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Pakistan finalized Z-10ME Helicopters deal with China : Journalist Sumaira Khan

Yes for the long run. For now I believe Pak will eventually get those already-made AH-1Z, as well as getting the T129 delivered, obstacles are purely political (perhaps US internal politics as well), relationship between Pak (along with Turkey) and US isn't bad at all if not only getting better, the helos are a matter of re-negotiation of political terms.

Your assessment is incorrect. Our relationship is complex and gotten worse since IK rejected requests from Uncle Sam. West will give us hard time on FATF and IMF. They might even consider putting scansions on Pakistan. They have pushed us to the wall and now we are completely in China’s corner.
Pakistan knows CHinese weapons are high quality. Dont want to sacrifice quality and buy unknown turkish product
OR, delay buying equipment your military needs, only for some adversary to attack you (could be UK!) while your militarty is less protected, because it lacks the equipment you delayed ordering. Dont play with needed militarty equipment, delaying can be fatal.
OR, delay buying equipment your military needs, only for some adversary to attack you (could be UK!) while your militarty is less protected, because it lacks the equipment you delayed ordering. Dont play with needed militarty equipment, delaying can be fatal.
You have a good point but the UK attack Pakistan? Not going to happen.
Heavy utility obviously, the heavier the better, but "heavy attack" is a good question.

From a supply perspective, like @luciferdd has mentioned the primary component aka 1600~1800kW WZ-10 turboshaft (which is massively used on Z-20 utility helos) is ready now, so it would be easy to construct a heavily-armored version of Z-10, or might as well license-build a Russian Ka-52 design with Chinese components. No technical barrier here.

But the real question is whether PLA wants it? I think drones and loitering munition may replace "flying tank" type of heavily armored helo, only "flying cavalry" type of manned helo remains useful in missions like ambush/recon, hunting HVT, escorting an air assault formation, etc especially in complicated terrains. With continuous improvement of powerplant (WZ-9C/AES100 turboshaft) and avionics, seems like Z-10 can well serve PLA needs in the coming decade as the primary manned attack helo, new investment will be on drones.

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Yeah PLA`s doctrine is different from PA or others..... So most probably what we will have is a armored drone copter........
Tell me what role KA 52 can do anything these can fire anti tanks as z 10

Z 10 are light weight than KA 52 we need heavyweight attack halos with them or buy them for pak marines they need them badly

Pakistan marines are not currently an offensive force and have no use for helicopters, they have zero way to support their helicopters nor anything for the helicopters to cover. Even if they did, KA52 is not the one for them. Just because a helicopter can fire missiles doesn’t make it good enough for any role, if that was the case we’d be replacing our AH-1s with Mi35M3s but we aren’t, that’s because while Mi35 is a heavy gunship, it cannot perform the same roles as a AH1. It cannot hover at low altitudes constantly because it’s designed to be better at strafing. The KA52 is a high speed scout helicopter and not a support gunship, which is what PA needs. Z-10ME is a medium weight gunship, PA can consider Mi-28NM, ATAK-2/T929 etc for heavy gunship options. Why do you think Russia makes both Mi28M and KA52? Because they both serve different roles, Mi28 is the gunship, KA52 is the scout helicopter.

PN and marines have absolutely no platforms to operate KA52 from and will hence find them useless until PN somehow operates a helicopter carrier. Be realistic, don’t be a fanboy. Just because it looks cool doesn’t mean it’s useful.
Ohh bhai before her, many well informed members here on PDF hinted about J10 acquisition for the last 1 year or so.
thats ok. I just responded with her past news breaks as some members asked for the credibility. So far her news are being proven true.
Tell me what role KA 52 can do anything these can fire anti tanks as z 10

Z 10 are light weight than KA 52 we need heavyweight attack halos with them or buy them for pak marines they need them badly

Can you please finally stop spamming this and other thread with yet another off topic BS proposal?

The J-10C thread is constantly spammed with "F-16 is better and Pakistan don't need J-10Cs", now you are doing the same with "Ka-52 is better and Pakistan don't need Z-10MEs"! Seems as if you are stricly against anything from China and as long as there is another option, regradless how realistic or affordable you ignore all surrounding circumstances and play your agenda!

