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Pakistan first, Saudis tell India

What Saudi media link? To prove that Pakistan and Saudia have a defense pact? If you don't know as much, you shouldn't post on here and learn from a senior member first. I guess we have a lot of children fan boys here from India, between ages 14 - 18 and still learning!! Anyway, here are some of the links.

Pakistan will defend Saudi's 'territorial integrity'

Not participating in Yemen war but will defend Saudi territorial integrity: Asif - The Express Tribune

NIGHTWATCH: Pakistan-Saudi Arabia Military Pact — Implications for China, India, Iran, And All Others « Public Intelligence Blog

What did i told you ?
If you have no link then, its okay, but no lies, or beating around the bush. Why are you giving me irrelevant links.

I asked saudi media link for the claims made in original post.
Now to spoon feed you, where is the saudi media link where they claimed that india offered them defence pack and they rejected it. And they put pakistan first and india later as the title of the article claims ?

I specifially mentioned that this ego soothing articles are only part of pakistani media. There is nothing in saudia media, let aside indian.

Not that i as a indian care if saudia really puts pakistan ahead of india. Its their wish. Neither do i wish to see india as faithful soldier of saudia, thats for pakistan to be. India will never fight anybody's fight, neither wish to be thekedar of islam or any other religion. I wish to see india and saudia relations to be limited to trade and business, nothing more.

But here i am just exposing the lies of pakistani meda, nothing else.

By the way modi did not even visit saudi arabia yet. He just visited uae.
And here this article already claims that saudia rejected the defence pact of india and put pakistan ahead of india.
How can saudia reject which is not yet offered to them by modi. Modi had not even yet laid a foot in saudia let alone offering the defence pact yet. :cheesy:

Modi may visit saudia in future. That will be the time to see the real panic in pakistan and its media. :yay:

I wonder how much we've had to bend down for this one. India just threw its trump card everywhere and regardless of where it hit or not; our establishment and state are panicking like heck. These are media fed stories that do not convey the actual severity of how much flustered, angry and downright scared the Pakistani state has become at these developments. The Saudis will not go India because they know the "baniya" too well. But at the same time they will not spare this opportunity to shame Pakistanis to the ground, turn us around, and the rest I leave to your imagination.

We are not going to lose the Sauds, or the Urbis in the long run. But we are going to be permanently put back in our place as boot licking slaves of the arabs.

@Hyperion Bhaag!!

Sigh! At last the sane voice prevailed.
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what twisting? untwist all you want but you cannot wriggle out of the fact that by your own admitted rationale, 100% of Indiand and Pakistanis have had the same 'ruled over' in the past and since 80% of Indians have not been converted and 100% Pakistanis have been, it stands to reason that Indians have managed to be free while Pakistan has not.

I am only using your own attempted logic. If you don't like the results, then just don't come up with these hare brained arguments!
so converting to a specific religion means that your not free maybe our ancestors didn't like the hinduism and its slavery system and its caste system and its imaginary history ?? and by your logic ME was not free when they converted so let me tell you that after islam ME got freedom .... atleast think before you speak by what you say people who convert to islam in india nowadays or people in US UK FRANCE GERMANY CANADA CHINA and nearly every country in World who acepted ISLAM are not free i mean your talking about 1/4th population of the world .......
By the way modi did not even visit saudi arabia yet. He just visited uae.
And here this article claims that saudia already rejected the defence pact of india and put pakistan ahead of india.
How can saudia reject which is not yet offered to them by modi. Modi had not even yet laid a foot in saudia let alone offering the defence pact yet. :cheesy:

Modi may visit saudia in future. That will be the time to see the real panic in pakistan and its media. :yay:
Saudi Arabia has been one of our closest allies and brother...It's shame for Iranian loyalists who does nothing but bicker all the time against S.Arabia...
So what you guys mean to tell me is that The Selfie Has Failed, but how can that be, the hypnotic powers of the Modi Ji selfie have no Parallel in the entire Bollywood Universe.

Not to worry if the Selfie Fails India will bring out its next secret weapon against pakistan.

Beware THE YOGA.

give em some credit though these Dhoti Skirt wearing loosers were naive enough to think that they can drive a wedge between us and GCC. Our ties with Iran are growing and purely economic. Modi has just shown desperation, i wonder if the people in his Selfies are laughing with him or At Him.
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So can somebody clarify how does it matter what the Saudis say.....PM Modi visited United Arab Emirates.. And as far as I know Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and UAE are different countries.
the ksa and the iaf did a joint exercise. indian media went on the offensive and started to discuss the reduction in ties with pakistan and ksa. the first opening post put all of that media farce to sleep when the crown Prince spoke to the Pakistani army chief and told him its all lies and there are more important.
Pakistan will remain an indispensable ally to KSA. Two states have deep rooted strategic understanding and fail safes to deal with crisis situations like the one faced in Yemen.

