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Pakistan foiled India's attack plans by warning of severe retaliation: sources

Utter BS. There is no reason for Israel to have been there. Even a hard liner like Netanyahu refused to explicitly state that Israel would side with India in a Pakistan-India military confrontation WHILE he was visiting India.

Israel’s main concern is that Iran doesn’t get nuclear weapons and Pakistani nuclear weapons don’t fall into the hands of extremists. In the latter case, destabilizing Pakistan actually hurts Israel’s security.

I won't give that state any benefit of doubt. The bombs India dropped in Pakistan were Israeli made. India happens to be major buyer of weapons and tech from Israel.

I don't know why few Pakistanis feel the need to be so defensive and appologetic when it comes to Israel? Its not like Pakistan has some very cordial relations with that state and these few Pakistanis feel mentioning Israel would lead to some sorts of diplomatic backlash and grave consequences for Pakistan. Pakistan should even call the French ambassador and launch a protest with him for his country's role in this conflict.
If Israel was actively involved in deploying personnel and its fighter jets to India, then I would have expected an explicit and clear statement from ISPR regarding their role.

What’s likely happening is that elements within the government and military that have a vested, ideological interest in maligning Israel and ensuring that the Pakistani public continues to ‘hate Israel’ are the ones pushing these rumors.

There was possibly one time that Israel had a reason to attack Pakistan - before Pakistan’s nuclear program matured (similar to what Israel did in Iraq), but once Pakistan achieved a nuclear capability there was little reason for Israel to make an enemy out of a nuclear State that could the potentially transfer nuclear secrets to other enemies of Israel.
Calm down sir... Just think maybe we are giving hints to any one...??
If Israel is involved, it was to gauge the operational readiness of Pakistan armed forces to respond to such an attack. US did the same when it openly supported India in its so called right to respond, gauging how well will India be hedged against China, Pakistan proved both of them wrong and which is why we are hearing even the mouth piece of US establishment such as NYT bashing Indian military calling it vintage.
One thing however in all of this is clear which is the Chinese defining silence. Pakistanis were of the opinion that with having Chinese investment in Pakistan, China would not let anyone just threaten that but this episode proved otherwise. This should wake those up who want to hedge bets on others rather their own. As soon as the economy starts picking up, we will need a new fighter aircraft till project Azm takes shape, along with a high altitude SAM system.
ISLAMABAD: India with the backing of Israel and at the peak of its standoff with Pakistan had last week planned a “dangerous attack” to be executed from its Rajasthan airbase, a highly placed government source revealed on Monday.

Timely intelligence and backdoor messaging made it clear to India that a befitting response would be given if it were to go ahead with the planned attack, one which would possibly take the countries to a “point of no return”.

Take a look: War is not a picnic, former Indian spy chief warns BJP-led govt

And as the nuclear armed neighbours wound up a tough week in what was possibly the most near-war situation the two have been in since decades, no one is quite sure of what to expect next.

However, the top civilian source observed that the next possible escalation by India would not be in terms of ground, air or missiles — but more likely in the form of a hybrid conflict in the nature of militant attacks, economic measures etc.

Also read: Israel playing big role in India’s conflict with Pakistan

In fact, what India termed, and thus legitimised as “pre-emptive non-military strike” last Tuesday, was a first of its kind violation of international border and Pakistan’s airspace since 1971.

A top government source says that New Delhi planned strike from Rajasthan airbase and stepped back only after warnings

It was followed by Pakistan taking down two Indian aircraft in a dogfight, leaving one Indian pilot dead and another captured — who was later released as a unilateral gesture of peace.

Since then, Pakistan and India have continued to exchange gunfire across the Line of Control (LoC), only having eased in the last 24 hours.

When inquired by this correspondent if this can be seen as a sign of de-escalation, the chief military spokesman said, “There is a relative reduction in CFVs as compared to heavy exchange of fire during the week”.

“However, based on this apparent ‘strategic restraint’ during the last 24 hours, we cannot lower our state of vigilance and readiness. We have to stay prepared against any misadventure,” explained Maj Gen Asif Ghafoor, director general of Inter-Services Public Relations.

In the other sitting with the top government source, there was considerable pride in Pakistan having thus far shown inordinate maturity and a genuine desire for peace and having dominated all spheres of the standoff in this precarious situation initiated by India in what the source saw as [Narendra] Modi’s war politics.

This highly placed government source recognised the “Modi dilemma” as one where the Indian prime minister continues to beat war drums leading up to elections this May, thus the Catch-22 situation the Indian PM has put himself in means “we are not out of the woods just yet”.

The source briefed a handful of journalists on the “dangerous attack” India had planned with the backing of Israel from its airbase in Rajasthan, located about a 100km from the international border with Pakistan. Timely intelligence and backdoor messaging made it clear to India that a befitting response would be given if it were to go ahead with this plan, one which would possibly take the two states to a “point of no return”.