Stop it, it is annoying.
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Tell me what role KA 52 can do anything these can fire anti tanks as z 10

Z 10 are light weight than KA 52 we need heavyweight attack halos with them or buy them for pak marines they need them badly

KA 52 is a dead platform that Pakistan MUST NOT buy into - it has no future.

Z-10s have a development roadmap that will span the next 20-30years. It is a platform that is more strategic interms of its growth path and a better bet for the PAA.
As ways are blocked to get T129 OR Zulu A1 Z1from USA.So, Z10 after upgrades may fill gap and requirement in current situation.
Preference to T129 was given over Z10 due to engine and that engine has zero chance to come in PAA.
Your assessment is incorrect. Our relationship is complex and gotten worse since IK rejected requests from Uncle Sam. West will give us hard time on FATF and IMF. They might even consider putting scansions on Pakistan. They have pushed us to the wall and now we are completely in China’s corner.
Bro of course the relationship is complex, I guess most people are fully aware of it. FATF or IMF or whatever the west will always give Pak hard time one way or the other, Pak was never part of the west and never will be, try name a country/people on this planet immune to western hostility throughout human history. But at the same time I guess you're also aware of a deep-rooted pro-west sentiment among many Pakistani people, sentiment so strong (anti-China) that it may help push a deal be made (re-made) between Pak-US and get those Zulus/T129 delivered. The deals are stuck, not dead, let's be confident and wait for admin on both sides to sort things out, Pak is allying with China on Indian front but will stay out of US-China rivalry if not more inclined towards US.
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Bro of course the relationship is complex, I'm fully aware of it. FATF or IMF or whatever the west will always give Pak hard time one way or the other, Pak was never part of the west and never will be, try name a country/people on this planet immune to western hostility throughout human history. But at the same time I guess you're also aware of a deep-rooted pro-west sentiment among many Pakistani people, sentiment so strong that it may help push a deal be made (re-made) between Pak-US and get those Zulus/T129 delivered. The deals are stuck, not dead, let's be patient and wait for admin on both sides to sort things out.
By giving up sovereignty? Current US adminstration has lost all basic sense. They are demanding all the ridiculous things from Pakistan which no sane Pakistanis will agree.
As ways are blocked to get T129 OR Zulu A1 Z1from USA.So, Z10 after upgrades may fill gap and requirement in current situation.
Preference to T129 was given over Z10 due to engine and that engine has zero chance to come in PAA.
That engine was already replaced in the Z-10ME with a better version including a better filtration system to work in desert conditions like ours.
By giving up sovereignty? Current US adminstration has lost all basic sense. They are demanding all the ridiculous things from Pakistan which no sane Pakistanis will agree.
Pak is allying with China on India, but there has always been a deep-rooted pro-west (pro-US) sentiment among Pakistani people especially the English-speaking groups (western educated, western media readers, etc). Pak-US tie is way longer and deeper than Pak-China tie, though arrogant US administrations as well as messy US domestic politics screw things up from time to time, the Zulus/T129 deals are examples. There are ups and downs between Pak-US in geopolitics, but the underlying pro-US sentiment in the public is always there, will exert influence and act as stabilizer.
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Bro of course the relationship is complex, I guess most people are fully aware of it. FATF or IMF or whatever the west will always give Pak hard time one way or the other, Pak was never part of the west and never will be, try name a country/people on this planet immune to western hostility throughout human history. But at the same time I guess you're also aware of a deep-rooted pro-west sentiment among many Pakistani people, sentiment so strong (anti-China) that it may help push a deal be made (re-made) between Pak-US and get those Zulus/T129 delivered. The deals are stuck, not dead, let's be confident and wait for admin on both sides to sort things out, Pak is allying with China on Indian front but will stay out of US-China rivalry if not more inclined towards US.

You don’t understand complex political moves by Uncle Sam. They used to invite Pakistani generals to USA, free shipping for their wife, children are going to Prestigious universities in USA for free. Our officers are getting training in their military schools. All of that has stopped. They are only meeting us on Afghanistan issues, nothing more. Due to this, IMF is putting tough conditions on Pakistan. Since Pakistan has grown a backbone, west want Pakistan to be bankrupt so they can provide relief on their terms. They have only 5 terms, puppet government, army under government control , air bases, stop CPEC, rollback Nuclear program.
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