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Pakistan fighter pilot wins battle of sexes, now she's ready for war.

1. It turns away innumerable talented men from employment and occupy their right increasing unemployment and crime rate in society.

2. brings disbalance to society by assigning unnatural roles to women leaving them unable to look after their primary responsibility of home making and children.

3. spreads social evils like rape and sexual harassment in military which most of the times go unreported and suppressed from top because of the fear of damage to military reputation.

a lot more evils can result from this military women phenomena which are well researched and documented from also can academic point of view.

1. laughable and pathetic explanation to crime. there is no relation of men resorting to violence & crime because of a God's creation of opposite gender has made an achievement.

2. Another joke, "talented men" should have enough talent that they dont feel threatened by such high achieving females. unnatural roles? success of men is marked by the contribution of women as well & there are many examples of women taking the helm & leading the way in science, arts & politics all traditionally roles considered to be for men but done by women saving the day.

3. stupid and pathetic reasoning. these women are not out there exhibiting their femininity, but have mastered the art of war. trust me, people in that position dont have sex in their mind. I am sure PAF men are professional and Islamic enough to abstain from any unislamic act.

try to differentiate these pilot, doctors, engineers and teacher women from the women in showbiz. if you cant differentiate and make a blanket statement then sadly you are insulting yourself and wont be taken seriously

On left: Anam hassan 24 avionics engineer,Mushaf Base,June 7,2013


On Right: Squadron Leader Imran Khan


2nd Right: Wing Commander Nasim Abbas, OC 20 squadron


JF-17 takes off from Mushaf base, June 7,2013
8 pages of why women shouldnt serve in the Armed Forces of Pak Land?

Is this really an effective use of electricity used to power your computers?
i know the nationalists, proponents of western patriotism and secularists who are plenty on this forum have a special aversion to islamic teachings on any issue or topic but even if looking at this military women phenomenon from a general viewpoint we'll see it has plenty of harms and no logic or sense.

1. It turns away innumerable talented men from employment and occupy their right increasing unemployment and crime rate in society.

2. brings disbalance to society by assigning unnatural roles to women leaving them unable to look after their primary responsibility of home making and children.

3. spreads social evils like rape and sexual harassment in military which most of the times go unreported and suppressed from top because of the fear of damage to military reputation.

a lot more evils can result from this military women phenomena which are well researched and documented from also can academic point of view.

Post this in stupid and funny thread along with your name.
i wanted to post that news for hours can any one tell me how to post like create a new thread pls i am new to this form thing

Just click on a discussion title and you will see something called 'Post a new thread'
Oscar, is the only guy you should follow, rest belong to our league.....bina wuzu key namazi.

You embarrass me .. Im not even close to a namazi..
but the point for all these Parrots or anybody is to read their life guide for themselves and not fall prey to every other "Scholar".
There are many other women pilots in PAF, why are those not termed as war ready?
I'm sure the pilot is physically and mentally more fit than many men on this forum... so let it go.

War today is not like the war's in past, still Razia Sultana was one example... she killed many men in sowrd and horse battle at front lines.

I strongly support, to send her chasing indian intruders... getting the honor to have indian pilots land.. like the previous many times.
There are many other women pilots in PAF, why are those not termed as war ready?

you have a valid point

the video talks about 5 female "fighter" pilot, the rest are kept out of camera for whatever reason, so Ayesha was the only one cleared for news reporting , hence the title which is totally down to the the report writer how he words it. . the other point I guess is that there are many other women pilots but she is a combat pilot
so the report differentiates that.
You embarrass me .. Im not even close to a namazi..
but the point for all these Parrots or anybody is to read their life guide for themselves and not fall prey to every other "Scholar".

One may not be a five timer but their knowledge is driven by their interest, beliefs and fear of the almighty.
Once i got into some bother with police in Pakistan....the police inspector asked me if i was a Muslim...i replied, Alhamudulila,
He posed a religious query, when i replied, to my dismay, he quipped, Lahoula wala Quawat......and advised me to learn some basics while I'm in Pakistan. Basically while most of us are ready to defend Islam with our lives, we don't know A/B of our religion specially how flexible Islam is in it's essence.
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