What about UAE ?? They earlier had a meeting with Malik Salman ?? UAE up for defense deal with India or not ??

what story? that was a comment, a true description of how sensationalist media and Pakistani establishment are nothing but drama queens. The media does it to make money, the establishment does it to shield its failures. samja?

Ahahahahahah ... you should start watching Indian news channels for an hour daily
Does Modi not think before doing these silly things? Just like taking Romantic selfies with UAE princess, he offered a defense pact to Saudia :rofl: :rofl:

Does he realize the Saudi's have TV's in their country and they watch what happens inside India with Muslims, and the Indian BJP-RSS-Shiv Sena, aka, majority of the Hindu public's opinion about Islam....??? And they should do above all....a DEFENSE pact with the Indians. Nice!!! Only Modi can do such stuff :tup:

Saudis and Pakistan will remain tied in a strategic defense agreement. Iran was warned about it during Houthi - Yemen drama. Pakistan refused to join the fight but made clear to Iran that Pakistan wants to maintain good relationships with both, Iran and Saudia. BUT, if Irani support (Houthi's) step on Saudi soil.....Pakistan will be pushed into a war that it doesn't need to. Based on that, Iran backed out the Houthi's from making any advance towards the Saudi border.

And the little stunt Modi pulled in by visiting the UAE....the UAE has no balls, decision making capability or even the power to go against Saudia and Pakistan. Simple is the fact, and the truth ALWAYS hurts!!!

thats why i love iran they know when they reached theri limit and know the proxy business is not good. they understand if they houthis go towards ksa then pakistan will respond but iran does not want that. the uae is not dumb enough to turn towards india at pakistans cost, with or without ksa's influence

If I indulge you for a minute about the 'ruled for a long time' do you forget so were the people of Pakistan, ruled by the same foreign forces? In fact if you take that rationale, besides being 'ruled over', almost 100% current Pakistani population came from 'converted' whereas only 19% of Indian population came out of 'coverted' people.

80% is greater tha 0% even in Pakistan

foreign forces ?? how many peoples fled from India and Pakistan after partition ???

Not a single one, mughals are still living in Pakistan and India so please wake up ...
PM Modi hasn't even visisted Saudi Arabia....he went United Arab Emirates.... So tell me how does it matter what the Saudis say...Modi hasn't visited Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

Bist honey ke bad asiey hey mahsoos hota hai
Does Modi not think before doing these silly things? Just like taking Romantic selfies with UAE princess, he offered a defense pact to Saudia :rofl: :rofl:

Does he realize the Saudi's have TV's in their country and they watch what happens inside India with Muslims, and the Indian BJP-RSS-Shiv Sena, aka, majority of the Hindu public's opinion about Islam....??? And they should do above all....a DEFENSE pact with the Indians. Nice!!! Only Modi can do such stuff :tup:

Saudis and Pakistan will remain tied in a strategic defense agreement. Iran was warned about it during Houthi - Yemen drama. Pakistan refused to join the fight but made clear to Iran that Pakistan wants to maintain good relationships with both, Iran and Saudia. BUT, if Irani support (Houthi's) step on Saudi soil.....Pakistan will be pushed into a war that it doesn't need to. Based on that, Iran backed out the Houthi's from making any advance towards the Saudi border.

And the little stunt Modi pulled in by visiting the UAE....the UAE has no balls, decision making capability or even the power to go against Saudia and Pakistan. Simple is the fact, and the truth ALWAYS hurts!!!

his Pakistan hate will humiliate him over and over and over, Instead of Pakistan loosing friends it gaining more friends. Whats is next is he going offer Turkey a defense pack next....this guy is overly obsessed with Pakistan
So Modi goes to UAE...gets 75 billion investment, speaks against Pakistan in Saudi soil....50000 NRI shout Modi marhabba....then some one publishes a UAE says Pakistan first....do you even know that Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emirates are two different countries. The author keeps jumping from UAE to KSA...I think he has no idea that those are two different countries.
What bist in it....all the discussion in Indian media is about his visit to UAE....thora geography pad let's to yeh haul name hota. Feel happy article...

After aborted NSA talks, PM Modi's Saudi Arabia trip is the 'ultimate masterstroke' - Firstpost

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