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Pakistan foiled India's attack plans by warning of severe retaliation: sources

I don't know if the news is accurate.

China Secretly Sold Saudi Arabia DF-21 Missiles With CIA Approval

In 2007, China secretly sold Saudi Arabia improved ballistic missiles with U.S. approval Newsweek magazine is reporting.

According to the report, which cites a “well-placed intelligence source,” in 2007 China secretly sold Saudi Arabia DF-21 solid-fuel, medium-range ballistic missiles. The U.S. Central Intelligence Agency quietly sanctioned the deal after confirming that they were not the nuclear-capable variants of the missiles.

The U.S. support for the deal stands in stark contrast to previous Sino-Saudi missile deals. Specifically, in the late 1980s Saudi Arabia clandestinely purchased DF-3 missiles from China, which the U.S. later exposed publicly and harshly criticized the deal. The arms deal created significant concern in some circles over fears that Riyadh’s purchase of nuclear-capable ballistic missiles signaled the Kingdom was intent on developing nuclear warheads.

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The Newsweek report tries to play up the possible nuclear angle on the newer DF-21 missile deal, although there’s little reason to think this is Saudi Arabia’s reason for purchasing them given that it already possesses the DF-3 missiles. The report also notes that the DF-21 ballistic missiles have a shorter range but better accuracy than the DF-3 missiles.

Although the greater precision of the DF-21’s are important, perhaps the DF-21’s biggest advantage is their solid propellant and road-mobile ability. Their solid-fuel allows them to be launched more quickly and requires less maintenance, which is especially advantageous to the Saudi military which often requires significant foreign assistance to operate more advanced weapons systems. The fact that they have road mobile launchers gives them greater survivability, although this characteristic isn’t particularly necessary given the kind of threats Saudi Arabia faces.

The deal is interesting in a number of different ways. First, it shows China’s growing advanced weapon sales in the Middle East. Last year, Turkey announced that it had selected a Chinese air and missile defense system over a number of U.S. and European alternatives. China has a particular interest in furnishing Saudi Arabia with advanced military technology given Beijing’s heavy reliance on the Kingdom for oil.

Additionally, it reveals the dysfunction of America’s foreign and national security processes. That Saudi Arabia turned to China for advanced missiles is almost certainly because the U.S. would not provide comparable missiles to Riyadh. Advanced weapon sales to Saudi Arabia can be controversial in the U.S. as evidenced by the amount of effort former Defense Secretary Robert Gates had to devote to get through a deal to sell Riyadh more F-15s, as well as upgrade existing ones.

Still, in the end the U.S. ended up approving the DF-21 missile sale. Although the CIA took action to ensure that the DF-21 missiles aren’t nuclear capable, this can always change at a later date. Thus, the U.S. not only lost potential revenue in selling Saudi Arabia the missiles itself, but it also lost control in the process.

sounds correct... covert israeli india war plane stopped..

an embarrassment for the world. then why is netenyahu being chained by his Attorney General as we speak.

thats why india is in crisis
We should avoid direct confrontation with israel as it will lead to u.s involvement and we are not capabke to detect and down u.s jets so we should focus on india
Utter BS. There is no reason for Israel to have been there. Even a hard liner like Netanyahu refused to explicitly state that Israel would side with India in a Pakistan-India military confrontation WHILE he was visiting India.

Israel’s main concern is that Iran doesn’t get nuclear weapons and Pakistani nuclear weapons don’t fall into the hands of extremists. In the latter case, destabilizing Pakistan actually hurts Israel’s security.

Your point is valid. But every news outlet is covering the story so don't know what to believe. Personally I don't think Israel will make a nuclear enemy but what ever happened out there we don't know it all.
Utter BS. There is no reason for Israel to have been there. Even a hard liner like Netanyahu refused to explicitly state that Israel would side with India in a Pakistan-India military confrontation WHILE he was visiting India.

Israel’s main concern is that Iran doesn’t get nuclear weapons and Pakistani nuclear weapons don’t fall into the hands of extremists. In the latter case, destabilizing Pakistan actually hurts Israel’s security.

The issue is, it's not only Hamid Mir. News is coming from approximately all the journalists about Ind/Isr attack from Rajistan. There has to be some truth to it, Pakistan has no reason to drag Israel into the mix.
We should respond israel indirectly using Hamas, Syria and Hezbullah

no i think israel just needs to change

pakistan has closer relations to israel than india. BUT only good israel, not the bad one

we are moving from bad israel to the new good israel. its something foreign to what we know.

pakistan will help in the process

just follow the order that was given 21 02 Pakistan army. everything will be good

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