The source credited Pakistan’s premier intelligence agency, ISI, as “one of the best in the world” and feared the next possible escalation by India would not be in terms of ground, air or missiles, but more likely in the form of a hybrid conflict in the nature of militant attacks, economic measures, etc, against Pakistan.

The same was reiterated a day earlier by military sources this correspondent spoke to.

The Pulwama trigger coupled with diplomatic plus political coercion had India embark on what is now being referred to in military quarters as the “New Normal”. India by this new approach assumed punitive deterrence would be accepted by Pakistan.

In what is largely seen as a dangerous precedent set by India — with far-reaching and worrisome consequences — New Delhi also ironically is not in a position to take one more blow, with both elections overhead and Pakistan continuously preaching and exhibiting the first two stages of the three dimensions of war, deterrence and avoidance.

This double-edged sword dangles overhead, as the ball remains in India’s court, and the world’s eyes upon it. Civilian and military leadership of Pakistan regret what they see as India having taken the course to a broad spectrum dominance of Pakistan with acquiescence of international allies.

Standing at a critical juncture in our history and making significant economic headway, the topmost government source recognised that proscribed organisations were only adding to Pakistan’s problems. Statements in the past against such outfits were made under pressure and lacked political will.

Also present on the occasion, Finance Minister Asad Umar revealed that on ground work against proscribed organisations had started before the Feb 14 Pulwama attack in India-held Kashmir. In the second last meeting of the National Security Committee (NSC) the decision to speed up the progress against these organisations had already been taken and his ministry had decided to set finances aside for these elements to be successfully rehabilitated post deweaponisation.

A day earlier, the ISPR director general told this scribe, Pakistan had decided as far back as 2014 to put an end to such organisations as they “don’t have currency today and are transforming a just Kashmir cause into terrorism”.

At the NSC meeting it was unanimously decided between the civilian and military leadership that not responding was out of the question. An unemotional, rational decision albeit in the domain of irrational (read nukes) had to be taken, and the country’s leadership was on the same page.

Pakistan had already offered “investigation sans any qualifier” with regards to the Pulwama attack and shown willingness to discuss terrorism; signs of unprecedented maturity and willingness for conflict resolution on behalf of Pakistan. The government source on Monday felt that India’s intention lay exposed in its handing over of the Pulwama dossier two days after having attacked Pakistan. The dossier apparently “lacks actionable evidence” but is under review by both the Foreign Office and ISI.

Stone cold warnings

In the midst of serious diplomatic manoeuvrings under way, the spokesperson for the military was very clear about two things. Firstly, if India chooses to escalate from here, it will not be about India Pakistan anymore, it will be about the region. Secondly, India shall not be afforded any face saving at the cost of Pakistan’s integrity and sovereignty.

The lowest of the escalation ladder being no war and the ultimate, nuclear; India has right now, what every country enjoys at each step of the escalation ladder, an exit, if it so chooses (wisely at that) to let things be from here on. Unfortunately, that might not be the case as felt by the ISPR director general, “India emotionally is not prepared to take this exit point”. All weekend, India has been in pursuit of “pumping, luring, provoking” Pakistan out of the “performance, capacity and moral ascendancy” it continues to display. India seemingly has returned “back to the drawing board” to ascertain what kind of response to save face with. However, what remains critical are exit points, knowing when to back off, as any further adventurism by India shall be “too dangerous and critical”.

With regards to his question “you know what National Command Authority means” last Wednesday, the ISPR director general was unambiguous in clarifying “whereby Pakistan will always choose peace over war, dialogue over hostility, be very clear, we shall never compromise on defence of our beloved motherland” so for the time being Pakistan’s “alertness is on high”.

Published in Dawn, March 5th, 2019
One thing however in all of this is clear which is the Chinese defining silence. Pakistanis were of the opinion that with having Chinese investment in Pakistan, China would not let anyone just threaten that but this episode proved otherwise. This should wake those up who want to hedge bets on others rather their own. As soon as the economy starts picking up, we will need a new fighter aircraft till project Azm takes shape, along with a high altitude SAM system.

Yep. At times like these is when allies matter the most. A little Chinese scare would have stopped Modi dead in his tracks.

Let’s see what happens.
I don't know why few Pakistanis feel the need to be so defensive and appologetic when it comes to Israel?
jab tak woh finally Pak ki gand ma somehow danda nahi dain ga, some of our folks wouldn't understand. This obsession that we should be pals is unhealthy. Its a 2 freakin way street.U wann bring in their terrorist diplomats and spy into Pakistan to give them easy access to create more fitnah? Their xtian daddy has successfully done so already from DC and our ppl want more apparently from everyone.Just Ask Mushy, He got stories to tell.
jab tak woh finally Pak ki gand ma somehow danda nahi dain ga, some of our folks wouldn't understand. This obsession that we should be pals is unhealthy. Its a 2 freakin way street.U wann bring in their terrorist diplomats and spy into Pakistan to give them easy access to create more fitnah? Their xtian daddy has successfully done so already from DC and our ppl want more apparently from everyone.Just Ask Mushy, He got stories to tell.

