problem with that.

Neither does Pakistan but the team was allowed but not the coach! Selective discrimination?
Its selective award then.
Maybe in history, but right now, I can't think of a more humiliating country than Pakistan.

At least they are not as ashamed of their country as you are of yours. You target other countries hiding behind your mask, why don't you come up with your flags? Then we shall see. What are you? Yemeni?
So Pakistan considers Israel a country?
:rofl: yea...seems that way :D

These is no state called Palestine. There are two separate entities: one controlled by Hamas and one by Fatah.

Israel is a recognized state member of UN. If some countries dont recognize Israel - thats their right. I dont have any problem with that.

Its selective award then.
:tup: tell you rabid friends to back off too ;)

Since you dont mind but they seem to want to push their point through :p:
thats not the point. the point is that he is there as our coach and is representing pakistan team not his country or himself. And now our team is left without a coach in all tournament.

Pakistan itself says that their passport is not valid in Israel:


The problem is on ur side.
The topic in hand is that our team is touring palestine not yr country in the first place. So weather we accept u or not is not the point. But still whats the reason for our coach not to be allowed in palestine with his team? He surely is not going to israel nor his team.

Shame on you for being blinded by your hatred for Pakistan!
many kya kia ha ab???
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thats not the point. the point is that he is there as our coach and is representing pakistan team not his country or himself. And now our team is left without a coach in all tournament.

The topic in hand is that our team is touring palestine not yr country in the first place. So weather we accept u or not is not the point. But still whats the reason for our coach not to be allowed in palestine with his team? He surely is not going to israel nor his team.

many kya kia ha ab???
tum pata nai kahan say beech may agiyea :unsure: was referring to the other post I quoted...sorry removed your quote :ashamed:
The topic in hand is that our team is touring palestine not yr country in the first place. So weather we accept u or not is not the point. But still whats the reason for our coach not to be allowed in palestine with his team? He surely is not going to israel nor his team.
What u call "Palestine" are Israeli controlled territories (except Gaza). We are a sovereign here.

Can Israeli citizen enter Pakistan controlled Kashmir? - I dont think so.

But does NOT recognize UN resolutions. Interesting!
Gen Security Council resolutions are not binding. Many countries do so.
What u call "Palestine" are Israeli controlled territories (except Gaza). We are a sovereign here.

Can Israeli citizen enter Pakistan controlled Kashmir? - I dont think so.

Now Kashmir is a different issue all together if Kashmir had its own country and sports teams then we could have said or compared. But now thanks atleast u have accepted yr controlling palestine. But Palestine has its own embassy here and they have provided visas to our team and its coach. And there is no logical and understandable authority for a third party to intervene and stop someone from entering an area that is not even part of their country. Atleast u controlling Palestine is no excuse to randomly stop a man who is just a football coach that too of Bahrain Nationality (not any of yr neighbor) who is there with a team which is not even part of yr region all together.

Sorry but this is really a Shame and disgraceful act.
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What u call "Palestine" are Israeli controlled territories (except Gaza). We are a sovereign here.

Can Israeli citizen enter Pakistan controlled Kashmir? - I dont think so.

Gen Security Council resolutions are not binding. Many countries do so.
Just for your information..this is what the rest of the world knows:

Palestine (Arabic: فلسطين‎ Filasṭīn, Falasṭīn, Filisṭīn; Greek: Παλαιστίνη, Palaistinē; Latin: Palaestina; Hebrew: פלשתינה Palestina) is a geographic region in Western Asia between the Mediterranean Sea and the Jordan River. It is sometimes considered to include adjoining territories. The name was used by Ancient Greek writers, and was later used for the Roman province Syria Palaestina, the Byzantine Palaestina Prima and the Umayyad and Abbasid province of Jund Filastin. The region is also known as the Land of Israel (Hebrew: ארץ־ישראל Eretz-Yisra'el), the Holy Land, the Southern Levant, Cisjordan, and historically has been known by other names including Canaan,Southern Syria and Jerusalem.

Situated at a strategic location between Egypt, Syria and Arabia, and the birthplace of Judaism and Christianity, the region has a long and tumultuous history as a crossroads for religion, culture, commerce, and politics. The region has been controlled by numerous different peoples, including Ancient Egyptians, Canaanites, Israelites,Assyrians, Babylonians, Persians, Ancient Greeks, Romans, Byzantines, the SunniArab Caliphates, the ShiaFatimid Caliphate, Crusaders, Ayyubids, Mameluks, Ottomans, the British and modern Israelis and Palestinians.

Today, the region comprises the State of Israel and Palestinian territories in which the State of Palestine was declared


1916-22 Proposals: Three proposals for the post World War I administration of Palestine. The red line is the "International Administration" proposed in the 1916 Sykes–Picot Agreement, the dashed blue line is the 1919 Zionist Organization proposal at the Paris Peace Conference, and the thin blue line refers to the final borders of the 1923-48 Mandatory Palestine.

1947 (Actual): Mandatory Palestine, showing Jewish-owned regions in Palestine as of 1947 in blue, constituting 6% of the total land area, of which more than half was held by the JNF and PICA. The Jewish population had increased from 83,790 in 1922 to 608,000 in 1946.

So it is them who are known mistakenly as you probably not the other way round :tup: Thought I should aid you with your geography :tup:

It may have been controlled forcefully by you invading them but it is still Palestine...
The people here are awesome....don't read the complete article,get caught in the act....then put some lame explanation knowing they are wrong.
@Talon: you might want to read "Debunking the Map that Lies".

(Then again, maybe not. I'm told that in Pakistan nobody is publicly pro-Israel because they're afraid they'll get their throat slit twenty minutes later. So if you close your eyes and ears to the truth, you don't have to fight your conscience, right?)
Politics should not mix with Sports. :smokin:

Although not related to this article...but politics has always been mixed up wit sports.USA boycotted when soviet union held olympics,Soviets boycotted when U.S.A held one....since the history of modern olympics,there has not been a single one which wasn't boycotted by one country or another.
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