There is some unfinished business between us and them, there is some history ........ they want the revenge for that, no matter how.

Pakistan should not just discard its history of being party to a conflict, down the road Pakistan's victory in this limited conflict would become indian victory (I guess it already is being shown as such).
Israel is involved by Pakistani sources because of that Brit report about 'Israeli fingerprints' regarding Feb 26 events.

New Delhi ‘changed plan of a missile attack’ after warning

By News Desk
Published: March 5, 2019

India boosts its nuclear-capable missile armada. PHOTO: REUTERS/FILE

India had planned a missile attack on six to seven places inside Pakistan from an airbase in Rajasthan but Pakistan foiled this plan on the basis of intelligence, government sources said on Monday.

Pakistan learned about this plan on time and its agencies warned Indian agencies that Pakistan was ready to retaliate against any such attacks. They were told that the intensity of the Pakistani attack would be threefold of the Indian assault, the sources added.

They said India planned now to mount terrorist attacks in large cities of Pakistan particularly Karachi and Bahawalpur and information about the potential Indian attacks had been shared with friendly countries.

OIC meeting unveiled India’s true face: Qureshi

Pakistan has told the international powers that it wants peace with India and that by releasing the Indian pilot, Pakistan has demonstrated its will in this regard.

Important personalities of the world are in contact with Pakistan and India. However, there is no direct contact between the two rivals but security agencies of the two countries are in touch.

According to sources, the tension between Pakistan and India is not as high as it was a few days back. However, the government, the armed forces, and the agencies are on alert. The release of the Indian pilot has changed the situation and Pakistan is getting diplomatic cooperation from across the world.

Earlier Saudi Arabia, Turkey, and the USA played an important role in de-escalating the situation. In the last couple of days, the British premier has also attempted to reduce tensions between the rival states.

According to sources, the dossier from India about the Feb 14 Pulwama attack does not provide any practical evidence which could justify action against the Jaish-e-Mohammad of Masood Azhar.

The government had decided back in 2018 that the organisations that have been banned but have a large following would be brought into the national mainstream. The government will take the seminaries of these organisations into its own custody and the education of the pupils studying there would continue.
Utter BS. There is no reason for Israel to have been there. Even a hard liner like Netanyahu refused to explicitly state that Israel would side with India in a Pakistan-India military confrontation WHILE he was visiting India.

Israel’s main concern is that Iran doesn’t get nuclear weapons and Pakistani nuclear weapons don’t fall into the hands of extremists. In the latter case, destabilizing Pakistan actually hurts Israel’s security.

Israel has a similar move in the 80s
There is some unfinished business between us and them, there is some history ........ they want the revenge for that, no matter how.

There is definitely two sides, the basic story is that 'they' created 'them', fell from grace and had to endure a lot while the others ruled. The war between the two sides is between they and them. Its not revenge or personal. its a process you go through. once they win then process is over, and everything returns back. it was designed this way.

think of as 0 ---> split into them and they ---> 1 --- > endless war ---> back to 0 --> they rigged the war from the start to win.

they made the 0 ---> 1 ---> 0 process so 'they' could experience, grow and learn. we just play the part.

Pakistan should not just discard its history of being party to a conflict, down the road Pakistan's victory in this limited conflict would become indian victory (I guess it already is being shown as such).

trust me its just party to conflict

endless war..

its easy to understand... its always going to happen exactly as designed

0 = perfection, 1 = anti-perfection, 0 = perfection achieved.

the first 0 was a dream. the 0 ---> 1 is endless war 1 ---> 0 realisation of that dream.

game over
A big IF
If Israel was or is planning to attack Pakistan from indian soil that w..ore can’t do it without getting involved her Thooku USA. Or it’s a a fake news
If Israel is involved, it was to gauge the operational readiness of Pakistan armed forces to respond to such an attack. US did the same when it openly supported India in its so called right to respond, gauging how well will India be hedged against China, Pakistan proved both of them wrong and which is why we are hearing even the mouth piece of US establishment such as NYT bashing Indian military calling it vintage.
One thing however in all of this is clear which is the Chinese defining silence. Pakistanis were of the opinion that with having Chinese investment in Pakistan, China would not let anyone just threaten that but this episode proved otherwise. This should wake those up who want to hedge bets on others rather their own. As soon as the economy starts picking up, we will need a new fighter aircraft till project Azm takes shape, along with a high altitude SAM system.
When we judge someone’s behavior, don’t judge by what he is saying but what he’s doing. One may get a bit frustrated with Chinese behavior of lack of emotion or expression but getting things sorted. This is just how we Chinese do things, which may be a bit different. :cool:

China isn’t silent, rather it has pledged both sides to restrict. In the field, PAG has shown it more than enough to hold it own and I don’t think anyone really worry about that.
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